Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

01 Aug 2023, 14:35

Thank you. There is nothing to miss except the ability to paint the selected screen area in V1.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

24 Aug 2023, 03:19

I would also like some kind of brush, pen, paint, or anything that marks the snipped image.

It would be much easier to use something like this rather than Windows Paint in many cases.

FG, do you consider implementing anything of this kind in the future? :)
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

23 Sep 2023, 13:02

Anyone else run into the following code error randomly when trying to take a snip? I can't seem to figure out the cause of it.

Code: Select all

Error: This variable has not been assigned a value.

Specifically: static W

	346: Return { X: X, Y: Y, W: W, H: H, X2: X + W, Y2: Y + H }
	349: {
▶	350: If GetKeyState('Shift', 'P') or DisplayWH and (W > 60 and H > 35)
	351: {
	352: guiSSR.GetPos(&X, &Y, &W, &H)

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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

25 Sep 2023, 15:34

Thoughtfu1Tux wrote:
23 Sep 2023, 13:02
Anyone else run into the following code error randomly when trying to take a snip? I can't seem to figure out the cause of it.

Code: Select all

Error: This variable has not been assigned a value.

Specifically: static W

	346: Return { X: X, Y: Y, W: W, H: H, X2: X + W, Y2: Y + H }
	349: {
▶	350: If GetKeyState('Shift', 'P') or DisplayWH and (W > 60 and H > 35)
	351: {
	352: guiSSR.GetPos(&X, &Y, &W, &H)

I am not sure how the script could get to this line without having already defined W and H but you can give them a default value in the Static line just to make sure.

For me it is line 229 (can vary due to Extensions).

Change: Static guiSSR, guiInfoDialog, DisplayWH := true, X, Y, W, H
To: Static guiSSR, guiInfoDialog, DisplayWH := true, X, Y, W := 0, H := 0

Let me know if this solves your problem and I will make the change in the OP of the script.

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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

18 Nov 2023, 17:18

Hello how can i Snipping with Visible rectangle, because i can't see the border.

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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

18 Nov 2023, 17:51


it's ok.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

20 Dec 2023, 06:47

I added a new small return wrapper for the Ocr plugin.

I adapted the text detected with Ocr to @teadrinkerin Translate library. viewtopic.php?f=6&t=63835

I designed a simple gui for previewing without copying to the clipboard.

Code: Select all

; Snipper - Extension - OCR
; Version: 2023 05 05
Extensions.Push({ OCR1: { Text: 'Copy: Clipboard with OCR ', Func: OCR2Clipboard } })
Extensions.Push({ OCR1: { Text: 'Show:  View with Ocr', Func: OCR2ToView } })

You need to use the already existing OCR2Clipboard plugin. I just added the OCR2ToReturn and OCR2ToView wrappers.
OCR2Clipboard(Borders := false)
	; Get Hwnd of Active Snip
	Hwnd := WinGetID('A')
	; Get hBitMap of Snip
	hBitMap := SendMessage(0x173, 0, 0, guiSnips[Hwnd].GuiObj.Pic)
	; OCR of hBitMap
	Result := OCR.FromBitmap(hBitMap)
	; Put Result.Text on Clipboard
	A_Clipboard := Result.Text

OCR2ToView(Borders := false)
	; Get Hwnd of Active Snip
	Hwnd := WinGetID('A')
	; Get hBitMap of Snip
	hBitMap := SendMessage(0x173, 0, 0, guiSnips[Hwnd].GuiObj.Pic)
	; OCR of hBitMap
	Result := OCR.FromBitmap(hBitMap)
	; Put Result.Text on Clipboard

OCR2ToReturn(Borders := false)
	; Get Hwnd of Active Snip
	Hwnd := WinGetID('A')
	; Get hBitMap of Snip
	hBitMap := SendMessage(0x173, 0, 0, guiSnips[Hwnd].GuiObj.Pic)
	; OCR of hBitMap
	Result := OCR.FromBitmap(hBitMap)
	; Put Result.Text on Clipboard
	Return Result.Text

 * OCR library: a wrapper for the the UWP Windows.Media.Ocr library.
 * Based on the UWP OCR function for AHK v1 by malcev.
 * Ways of initiating OCR:
 * OCR(IRandomAccessStream, lang?)
 * OCR.FromDesktop(lang?, scale:=1)
 * OCR.FromRect(X, Y, W, H, lang?, scale:=1)
 * OCR.FromWindow(WinTitle?, lang?, scale:=1, onlyClientArea:=0, mode:=2)
 * OCR.FromFile(FileName, lang?)
 * OCR.FromBitmap(HBitmap, lang?)
 * Additional methods:
 * OCR.GetAvailableLanguages()
 * OCR.LoadLanguage(lang:="FirstFromAvailableLanguages")
 * OCR.WaitText(needle, timeout:=-1, func?, casesense:=False, comparefunc?)
 *      Calls a func (the provided OCR method) until a string is found
 * OCR.WordsBoundingRect(words*)
 *      Returns the bounding rectangle for multiple words
 * Properties:
 * OCR.MaxImageDimension
 * MinImageDimension is not documented, but appears to be 40 pixels (source: user FanaticGuru in AutoHotkey forums)
 * OCR returns an OCR results object:
 * Result.Text         => All recognized text
 * Result.TextAngle    => Clockwise rotation of the recognized text 
 * Result.Lines        => Array of all Line objects
 * Result.Words        => Array of all Word objects
 * Result.ImageWidth   => Used image width
 * Result.ImageHeight  => Used image height
 * Result.FindString(needle, i:=1, casesense:=False, wordCompareFunc?)
 *      Finds a string in the result
 * Result.Click(Obj, WhichButton?, ClickCount?, DownOrUp?)
 *      Clicks an object (Word, FindString result etc)
 * Result.ControlClick(obj, WinTitle?, WinText?, WhichButton?, ClickCount?, Options?, ExcludeTitle?, ExcludeText?)
 *      ControlClicks an object (Word, FindString result etc)
 * Result.Highlight(obj?, showTime:=2000, color:="Red", d:=2)
 *      Highlights an object on the screen, or removes the highlighting
 * Line object:
 * Line.Text         => Recognized text of the line
 * Line.Words        => Array of Word objects for the Line
 * Word object:
 * Line.Text         => Recognized text of the word
 * Line.x,y,w,h      => Size and location of the Word. Coordinates are relative to the original image.
 * Line.BoundingRect => Bounding rectangle of the Word in format {x,y,w,h}. Coordinates are relative to the original image.
 * Additional notes:
 * Languages are recognized in BCP-47 language tags. Eg. OCR.FromFile("myfile.bmp", "en-AU")
 * Languages can be installed for example with PowerShell (run as admin): Install-Language <language-tag>
 *      or from Language settings in Settings.
 * Not all language packs support OCR though. A list of supported language can be gotten from 
 * Powershell (run as admin) with the following command: Get-WindowsCapability -Online | Where-Object { $_.Name -Like 'Language.OCR*' } 
class OCR {
    static IID_IRandomAccessStream := "{905A0FE1-BC53-11DF-8C49-001E4FC686DA}"
         , IID_IPicture            := "{7BF80980-BF32-101A-8BBB-00AA00300CAB}"
         , IID_IAsyncInfo          := "{00000036-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}"

