Changes from v1.1 to v2.0

Table of Contents


Legacy Syntax Removed

Removed literal assignments: var = value

Removed all legacy If statements, leaving only if expression, which never requires parentheses (but allows them, as in any expression).

Removed "command syntax". There are no "commands", only function call statements, which are just function or method calls without parentheses. That means:

The translation from v1-command to function is generally as follows (but some functions have been changed, as documented further below):

All control flow statements also accept expressions, except where noted below.

All control flow statements which take parameters (currently excluding the two-word Loop statements) support parentheses around their parameter list, without any space between the name and parenthesis. For example, return(var). However, these are not functions; for instance, x := return(y) is not valid. If and While already supported this.

Loop (except Loop Count) is now followed by a secondary keyword (Files, Parse, Read or Reg) which cannot be "quoted" or contained by a variable. Currently the keyword can be followed by a comma, but it is not required as this is not a parameter. OTB is supported by all modes.

Goto, Break and Continue require an unquoted label name, similar to v1 (goto label jumps to label:). To jump to a label dynamically, use parentheses immediately after the name: goto(expression). However, this is not a function and cannot be used mid-expression. Parentheses can be used with Break or Continue, but in that case the parameter must be a single literal number or quoted string.

Gosub has been removed, and labels can no longer be used with functions such as SetTimer and Hotkey.

Hotkey and Hotstring Labels

Hotkeys and non-autoreplace hotstrings are no longer labels; instead, they (automatically) define a function. For multi-line hotkeys, use braces to enclose the body of the hotkey instead of terminating it with return (which is implied by the ending brace). To allow a hotkey to be called explicitly, specify funcName(ThisHotkey) between the :: and { - this can also be done in v1.1.20+, but now there is a parameter. When the function definition is not explicit, the parameter is named ThisHotkey.

Note: Hotkey functions are assume-local by default and therefore cannot assign to global variables without a declaration.


Function and variable names are now placed in a shared namespace.

Names cannot start with a digit and cannot contain the following characters which were previously allowed: @ # $. Only letters, numbers, underscore and non-ASCII characters are allowed.

Reserved words: Declaration keywords and names of control flow statements cannot be used as variable, function or class names. This includes local, global, static, if, else, loop, for, while, until, break, continue, goto, return, switch, case, try, catch, finally and throw. The purpose of this is primarily to detect errors such as if (ex) break.

Reserved words: as, and, contains, false, in, is, IsSet, not, or, super, true, unset. These words are reserved for future use or other specific purposes, and are not permitted as variable or function names even when unambiguous. This is primarily for consistency: in v1, and := 1 was allowed on its own line but (and := 1) would not work.

The words listed above are permitted as property or window group names. Property names in typical use are preceded by ., which prevents the word from being interpreted as an operator. By contrast, keywords are never interpreted as variable or function names within an expression. For example, not(x) is equivalent to not (x) or (not x).

A number of classes are predefined, effectively reserving those global variable names in the same way that a user-defined class would. (However, the changes to scope described below mitigate most issues arising from this.) For a list of classes, see Built-in Classes.


Super-global variables have been removed (excluding built-in variables, which aren't quite the same as they cannot be redeclared or shadowed).

Within an assume-local function, if a given name is not used in a declaration or as the target of a non-dynamic assignment or the reference (&) operator, it may resolve to an existing global variable.

In other words:

Force-local mode has been removed.


Local static variables are initialized if and when execution reaches them, instead of being executed in linear order before the auto-execute section begins. Each initializer has no effect the second time it is reached. Multiple declarations are permitted and may execute for the same variable at different times. There are multiple benefits:

Note: static init := somefunction() can no longer be used to auto-execute somefunction. However, since label-and-return based subroutines can now be completely avoided, the auto-execute section is able to span the entire script.

Declaring a variable with local no longer makes the function assume-global.

Double-derefs are now more consistent with variables resolved at load-time, and are no longer capable of creating new variables. This avoids some inconsistencies and common points of confusion.

Double-derefs which fail for any reason now cause an error to be thrown. Previously any cases with an invalid name would silently produce an empty string, while other cases would create and return an empty variable.


Quoted literal strings can be written with "double" or 'single' quote marks, but must begin and end with the same mark. Literal quote marks are written by preceding the mark with an escape character - `" or `' - or by using the opposite type of quote mark: '"42" is the answer'. Doubling the quote marks has no special meaning, and causes an error since auto-concat requires a space.

The operators &&, ||, and and or yield whichever value determined the result, similar to JavaScript and Lua. For example, "" or "default" yields "default" instead of 1. Scripts which require a pure boolean value (0 or 1) can use something like !!(x or y) or (x or y) ? 1 : 0.

Auto-concat now requires at least one space or tab in all cases (the v1 documentation says there "should be" a space).

The result of a multi-statement expression such as x(), y() is the last (right-most) sub-expression instead of the first (left-most) sub-expression. In both v1 and v2, the sub-expressions are evaluated in left to right order.

Equals after a comma is no longer assignment: y=z in x:=y, y=z is an ineffectual comparison instead of an assignment.

:=, +=, -=, *=, /=, ++ and -- have consistent behaviour regardless of whether they are used on their own or combined with other operators, such as with x := y, y += 2. Previously, there were differences in behaviour when an error occurred within the expression or a blank value was used in a math operation.

!= is now always case-insensitive, like =, while !== has been added as the counterpart of ==.

<> has been removed.

// now throws an exception if given a floating-point number. Previously the results were inconsistent between negative floats and negative integers.

|, ^, &, << and >> now throw an exception if given a floating-point number, instead of truncating to integer.

Scientific notation can be used without a decimal point (but produces a floating-point number anyway). Scientific notation is also supported when numeric strings are converted to integers (for example, "1e3" is interpreted as 1000 instead of 1).

Function calls now permit virtually any sub-expression for specifying which function to call, provided that there is no space or tab before the open-parenthesis of the parameter list. For example, MyFunc() would call the value of MyFunc regardless of whether that is the function's actual name or a variable containing a function object, and (a?b:c)() would call either b or c depending on a. Note that x.y() is still a method call roughly equivalent to (x.y)(x), but a[i]() is now equivalent to (a[i])().

Double-derefs now permit almost any expression (not just variables) as the source of the variable name. For example, DoNotUseArray%n+1% and %(%triple%)% are valid. Double-deref syntax is now also used to dereference VarRefs, such as ref := &var, value := %ref%.

The expressions funcName[""]() and funcName.() no longer call a function by name. Omitting the method name as in .() now causes a load-time error message. Functions should be called or handled by reference, not by name.

var := with no r-value is treated as an error at load-time. In v1 it was equivalent to var := "", but silently failed if combined with another expression - for example: x :=, y :=.

Where a literal string is followed by an ambiguous unary/binary operator, an error is reported at load-time. For instance, "new counter:" ++Counter is probably supposed to increment and display Counter, but technically it is invalid addition and unary plus.

word ++ and word -- are no longer expressions, since word can be a user-defined function (and ++/-- may be followed by an expression which produces a variable reference). To write a standalone post-increment or post-decrement expression, either omit the space between the variable and the operator, or wrap the variable or expression in parentheses.

word ? x : y is still a ternary expression, but more complex cases starting with a word, such as word1 word2 ? x : y, are always interpreted as function calls to word1 (even if no such function exists). To write a standalone ternary expression with a complex condition, enclose the condition in parentheses.

The new is operator such as in x is y can be used to check whether value x is an instance of class y, where y must be an Object with a Prototype property (i.e. a Class). This includes primitive values, as in x is Integer (which is strictly a type check, whereas IsInteger(x) checks for potential conversion).

Keywords contains and in are reserved for future use.

&var (address-of) has been replaced with StrPtr(var) and ObjPtr(obj) to more clearly show the intent and enhance error checking. In v1, address-of returned the address of var's internal string buffer, even if it contained a number (but not an object). It was also used to retrieve the address of an object, and getting an address of the wrong type can have dire consequences.

&var is now the reference operator, which is used with all ByRef and OutputVar parameters to improve clarity and flexibility (and make other language changes possible). See Variable References (VarRef) for more details.

String length is now cached during expression evaluation. This improves performance and allows strings to contain binary zero. In particular:

Most functions still expect null-terminated strings, so will only "see" up to the first binary zero. For example, MsgBox would display only the portion of the string before the first binary zero.

The * (deref) operator has been removed. Use NumGet instead.

The ~ (bitwise-NOT) operator now always treats its input as a 64-bit signed integer; it no longer treats values between 0 and 4294967295 as unsigned 32-bit.

>>> and >>>= have been added for logical right bit shift.

Added fat arrow functions. The expression Fn(Parameters) => Expression defines a function named Fn (which can be blank) and returns a Func object or Closure object. When called, the function evaluates Expression and returns the result. When used inside another function, Expression can refer to the outer function's variables (this can also be done with a normal function definition).

The fat arrow syntax can also be used to define methods and property getters/setters (in which case the method/property definition itself isn't an expression, but its body just returns an expression).

Literal numbers are now fully supported on the left-hand side of member access (dot). For example, 0.1 is a number but 0.min and 0.1.min access the min property which can be handled by a base object (see Primitive Values). 1..2 or 1.0.2 is the number 1.0 followed by the property 2. Example use might be to implement units of measurement, literal version numbers or ranges.

x**y: Where x and y are integers and y is positive, the power operator now gives correct results for all inputs if in range, where previously some precision was lost due to the internal use of floating-point math. Behaviour of overflow is undefined.

Objects (Misc)

See also: Objects

There is now a distinction between properties accessed with . and data (items, array or map elements) accessed with []. For example, dictionary["Count"] can return the definition of "Count" while dictionary.Count returns the number of words contained within. User-defined objects can utilize this by defining an __Item property.

When the name of a property or method is not known in advance, it can (and must) be accessed by using percent signs. For example, obj.%varname%() is the v2 equivalent of obj[varname](). The use of [] is reserved for data (such as array elements).

The literal syntax for constructing an ad hoc object is still basically {name: value}, but since plain objects now only have "properties" and not "array elements", the rules have changed slightly for consistency with how properties are accessed in other contexts:

The use of the word "base" in base.Method() has been replaced with super (super.Method()) to distinguish the two concepts better:

Calling a user-defined object without explicitly specifying a method name now results in a call to the "Call" method instead of the "" method. For example, %Fn%() previously resulted in a call to Fn.(), but the v2 expression Fn() results in a call to Fn.Call(). Func objects no longer implement the nameless method. It is no longer valid to omit the method name in a method call, but Fn.%""%() works in place of Fn.().

this.Method() calls Fn.Call(this) (where Fn is the function object which implements the method) instead of Fn[this]() (which in v1, would result in a call to Fn.__Call(this) unless Fn[this] contains a function). Function objects should implement a Call method instead of __Call, which is only for explicit method calls.

Classname() (formerly new Classname()) now fails to create the object if the __New method is defined and it could not be called (e.g. because the parameter count is incorrect), or if parameters were passed and __New is not defined.

