[v2] Yaml and JSON parser

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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

28 Mar 2020, 09:06

HotKeyIt wrote:
28 Mar 2020, 08:56
call to nonexistent function UMap()..

is this for reg v2 or _h?

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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

28 Mar 2020, 09:14

Sorry, forgot to change back to Map, UMap (Unsorted Map) can be used in _H only.
Should be fine now.
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

17 Apr 2020, 01:42

Thank you very much for this! Better than XML when comparing overhead.
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

01 Aug 2020, 02:40

Any chance of an update? I would love to use YAML as a configuration format for a project I am working on.
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

14 Jul 2021, 11:03

HotKeyIt wrote:
28 Dec 2020, 05:23
Updated for v2.122.
It would be nice to upgrade to v2. 138
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

20 Apr 2022, 07:22

Im trying to find a JSON lib for v2.0-b that allows me to load a string into an object.
This function seems to load the json into a map and then I have to do this for accessing the data:

Code: Select all

Y["users"][1]["_id"] ; btw this breaks using the example text string
instead of the expected:

Code: Select all

this is the only library that I have found to work on v2 but then it is very cumbersome to use because if I need to access a property that is a few levels deep I end up with something like this:

Code: Select all

The issue is the extra [" and "] on many keys that could be replaced by a single .... any pointers on this?
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

21 Apr 2022, 07:29

In v2 accessing properties and Items is separated and Map + Array have Items and Properties at the same time, also in obj.1 the key 1 is as a string and in obj[1] the key 1 is a number!
You can try somthing like this but will be only for reading and rather slow:

Code: Select all

MsgBox j.1
		return IsObject(val:=this.%""%[IsNumber(k)?k+0:k]) ? EASYJSON(val) : val
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

21 Apr 2022, 17:58

HotKeyIt wrote:
21 Apr 2022, 07:29
In v2 accessing properties and Items is separated and Map + Array have Items and Properties at the same time, also in obj.1 the key 1 is as a string and in obj[1] the key 1 is a number!
You can try somthing like this but will be only for reading and rather slow:

Code: Select all

MsgBox j.1
		return IsObject(val:=this.%""%[IsNumber(k)?k+0:k]) ? EASYJSON(val) : val
I am aware of those yeah.
So. Maps can access properties and keys separately. but this implementation only uses keys. why not use properties instead? I would only use keys if the property name is not a valid variable name no?
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

21 Apr 2022, 19:21

There are default properties like length, __Item, Capacity, Count, CaseSense, Default, base... that would cause problems if used in yaml or json.
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

21 Apr 2022, 21:33

HotKeyIt wrote:
21 Apr 2022, 19:21
There are default properties like length, __Item, Capacity, Count, CaseSense, Default, base... that would cause problems if used in yaml or json.
I see how those could be a problem but I personally would program around those and map them to keys instead and make a note of that. I think the pros of having dot notation outweigh the few keywords that should be mapped to keys instead.

right now im doing this:

Code: Select all

case "video":
	RegExMatch post["content"]["Metadata"], "Asset:(?<id>.*)", &media:=""
	vidurl := mediaLib[media.id].url
	imgurl := mediaLib[media.id].thumb
case "article":
	vidurl := "none"
	imgurl := post["content"]["lImage"]["attributes"][1]["vector"]["Url"]
	.  post["content"]["lImage"]["attributes"][1]["vector"]["art"][2]["Url"]
Actual code by the way... really unsightly and truly unwieldy at times :D

I think one of the things that make it more annoying is the fact that the notation for the array item and property are basically the same when using key-value pairs.


Code: Select all


Code: Select all

Notice how attributes[1] makes a bit of a context of what Im accesing there: a nameless array of attributes.

I do understand your decision but I have been looking for a "normal" JSON class for v2 and havent seen any functioning ones... all other versions are for older builds of v2 :P
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

04 May 2022, 19:07


Code: Select all

obj_.DefineProp("CaseSense", {Value: value_})
MsgBox obj_.%"CaseSense"%
this overrides CaseSense
we can forget it's a Map() with CaseSense


if you are only going to parse JSON:

Code: Select all

MsgBox JSON_parse(FileRead("AutoHotkey_L releases.json"))[1]["assets"][1]["browser_download_url"]
MsgBox JSON_parse(FileRead("AutoHotkey_L releases.json"))[1].assets[1].browser_download_url
both work
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Re: [v2] Yaml and JSON parser

07 Feb 2023, 23:15


Run the following code and report an error.
Remove a "-" (Use text2) can execute successfully.
What is the reason for this?

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0
#SingleInstance Force
#Include Yaml.ahk

    a1title: 0301
    a1title: 0301
    a1title: 0301

    a1title: 0301
    a1title: 0301

y := Yaml(text)    ; Load Yaml documents into objects

MsgBox Yaml(y,5)   ; Dump objects back into Yaml


Error: Indentation problem.

Specifically:   -

	---- D:\work\14_scripts\AK2\Libs_v2_2\Yaml-ahkV2\Yaml-ahkV2\Yaml.ahk
	226: If LL<_LL
	227: If !I[LL]
▶	228: Throw ValueError("Indentation problem.", 0, LF)
	229: Else
	229: L := I[LL]

The current thread will exit.

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