    class IBase {
        __New(ptr?) {
            if IsSet(ptr) && !ptr
                throw ValueError('Invalid IUnknown interface pointer', -2, this.__Class)
            this.DefineProp("ptr", {Value:ptr ?? 0})
        __Delete() => this.ptr ? ObjRelease(this.ptr) : 0

    static __New() {
        this.LanguageFactory := OCR.CreateClass("Windows.Globalization.Language", ILanguageFactory := "{9B0252AC-0C27-44F8-B792-9793FB66C63E}")
        this.BitmapEncoderStatics := OCR.CreateClass("Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapEncoder", IBitmapEncoderStatics := "{A74356A7-A4E4-4EB9-8E40-564DE7E1CCB2}")
        this.BitmapDecoderStatics := OCR.CreateClass("Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapDecoder", IBitmapDecoderStatics := "{438CCB26-BCEF-4E95-BAD6-23A822E58D01}")
        this.OcrEngineStatics := OCR.CreateClass("Windows.Media.Ocr.OcrEngine", IOcrEngineStatics := "{5BFFA85A-3384-3540-9940-699120D428A8}")
        ComCall(6, this.OcrEngineStatics, "uint*", &MaxImageDimension:=0)   ; MaxImageDimension
        this.MaxImageDimension := MaxImageDimension

     * Returns an OCR results object for an IRandomAccessStream.
     * Images of other types should be first converted to this format (eg from file, from bitmap).
     * @param pIRandomAccessStream Pointer or an object containing a ptr to the stream
     * @param {String} lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @returns {Ocr} 
    __New(pIRandomAccessStream?, lang := "FirstFromAvailableLanguages") {
        if IsSet(lang) || !OCR.HasOwnProp("CurrentLanguage")
        ComCall(14, OCR.BitmapDecoderStatics, "ptr", pIRandomAccessStream, "ptr*", BitmapDecoder:=OCR.IBase())   ; CreateAsync
        BitmapFrame := ComObjQuery(BitmapDecoder, IBitmapFrame := "{72A49A1C-8081-438D-91BC-94ECFC8185C6}")
        ComCall(12, BitmapFrame, "uint*", &width:=0)   ; get_PixelWidth
        ComCall(13, BitmapFrame, "uint*", &height:=0)   ; get_PixelHeight
        if (width > OCR.MaxImageDimension) or (height > OCR.MaxImageDimension)
           throw ValueError("Image is too big - " width "x" height ".`nIt should be maximum - " OCR.MaxImageDimension " pixels")

        BitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap := ComObjQuery(BitmapDecoder, IBitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap := "{FE287C9A-420C-4963-87AD-691436E08383}")
        if width < 40 || height < 40 {
            BitmapTransform := OCR.CreateClass("Windows.Graphics.Imaging.BitmapTransform")
            scale := 40.0 / Min(width, height), this.ImageWidth := Ceil(width*scale), this.ImageHeight := Ceil(height*scale)
            ComCall(7, BitmapTransform, "int", this.ImageWidth) ; put_ScaledWidth
            ComCall(9, BitmapTransform, "int", this.ImageHeight) ; put_ScaledHeight
            ComCall(8, BitmapFrame, "uint*", &BitmapPixelFormat:=0) ; get_BitmapPixelFormat
            ComCall(9, BitmapFrame, "uint*", &BitmapAlphaMode:=0) ; get_BitmapAlphaMode
            ComCall(8, BitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap, "uint", BitmapPixelFormat, "uint", BitmapAlphaMode, "ptr", BitmapTransform, "uint", IgnoreExifOrientation := 0, "uint", DoNotColorManage := 0, "ptr*", SoftwareBitmap:=OCR.IBase()) ; GetSoftwareBitmapAsync
        } else {
            this.ImageWidth := width, this.ImageHeight := height
            ComCall(6, BitmapFrameWithSoftwareBitmap, "ptr*", SoftwareBitmap:=OCR.IBase())   ; GetSoftwareBitmapAsync

        ComCall(6, OCR.OcrEngine, "ptr", SoftwareBitmap, "ptr*", OcrResult:=OCR.IBase())   ; RecognizeAsync

        ; Cleanup

        this.ptr := OcrResult.ptr, ObjAddRef(OcrResult.ptr)
    __Delete() => this.ptr ? ObjRelease(this.ptr) : 0

    ; Gets the recognized text.
    Text {
        get {
            ComCall(8, this, "ptr*", &hAllText:=0)   ; get_Text
            buf := DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer", "ptr", hAllText, "uint*", &length:=0, "ptr")
            this.DefineProp("Text", {Value:StrGet(buf, "UTF-16")})
            return this.Text

    ; Gets the clockwise rotation of the recognized text, in degrees, around the center of the image.
    TextAngle {
        get => (ComCall(7, this, "double*", &value:=0), value)

    ; Returns all Line objects for the result.
    Lines {
        get {
            ComCall(6, this, "ptr*", LinesList:=OCR.IBase()) ; get_Lines
            ComCall(7, LinesList, "int*", &count:=0) ; count
            lines := []
            loop count {
                ComCall(6, LinesList, "int", A_Index-1, "ptr*", OcrLine:=OCR.OCRLine())               
            this.DefineProp("Lines", {Value:lines})
            return lines

    ; Returns all Word objects for the result. Equivalent to looping over all the Lines and getting the Words.
    Words {
        get {
            words := []
            for line in this.Lines
                for word in line.Words
            this.DefineProp("Words", {Value:words})
            return words