Objects created within an expression or returned from a function are now held until expression evaluation is complete, and then released. This improves performance slightly and allows temporary objects to be used for memory management within an expression, without fear of the objects being freed prematurely.

Objects can contain string values (but not keys) which contain binary zero. Cloning an object preserves binary data in strings, up to the stored length of the string (not its capacity). Historically, data was written beyond the value's length when dealing with binary data or structs; now, a Buffer object should be used instead.

Assignment expressions such as x.y := z now always yield the value of z, regardless of how x.y is implemented. The return value of a property setter is now ignored. Previously:

x.y(z) := v is now a syntax error. It was previously equivalent to x.y[z] := v. In general, x.y(z) (method call) and x.y[z] (parameterized property) are two different operations, although they may be equivalent if x is a COM object (due to limitations of the COM interface).

Concatenating an object with another value or passing it to Loop is currently treated as an error, whereas previously the object was treated as an empty string. This may be changed to implicitly call .ToString(). Use String(x) to convert a value to a string; this calls .ToString() if x is an object.

When an object is called via IDispatch (the COM interface), any uncaught exceptions which cannot be passed back to the caller will cause an error dialog. (The caller may or may not show an additional error dialog without any specific details.) This also applies to event handlers being called due to the use of ComObjConnect.


Functions can no longer be dynamically called with more parameters than they formally accept.

Variadic functions are not affected by the above restriction, but normally will create an array each time they are called to hold the surplus parameters. If this array is not needed, the parameter name can now be omitted to prevent it from being created:

AcceptsOneOrMoreArgs(first, *) {

This can be used for callbacks where the additional parameters are not needed.

Variadic function calls now permit any enumerable object, where previously they required a standard Object with sequential numeric keys. If the enumerator returns more than one value per iteration, only the first value is used. For example, Array(mymap*) creates an array containing the keys of mymap.

Variadic function calls previously had half-baked support for named parameters. This has been disabled, to remove a possible impediment to the proper implementation of named parameters.

User-defined functions may use the new keyword unset as a parameter default value to make the parameter "unset" when no value was provided. The function can then use IsSet() to determine if a value was provided. unset is currently not permitted in any other context.

Scripts are no longer automatically included from the function library (Lib) folders when a function call is present without a definition, due to increased complexity and potential for accidents (now that the MyFunc in MyFunc() can be any variable). #Include <LibName> works as before. It may be superseded by module support in a future release.

Variadic built-in functions now have a MaxParams value equal to MinParams, rather than an arbitrary number (such as 255 or 10000). Use the IsVariadic property to detect when there is no upper bound.


ByRef parameters are now declared using &param instead of ByRef param, with some differences in usage.

ByRef parameters no longer implicitly take a reference to the caller's variable. Instead, the caller must explicitly pass a reference with the reference operator (&var). This allows more flexibility, such as storing references elsewhere, accepting them with a variadic function and passing them on with a variadic call.

When a parameter is marked ByRef, any attempt to explicitly pass a non-VarRef value causes an error to be thrown. Otherwise, the function can check for a reference with param is VarRef, check if the target variable has a value with IsSetRef(param), and explicitly dereference it with %param%.

ByRef parameters are now able to receive a reference to a local variable from a previous instance of the same function, when it is called recursively.

Nested Functions

One function may be defined inside another. A nested function may automatically "capture" non-static local variables from the enclosing function (under the right conditions), allowing them to be used after the enclosing function returns.

The new "fat arrow" => operator can also be used to create nested functions.

For full detail, see Nested Functions.


:= must be used in place of = when initializing a declared variable or optional parameter.

return %var% now does a double-deref; previously it was equivalent to return var.

#Include is relative to the directory containing the current file by default. Its parameter may now optionally be enclosed in quote marks.

#ErrorStdOut's parameter may now optionally be enclosed in quote marks.

Label names are now required to consist only of letters, numbers, underscore and non-ASCII characters (the same as variables, functions, etc.).

Labels defined in a function have local scope; they are visible only inside that function and do not conflict with labels defined elsewhere. It is not possible for local labels to be called externally (even by built-in functions). Nested functions can be used instead, allowing full use of local variables.

for k, v in obj:

Escaping a comma no longer has any meaning. Previously if used in an expression within a command's parameter and not within parentheses, `, forced the comma to be interpreted as the multi-statement operator rather than as a delimiter between parameters. It only worked this way for commands, not functions or variable declarations.

The escape sequence `s is now allowed wherever `t is supported. It was previously only allowed by #IfWin and (Join.

*/ can now be placed at the end of a line to end a multi-line comment, to resolve a common point of confusion relating to how /* */ works in other languages. Due to the risk of ambiguity (e.g. with a hotstring ending in */), any */ which is not preceded by /* is no longer ignored (reversing a change made in AHK_L revision 54).

Integer constants and numeric strings outside of the supported range (of 64-bit signed integers) now overflow/wrap around, instead of being capped at the min/max value. This is consistent with math operators, so 9223372036854775807+1 == 9223372036854775808 (but both produce -9223372036854775808). This facilitates bitwise operations on 64-bit values.

For numeric strings, there are fewer cases where whitespace characters other than space and tab are allowed to precede the number. The general rule (in both v1 and v2) is that only space and tab are permitted, but in some cases other whitespace characters are tolerated due to C runtime library conventions.

Else can now be used with loops of any type and Catch. For loops, it is executed if the loop had zero iterations. For Catch, it is executed if no exception is thrown within Try (and is not executed if any error or value is thrown, even if there is no Catch matching the value's class). Consequently, the interpretation of Else may differ from previous versions when used without braces. For example:

if condition
    while condition
        ; statement to execute for each iteration
} ; These braces are now required, otherwise else associates with while
    ; statement to execute if condition is false

Continuation Sections

Smart LTrim: The default behaviour is to count the number of leading spaces or tabs on the first line below the continuation section options, and remove that many spaces or tabs from each line thereafter. If the first line mixes spaces and tabs, only the first type of character is treated as indentation. If any line is indented less than the first line or with the wrong characters, all leading whitespace on that line is left as is.

Quote marks are automatically escaped (i.e. they are interpreted as literal characters) if the continuation section starts inside a quoted string. This avoids the need to escape quote marks in multi-line strings (if the starting and ending quotes are outside the continuation section) while still allowing multi-line expressions to contain quoted strings.

If the line above the continuation section ends with a name character and the section does not start inside a quoted string, a single space is automatically inserted to separate the name from the contents of the continuation section. This allows a continuation section to be used for a multi-line expression following return, function call statements, etc. It also ensures variable names are not joined with other tokens (or names), causing invalid expressions.

Newline characters (`n) in expressions are treated as spaces. This allows multi-line expressions to be written using a continuation section with default options (i.e. omitting Join).

The , and % options have been removed, since there is no longer any need to escape these characters.

If ( or ) appears in the options of a potential continuation section (other than as part of the Join option), the overall line is not interpreted as the start of a continuation section. In other words, lines like (x.y)() and (x=y) && z() are interpreted as expressions. A multi-line expression can also begin with an open-parenthesis at the start of a line, provided that there is at least one other ( or ) on the first physical line. For example, the entire expression could be enclosed with (( ... )).

Excluding the above case, if any invalid options are present, a load-time error is displayed instead of ignoring the invalid options.

Lines starting with ( and ending with : are no longer excluded from starting a continuation section on the basis of looking like a label, as ( is no longer valid in a label name. This makes it possible for something like (Join: to start a continuation section. However, (: is an error and (:: is still a hotkey.

A new method of line continuation is supported in expressions and function/property definitions which utilizes the fact that each (/[/{ must be matched with a corresponding )/]/}. In other words, if a line contains an unclosed (/[/{, it will be joined with subsequent lines until the number of opening and closing symbols balances out. Brace { at the end of a line is considered to be OTB (rather than the start of an object literal) if there are no other unclosed symbols and the brace is not immediately preceded by an operator.

Continuation Lines

Line continuation is now more selective about the context in which a symbol is considered an expression operator. In general, comma and expression operators can no longer be used for continuation in a textual context, such as with hotstrings or directives (other than #HotIf), or after an unclosed quoted string.

Line continuation now works for expression operators at the end of a line.

is, in and contains are usable for line continuation, though in and contains are still reserved/not yet implemented as operators.

and, or, is, in and contains act as line continuation operators even if followed by an assignment or other binary operator, since these are no longer valid variable names. By contrast, v1 had exceptions for and/or followed by any of: <>=/|^:,

When . is used for continuation, the two lines are no longer automatically delimited by a space if there was no space or tab to the right of . at the start of a line, as in .VeryLongNestedClassName. Note that x .123 is always property access (not auto-concat) and x+.123 works with or without space.


In general, v2 produces more consistent results with any code that depends on the type of a value.

In v1, a variable can contain both a string and a cached binary number, which is updated whenever the variable is used as a number. Since this cached binary number is the only means of detecting the type of value, caching performed internally by expressions like var+1 or abs(var) effectively changes the "type" of var as a side-effect. v2 disables this caching, so that str := "123" is always a string and int := 123 is always an integer. Consequently, str needs to be converted every time it is used as a number (instead of just the first time), unless it was originally assigned a pure number.

The built-in "variables" true, false, A_PtrSize, A_Index and A_EventInfo always return pure integers, not strings. They sometimes return strings in v1 due to certain optimizations which have been superseded in v2.

All literal numbers are converted to pure binary numbers at load time and their string representation is discarded. For example, MsgBox 0x1 is equivalent to MsgBox 1, while MsgBox 1.0000 is equivalent to MsgBox 1.0 (because the float formatting has changed). Storing a number in a variable or returning it from a user-defined function retains its pure numeric status.

The default format specifier for floating-point numbers is now .17g (was 0.6f), which is more compact and more accurate in many cases. The default cannot be changed, but Format can be used to get different formatting.

Quoted literal strings and strings produced by concatenating with quoted literal strings are no longer unconditionally considered non-numeric. Instead, they are treated the same as strings stored in variables or returned from functions. This has the following implications:

The operators = and != now compare their operands alphabetically if both are strings, even if they are numeric strings. Numeric comparison is still performed when both operands are numeric and at least one operand is a pure number (not a string). So for example, 54 and "530" are compared numerically, while "54" and "530" are compared alphabetically. Additionally, strings stored in variables are treated no differently from literal strings.

The relational operators <, <=, > and >= now throw an exception if used with a non-numeric string. Previously they compared numerically or alphabetically depending on whether both inputs were numeric, but literal quoted strings were always considered non-numeric. Use StrCompare(a, b, CaseSense) instead.

Type(Value) returns one of the following strings: String, Integer, Float, or the specific class of an object.

Float(Value), Integer(Value) and String(Value) convert Value to the respective type, or throw an exception if the conversion cannot be performed (e.g. Integer("1z")). Number(Value) converts to Integer or Float. String(Value) calls Value.ToString() if Value is an object. (Ideally this would be done for any implicit conversion from object to string, but the current implementation makes this difficult.)


Objects now use a more structured class-prototype approach, separating class/static members from instance members. Many of the built-in methods and Obj functions have been moved, renamed, changed or removed.

The mixed Object type has been split into Object, Array and Map (associative array).

Object is now the root class for all user-defined and built-in objects (this excludes VarRef and COM objects). Members added to Object.Prototype are inherited by all AutoHotkey objects.

The operator is expects a class, so x is y checks for y.Prototype in the base object chain. To check for y itself, call x.HasBase(y) or HasBase(x, y).

User-defined classes can also explicitly extend Object, Array, Map or some other built-in class (though doing so is not always useful), with Object being the default base class if none is specified.

The new operator has been removed. Instead, just omit the operator, as in MyClass(). To construct an object based on another object that is not a class, create it with {} or Object() (or by any other means) and set its base. __Init and __New can be called explicitly if needed, but generally this is only appropriate when instantiating a class.

Nested class definitions now produce a dynamic property with get and call accessor functions instead of a simple value property. This is to support the following behaviour:

GetCapacity and SetCapacity were removed.

Other redundant Obj functions (which mirror built-in methods of Object) were removed. ObjHasOwnProp (formerly ObjHasKey) and ObjOwnProps (formerly ObjNewEnum) are kept to facilitate safe inspection of objects which have redefined those methods (and the primitive prototypes, which don't have them defined). ObjCount was replaced with ObjOwnPropCount (a function only, for all Objects) and Map has its own Count property.

ObjRawGet and ObjRawSet were merged into GetOwnPropDesc and DefineProp. The original reasons for adding them were superseded by other changes, such as the Map type, changes to how meta-functions work, and DefineProp itself superseding meta-functions for some purposes.

Top-level class definitions now create a constant (read-only variable); that is, assigning to a class name is now an error rather than an optional warning, except where a local variable shadows the global class (which now occurs by default when assigning inside a function).

Primitive Values

Primitive values emulate objects by delegating method and property calls to a prototype object based on their type, instead of the v1 "default base object". Integer and Float extend Number. String and Number extend Primitive. Primitive and Object extend Any. These all exist as predefined classes.

Properties and Methods

Methods are defined by properties, unlike v2.0-a104 to v2.0-a127, where they are separate to properties. However, unlike v1, properties created by a class method definition (or built-in method) are read-only by default. Methods can still be created by assigning new value properties, which generally act as in v1.

The Object class defines new methods for dealing with properties and methods: DefineProp, DeleteProp, GetOwnPropDesc, HasOwnProp, OwnProps. Additional methods are defined for all values (except ComObjects): GetMethod, HasProp, HasMethod.

Object, Array and Map are now separate types, and array elements are separate from properties.

All built-in methods and properties (including base) are defined the same way as if user-defined. This ensures consistent behaviour and permits both built-in and user-defined members to be detected, retrieved or redefined.

If a property does not accept parameters, they are automatically passed to the object returned by the property (or it throws).

Attempting to retrieve a non-existent property is treated as an error for all types of values or objects, unless __get is defined. However, setting a non-existent property will create it in most cases.

Multi-dimension array hacks were removed. x.y[z]:=1 no longer creates an object in x.y, and x[y,z] is an error unless x.__item handles two parameters (or x.__item.__item does, etc.).

If a property defines get but not set, assigning a value throws instead of overriding the property.

DefineProp can be used to define what happens when a specific property is retrieved, set or called, without having to define any meta-functions. Property and method definitions in classes utilize the same mechanism, so it is possible to define a property getter/setter and a method with the same name.

{} object literals now directly set own property values or the object's base. That is, __Set and property setters are no longer invoked (which would typically only be possible if base is set within the parameter list).

Static/Class Variables

Static/class variable initializers are now executed within the context of a static __Init method, so this refers to the class and the initializers can create local variables. They are evaluated when the class is referenced for the first time (rather than being evaluated before the auto-execute section begins, strictly in the order of definition). If the class is not referenced sooner, they are evaluated when the class definition is reached during execution, so initialization of global variables can occur first, without putting them into a class.


Meta-functions were greatly simplified; they act like normal methods:

Method and property parameters are passed as an Array. This optimizes for chained base/superclass calls and (in combination with MaxParams validation) encourages authors to handle the args. For __set, the value being assigned is passed separately.

this.__call(name, args)
this.__get(name, args)
this.__set(name, args, value)

Defined properties and methods take precedence over meta-functions, regardless of whether they were defined in a base object.

__Call is not called for internal calls to __Enum (formerly _NewEnum) or Call, such as when an object is passed to a for-loop or a function object is being called by SetTimer.

The static method __New is called for each class when it is initialized, if defined by that class or inherited from a superclass. See Static/Class Variables (above) and Class Initialization for more detail.


class Array extends Object

An Array object contains a list or sequence of values, with index 1 being the first element.

When assigning or retrieving an array element, the absolute value of the index must be between 1 and the Length of the array, otherwise an exception is thrown. An array can be resized by inserting or removing elements with the appropriate method, or by assigning Length.

Currently brackets are required when accessing elements; i.e. a.1 refers to a property and a[1] refers to an element.

Negative values can be used to index in reverse.

Usage of Clone, Delete, InsertAt, Pop, Push and RemoveAt is basically unchanged. HasKey was renamed to Has. Length is now a property. The Capacity property was added.

Arrays can be constructed with Array(values*) or [values*]. Variadic functions receive an Array of parameters, and Arrays are also created by several built-in functions.

For-loop usage is for val in arr or for idx, val in arr, where idx = A_Index by default. That is, elements lacking a value are still enumerated, and the index is not returned if only one variable is passed.


A Map object is an associative array with capabilities similar to the v1 Object, but less ambiguity.

Currently Float keys are still converted to strings.

Brackets are required when accessing elements; i.e. a.b refers to a property and a["b"] refers to an element. Unlike in v1, a property or method cannot be accidentally disabled by assigning an array element.

An exception is thrown if one attempts to retrieve the value of an element which does not exist, unless the map has a Default property defined. MapObj.Get(key, default) can be used to explicitly provide a default value for each request.

Use Map(Key, Value, ...) to create a map from a list of key-value pairs.


Changed enumerator model:

Since array elements and properties are now separate, enumerating properties requires explicitly creating an enumerator by calling OwnProps.

Bound Functions

When a bound function is called, parameters passed by the caller fill in any positions that were omitted when creating the bound function. For example, F.Bind(,b).Call(a,c) calls F(a,b,c) rather than F(,b,a,c).

COM Objects (ComObject)

COM wrapper objects now identify as instances of a few different classes depending on their variant type (which affects what methods and properties they support, as before):

These classes can be used for type checks with obj is ComObject and similar. Properties and methods can be defined for objects of type ComValue, ComObjArray and ComValueRef (but not ComObject) by modifying the respective prototype object.

ComObject(CLSID) creates a ComObject; i.e. this is the new ComObjCreate.

Note: If you are updating old code and get a TypeError due to passing an Integer to ComObject, it's likely that you should be calling ComValue instead.

ComValue(vt, value) creates a wrapper object. It can return an instance of any of the classes listed above. This replaces ComObjParameter(vt, value), ComObject(vt, value) and any other names that were used with a variant type and value as parameters. value is converted to the appropriate type (following COM conventions), instead of requiring an integer with the right binary value. In particular, the following behave differently to before when passed an integer: R4, R8, Cy, Date. Pointer types permit either a pure integer address as before, or an object/ComValue.

ComObjFromPtr(pdsp) is a function similar to ComObjEnwrap(dsp), but like ObjFromPtr, it does not call AddRef on the pointer. The equivalent in v1 is ComObject(9, dsp, 1); omitting the third parameter in v1 caused an AddRef.

For both ComValue and ComObjFromPtr, be warned that AddRef is never called automatically; in that respect, they behave like ComObject(9, value, 1) or ComObject(13, value, 1) in v1. This does not necessarily mean you should add ObjAddRef(value) when updating old scripts, as many scripts used the old function incorrectly.

COM wrapper objects with variant type VT_BYREF, VT_ARRAY or VT_UNKNOWN now have a Ptr property equivalent to ComObjValue(ComObj). This allows them to be passed to DllCall or ComCall with the Ptr arg type. It also allows the object to be passed directly to NumPut or NumGet, which may be used with VT_BYREF (access the caller's typed variable), VT_ARRAY (access SAFEARRAY fields) or VT_UNKNOWN (retrieve vtable pointer).

COM wrapper objects with variant type VT_DISPATCH or VT_UNKNOWN and a null interface pointer now have a Ptr property which can be read or assigned. Once assigned a non-null pointer, the property is read-only. This is intended for use with DllCall and ComCall, so the pointer does not need to be manually wrapped after the function returns.

Enumeration of ComObjArray is now consistent with Array; i.e. for value in arr or for index, value in arr rather than for value, vartype in arr. The starting value for index is the lower bound of the ComObjArray (arr.MinIndex()), typically 0.

The integer types I1, I8, UI1, UI2, UI4 and UI8 are now converted to Integer rather than String. These occur rarely in COM calls, but this also applies to VT_BYREF wrappers. VT_ERROR is no longer converted to Integer; it instead produces a ComValue.

COM objects no longer set A_LastError when a property or method invocation fails.

Default Property

A COM object may have a "default property", which has two uses:

AutoHotkey v1 had no concept of a default property, so the COM object wrapper would invoke the default property if the property name was omitted; i.e. obj[] or obj[,x].

However, AutoHotkey v2 separates properties from array/map/collection items, and to do this obj[x] is mapped to the object's default property (whether or not x is present). For AutoHotkey objects, this is __Item.

Some COM objects which represent arrays or collections do not expose a default property, so items cannot be accessed with [] in v2. For instance, JavaScript array objects and some other objects normally used with JavaScript expose array elements as properties. In such cases, arr.%i% can be used to access an array element-property.

When an AutoHotkey v2 Array object is passed to JavaScript, its elements cannot be retrieved with JavaScript's arr[i], because that would attempt to access a property.

COM Calls

Calls to AutoHotkey objects via the IDispatch interface now transparently support VT_BYREF parameters. This would most commonly be used with COM events (ComObjConnect).

For each VT_BYREF parameter, an unnamed temporary var is created, the value is copied from the caller's variable, and a VarRef is passed to the AutoHotkey function/method. Upon return, the value is copied from the temporary var back into the caller's variable.

A function/method can assign a value by declaring the parameter ByRef (with &) or by explicit dereferencing.

For example, a parameter of type VT_BYREF|VT_BOOL would previously have received a ComObjRef object, and would be assigned a value like pbCancel[] := true or NumPut(-1, ComObjValue(pbCancel), "short"). Now the parameter can be defined as &bCancel and assigned like bCancel := true; or can be defined as pbCancel and assigned like %pbCancel% := true.




Removed Commands (Details)

See above for the full list.

EnvUpdate was removed, but can be replaced with a simple call to SendMessage as follows:

SendMessage(0x1A, 0, StrPtr("Environment"), 0xFFFF)

StringCaseSense was removed, so != is always case-insensitive (but !== was added for case-sensitive not-equal), and both = and != only ignore case for ASCII characters. StrCompare was added for comparing strings using any mode. Various string functions now have a CaseSense parameter which can be used to specify case-sensitivity or the locale mode.