     * Clicks an object
     * @param Obj The object to click, which can be a OCR result object, Line, Word, or Object {x,y,w,h}
     * If this object (the one Click is called from) contains a "Relative" property (this is
     * added by default with OCR.FromWindow) containing a Hwnd property, then that window will be activated,
     * otherwise the Relative properties values will be added to the x and y coordinates as offsets.
    Click(Obj, WhichButton?, ClickCount?, DownOrUp?) {
        if !obj.HasOwnProp("x") && InStr(Type(obj), "OCR")
            obj := OCR.WordsBoundingRect(obj.Words)
        x := obj.x, y := obj.y, w := obj.w, h := obj.h
        if this.HasOwnProp("Relative") {
            if this.Relative.HasOwnProp("Hwnd") {
                if !WinActive(this.Relative.Hwnd) {
            } else
                x += this.Relative.x, y += this.Relative.y
        oldCoordMode := A_CoordModeMouse
        CoordMode "Mouse", this.HasOwnProp("Relative") && this.Relative.HasOwnProp("Type") ? this.Relative.Type : "Screen"
        Click(x+w//2, y+h//2, WhichButton?, ClickCount?, DownOrUp?)
        CoordMode "Mouse", oldCoordMode

     * ControlClicks an object
     * @param obj The object to click, which can be a OCR result object, Line, Word, or Object {x,y,w,h}
     * If this object (the one Click is called from) contains a "Relative" property (this is
     * added by default with OCR.FromWindow) containing a Hwnd property, then that window will be activated,
     * otherwise the Relative properties values will be added to the x and y coordinates as offsets.
     * @param WinTitle If WinTitle is set, then the coordinates stored in Obj will be converted to
     * client coordinates and ControlClicked.
    ControlClick(obj, WinTitle?, WinText?, WhichButton?, ClickCount?, Options?, ExcludeTitle?, ExcludeText?) {
        if !obj.HasOwnProp("x") && InStr(Type(obj), "OCR")
            obj := OCR.WordsBoundingRect(obj.Words)
        x := obj.x, y := obj.y, w := obj.w, h := obj.h
        if this.HasOwnProp("Relative") && this.Relative.HasOwnProp("Type") {
            hWnd := this.Relative.hWnd
            if this.Relative.Type = "Window" {
                ; Window -> Client
                RECT := Buffer(16, 0), pt := Buffer(8, 0)
                DllCall("user32\GetWindowRect", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", RECT)
                winX := NumGet(RECT, 0, "Int"), winY := NumGet(RECT, 4, "Int")
                NumPut("int", winX+x, "int", winY+y, pt)
                DllCall("user32\ScreenToClient", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", pt)
                x := NumGet(pt,0,"int"), y := NumGet(pt,4,"int")
        } else if IsSet(WinTitle) {
            hWnd := WinExist(WinTitle, WinText?, ExcludeTitle?, ExcludeText?)
            pt := Buffer(8), NumPut("int",x,pt), NumPut("int", y,pt,4)
            DllCall("ScreenToClient", "Int", Hwnd, "Ptr", pt)
            x := NumGet(pt,0,"int"), y := NumGet(pt,4,"int")
        } else
            throw TargetError("ControlClick needs to be called either after a OCR.FromWindow result or with a WinTitle argument")
        ControlClick("X" (x+w//2) " Y" (y+h//2), hWnd,, WhichButton?, ClickCount?, Options?)

     * Highlights an object on the screen with a red box
     * @param obj The object to highlight. which can be a OCR result object, Line, Word, or Object {x,y,w,h}
     * If this object (the one Highlight is called from) contains a "Relative" property (this is
     * added by default with OCR.FromWindow), then its values will be added to the x and y coordinates as offsets.
     * @param {number} showTime Default is 2 seconds.
     * * Unset - if highlighting exists then removes the highlighting
     * * 0 - Indefinite highlighting
     * * Positive integer (eg 2000) - will highlight and pause for the specified amount of time in ms
     * * Negative integer - will highlight for the specified amount of time in ms, but script execution will continue
     * @param {string} color The color of the highlighting. Default is red.
     * @param {number} d The border thickness of the highlighting in pixels. Default is 2.
     * @returns {OCR}
    Highlight(obj?, showTime:=2000, color:="Red", d:=2) {
        static guis := []
        if !IsSet(obj) {
            for _, r in guis
            guis := []
            return this
        if !guis.Length {
            Loop 4
                guis.Push(Gui("+AlwaysOnTop -Caption +ToolWindow -DPIScale +E0x08000000"))
        if Type(obj) = "OCR.OCRLine" || Type(obj) = "OCR"
            obj := OCR.WordsBoundingRect(obj.Words*)
        x := obj.x, y := obj.y, w := obj.w, h := obj.h
        if this.HasOwnProp("Relative")
            x += this.Relative.x, y += this.Relative.y

        Loop 4 {
            , x1:=(i=2 ? x+w : x-d)
            , y1:=(i=3 ? y+h : y-d)
            , w1:=(i=1 or i=3 ? w+2*d : d)
            , h1:=(i=2 or i=4 ? h+2*d : d)
            guis[i].BackColor := color
            guis[i].Show("NA x" . x1 . " y" . y1 . " w" . w1 . " h" . h1)
        if showTime > 0 {
        } else if showTime < 0
            SetTimer(this.GetMethod("Highlight"), -Abs(showTime))
        return this

     * Finds a string in the search results. Returns {x,y,w,h,Words} where Words contains an array of the matching Word objects.
     * @param needle The string to find
     * @param {number} i Which occurrence of needle to find
     * @param {number} casesense Comparison case-sensitivity. Default is False/Off.
     * @param wordCompareFunc Optionally a custom word comparison function. Accepts two arguments,
     *     neither of which should contain spaces
     * @returns {Object} 
    FindString(needle, i:=1, casesense:=False, wordCompareFunc?) {
        splitNeedle := StrSplit(RegExReplace(needle, " +", " "), " "), needleLen := splitNeedle.Length
        if !IsSet(wordCompareFunc)
            wordCompareFunc := casesense ? ((arg1, arg2) => arg1 == arg2) : ((arg1, arg2) => arg1 = arg2)
        for line in this.Lines {
            if InStr(l := line.Text, needle, casesense) {
                counter := 0, found := []
                for word in line.Words {
                    t := word.Text, len := StrLen(t)
                    if wordCompareFunc(splitNeedle[found.Length+1], t) {
                        if found.Length == needleLen {
                            if ++counter == i {
                                result := OCR.WordsBoundingRect(found*)
                                result.Words := found
                                return result
                            } else
                                found := []
                    } else
                        found := []
        throw TargetError('The target string "' needle '" was not found', -1)

    class OCRLine extends OCR.IBase {
        ; Gets the recognized text for the line.
        Text {
            get {
                ComCall(7, this, "ptr*", &hText:=0)   ; get_Text
                buf := DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer", "ptr", hText, "uint*", &length:=0, "ptr")
                text := StrGet(buf, "UTF-16")
                this.DefineProp("Text", {Value:text})
                return text