Modified Commands/Functions

About the section title: there are no commands in v2, just functions. The title refers to both versions.

BlockInput is no longer momentarily disabled whenever an Alt event is sent with the SendEvent method. This was originally done to work around a bug in some versions of Windows XP, where BlockInput blocked the artificial Alt event.

Chr(0) returns a string of length 1, containing a binary zero. This is a result of improved support for binary zero in strings.

ClipWait now returns 0 (false) if the wait period expires, otherwise 1 (true). ErrorLevel was removed. Specifying 0 is no longer the same as specifying 0.5; instead, it produces the shortest wait possible.

ComObj(): This function had a sort of wildcard name, allowing many different suffixes. Some names were more commonly used with specific types of parameters, such as ComObjActive(CLSID), ComObjParameter(vt, value), ComObjEnwrap(dsp). There are instead now separate functions/classes, and no more wildcard names. See COM Objects (ComObject) for details.

Control: Several changes have been made to the Control parameter used by the Control functions, SendMessage and PostMessage:

ControlGetFocus now returns the control's HWND instead of its ClassNN, and no longer considers there to be an error when it has successfully determined that the window has no focused control.

ControlMove, ControlGetPos and ControlClick now use client coordinates (like GuiControl) instead of window coordinates. Client coordinates are relative to the top-left of the client area, which excludes the window's title bar and borders. (Controls are rendered only inside the client area.)

ControlMove, ControlSend and ControlSetText now use parameter order consistent with the other Control functions; i.e. Control, WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText are always grouped together (at the end of the parameter list), to aide memorisation.

CoordMode no longer accepts "Relative" as a mode, since all modes are relative to something. It was synonymous with "Window", so use that instead.

DllCall: See DllCall section further below.

Edit previously had fallback behaviour for the .ini file type if the "edit" shell verb was not registered. This was removed as script files are not expected to have the .ini extension. AutoHotkey.ini was the default script name in old versions of AutoHotkey.

Edit now does nothing if the script was read from stdin, instead of attempting to open an editor for *.

EnvSet now deletes the environment variable if the Value parameter is completely omitted.

Exit previously acted as ExitApp when the script is not persistent, even if there were other suspended threads interrupted by the thread which called Exit. It no longer does this. Instead, it always exits the current thread properly, and (if non-persistent) the script terminates only after the last thread exits. This ensures Finally statements are executed and local variables are freed, which may allow __delete to be called for any objects contained by local variables.

FileAppend defaults to no end-of-line translations, consistent with FileRead and FileOpen. FileAppend and FileRead both have a separate Options parameter which replaces the option prefixes and may include an optional encoding name (superseding FileRead's *Pnnn option). FileAppend, FileRead and FileOpen use "`n" to enable end-of-line translations. FileAppend and FileRead support an option "RAW" to disable codepage conversion (read/write binary data); FileRead returns a Buffer object in this case. This replaces *c (see ClipboardAll). FileAppend may accept a Buffer-like object, in which case no conversions are performed.

FileCopy and FileMove now throw an exception if the source path does not contain * or ? and no file was not found. However, it is still not considered an error to copy or move zero files when the source path contains wildcards.

FileOpen now throws an exception if it fails to open the file. Otherwise, an exception would be thrown (if the script didn't check for failure) by the first attempt to access the object, rather than at the actual point of failure.

File.RawRead: When a variable is passed directly, the address of the variable's internal string buffer is no longer used. Therefore, a variable containing an address may be passed directly (whereas in v1, something like var+0 was necessary).

For buffers allocated by the script, the new Buffer object is preferred over a variable; any object can be used, but must have Ptr and Size properties.

File.RawWrite: As above, except that it can accept a string (or variable containing a string), in which case Bytes defaults to the size of the string in bytes. The string may contain binary zero.

File.ReadLine now always supports `r, `n and `r`n as line endings, and no longer includes the line ending in the return value. Line endings are still returned to the script as-is by File.Read if EOL translation is not enabled.

FileEncoding now allows code pages to be specified by number without the CP prefix. Its parameter is no longer optional, but can still be explicitly blank.

FileExist now ignores the . and .. implied in every directory listing, so FileExist("dir\*") is now false instead of true when dir exists but is empty.

FileGetAttrib and A_LoopFileAttrib now include the letter "L" for reparse points or symbolic links.

FileInstall in a non-compiled script no longer attempts to copy the file if source and destination are the same path (after resolving relative paths, as the source is relative to A_ScriptDir, not A_WorkingDir). In v1 this caused ErrorLevel to be set to 1, which mostly went unnoticed. Attempting to copy a file onto itself via two different paths still causes an error.

FileSelectFile (now named FileSelect) had two multi-select modes, accessible via options 4 and M. Option 4 and the corresponding mode have been removed; they had been undocumented for some time. FileSelect now returns an Array of paths when the multi-select mode is used, instead of a string like C:\Dir`nFile1`nFile2. Each array element contains the full path of a file. If the user cancels, the array is empty.

FileSelect now uses the IFileDialog API present in Windows Vista and later, instead of the old GetOpenFileName/GetSaveFileName API. This removes the need for (built-in) workarounds relating to the dialog changing the current working directory.

FileSelect no longer has a redundant "Text Documents (*.txt)" filter by default when Filter is omitted.

FileSelect no longer strips spaces from the filter pattern, such as for pattern with spaces*.ext. Testing indicates spaces on either side of the pattern (such as after the semi-colon in *.cpp; *.h) are already ignored by the OS, so there should be no negative consequences.

FileSelect can now be used in "Select Folder" mode via the D option letter.

FileSetAttrib now overwrites attributes when no +, - or ^ prefix is present, instead of doing nothing. For example, FileSetAttrib(FileGetAttrib(file2), file1) copies the attributes of file2 to file1 (adding any that file2 has and removing any that it does not have).

FileSetAttrib and FileSetTime: the OperateOnFolders and Recurse parameters have been replaced with a single Mode parameter identical to that of Loop Files. For example, FileSetAttrib("+a", "*.zip", "RF") (Recursively operate on Files only).

GetKeyName now returns the non-Numpad names for VK codes that correspond to both a Numpad and a non-Numpad key. For instance, GetKeyName("vk25") returns Left instead of NumpadLeft.

GetKeyState now always returns 1 or 0 instead of On or Off.

GroupActivate now returns the HWND of the window which was selected for activation, or 0 if there were no matches (aside from the already-active window), instead of setting ErrorLevel.

GroupAdd: Removed the Label parameter and related functionality. This was an unintuitive way to detect when GroupActivate fails to find any matching windows; GroupActivate's return value should be used instead.

GroupDeactivate now selects windows in a manner closer to the Alt+Esc and Alt+Shift+Esc system hotkeys and the taskbar. Specifically,

Hotkey no longer defaults to the script's bottommost #HotIf (formerly #If). Hotkey/hotstring and HotIf threads default to the same criterion as the hotkey, so Hotkey A_ThisHotkey, "Off" turns off the current hotkey even if it is context-sensitive. All other threads default to the last setting used by the auto-execute section, which itself defaults to no criterion (global hotkeys).

Hotkey's Action parameter now requires a function object or hotkey name. Labels and function names are no longer supported. If a hotkey name is specified, the original function of that hotkey is used; and unlike before, this works with #HotIf (formerly #If).

Hotkey and Hotstring now support the S option to make the hotkey/hostring exempt from Suspend (equivalent to the new #SuspendExempt directive), and the S0 option to disable exemption.

"Hotkey If" and the other If sub-commands were replaced with individual functions: HotIf, HotIfWinActive, HotIfWinExist, HotIfWinNotActive, HotIfWinNotExist.

HotIf (formerly "Hotkey If") now recognizes expressions which use the and or or operators. This did not work in v1 as these operators were replaced with && or || at load time.

Hotkey no longer has a UseErrorLevel option, and never sets ErrorLevel. An exception is thrown on failure. Error messages were changed to be constant (and shorter), with the key or hotkey name in Exception.Extra, and the class of the exception indicating the reason for failure.

#HotIf (formerly #If) now implicitly creates a function with one parameter (ThisHotkey). As is the default for all functions, this function is assume-local. The expression can create local variables and read global variables, but cannot directly assign to global variables as the expression cannot contain declarations.

#HotIf has been optimized so that simple calls to WinActive or WinExist can be evaluated directly by the hook thread (as #IfWin was in v1, and HotIfWin still is). This improves performance and reduces the risk of problems when the script is busy/unresponsive. This optimization applies to expressions which contain a single call to WinActive or WinExist with up to two parameters, where each parameter is a simple quoted string and the result is optionally inverted with ! or not. For example, #HotIf WinActive("Chrome") or #HotIf !WinExist("Popup"). In these cases, the first expression with any given combination of criteria can be identified by either the expression or the window criteria. For example, HotIf '!WinExist("Popup")' and HotIfWinNotExist "Popup" refer to the same hotkey variants.

KeyHistory N resizes the key history buffer instead of displaying the key history. This replaces "#KeyHistory N".

ImageSearch returns 1 (true) if the image was found, 0 (false) if it was not found, or throws an exception if the search could not be conducted. ErrorLevel is not set.

IniDelete, IniRead and IniWrite set A_LastError to the result of the operating system's GetLastError() function.

IniRead throws an exception if the requested key, section or file cannot be found and the Default parameter was omitted. If Default is given a value, even "", no exception is thrown.

InputHook now treats Shift+Backspace the same as Backspace, instead of transcribing it to `b.

InputBox has been given a syntax overhaul to make it easier to use (with fewer parameters). See InputBox for usage.

InStr's CaseSensitive parameter has been replaced with CaseSense, which can be 0, 1 or "Locale".

InStr now searches right-to-left when Occurrence is negative (which previously caused a result of 0), and no longer searches right-to-left if a negative StartingPos is used with a positive Occurrence. (However, it still searches right-to-left if StartingPos is negative and Occurrence is omitted.) This facilitates right-to-left searches in a loop, and allows a negative StartingPos to be used while still searching left-to-right.

KeyWait now returns 0 (false) if the wait period expires, otherwise 1 (true). ErrorLevel was removed.

MouseClick and MouseClickDrag are no longer affected by the system setting for swapped mouse buttons; "Left" is the always the primary button and "Right" is the secondary.

MsgBox has had its syntax changed to prioritise its most commonly used parameters and improve ease of use. See MsgBox further below for a summary of usage.

NumPut/NumGet: When a variable is passed directly, the address of the variable's internal string buffer is no longer used. Therefore, a variable containing an address may be passed directly (whereas in v1, something like var+0 was necessary). For buffers allocated by the script, the new Buffer object is preferred over a variable; any object can be used, but must have Ptr and Size properties.

NumPut's parameters were reordered to allow a sequence of values, with the (now mandatory) type string preceding each number. For example: NumPut("ptr", a, "int", b, "int", c, addrOrBuffer, offset). Type is now mandatory for NumGet as well. (In comparison to DllCall, NumPut's input parameters correspond to the dll function's parameters, while NumGet's return type parameter corresponds to the dll function's return type string.)

The use of Object(obj) and Object(ptr) to convert between a reference and a pointer was shifted to separate functions, ObjPtrAddRef(obj) and ObjFromPtrAddRef(ptr). There are also versions of these functions that do not increment the reference count: ObjPtr(obj) and ObjFromPtr(ptr).

The OnClipboardChange label is no longer called automatically if it exists. Use the OnClipboardChange function which was added in v1.1.20 instead. It now requires a function object, not a name.

OnError now requires a function object, not a name. See also Error Handling further below.

The OnExit command has been removed; use the OnExit function which was added in v1.1.20 instead. It now requires a function object, not a name. A_ExitReason has also been removed; its value is available as a parameter of the OnExit callback function.

OnMessage no longer has the single-function-per-message mode that was used when a function name (string) was passed; it now only accepts a function by reference. Use OnMessage(x, MyFunc) where MyFunc is literally the name of a function, but note that the v1 equivalent would be OnMessage(x, Func("MyFunc")), which allows other functions to continue monitoring message x, unlike OnMessage(x, "MyFunc"). To stop monitoring the message, use OnMessage(x, MyFunc, 0) as OnMessage(x, "") and OnMessage(x) are now errors. On failure, OnMessage throws an exception.

Pause is no longer exempt from #MaxThreadsPerHotkey when used on the first line of a hotkey, so #p::Pause is no longer suitable for toggling pause. Therefore, Pause() now only pauses the current thread (for combinations like ListVars/Pause), while Pause(Value) now always operates on the underlying thread. Value must be 0, 1 or -1. The second parameter was removed.

PixelSearch and PixelGetColor use RGB values instead of BGR, for consistency with other functions. Both functions throw an exception if a problem occurs, and no longer set ErrorLevel. PixelSearch returns 1 (true) if the color was found. PixelSearch's slow mode was removed, as it is unusable on most modern systems due to an incompatibility with desktop composition.

PostMessage: See SendMessage further below.

Random has been reworked to utilize the operating system's random number generator, lift several restrictions, and make it more convenient to use.

RegExMatch options O and P were removed; O (object) mode is now mandatory. The RegExMatch object now supports enumeration (for-loop). The match object's syntax has changed:

RegisterCallback was renamed to CallbackCreate and changed to better utilize closures:

Registry functions (RegRead, RegWrite, RegDelete): the new syntax added in v1.1.21+ is now the only syntax. Root key and subkey are combined. Instead of RootKey, SubKey, write RootKey\SubKey. To connect to a remote registry, use \\ComputerName\RootKey\SubKey instead of \\ComputerName:RootKey, SubKey.

RegWrite's parameters were reordered to put Value first, like IniWrite (but this doesn't affect the single-parameter mode, where Value was the only parameter).

When KeyName is omitted and the current loop reg item is a subkey, RegDelete, RegRead and RegWrite now operate on values within that subkey; i.e. KeyName defaults to A_LoopRegKey "\" A_LoopRegName in that case (note that A_LoopRegKey was merged with A_LoopRegSubKey). Previously they behaved as follows:

RegDelete, RegRead and RegWrite now allow ValueName to be specified when KeyName is omitted:

Otherwise, RegDelete with a blank or omitted ValueName now deletes the key's default value (not the key itself), for consistency with RegWrite, RegRead and A_LoopRegName. The phrase "AHK_DEFAULT" no longer has any special meaning. To delete a key, use RegDeleteKey (new).

RegRead now has a Default parameter, like IniRead.

RegRead had an undocumented 5-parameter mode, where the value type was specified after the output variable. This has been removed.

Reload now does nothing if the script was read from stdin.

Run and RunWait no longer recognize the UseErrorLevel option as ErrorLevel was removed. Use Try/Catch instead. A_LastError is set unconditionally, and can be inspected after an exception is caught/suppressed. RunWait returns the exit code.

Send (and its variants) now interpret {LButton} and {RButton} in a way consistent with hotkeys and Click. That is, LButton is the primary button and RButton is the secondary button, even if the user has swapped the buttons via system settings.

SendMessage and PostMessage now require wParam and lParam to be integers or objects with a Ptr property; an exception is thrown if they are given a non-numeric string or float. Previously a string was passed by address if the expression began with ", but other strings were coerced to integers. Passing the address of a variable (formerly &var, now StrPtr(var)) no longer updates the variable's length (use VarSetStrCapacity(&var, -1)).

SendMessage and PostMessage now throw an exception on failure (or timeout) and do not set ErrorLevel. SendMessage returns the message reply.

SetTimer no longer supports label or function names, but as it now accepts an expression and functions can be referenced directly by name, usage looks very similar: SetTimer MyFunc. As with all other functions which accept an object, SetTimer now allows expressions which return an object (previously it required a variable reference).

Sort has received the following changes:

Sound functions: SoundGet and SoundSet have been revised to better match the capabilities of the Vista+ sound APIs, dropping support for XP.

StrGet: If Length is negative, its absolute value indicates the exact number of characters to convert, including any binary zeros that the string might contain - in other words, the result is always a string of exactly that length. If Length is positive, the converted string ends at the first binary zero as in v1.

StrGet/StrPut: The Address parameter can be an object with the Ptr and Size properties, such as the new Buffer object. The read/write is automatically limited by Size (which is in bytes). If Length is also specified, it must not exceed Size (multiplied by 2 for UTF-16).

StrPut's return value is now in bytes, so it can be passed directly to Buffer().

StrReplace now has a CaseSense parameter in place of OutputVarCount, which is moved one parameter to the right, with Limit following it.

Suspend: Making a hotkey or hotstring's first line a call to Suspend no longer automatically makes it exempt from suspension. Instead, use #SuspendExempt or the S option. The "Permit" parameter value is no longer valid.

Switch now performs case-sensitive comparison for strings by default, and has a CaseSense parameter which overrides the mode of case sensitivity and forces string (rather than numeric) comparison. Previously it was case-sensitive only if StringCaseSense was changed to On.

SysGet now only has numeric sub-commands; its other sub-commands have been split into functions. See Sub-Commands further below for details.

TrayTip's usage has changed to TrayTip [Text, Title, Options]. Options is a string of zero or more case-insensitive options delimited by a space or tab. The options are Iconx, Icon!, Iconi, Mute and/or any numeric value as before. TrayTip now shows even if Text is omitted (which is now harder to do by accident than in v1). The Timeout parameter no long exists (it had no effect on Windows Vista or later). Scripts may now use the NIIF_USER (0x4) and NIIF_LARGE_ICON (0x20) flags in combination (0x24) to include the large version of the tray icon in the notification. NIIF_USER (0x4) can also be used on its own for the small icon, but may not have consistent results across all OSes.

#Warn UseUnsetLocal and UseUnsetGlobal have been removed, as reading an unset variable now raises an error. IsSet can be used to avoid the error and Try/Catch or OnError can be used to handle it.

#Warn VarUnset was added; it defaults to MsgBox. If not disabled, a warning is given for the first non-dynamic reference to each variable which is never used as the target of a direct, non-dynamic assignment or the reference operator (&), or passed directly to IsSet.

#Warn Unreachable no longer considers lines following an Exit call to be unreachable, as Exit is now an ordinary function.

#Warn ClassOverwrite has been removed, as top-level classes can no longer be overwritten by assignment. (However, they can now be implicitly shadowed by a local variable; that can be detected by #Warn LocalSameAsGlobal.)

WinActivate now sends {Alt up} after its first failed attempt at activating a window. Testing has shown this reduces the occurrence of flashing taskbar buttons. See the documentation for more details.

WinClose and WinKill: For SecondsToWait, specifying 0 is no longer the same as specifying 0.5; instead, it produces the shortest wait possible.

WinSetTitle and WinMove now use parameter order consistent with other Win functions; i.e. WinTitle, WinText, ExcludeTitle, ExcludeText are always grouped together (at the end of the parameter list), to aide memorisation.

The WinTitle parameter of various functions can now accept a HWND (must be a pure integer) or an object with a Hwnd property, such as a Gui object. DetectHiddenWindows is ignored in such cases, except when used with WinWait or WinWaitClose.

WinMove no longer has special handling for the literal word DEFAULT. Omit the parameter or specify an empty string instead (this works in both v1 and v2).

WinWait, WinWaitClose, WinWaitActive and WinWaitNotActive return non-zero if the wait finished (timeout did not expire). ErrorLevel was removed. WinWait and WinWaitActive return the HWND of the found window. WinWaitClose now sets the Last Found Window, so if WinWaitClose times out, it returns 0 (false) and WinExist() returns the last window it found. For Timeout, specifying 0 is no longer the same as specifying 0.5; instead, it produces the shortest wait possible.


A negative StartingPos for InStr, SubStr, RegExMatch and RegExReplace is interpreted as a position from the end. Position -1 is the last character and position 0 is invalid (whereas in v1, position 0 was the last character).

Functions which previously accepted On/Off or On/Off/Toggle (but not other strings) now require 1/0/-1 instead. On and Off would typically be replaced with True and False. Variables which returned On/Off now return 1/0, which are more useful in expressions.

The following functions return a pure integer instead of a hexadecimal string:

A_ScriptHwnd also returns a pure integer.


If a type parameter is a variable, that variable's content is always used, never its name. In other words, unquoted type names are no longer supported - type names must be enclosed in quote marks.

When DllCall updates the length of a variable passed as Str or WStr, it now detects if the string was not properly null-terminated (likely indicating that buffer overrun has occurred), and terminates the program with an error message if so, as safe execution cannot be guaranteed.

AStr (without any suffix) is now input-only. Since the buffer is only ever as large as the input string, it was usually not useful for output parameters. This would apply to WStr instead of AStr if AutoHotkey is compiled for ANSI, but official v2 releases are only ever compiled for Unicode.

If a function writes a new address to a Str*, AStr* or WStr* parameter, DllCall now assigns the new string to the corresponding variable if one was supplied, instead of merely updating the length of the original string (which probably hasn't changed). Parameters of this type are usually not used to modify the input string, but rather to pass back a string at a new address.

DllCall now accepts an object for any Ptr parameter and the Function parameter; the object must have a Ptr property. For buffers allocated by the script, the new Buffer object is preferred over a variable. For Ptr*, the parameter's new value is assigned back to the object's Ptr property. This allows constructs such as DllCall(..., "Ptr*", unk := IUnknown()), which reduces repetition compared to DllCall(..., "Ptr*", punk), unk := IUnknown(punk), and can be used to ensure any output from the function is properly freed (even if an exception is thrown due to the HRESULT return type, although typically the function would not output a non-null pointer in that case).

DllCall now requires the values of numeric-type parameters to be numeric, and will throw an exception if given a non-numeric or empty string. In particular, if the * or P suffix is used for output parameters, the output variable is required to be initialized.

The output value (if any) of numeric parameters with the * or P suffix is ignored if the script passes a plain variable containing a number. To receive the output value, pass a VarRef such as &myVar or an object with a Ptr property.

The new HRESULT return type throws an exception if the function failed (int < 0 or uint & 0x80000000). This should be used only with functions that actually return a HRESULT.