        ; Gets the Word objects for the line
        Words {
            get {
                ComCall(6, this, "ptr*", WordsList:=OCR.IBase())   ; get_Words
                ComCall(7, WordsList, "int*", &WordsCount:=0)   ; Words count
                words := []
                loop WordsCount {
                   ComCall(6, WordsList, "int", A_Index-1, "ptr*", OcrWord:=OCR.OCRWord())
                this.DefineProp("Words", {Value:words})
                return words

    class OCRWord extends OCR.IBase {
        ; Gets the recognized text for the word
        Text {
            get {
                ComCall(7, this, "ptr*", &hText:=0)   ; get_Text
                buf := DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer", "ptr", hText, "uint*", &length:=0, "ptr")
                text := StrGet(buf, "UTF-16")
                this.DefineProp("Text", {Value:text})
                return text

         * Gets the bounding rectangle of the text in {x,y,w,h} format. 
         * The bounding rectangles coordinate system will be dependant on the image capture method.
         * For example, if the image was captured as a rectangle from the screen, then the coordinates
         * will be relative to the left top corner of the rectangle.
        BoundingRect {
            get {
                ComCall(6, this, "ptr", RECT := Buffer(16, 0))   ; get_BoundingRect
                this.DefineProp("x", {Value:Integer(NumGet(RECT, 0, "float"))})
                , this.DefineProp("y", {Value:Integer(NumGet(RECT, 4, "float"))})
                , this.DefineProp("w", {Value:Integer(NumGet(RECT, 8, "float"))})
                , this.DefineProp("h", {Value:Integer(NumGet(RECT, 12, "float"))})
                return this.DefineProp("BoundingRect", {Value:{x:this.x, y:this.y, w:this.w, h:this.h}}).BoundingRect
        x {
            get => this.BoundingRect.x
        y {
            get => this.BoundingRect.y
        w {
            get => this.BoundingRect.w
        h {
            get => this.BoundingRect.h

     * Returns an OCR results object for an image file. Locations of the words will be relative to
     * the top left corner of the image.
     * @param FileName Either full or relative (to A_ScriptDir) path to the file.
     * @param lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @returns {Ocr} 
    static FromFile(FileName, lang?) {
        if (SubStr(FileName, 2, 1) != ":")
            FileName := A_ScriptDir "\" FileName
         if !FileExist(FileName) or InStr(FileExist(FileName), "D")
            throw TargetError("File `"" FileName "`" doesn't exist", -1)
         GUID := OCR.CLSIDFromString(OCR.IID_IRandomAccessStream)
         DllCall("ShCore\CreateRandomAccessStreamOnFile", "wstr", FileName, "uint", Read := 0, "ptr", GUID, "ptr*", IRandomAccessStream:=OCR.IBase())
         return OCR(IRandomAccessStream, lang?)

     * Returns an OCR results object for a given window. Locations of the words will be relative to the
     * window or client area, so for interactions use CoordMode "Window" or "Client".
     * @param WinTitle A window title or other criteria identifying the target window.
     * @param lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @param scale The scaling factor to use.
     * @param {Number} onlyClientArea Whether only the client area or the whole window should be OCR-d
     * @param {Number} mode Different methods of capturing the window. 0 = uses GetDC with BitBlt, 2 = uses PrintWindow. 
     * Add 1 to make a transparent window totally opaque. 
     * @returns {Ocr} 
    static FromWindow(WinTitle:="", lang?, scale:=1, onlyClientArea:=0, mode:=2) {
        if !(hWnd := WinExist(WinTitle))
            throw TargetError("Target window not found", -1)
        if DllCall("IsIconic", "uptr", hwnd)
            DllCall("ShowWindow", "uptr", hwnd, "int", 4)
        if mode&1 {
            oldStyle := WinGetExStyle(hwnd), i := 0
            WinSetTransparent(255, hwnd)
            While (WinGetTransparent(hwnd) != 255 && ++i < 30)
                Sleep 100
        If onlyClientArea {
            DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", rc:=Buffer(16))
            W := NumGet(rc, 8, "int"), H := NumGet(rc, 12, "int")
            pt:=Buffer(8, 0), NumPut("int64", 0, pt)
            DllCall("ClientToScreen", "Ptr", hwnd, "Ptr", pt)
            X:=NumGet(pt,"int"), Y:=NumGet(pt,4,"int")
        } else {
            rect := Buffer(16, 0)
            DllCall("GetWindowRect", "UPtr", hwnd, "Ptr", rect, "UInt")
            X := NumGet(rect, 0, "Int"), Y := NumGet(rect, 4, "Int")
            x2 := NumGet(rect, 8, "Int"), y2 := NumGet(rect, 12, "Int")
            W := Abs(Max(X, X2) - Min(X, X2))
            H := Abs(Max(Y, Y2) - Min(Y, Y2))
        hBitMap := OCR.CreateBitmap(X, Y, W, H, hWnd, scale, onlyClientArea, mode)
        if mode&1
            WinSetExStyle(oldStyle, hwnd)
        result := OCR(OCR.HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitMap), lang?)
        result.Relative := {X:X, Y:Y, Type:(onlyClientArea ? "Client" : "Window"), Hwnd:hWnd}
        OCR.NormalizeCoordinates(result, scale)
        return result

     * Returns an OCR results object for the whole desktop. Locations of the words will be relative to
     * the screen (CoordMode "Screen")
     * @param lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @returns {Ocr} 
    static FromDesktop(lang?, scale:=1) => OCR.FromRect(0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight, lang?, scale)

     * Returns an OCR results object for a region of the screen. Locations of the words will be relative
     * to the top left corner of the rectangle.
     * @param x Screen x coordinate
     * @param y Screen y coordinate
     * @param w Region width. Maximum is OCR.MaxImageDimension; minimum is 40 pixels (source: user FanaticGuru in AutoHotkey forums), smaller images will be scaled to at least 40 pixels.
     * @param h Region height. Maximum is OCR.MaxImageDimension; minimum is 40 pixels, smaller images will be scaled accordingly.
     * @param lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @param scale The scaling factor to use. Larger number (eg 2) might improve the accuracy
     *     of the OCR, at the cost of speed.
     * @returns {Ocr} 
    static FromRect(x, y, w, h, lang?, scale:=1) {
        hBitmap := OCR.CreateBitmap(X, Y, W, H,,scale)
        result := OCR(OCR.HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap), lang?)
        result.Relative := {x:x, y:y}
        return OCR.NormalizeCoordinates(result, scale)

     * Returns an OCR results object from a hBitmap object. Locations of the words will be relative
     * to the top left corner of the bitmap.
     * @param hBitmap An hBitmap pointer or an object with a ptr property
     * @param lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @returns {ocr} 
    static FromBitmap(hBitmap, lang?) => OCR(OCR.HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap), lang?)