Loop Sub-commands

The sub-command keyword must be written literally; it must not be enclosed in quote marks and cannot be a variable or expression. All other parameters are expressions. All loop sub-commands now support OTB.


Loop, FilePattern [, IncludeFolders, Recurse]
Loop, RootKey [, Key, IncludeSubkeys, Recurse]

Use the following (added in v1.1.21) instead:

Loop Files, FilePattern [, Mode]
Loop Reg, KeyName [, Mode]

The comma after the second word is now optional.

A_LoopRegKey now contains the root key and subkey, and A_LoopRegSubKey was removed.


InputBoxObj := InputBox([Prompt, Title, Options, Default])

The Options parameter accepts a string of zero or more case-insensitive options delimited by a space or tab, similar to Gui control options. For example, this includes all supported options: "x0 y0 w100 h100 T10.0 Password*". T is timeout and Password has the same usage as the equivalent Edit control option.

The width and height options now set the size of the client area (the area excluding the title bar and window frame), so are less theme-dependent.

The title will be blank if the Title parameter is an empty string. It defaults to A_ScriptName only when completely omitted, consistent with optional parameters of user-defined functions.

InputBoxObj is an object with the properties Result (containing "OK", "Cancel" or "Timeout") and Value.


Result := MsgBox([Text, Title, Options])

The Options parameter accepts a string of zero or more case-insensitive options delimited by a space or tab, similar to Gui control options.

The return value is the English name of the button, without spaces. These are the same strings that were used with IfMsgBox in v1.

The title will be blank if the Title parameter is an empty string. It defaults to A_ScriptName only when completely omitted, consistent with optional parameters of user-defined functions.


Sub-commands of Control, ControlGet, Drive, DriveGet, WinGet, WinSet and Process have been replaced with individual functions, and the main commands have been removed. Names and usage have been changed for several of the functions. The new usage is shown below:

; Where ... means optional Control, WinTitle, etc.

Bool  := ControlGetChecked(...)
Bool  := ControlGetEnabled(...)
Bool  := ControlGetVisible(...)
Int   := ControlGetIndex(...)  ; For Tab, LB, CB, DDL
Str   := ControlGetChoice(...)
Arr   := ControlGetItems(...)
Int   := ControlGetStyle(...)
Int   := ControlGetExStyle(...)
Int   := ControlGetHwnd(...)

         ControlSetChecked(TrueFalseToggle, ...)
         ControlSetEnabled(TrueFalseToggle, ...)
         ControlSetStyle(Value, ...)
         ControlSetExStyle(Value, ...)
         ControlChooseIndex(Index, ...)  ; Also covers Tab
Index := ControlChooseString(Str, ...)

Index := ControlFindItem(Str, ...)
Index := ControlAddItem(Str, ...)
         ControlDeleteItem(Index, ...)

Int   := EditGetLineCount(...)
Int   := EditGetCurrentLine(...)
Int   := EditGetCurrentCol(...)
Str   := EditGetLine(N [, ...])
Str   := EditGetSelectedText(...)
         EditPaste(Str, ...)

Str   := ListViewGetContent([Options, ...])

         DriveSetLabel(Drive [, Label])

Str   := DriveGetList([Type])
Str   := DriveGetFilesystem(Drive)
Str   := DriveGetLabel(Drive)
Str   := DriveGetSerial(Drive)
Str   := DriveGetType(Path)
Str   := DriveGetStatus(Path)
Str   := DriveGetStatusCD(Drive)
Int   := DriveGetCapacity(Path)
Int   := DriveGetSpaceFree(Path)

; Where ... means optional WinTitle, etc.

Int   := WinGetID(...)
Int   := WinGetIDLast(...)
Int   := WinGetPID(...)
Str   := WinGetProcessName(...)
Str   := WinGetProcessPath(...)
Int   := WinGetCount(...)
Arr   := WinGetList(...)
Int   := WinGetMinMax(...)
Arr   := WinGetControls(...)
Arr   := WinGetControlsHwnd(...)
Int   := WinGetTransparent(...)
Str   := WinGetTransColor(...)
Int   := WinGetStyle(...)
Int   := WinGetExStyle(...)

         WinSetTransparent(N [, ...])
         WinSetTransColor("Color [N]" [, ...]),
         WinSetAlwaysOnTop([TrueFalseToggle := 1, ...])
         WinSetStyle(Value [, ...])
         WinSetExStyle(Value [, ...])
         WinSetEnabled(Value [, ...])
         WinSetRegion(Value [, ...])


PID   := ProcessExist([PID_or_Name])
PID   := ProcessClose(PID_or_Name)
PID   := ProcessWait(PID_or_Name [, Timeout])
PID   := ProcessWaitClose(PID_or_Name [, Timeout])

         ProcessSetPriority(Priority [, PID_or_Name])

ProcessExist, ProcessClose, ProcessWait and ProcessWaitClose no longer set ErrorLevel; instead, they return the PID.

None of the other functions set ErrorLevel. Instead, they throw an exception on failure. In most cases failure is because the target window or control was not found.

HWNDs and styles are always returned as pure integers, not hexadecimal strings.

ControlChooseIndex allows 0 to deselect the current item/all items. It replaces "Control Choose", but also supports Tab controls.

"ControlGet Tab" was merged into ControlGetIndex, which also works with ListBox, ComboBox and DDL. For Tab controls, it returns 0 if no tab is selected (rare but valid). ControlChooseIndex does not permit 0 for Tab controls since applications tend not to handle it.

ControlGetItems replaces "ControlGet List" for ListBox and ComboBox. It returns an Array.

DriveEject and DriveRetract now use DeviceIoControl instead of mciSendString. DriveEject is therefore able to eject non-CD/DVD drives which have an "Eject" option in Explorer (i.e. removable drives but not external hard drives which show as fixed disks).

ListViewGetContent replaces "ControlGet List" for ListView, and currently has the same usage as before.

WinGetList, WinGetControls and WinGetControlsHwnd return arrays, not newline-delimited lists.

WinSetTransparent treats "" as "Off" rather than 0 (which would make the window invisible and unclickable).

Abbreviated aliases such as Topmost, Trans, FS and Cap were removed.

The following functions were formerly sub-commands of SysGet:

ActualN := MonitorGet([N, &Left, &Top, &Right, &Bottom])
ActualN := MonitorGetWorkArea([N, &Left, &Top, &Right, &Bottom])
Count   := MonitorGetCount()
Primary := MonitorGetPrimary()
Name    := MonitorGetName([N])

New Functions

Buffer([ByteCount, FillByte]) (calling the Buffer class) creates and returns a Buffer object encapsulating a block of memory with a size of ByteCount bytes, initialized only if FillByte is specified. BufferObj.Ptr returns the address and BufferObj.Size returns or sets the size in bytes (reallocating the block of memory). Any object with Ptr and Size properties can be passed to NumPut, NumGet, StrPut, StrGet, File.RawRead, File.RawWrite and FileAppend. Any object with a Ptr property can be passed to DllCall parameters with Ptr type, SendMessage and PostMessage.

CaretGetPos([&OutputVarX, &OutputVarY]) retrieves the current coordinates of the caret (text insertion point). This ensures the X and Y coordinates always match up, and there is no caching to cause unexpected behaviour (such as A_CaretX/Y returning a value that's not in the current CoordMode).

ClipboardAll([Data, Size]) creates an object containing everything on the clipboard (optionally accepting data previously retrieved from the clipboard instead of using the clipboard's current contents). The methods of reading and writing clipboard file data are different. The data format is the same, except that the data size is always 32-bit, so that the data is portable between 32-bit and 64-bit builds. See the v2 documentation for details.

ComCall(offset, comobj, ...) is equivalent to DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(comobj.ptr) + offset * A_Index), "ptr", comobj.ptr, ...), but with the return type defaulting to HRESULT rather than Int.

ComObject (formerly ComObjCreate) and ComObjQuery now return a wrapper object even if an IID is specified. ComObjQuery permits the first parameter to be any object with a Ptr property.

ControlGetClassNN returns the ClassNN of the specified control.

ControlSendText, equivalent to ControlSendRaw but using Text mode instead of Raw mode.

DirExist(FilePattern), with usage similar to FileExist. Note that a wildcard check like InStr(FileExist("MyFolder\*"), "D") with MyFolder containing files and subfolders will only tell you whether the first matching file is a folder, not whether a folder exists.

Float(Value): See Types further above.

InstallKeybdHook([Install, Force]) and InstallMouseHook([Install, Force]) replace the corresponding directives, for increased flexibility.

Integer(Value): See Types further above.

IsXXX: The legacy command "if Var is Type" has been replaced with a series of functions: IsAlnum, IsAlpha, IsDigit, IsFloat, IsInteger, IsLower, IsNumber, IsSpace, IsUpper, IsXDigit. With the exception of IsFloat, IsInteger and IsNumber, an exception is thrown if the parameter is not a string, as implicit conversion to string may cause counter-intuitive results.

IsSet(Var), IsSetRef(&Ref): Returns 1 (true) if the variable has been assigned a value (even if that value is an empty string), otherwise 0 (false). If 0 (false), attempting to read the variable within an expression would throw an error.

Menu()/MenuBar() returns a new Menu/MenuBar object, which has the following members corresponding to v1 Menu sub-commands. Methods: Add, AddStandard, Check, Delete, Disable, Enable, Insert, Rename, SetColor, SetIcon, Show, ToggleCheck, ToggleEnable, Uncheck. Properties: ClickCount, Default, Handle (replaces MenuGetHandle). A_TrayMenu also returns a Menu object. There is no UseErrorLevel mode, no global menu names, and no explicitly deleting the menu itself (that happens when all references are released; the Delete method is equivalent to v1 DeleteAll). Labels are not supported, only function objects. The AddStandard method adds the standard menu items and allows them to be individually modified as with custom items. Unlike v1, the Win32 menu is destroyed only when the object is deleted.

MenuFromHandle(Handle) retrieves the Menu or MenuBar object corresponding to a Win32 menu handle, if it was created by AutoHotkey.

Number(Value): See Types further above.

Persistent([Persist]) replaces the corresponding directive, increasing flexibility.

RegDeleteKey([KeyName]) deletes a registry key. (RegDelete now only deletes values, except when omitting all parameters in a registry loop.)

SendText, equivalent to SendRaw but using Text mode instead of Raw mode.

StrCompare(String1, String2 [, CaseSense]) returns -1 (String1 is less than String2), 0 (equal) or 1 (greater than). CaseSense can be "Locale".

String(Value): See Types further above.

StrPtr(Value) returns the address of a string. Unlike address-of in v1, it can be used with literal strings and temporary strings.

SysGetIPAddresses() returns an array of IP addresses, equivalent to the A_IPAddress variables which have been removed. Each reference to A_IPAddress%N% retrieved all addresses but returned only one, so retrieving multiple addresses took exponentially longer than necessary. The returned array can have zero or more elements.

TraySetIcon([FileName, IconNumber, Freeze]) replaces "Menu Tray, Icon".