     * Returns all available languages as a string, where the languages are separated by newlines.
     * @returns {String} 
    static GetAvailableLanguages() {
        static GlobalizationPreferencesStatics
        if !IsSet(GlobalizationPreferencesStatics)
            GlobalizationPreferencesStatics := OCR.CreateClass("Windows.System.UserProfile.GlobalizationPreferences", IGlobalizationPreferencesStatics := "{01BF4326-ED37-4E96-B0E9-C1340D1EA158}")
        ComCall(9, GlobalizationPreferencesStatics, "ptr*", &LanguageList:=0)   ; get_Languages
        ComCall(7, LanguageList, "int*", &count:=0)   ; count
        Loop count {
            ComCall(6, LanguageList, "int", A_Index-1, "ptr*", &hString:=0)   ; get_Item
            ComCall(6, this.LanguageFactory, "ptr", hString, "ptr*", &LanguageTest:=0)   ; CreateLanguage
            ComCall(8, this.OcrEngineStatics, "ptr", LanguageTest, "int*", &bool:=0)   ; IsLanguageSupported
            if (bool = 1) {
                ComCall(6, LanguageTest, "ptr*", &hText:=0)
                buf := DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer", "ptr", hText, "uint*", &length:=0, "ptr")
                text .= StrGet(buf, "UTF-16") "`n"
        return text

     * Loads a new language which will be used with subsequent OCR calls.
     * @param {string} lang OCR language. Default is first from available languages.
     * @returns {void} 
    static LoadLanguage(lang:="FirstFromAvailableLanguages") {
        if this.HasOwnProp("CurrentLanguage") && this.HasOwnProp("OcrEngine") && this.CurrentLanguage = lang
        if (lang = "FirstFromAvailableLanguages")
            ComCall(10, this.OcrEngineStatics, "ptr*", OcrEngine:=OCR.IBase())   ; TryCreateFromUserProfileLanguages
        else {
            hString := OCR.CreateHString(lang)
            ComCall(6, this.LanguageFactory, "ptr", hString, "ptr*", Language:=OCR.IBase())   ; CreateLanguage
            ComCall(9, this.OcrEngineStatics, "ptr", Language, "ptr*", OcrEngine:=OCR.IBase())   ; TryCreateFromLanguage
        if (OcrEngine.ptr = 0)
            Throw Error("Can not use language `"" lang "`" for OCR, please install language pack.")
        this.OcrEngine := OcrEngine, this.CurrentLanguage := lang

     * Returns a bounding rectangle {x,y,w,h} for the provided Word objects
     * @param words Word object arguments (at least 1)
     * @returns {Object}
    static WordsBoundingRect(words*) {
        if !words.Length
            throw ValueError("This function requires at least one argument")
        X1 := 100000000, Y1 := 100000000, X2 := -100000000, Y2 := -100000000
        for word in words {
            X1 := Min(word.x, X1), Y1 := Min(word.y, Y1), X2 := Max(word.x+word.w, X2), Y2 := Max(word.y+word.h, Y2)
        return {X:X1, Y:Y1, W:X2-X1, H:Y2-Y1, X2:X2, Y2:Y2}
     * Waits text to appear on screen. If the method is successful, then Func's return value is returned.
     * Otherwise nothing is returned.
     * @param needle The searched text
     * @param {number} timeout Timeout in milliseconds. Less than 0 is indefinite wait (default)
     * @param func The function to be called for the OCR. Default is OCR.FromDesktop
     * @param casesense Text comparison case-sensitivity
     * @param comparefunc A custom string compare/search function, that accepts two arguments: haystack and needle.
     *      Default is InStr. If a custom function is used, then casesense is ignored.
     * @returns {OCR} 
    static WaitText(needle, timeout:=-1, func?, casesense:=False, comparefunc?) {
        endTime := A_TickCount+timeout
        if !IsSet(func)
            func := OCR.FromDesktop
        if !IsSet(comparefunc)
            comparefunc := InStr.Bind(,,casesense)
        While timeout > 0 ? (A_TickCount < endTime) : 1 {
            result := func()
            if comparefunc(result.Text, needle)
                return result

    ;; Only internal methods ahead

    static CreateDIBSection(w, h, hdc?, bpp:=32, &ppvBits:=0) {
        hdc2 := IsSet(hdc) ? hdc : DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
        bi := Buffer(40, 0)
        NumPut("int", 40, "int", w, "int", h, "ushort", 1, "ushort", bpp, "int", 0, bi)
        hbm := DllCall("CreateDIBSection", "uint", hdc2, "ptr" , bi, "uint" , 0, "uint*", &ppvBits:=0, "uint" , 0, "uint" , 0)
        if !IsSet(hdc)
            DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", hdc2)
        return hbm

    static CreateBitmap(X, Y, W, H, hWnd := 0, scale:=1, onlyClientArea:=0, mode:=2) {
        static CAPTUREBLT
        if !IsSet(CAPTUREBLT) {
            DllCall("Dwmapi\DwmIsCompositionEnabled", "Int*", &compositionEnabled:=0)
            CAPTUREBLT:= compositionEnabled ? 0 : 0x40000000
        sW := W*scale, sH := H*scale
        if hWnd {
            if mode < 2 {
                X := 0, Y := 0
                HDC := DllCall("GetDCEx", "Ptr", hWnd, "Ptr", 0, "int", 2|!onlyClientArea, "Ptr")
            } else {
                hbm := OCR.CreateDIBSection(W, H)
                hdc := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
                obm := DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", HDC, "Ptr", HBM)
                DllCall("PrintWindow", "uint", hwnd, "uint", hdc, "uint", 2|!!onlyClientArea)
                if scale != 1 {
                    PDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr", HDC, "UPtr")
                    hbm2 := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "Ptr", HDC, "Int", sW, "Int", sH, "UPtr")
                    DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", PDC, "Ptr", HBM2)
                    DllCall("StretchBlt", "Ptr", PDC, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", sW, "Int", sH, "Ptr", HDC, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", W, "Int", H, "UInt", 0x00CC0020 | CAPTUREBLT) ; SRCCOPY
                    DllCall("DeleteDC", "Ptr", PDC)
                    DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", HBM)
                    hbm := hbm2
                DllCall("DeleteDC", "Ptr", HDC)
                return OCR.IBase(HBM).DefineProp("__Delete", {call:(*)=>DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", HBM)})
        } else {
            HDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
        HBM := DllCall("CreateCompatibleBitmap", "Ptr", HDC, "Int", Max(40,sW), "Int", Max(40,sH), "UPtr")
        PDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Ptr", HDC, "UPtr")
        DllCall("SelectObject", "Ptr", PDC, "Ptr", HBM)
        if sW < 40 || sH < 40 ; Fills the bitmap so it's at least 40x40, which seems to improve recognition
            DllCall("StretchBlt", "Ptr", PDC, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", Max(40,sW), "Int", Max(40,sH), "Ptr", HDC, "Int", X, "Int", Y, "Int", 1, "Int", 1, "UInt", 0x00CC0020 | CAPTUREBLT) ; SRCCOPY. 
        DllCall("StretchBlt", "Ptr", PDC, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", sW, "Int", sH, "Ptr", HDC, "Int", X, "Int", Y, "Int", W, "Int", H, "UInt", 0x00CC0020 | CAPTUREBLT) ; SRCCOPY
        DllCall("DeleteDC", "Ptr", PDC)
        DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", HDC)
        return OCR.IBase(HBM).DefineProp("__Delete", {call:(*)=>DllCall("DeleteObject", "UPtr", HBM)})

    static HBitmapToRandomAccessStream(hBitmap) {
        static PICTYPE_BITMAP := 1
             , BSOS_DEFAULT   := 0
             , sz := 8 + A_PtrSize*2
        DllCall("Ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "Ptr", 0, "UInt", true, "Ptr*", pIStream:=OCR.IBase(), "UInt")
        PICTDESC := Buffer(sz, 0)
        NumPut("uint", sz, "uint", PICTYPE_BITMAP, "ptr", IsInteger(hBitmap) ? hBitmap : hBitmap.ptr, PICTDESC)
        riid := OCR.CLSIDFromString(OCR.IID_IPicture)
        DllCall("OleAut32\OleCreatePictureIndirect", "Ptr", PICTDESC, "Ptr", riid, "UInt", 0, "Ptr*", pIPicture:=OCR.IBase(), "UInt")
        ; IPicture::SaveAsFile
        ComCall(15, pIPicture, "Ptr", pIStream, "UInt", true, "uint*", &size:=0, "UInt")
        riid := OCR.CLSIDFromString(OCR.IID_IRandomAccessStream)
        DllCall("ShCore\CreateRandomAccessStreamOverStream", "Ptr", pIStream, "UInt", BSOS_DEFAULT, "Ptr", riid, "Ptr*", pIRandomAccessStream:=OCR.IBase(), "UInt")
        Return pIRandomAccessStream

    static DisplayHBitmap(hBitmap, W:=640, H:=640) {
        gImage := Gui()
        hPic := gImage.Add("Text", "0xE w" W " h" H)
        SendMessage(0x172, 0, hBitmap,, hPic.Hwnd)
        WinWaitClose gImage

    static CreateClass(str, interface?) {
        hString := OCR.CreateHString(str)
        if !IsSet(interface) {
            result := DllCall("Combase.dll\RoActivateInstance", "ptr", hString, "ptr*", cls:=OCR.IBase(), "uint")
        } else {
            GUID := OCR.CLSIDFromString(interface)
            result := DllCall("Combase.dll\RoGetActivationFactory", "ptr", hString, "ptr", GUID, "ptr*", cls:=OCR.IBase(), "uint")
        if (result != 0) {
            if (result = 0x80004002)
                throw Error("No such interface supported", -1, interface)
            else if (result = 0x80040154)
                throw Error("Class not registered", -1)
                throw Error(result)
        return cls
    static CreateHString(str) => (DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsCreateString", "wstr", str, "uint", StrLen(str), "ptr*", &hString:=0), hString)
    static DeleteHString(hString) => DllCall("Combase.dll\WindowsDeleteString", "ptr", hString)
    static WaitForAsync(&obj) {
        AsyncInfo := ComObjQuery(obj, OCR.IID_IAsyncInfo)
        Loop {
            ComCall(7, AsyncInfo, "uint*", &status:=0)   ; IAsyncInfo.Status
            if (status != 0) {
                if (status != 1) {
                    ComCall(8, ASyncInfo, "uint*", &ErrorCode:=0)   ; IAsyncInfo.ErrorCode
                    throw Error("AsyncInfo failed with status error " ErrorCode, -1)
          Sleep 10
        ComCall(8, obj, "ptr*", ObjectResult:=OCR.IBase())   ; GetResults
        obj := ObjectResult

    static CloseIClosable(pClosable) {
        static IClosable := "{30D5A829-7FA4-4026-83BB-D75BAE4EA99E}"
        Close := ComObjQuery(pClosable, IClosable)
        ComCall(6, Close)   ; Close
        if !IsObject(pClosable)

    static CLSIDFromString(IID) {
        CLSID := Buffer(16)
        if res := DllCall("ole32\CLSIDFromString", "WStr", IID, "Ptr", CLSID, "UInt")
           throw Error("CLSIDFromString failed. Error: " . Format("{:#x}", res))
        Return CLSID

    static NormalizeCoordinates(result, scale) {
        if scale != 1 {
            for word in result.Words
                word.x := Integer(word.x / scale), word.y := Integer(word.y / scale), word.w := Integer(word.w / scale), word.h := Integer(word.h / scale), word.BoundingRect := {X:word.x, Y:word.y, W:word.w, H:word.h}
        return result
This is also how you can use teadrinker's Translate library:
It will translate the text read with Ocr into the specified language.