VarSetStrCapacity(&TargetVar [, RequestedCapacity]) replaces the v1 VarSetCapacity, but is intended for use only with UTF-16 strings (such as to optimize repeated concatenation); therefore RequestedCapacity and the return value are in characters, not bytes.

VerCompare(A, B) compares two version strings using the same algorithm as #Requires.

WinGetClientPos([&OutX, &OutY, &OutWidth, &OutHeight, WinTitle, ...]) retrieves the position and size of the window's client area, in screen coordinates.

New Directives

#DllLoad [FileOrDirName]: Loads a DLL or EXE file before the script starts executing.

Built-in Variables

A_AhkPath always returns the path of the current executable/interpreter, even when the script is compiled. Previously it returned the path of the compiled script if a BIN file was used as the base file, but v2.0 releases no longer include BIN files.

A_IsCompiled returns 0 instead of "" if the script has not been compiled.

A_OSVersion always returns a string in the format, such as 6.1.7601 for Windows 7 SP1. A_OSType has been removed as only NT-based systems are supported.

A_TimeSincePriorHotkey returns "" instead of -1 whenever A_PriorHotkey is "", and likewise for A_TimeSinceThisHotkey when A_ThisHotkey is blank.

All built-in "virtual" variables now have the A_ prefix (specifics below). Any predefined variables which lack this prefix (such as Object) are just global variables. The distinction may be important since it is currently impossible to take a reference to a virtual variable (except when passed directly to a built-in function); however, A_Args is not a virtual variable.

Built-in variables which return numbers now return them as an integer rather than a string.




The following built-in variables can be assigned values:

Built-in Objects

File objects now strictly require property syntax when invoking properties and method syntax when invoking methods. For example, FileObj.Pos(n) is not valid. An exception is thrown if there are too few or too many parameters, or if a read-only property is assigned a value.

File.Tell() was removed.

Func.IsByRef() now works with built-in functions.


Gui, GuiControl and GuiControlGet were replaced with Gui() and Gui/GuiControl objects, which are generally more flexible, more consistent, and easier to use.

A GUI is typically not referenced by name/number (although it can still be named with GuiObj.Name). Instead, a GUI object (and window) is created explicitly by instantiating the Gui class, as in GuiObj := Gui(). This object has methods and properties which replace the Gui sub-commands. Gui.Add() returns a GuiControl object, which has methods and properties which replace the GuiControl and GuiControlGet commands. One can store this object in a variable, or use GuiObj["Name"] or GuiCtrlFromHwnd to retrieve the object. It is also passed as a parameter whenever an event handler (the replacement of a g-label) is called.

The usage of these methods and properties is not 1:1. Many parts have been revised to be more consistent and flexible, and to fix bugs or limitations.

There are no "default" GUIs, as the target Gui or control object is always specified. LV/TV/SB functions were replaced with methods (of the control object), making it much easier to use multiple ListViews/TreeViews.

There are no built-in variables containing information about events. The information is passed as parameters to the function/method which handles the event, including the source Gui or control.

Controls can still be named and be referenced by name, but it's just a name (used with GuiObj["Name"] and Gui.Submit()), not an associated variable, so there is no need to declare or create a global or static variable. The value is never stored in a variable automatically, but is accessible via GuiControl.Value. Gui.Submit() returns a new associative array using the control names as keys.

The vName option now just sets the control's name to Name.

The +HwndVarName option has been removed in favour of GuiControl.Hwnd.

There are no more "g-labels" or labels/functions which automatically handle GUI events. The script must register for each event of interest by calling the OnEvent method of the Gui or GuiControl. For example, rather than checking if (A_GuiEvent = "I" && InStr(ErrorLevel, "F", true)) in a g-label, the script would register a handler for the ItemFocus event: MyLV.OnEvent("ItemFocus", MyFunction). MyFunction would be called only for the ItemFocus event. It is not necessary to apply the AltSubmit option to enable additional events.

Arrays are used wherever a pipe-delimited list was previously used, such as to specify the items for a ListBox when creating it, when adding items, or when retrieving the selected items.

Scripts can define a class which extends Gui and handles its own events, keeping all of the GUI logic self-contained.

Gui sub-commands

Gui NewGui(). Passing an empty title (not omitting it) now results in an empty title, not the default title.

Gui AddGui.Add() or Gui.AddControlType(); e.g. GuiObj.Add("Edit") or GuiObj.AddEdit().

Gui ShowGui.Show(), but it has no Title parameter. The title can be specified as a parameter of Gui() or via the Gui.Title property. The initial focus is still set to the first input-capable control with the WS_TABSTOP style (as per default message processing by the system), unless that's a Button control, in which case focus is now shifted to the Default button.

Gui SubmitGui.Submit(). It works like before, except that Submit() creates and returns a new object which contains all of the "associated variables".

Gui DestroyGui.Destroy(). The object still exists (until the script releases it) but cannot be used. A new GUI must be created (if needed). The window is also destroyed when the object is deleted, but the object is "kept alive" while the window is visible.

Gui FontGui.SetFont(). It is also possible to set a control's font directly, with GuiControl.SetFont().

Gui ColorGui.BackColor sets/returns the background color. ControlColor (the second parameter) is not supported, but all controls which previously supported it can have a background set by the +Background option instead. Unlike "Gui Color", Gui.BackColor does not affect Progress controls or disabled/read-only Edit, DDL, ComboBox or TreeView (with -Theme) controls.

Gui MarginGui.MarginX and Gui.MarginY properties.

Gui MenuGui.MenuBar sets/returns a MenuBar object created with MenuBar().

Gui Cancel/Hide/Minimize/Maximize/Restore → Gui methods of the same name.

Gui FlashGui.Flash(), but use false instead of Off.

Gui TabGuiControl.UseTab(). Defaults to matching a prefix of the tab name as before. Pass true for the second parameter to match the whole tab name, but unlike the v1 "Exact" mode, it is case-insensitive.


See Events (OnEvent) for details of all explicitly supported GUI and GUI control events.

The Size event passes 0, -1 or 1 (consistent with WinGetMinMax) instead of 0, 1 or 2.

The ContextMenu event can be registered for each control, or for the whole GUI.

The DropFiles event swaps the FileArray and Ctrl parameters, to be consistent with ContextMenu.

The ContextMenu and DropFiles events use client coordinates instead of window coordinates (Client is also the default CoordMode in v2).

The following control events were removed, but detecting them is a simple case of passing the appropriate numeric notification code (defined in the Windows SDK) to GuiControl.OnNotify(): K, D, d, A, S, s, M, C, E and MonthCal's 1 and 2.

Control events do not pass the event name as a parameter (GUI events never did).

Custom's N and Normal events were replaced with GuiControl.OnNotify() and GuiControl.OnCommand(), which can be used with any control.

Link's Click event passes "Ctrl, ID or Index, HREF" instead of "Ctrl, Index, HREF or ID", and does not automatically execute HREF if a Click callback is registered.

ListView's Click, DoubleClick and ContextMenu (when triggered by a right-click) events now report the item which was clicked (or 0 if none) instead of the focused item.

ListView's I event was split into multiple named events, except for the f (de-focus) event, which was excluded because it is implied by F (ItemFocus).

ListView's e (ItemEdit) event is ignored if the user cancels.

Slider's Change event is raised more consistently than the v1 g-label; i.e. it no longer ignores changes made by the mouse wheel by default. See Detecting Changes (Slider) for details.

The BS_NOTIFY style is now added automatically as needed for Button, CheckBox and Radio controls. It is no longer applied by default to Radio controls.

Focus (formerly F) and LoseFocus (formerly f) are supported by more (but not all) control types.

Setting an Edit control's text with Edit.Value or Edit.Text does not trigger the control's Change event, whereas GuiControl would trigger the control's g-label.

LV/TV.Add/Modify now suppress item-change events, so such events should only be raised by user action or SendMessage.


+HwndOutputVar (use Gui.Hwnd or GuiControl.Hwnd instead)
Gui GuiName: Default

Control Options

+/-Background is interpreted and supported more consistently. All controls which supported "Gui Color" now support +BackgroundColor and +BackgroundDefault (synonymous with -Background), not just ListView/TreeView/StatusBar/Progress.

Gui.Add() defaults to y+m/x+m instead of yp/xp when xp/yp or xp+0/yp+0 is used. In other words, the control is placed below/to the right of the previous control instead of at exactly the same position. If a non-zero offset is used, the behaviour is the same as in v1. To use exactly the same position, specify xp yp together.

x+m and y+m can be followed by an additional offset, such as x+m+10 (x+m10 is also valid, but less readable).

Choose no longer serves as a redundant (undocumented) way to specify the value for a MonthCal. Just use the Text parameter, as before.


Empty sub-command

GuiControlGet's empty sub-command had two modes: the default mode, and text mode, where the fourth parameter was the word Text. If a control type had no single "value", GuiControlGet defaulted to returning the result of GetWindowText (which isn't always visible text). Some controls had no visible text, or did not support retrieving it, so completely ignored the fourth parameter. By contrast, GuiControl.Text returns display text, hidden text (the same text returned by ControlGetText) or nothing at all.

The table below shows the closest equivalent property or function for each mode of GuiControlGet and control type.

ActiveX.Value.TextText is hidden. See below.
ComboBox.TextControlGetText()Use Value instead of Text if AltSubmit was used (but Value returns 0 if Text does not match a list item). Text performs case-correction, whereas ControlGetText returns the Edit field's content.
DDL.TextUse Value instead of Text if AltSubmit was used.
ListBox.TextControlGetText()Use Value instead of Text if AltSubmit was used. Text returns the selected item's text, whereas ControlGetText returns hidden text. See below.
ListView.TextText is hidden.
Tab.TextControlGetText()Use Value instead of Text if AltSubmit was used. Text returns the selected tab's text, whereas ControlGetText returns hidden text.
TreeView.TextText is hidden.

ListBox: For multi-select ListBox, Text and Value return an array instead of a pipe-delimited list.

ActiveX: GuiControl.Value returns the same object each time, whereas GuiControlGet created a new wrapper object each time. Consequently, it is no longer necessary to retain a reference to an ActiveX object for the purpose of keeping a ComObjConnect connection alive.

Other sub-commands


FocusGui.FocusedCtrl; returns a GuiControl object instead of the ClassNN.


HwndGuiControl.Hwnd; returns a pure integer, not a hexadecimal string.

Enabled/Visible/Name → GuiCtrl properties of the same name.


(Blank) and Text sub-commands

The table below shows the closest equivalent property or method for each mode of GuiControl and control type.

ActiveXN/ACommand had no effect.
ListViewN/ACommand had no effect.
Progress.ValueUse the += operator instead of the + prefix.
Slider.ValueUse the += operator instead of the + prefix.
StatusBar.Text or SB.SetText()
TreeViewN/ACommand had no effect.
UpDown.ValueUse the += operator instead of the + prefix.

Other sub-commands


MoveDraw → GuiControl.Move(), GuiControl.Redraw()

FocusGuiControl.Focus(), which now uses WM_NEXTDLGCTL instead of SetFocus, so that focusing a Button temporarily sets it as the default, consistent with tabbing to the control.