Code: Select all

; Snipper - Extension - OCR
; Version: 2023 12 20
Extensions.Push({ Translate: { Text: 'Translate: Translate to Turkish', Func: GoogleTranslateWrapperToTr } })

Extensions.Push({ Translate: { Text: 'Translate: Translate to English', Func: GoogleTranslateWrapperToEn } })

GoogleTranslateWrapperToTr(Borders := false)
ocrReturn := OCR2ToReturn()
Translatetext := GoogleTranslate(ocrReturn, &from := 'auto',"tr") 
;MsgBox 'from: ' . from . '`ntranslate: ' . Translatetext, 'from auto to English'
;MsgBox Translatetext

GoogleTranslateWrapperToEn(Borders := false)
ocrReturn := OCR2ToReturn()
Translatetext := GoogleTranslate(ocrReturn, &from := 'auto',"en") 
;MsgBox 'from: ' . from . '`ntranslate: ' . Translatetext, 'from auto to English'
;MsgBox Translatetext

GoogleTranslate(str, from := 'auto', to := 'en', &variants := '') {
    static JS := ObjBindMethod(GetJsObject(), 'eval'), _ := JS(GetJScript())
    json := SendRequest(str, Type(from) = 'VarRef' ? %from% : from, to)
    return ExtractTranslation(json, from, &variants)

    GetJsObject() {
        static document := '', JS
        if !document {
            document := ComObject('HTMLFILE')
            document.write('<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9">')
            JS := document.parentWindow
            (document.documentMode < 9 && JS.execScript())
        return JS

    GetJScript() {
        return '
        ( Join
            var TKK="406398.2087938574";function b(r,_){for(var t=0;t<_.length-2;t+=3){var $=_.charAt(t+2),$="a"<=$?$
            .charCodeAt(0)-87:Number($),$="+"==_.charAt(t+1)?r>>>$:r<<$;r="+"==_.charAt(t)?r+$&4294967295:r^$}return r}
            function tk(r){for(var _=TKK.split("."),t=Number(_[0])||0,$=[],a=0,h=0;h<r.length;h++){var n=r.charCodeAt(h);
            [a++]=n>>6&63|128),$[a++]=63&n|128)}for(a=0,r=t;a<$.length;a++)r+=$[a],r=b(r,"+-a^+6");return r=b(r,

    SendRequest(str, sl, tl) {
        static WR := ''
             , headers := Map('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8',
                              'User-Agent'  , 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:47.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/47.0')
        if !WR {
            WR := WebRequest()
            WR.Fetch('',, headers)
        url := ''
             . '&sl=' . sl . '&tl=' . tl . '&hl=' . tl
             . '&dt=at&dt=bd&dt=ex&dt=ld&dt=md&dt=qca&dt=rw&dt=rm&dt=ss&dt=t&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&otf=0&ssel=0&tsel=0&pc=1&kc=1'
             . '&tk=' . JS('tk')(str)
        return WR.Fetch(url, 'POST', headers, 'q=' . JS('encodeURIComponent')(str))

    ExtractTranslation(json, from, &variants) {
        jsObj := JS('(' . json . ')')
        if !IsObject(jsObj.1) {
            Loop jsObj.0.length {
                variants .= jsObj.0.%A_Index - 1%.0
        } else {
            mainTrans := jsObj.0.0.0
            Loop jsObj.1.length {
                variants .= '`n+'
                obj := jsObj.1.%A_Index - 1%.1
                Loop obj.length {
                    txt := obj.%A_Index - 1%
                    variants .= (mainTrans = txt ? '' : '`n' . txt)
        if !IsObject(jsObj.1)
            mainTrans := variants := Trim(variants, ',+`n ')
            variants := mainTrans . '`n+`n' . Trim(variants, ',+`n ')

        (Type(from) = 'VarRef' && %from% := jsObj.8.3.0)
        return mainTrans

class WebRequest
    __New() {
        this.whr := ComObject('WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1')

    __Delete() {
        this.whr := ''

    Fetch(url, method := 'GET', HeadersMap := '', body := '', getRawData := false) {
        this.whr.Open(method, url, true)
        for name, value in HeadersMap
            this.whr.SetRequestHeader(name, value)
        this.error := ''
        status := this.whr.status
        if (status != 200)
            this.error := 'HttpRequest error, status: ' . status . ' — ' . this.whr.StatusText
        SafeArray := this.whr.responseBody
        pData := NumGet(ComObjValue(SafeArray) + 8 + A_PtrSize, 'Ptr')
        length := SafeArray.MaxIndex() + 1
        if !getRawData
            res := StrGet(pData, length, 'UTF-8')
        else {
            outData := Buffer(length, 0)
            DllCall('RtlMoveMemory', 'Ptr', outData, 'Ptr', pData, 'Ptr', length)
            res := outData
        return res

Simple Gui that I made to view and edit without copying to clipboard:

Code: Select all

;Translatetext := "Transtex"
    ;AutoGUI 2.5.8 creator: Alguimist
    ;AHKv2converter creator:

    myGui := Gui()
    guiHeightStart := 300
    guiWidthtStart := 600
    myGui.OnEvent("Size", GuiSize)
    myGui.Opt("+Resize -MinimizeBox  +AlwaysOnTop +OwnDialogs +Owner")
    ogcButtonCopy := myGui.Add("Button", "x" guiWidthtStart - 82 " y" guiHeightStart - 25 " w80 h23", "&Copy")
    ogcButtonClose := myGui.Add("Button", "x" guiWidthtStart - 166 " y" guiHeightStart - 25 " w80 h23", "&Close")
    Edit1 := myGui.Add("Edit", "x0 y-3 w" guiWidthtStart " h" guiHeightStart - 25 " +Multi")
    ogcButtonCopy.OnEvent("Click", EditCopy)
    ogcButtonClose.OnEvent("Click", GuiClose)
    Edit1.OnEvent("Change", OnEventHandler)
    myGui.OnEvent('Close', (*) => GuiClose())
    myGui.Title := "Show Text"
    myGui.Show("w" guiWidthtStart "  h" guiHeightStart " ")
    Edit1.Text := ParamText
    GuiSize(thisGui, MinMax, A_GuiWidth, A_GuiHeight)
    { ; V1toV2: Added bracket

        If (A_EventInfo == 1) {
        ogcButtonCopy.Move(A_GuiWidth - 82,A_GuiHeight - 25)
        ogcButtonClose.Move(A_GuiWidth - 166,A_GuiHeight - 25)
        Edit1.Move(0,0,A_GuiWidth,A_GuiHeight -25)

    } ; V1toV2: Added bracket before function


        A_Clipboard := Edit1.Text

    ;	ToolTip("Click! This is a sample action.`n"
    ;	. "Active GUI element values include:`n"  
    ;	. "ogcButtonCopy => " ogcButtonCopy.Text "`n" 
    ;	. "ogcButtonClose => " ogcButtonClose.Text "`n" 
    ;	. "Edit1 => " Edit1.Value "`n", 77, 277)
    ;	SetTimer () => ToolTip(), -3000 ; tooltip timer

Status of Added Plugins:
; #Include Snipper - Extension - Acrobat.ahk
; #Include Snipper - Extension - Word.ahk
; #Include Snipper - Extension - Outlook.ahk
#Include Snipper - Extension - TextShowOnGui.ahk

#include Snipper - Extension - OCR.ahk
#include Snipper - Extension - Google Translate.ahk
image.png (76.79 KiB) Viewed 1948 times
image.png (14.66 KiB) Viewed 1948 times
I collected the hepzine in a zip file:
Snipper - Extension - TextShowOn Ocrt To
(20.89 KiB) Downloaded 87 times
I haven't dealt with Autohotkey for a long time, this is my first time with V2. Please be aware that things can go wrong.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

01 Jan 2024, 06:07

A tip:

I was having trouble taking a screenshot of some tooltips, so I thought I'd use it in conjunction with the built-in snipping tool. This works.
Press Win+Shift+S to make the built-in snipping tool overlay the screen, then hold down the Windows key and drag the mouse to capture the tooltip without losing it. The only problem is that Snipper's lines don't come out when drawing the screen, but the image is captured successfully. Maybe it can be turned into a plugin.

Translated with (free version)
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Joined: 03 Jan 2024, 06:33

Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

03 Jan 2024, 06:43

Hello everyone,

This tool seems great to me but like these colleagues I also need to be able to draw squares to highlight parts of the captured image with a fixed color and the possibility of blurring other parts to hide confidential information from the capture. I've been looking for how to do it but I've only been making ahk scripts for a month and I'm not able to. Any clue on how to do it? I haven't found any plug-in that does it.

Thank you all!

Krd wrote:
24 Aug 2023, 03:19
I would also like some kind of brush, pen, paint, or anything that marks the snipped image.

It would be much easier to use something like this rather than Windows Paint in many cases.

FG, do you consider implementing anything of this kind in the future? :)
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

03 Jan 2024, 07:10

@Insaid — There are free tools like Greenshot that do what you are seeking.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

03 Jan 2024, 08:16

Thank you for answering so quickly!

I know some of these tools but in my corporate environment I am not allowed to download and run applications but I have managed to get Autohotkey approved, which would be a perfect solution for me.
boiler wrote:
03 Jan 2024, 07:10
@Insaid — There are free tools like Greenshot that do what you are seeking.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

03 Jan 2024, 10:02

It’s a shame your company would rather have you spend time creating the equivalent of existing tools from scratch for something you and your colleagues need rather than having IT review and revise their policies or at least approve tools necessary for your job.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

03 Jan 2024, 11:59


I totally agree with you but I have to look for an alternative. I have worked for many years in the same company and I know that I cannot change it. At least now I have the option of getting an alternative thanks to Autohotkey. I hope that someone with the same needs but more knowledge can make a plug-in that works for us. While I will continue learning to try to do it myself when I have enough knowledge.
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

04 Jan 2024, 05:34

Insaid wrote:
03 Jan 2024, 11:59

I totally agree with you but I have to look for an alternative. I have worked for many years in the same company and I know that I cannot change it. At least now I have the option of getting an alternative thanks to Autohotkey. I hope that someone with the same needs but more knowledge can make a plug-in that works for us. While I will continue learning to try to do it myself when I have enough knowledge.
Actually, it wouldn't be too difficult to manipulate this tool. You can put snips on top of each other and quote them collectively in a new one. You can adjust the transparency with a small plugin. There are also resizing and duplication plugins available.

Another simple plugin can be made for the highlight line at the top.
image.png (23.01 KiB) Viewed 1393 times
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

04 Jan 2024, 10:48

Thanks for your tips. I will review the existing code well and try to do what I need although I think I have to learn something more. If I get it I will share the code here for whoever may need it. I found this code for the blur: viewtopic.php?f=76&t=119389
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Joined: 09 Dec 2020, 17:48

Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

08 Jan 2024, 23:46

when set Quality in SaveBitmapToFile
it will throw error in this line

Code: Select all

NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, _p + 0, "UPtr") + 20, "UInt"), "UPtr"), "UInt")
Type need put in first
I just put type in the first par,but not work
I dont know which is Number,Target,Offset
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Location: İstanbul

Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

09 Jan 2024, 04:19


Code: Select all

can be hidden from the Alt+Tab and Win+Tab menu using the Alt+Tab property.
This is how it was in Ahk v1 Version. Is there any reason not to make it default? Would you consider adding it to the settings menu?
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

09 Jan 2024, 15:51

Updated in First Post

Change Log: 2024 01 09
  • Fixed bug in Gdip SaveBitMapToFile when setting image quality
  • Added Settings_Image_Quality to DEFAULT SETTING - VARIABLES section to set image quality
  • Added Settings_ToolWindow to DEFAULT SETTING - VARIABLES section so Snips can be set to be hidden from the taskbar

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

09 Jan 2024, 15:59

hasantr wrote:
09 Jan 2024, 04:19

Code: Select all

can be hidden from the Alt+Tab and Win+Tab menu using the Alt+Tab property.
This is how it was in Ahk v1 Version. Is there any reason not to make it default? Would you consider adding it to the settings menu?

I like having an icon on the taskbar when I have a Snip created but I added a setting for it. At some point I might expand the Gui Settings dialog to allow it to be changed on the fly.

It would be nice to have all the Settings_ variables adjustable through a dialog. I just find creating Gui tedious. I will probably eventually do it though.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
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Re: Snipper - Window Snipping Tool

09 Jan 2024, 16:09

viv wrote:
08 Jan 2024, 23:46
when set Quality in SaveBitmapToFile
it will throw error in this line

Code: Select all

NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, _p + 0, "UPtr") + 20, "UInt"), "UPtr"), "UInt")
Type need put in first
I just put type in the first par,but not work
I dont know which is Number,Target,Offset

Fixed. This bug seems to be in every conversion of the Gdip library to v2 that I looked at. The confusion is probably because NumPut and NumGet changed from v1 to v2 beta and then again for v2 release.

Kind of sad there is not a rock solid Gdip v2 out there. I have searched and every one I have found has numerous conversion bugs. It is one reason I created the class of select Gdip functions used in Snipper.

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