Enable/Disable → set GuiControl.Enabled

Hide/Show → set GuiControl.Visible

ChooseGuiControl.Choose(n), where n is a pure integer. The |n or ||n mode is not supported (use ControlChooseIndex instead, if needed).

ChooseStringGuiControl.Choose(s), where s is not a pure integer. The |n or ||n mode is not supported (use ControlChooseString instead, if needed). If the string matches multiple items in a multi-select ListBox, this method selects them all, not just the first.



Other Changes

Progress Gui controls no longer have the PBS_SMOOTH style by default, so they are now styled according to the system visual style.

The default margins and control sizes (particularly for Button controls) may differ slightly from v1 when DPI is greater than 100 %.

Picture controls no longer delete their current image when they fail to set a new image via GuiCtrl.Value := "new image.png". However, removing the current image with GuiCtrl.Value := "" is permitted.

ListView.InsertCol()'s ColumnNumber parameter can now be omitted, which has the same effect as specifying a column number larger than the number of columns currently in the control.

Error Handling

OnError is now called for critical errors prior to exiting the script. Although the script might not be in a state safe for execution, the attempt is made, consistent with OnExit.

Runtime errors no longer set Exception.What to the currently running user-defined function or sub (but this is still done when calling Error() without the second parameter). This gives What a clearer purpose: a function name indicates a failure of that function (not a failure to call the function or evaluate its parameters). What is blank for expression evaluation and control flow errors (some others may also be blank).

Exception objects thrown by runtime errors can now be identified as instances of the new Error class or a more specific subclass. Error objects have a Stack property containing a stack trace. If the What parameter specifies the name of a running function, File and Line are now set based on which line called that function.

Try-catch syntax has changed to allow the script to catch specific error classes, while leaving others uncaught. See Catch below for details.

Continuable Errors

In most cases, error dialogs now provide the option to continue the current thread (vs. exiting the thread). COM errors now exit the thread when choosing not to continue (vs. exiting the entire script).

Scripts should not rely on this: If the error was raised by a built-in function, continuing causes it to return "". If the error was raised by the expression evaluator (such as for an invalid dynamic reference or divide by zero), the expression is aborted and yields "" (if used as a control flow statement's parameter).

In some cases the code does not support continuation, and the option to continue should not be shown. The option is also not shown for critical errors, which are designed to terminate the script.

OnError callbacks now take a second parameter, containing one of the following values:


ErrorLevel has been removed. Scripts are often (perhaps usually) written without error-checking, so the policy of setting ErrorLevel for errors often let them go undetected. An immediate error message may seem a bit confrontational, but is generally more helpful.

Where ErrorLevel was previously set to indicate an error condition, an exception is thrown instead, with a (usually) more helpful error message.

Commands such as "Process Exist" which used it to return a value now simply return that value (e.g. pid := ProcessExist()) or something more useful (e.g. hwnd := GroupActivate(group)).

In some cases ErrorLevel was used for a secondary return value.

File functions which previously stored the number of failures in ErrorLevel now throw it in the Extra property of the thrown exception object.

SendMessage timeout is usually an anomolous condition, so causes a TimeoutError to be thrown. TargetError and OSError may be thrown under other conditions.

The UseErrorLevel modes of the Run and Hotkey functions were removed. This mode predates the addition of Try/Catch to the language. Menu and Gui had this mode as well but were replaced with objects (which do not use ErrorLevel).


A load-time error is raised for more syntax errors than in v1, such as:

An exception is thrown when any of the following failures occur (instead of ignoring the failure or producing an empty string):

Some of the conditions above are detected in v1, but not mid-expression; for instance, A_AhkPath := x is detected in v1 but y := x, A_AhkPath := x is only detected in v2.

Standalone use of the operators +=, -=, -- and ++ no longer treats an empty variable as 0. This differs from v1, where they treated an empty variable as 0 when used standalone, but not mid-expression or with multi-statement comma.


Functions generally throw an exception on failure. In particular:

Exceptions are thrown for some errors that weren't previously detected, and some conditions that were incorrectly marked as errors (previously by setting ErrorLevel) were fixed.

Some error messages have been changed.


The syntax for Catch has been changed to provide a way to catch specific error classes, while leaving others uncaught (to transfer control to another Catch further up the call stack, or report the error and exit the thread). Previously this required catching thrown values of all types, then checking type and re-throwing. For example:

; Old (uses obsolete v2.0-a rules for demonstration since v1 had no `is` or Error classes)
    SendMessage msg,,, "Control1", "The Window"
catch err
    if err is TimeoutError
        MsgBox "The Window is unresponsive"
        throw err

; New
    SendMessage msg,,, "Control1", "The Window"
catch TimeoutError
    MsgBox "The Window is unresponsive"


If Try is used without Finally or Catch, it acts as though it has a Catch with an empty block. Although that sounds like v1, now Catch on its own only catches instances of Error. In most cases, Try on its own is meant to suppress an Error, so no change needs to be made. However, the direct v2 equivalent of v1's try something() is the following:

try something()
catch Any

Prioritising the error type over the output variable name might encourage better code; handling the expected error as intended without suppressing or mishandling unexpected errors that should have been reported.

As values of all types can be thrown, any class is valid for the filter (e.g. String or Map). However, the class prototypes are resolved at load time, and must be specified as a full class name and not an arbitrary expression (similar to y in class x extends y).

While a Catch statement is executing, throw (without parameters) can be used to re-throw the exception (avoiding the need to specify an output variable just for that purpose). This is supported even within a nested Try-Finally, but not within a nested Try-Catch. The throw does not need to be physically contained by the Catch statement's body; it can be used by a called function.

An Else can be present after the last Catch; this is executed if no exception is thrown within Try.

Keyboard, Mouse, Hotkeys and Hotstrings

Fewer VK to SC and SC to VK mappings are hard-coded, in theory improving compatibility with non-conventional custom keyboard layouts.

The key names "Return" and "Break" were removed. Use "Enter" and "Pause" instead.

The presence of AltGr on each keyboard layout is now always detected by reading the KLLF_ALTGR flag from the keyboard layout DLL. (v1.1.28+ Unicode builds already use this method.) The fallback methods of detecting AltGr via the keyboard hook have been removed.

Mouse wheel hotkeys set A_EventInfo to the wheel delta as reported by the mouse driver instead of dividing by 120. Generally it is a multiple of 120, but some mouse hardware/drivers may report wheel movement at a higher resolution.

Hotstrings now treat Shift+Backspace the same as Backspace, instead of transcribing it to `b within the hotstring buffer.

Hotstrings use the first pair of colons (::) as a delimiter rather than the last when multiple pairs of colons are present. In other words, colons (when adjacent to another colon) must be escaped in the trigger text in v2, whereas in v1 they must be escaped in the replacement. Note that with an odd number of consecutive colons, the previous behaviour did not consider the final colon as part of a pair. For example, there is no change in behaviour for ::1:::2 (1:2), but ::3::::4 is now 3::4 rather than 3::4.

Hotstrings no longer escape colons in pairs, which means it is now possible to escape a single colon at the end of the hotstring trigger. For example, ::5`:::6 is now 5:6 rather than an error, and ::7`::::8 is now 7::8 rather than 7::8. It is best to escape every literal colon in these cases to avoid confusion (but a single isolated colon need not be escaped).

Hotstrings with continuation sections now default to Text mode instead of Raw mode.

Hotkeys now mask the Win/Alt key on release only if it is logically down and the hotkey requires the Win/Alt key (with #/! or a custom prefix). That is, hotkeys which do not require the Win/Alt key no longer mask Win/Alt-up when the Win/Alt key is physically down. This allows hotkeys which send {Blind}{LWin up} to activate the Start menu (which was already possible if using a remapped key such as AppsKey::RWin).


Windows 2000 and Windows XP support has been dropped.

AutoHotkey no longer overrides the system ForegroundLockTimeout setting at startup.

RegEx newline matching defaults to (*ANYCRLF) and (*BSR_ANYCRLF); `r and `n are recognized in addition to `r`n. The `a option implicitly enables (*BSR_UNICODE).

RegEx callout functions can now be variadic. Callouts specified via a pcre_callout variable can be any callable object, or pcre_callout itself can be directly defined as a function (perhaps a nested function). As the function and variable namespaces were merged, a callout pattern such as (?C:fn) can also refer to a local or global variable containing a function object, not just a user-defined function.

Scripts read from stdin (e.g. with AutoHotkey.exe *) no longer include the initial working directory in A_ScriptFullPath or the main window's title, but it is used as A_ScriptDir and to locate the local Lib folder.

Settings changed by the auto-execute thread now become the default settings immediately (for threads launched after that point), rather than after 100 ms and then again when the auto-execute thread finishes.

The following limits have been removed by utilizing dynamic allocations:

ListVars now shows static variables separately to local variables. Global variables declared within the function are also listed as static variables (this is a side-effect of new implementation details, but is kept as it might be useful in scripts with many global variables).

The (undocumented?) "lazy var" optimization was removed to reduce code size and maintenance costs. This optimization improved performance of scripts with more than 100,000 variables.

Tray menu: The word "This" was removed from "Reload This Script" and "Edit This Script", for consistency with "Pause Script" and the main window's menu options.

YYYYMMDDHH24MISS timestamp values are now considered invalid if their length is not an even number between 4 and 14 (inclusive).


Scripts are "persistent" while at least one of the following conditions is satisfied:

If one of the following occurs and none of the above conditions are satisfied, the script terminates.

For flexibility, OnMessage does not make the script automatically persistent.

By contrast, v1 scripts are "persistent" when at least one of the following is true:


Threads start out with an uninterruptible timeout of 17 ms instead of 15 ms. 15 was too low since the system tick count updates in steps of 15 or 16 minimum; i.e. if the tick count updated at exactly the wrong moment, the thread could become interruptible even though virtually no time had passed.

Threads which start out uninterruptible now remain so until at least one line has executed, even if the uninterruptible timeout expires first (such as if the system suspends the process immediately after the thread starts in order to give CPU time to another process).

#MaxThreads and #MaxThreadsPerHotkey no longer make exceptions for any subroutine whose first line is one of the following functions: ExitApp, Pause, Edit, Reload, KeyHistory, ListLines, ListVars, or ListHotkeys.

Default Settings

Default Script

When an AutoHotkey program file (such as AutoHotkey32.exe or AutoHotkey64.exe) is launched without specifying a script file, it no longer searches the user's Documents folder for a default script file.

AutoHotkey is not intended to be used by directly launching the program file, except when using a portable copy. Instead of running the program file, you should generally run an .ahk file.

If you are creating a shortcut to a specific program file, you can append a space and the path of a script (generally enclosed by quote marks) to the shortcut's target.

Command Line

Command-line args are no longer stored in a pseudo-array of numbered global vars; the global variable A_Args (added in v1.1.27) should be used instead.

The /R and /F switches were removed. Use /restart and /force instead.

/validate should be used in place of /iLib when AutoHotkey.exe is being used to check a script for syntax errors, as the function library auto-include mechanism was removed.

/ErrorStdOut is now treated as one of the script's parameters, not built-in, in either of the following cases: