Selecting a tab in another program

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Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 11:12

Hello all,

First post here but I have a lot of experience with other message boards (for Excel, IBM Cognos TM1, ...)

I want to automate a tedious task in IBM Cogos TM1, Turbo Integrator. I can automate almost everything but I am stuck with 1 thing.

A little background
The editor for Turbo Integrator (shown on the picture) is really crap. It's the most basic editor one can imagine.
So I want to copy/paste existing code from Turbo Integrator to Notepad++. I have a language add-on for TM1 in Notepad++.
I also need to remove those 2 lines with #####Generated statements#####
00.JPG (51.89 KiB) Viewed 8652 times
To be able to copy/paste back from Notepad++ to Turbo Integrator, I have a second script.
When copying from Turbo Integrator to Notepad++ I add the Window title of the Turbo Integrator window as the first line in Notepad++. That way, I know which window to use when transferring back the code.

Problem case
However, the Turbo Integrator process has 4 tabs (Prolog, Metadata, Data, Epilog).
If I'm working in Notepad++ and I change the focus in Turbo Integrator to 1 of the other tabs, my AHK script will overwrite code in the wrong tab !
This is a big problem because I might loose 5 to hundreds of lines of coding.

I used the AU3_Spy.exe tool to inspect the tab names (Prolog, Metadata, Data, Epilog).
Until now I could not get the name of the ACTIVE tab (Prolog, Metadata, Data, Epilog).
The spy does not give other information, except for the relative mouse position. (I can use AHK to send a left-click on a relative position if that's useful)

Does anyone a way to know how to retrieve that information: Prolog, Metadata, Data, Epilog ? Just as plain text.
Or any other way such that I can copy back code in the correct tab. I can activate the correct tab first with a single left-click.

Thanks a lot, it's the last step that is missing from my AHK script that saves a LOT of time !

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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 11:43

So the issue boils down to being able to click the correct tab that you need.

1) It looks like these tabs are in static position. If you record someplace in notepad++ what tab the code came from in TI, I would imagine it would be fine to do a single left-click at the coordinates tied to that tab. If the tab is already active, is there any harm in clicking on the active tab? If there isn't, just make this an action that's always done - click the tab. Whether this click is done when the window is active (CoordMode, Mouse, Window/Relative) or if you use ControlClick to confirm the correct tab while the TI window is inactive is up to you.

2) But that leaves the issue of figuring out what tab is active.

Are there any signatures within the code that clues you in to the type of code it is? You could do a RegEx() or InStr() search for that signature, or if there's any different syntax unique to each.

Alternatively, I would consider a process of saving the TI code you want, then cycling from the first tab to the last tab and retrieving the text and seeing if they are equal. That is, if you're on the Metadata tab, copy it to clipboard. In AHK, copy the clipboard to variable "target" or whatever you want to call it. Then have AHK click on Parameters tab, copy that text to clipboard, and check if (clipboard=target). If it does match, great, you know what tab you're on -- unless it is possible for any two (or more) of those five tabs to have the exact same code for any reason.

The last alternative I can think of is if the active tab, in combination with the four inactive tabs, are visually distinguishable. You can use an ImageSearch to look for 5 images of the tab bar for those 5 tabs to figure out what one is active. That is, to set up, activate Parameters and use snipping tool to take a picture of all 5 tabs, and save it somewhere. Do the same for the other four being active. Then you can use ImageSearch for each of those 5 images, and whichever one comes back with a match, you know that is the currently active tab.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 11:49

I have provided various bits of information re. tab controls, I think that the best solution is probably to use Acc, code for which is at the bottom. Btw it's always worth trying the AccViewer window spy.

Code: Select all

q:: ;tab control - focus
;e.g. Internet Explorer: Tools, Internet Options
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
SendMessage, 0x1304,,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_GETITEMCOUNT := 0x1304
vTabCount := ErrorLevel
MsgBox, % vTabCount
;index is 0-based
Loop, % vTabCount
	SendMessage, 0x1330, % A_Index-1,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_SETCURFOCUS := 0x1330
	Sleep 100

w:: ;tab control - get text / is visible
;if I enumerate controls before navigating through them it lists:
;#327701	Advanced

;if I enumerate controls after navigating through them it lists:
;#327701	Advanced
;#327702	General
;#327703	Security
;#327704	Privacy
;#327705	Content
;#327706	Connections
;#327707	Programs

WinGet, hWnd, ID, A

;this control loop method has disadvantages:
;the order and number of controls listed
;depends on the tabs previously and currently focused
vOutput := ""
	ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, % "#32770" A_Index, % "ahk_id " hWnd
	if !hCtl
	ControlGetText, vText, % "#32770" A_Index, % "ahk_id " hWnd
	vOutput .= "#32770" A_Index "`t" vText "`r`n"
MsgBox, % vOutput

ControlGetText, vText, #327701, % "ahk_id " hWnd
ControlGet, vIsVisible, Visible,, #327701, % "ahk_id " hWnd
MsgBox, % vIsVisible " " vText

;tab control - get text via TCM_GETITEM:
;[AHK_L] ControlGetTabs() - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community

;Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community

e:: ;tab control - get text/focus tab via the Acc library
ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, SysTabControl321, A
oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "4", 0, "ahk_id " hCtl)
vSep := "`r`n"
vOutput := ""
Loop, % oAcc.accChildCount
	vOutput .= oAcc.accName(A_Index) vSep
vOutput := SubStr(vOutput, 1, -StrLen(vSep))
MsgBox, % vOutput

oAcc := ""
Btw did you notice that someone asked a question on tabs, if so, asking a question on that basis, was probably a good idea, because all the info was fresh in my head. Although it could have been coincidence.
Count number of tabs in active window - AutoHotkey Community

Btw also, how do you feel about official MS help websites, I normally find that they have very poor or counterproductive, even dangerous advice for people, including suggestions like try reinstalling MS Office. Quite often those are exactly the sorts of questions that people on the AHK forum give the *right* answer to.

I find many of the answers to be irresponsible, or that they seem to have had almost no thought put towards them, I would also have to guess that the users have probably never used the said software, based on the responses, is there some pressure to provide some vague, 'might be helpful' response? In summary I see answers from people who appear never to have experienced a non-obvious problem or query re. MS Office.

Best of luck re. tab controls, they can be quite fiddly re. control enumeration, as I showed in one of my examples.
Last edited by jeeswg on 05 Jun 2017, 12:04, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 12:00

Hello Exaskryz

Thank you for your comments.

1) I can confirm what you wrote. And I can already click on a tab (it works). So you are right, the idea is to save the tab name on the first line of Notepad++ and I copy back everything except for the first line.
2) True, the challenge is to get the active tab. I thought about the 2 first suggestions as well. ImageSearch is new to me, I will look at that.
As for the signature: no, it's all plain text. While some statements can only occur on 1 tab, there is not guarantee whatsoever. Also, tabs can be empty (except for the 2 ###generated statements####) so comparing text in tab is not feasible.
Suggestion 2 seems to be the most valuable one, but tabs can be empty. And actually we want them to be empty because Turbo Integrator is an ETL tool and if there is any code in a tab, TI will process the data source (large relational tables e.g.) while it might not be needed.

Is there a way to save the text contents of a tab in the clipboard or a variable, without doing an explicit copy action (like sending ^a and then ^c ) ?

Thanks a lot !
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 12:04

Thank you jeeswg too !

Indeed, I looked at that topic, and tried some of the suggestions. The tab count was always 1 (instead of 5 I would think).
I will put more effort in my tests, though, and trying to understand what the scripts are doing. The spy was not helpful for me (in this case) and it's due to TM1 I guess, not due to the spy.

MS help websites are indeed rather poor (at least for Excel, my forte) and I tend to go to the well-known message boards rather than to MS websites.
Sometimes people are keen on gathering many posts, even if it's bullshit they're writing.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 13:18


Unfortunately Acc and AccViewer don't bring much progress to me in this case.

I will approach my solution as follows:
- when copying from TI to Notepad++, I use an InputBox. I type 1, 2, 3, 4 (1 = Prolog, 2 = Metadata, 3 = Data, 4 = Epilog)
- I store that information in the first line of the text file in Notepad++, as well as the Window caption of TI (to be able to copy back)
- when copying from Notepad++ to TI, I use the information in the first line to know where to paste. I do a left mouse click on the correct tab based on a relative position

After that, I will try an upgrade of the function. I cycle through the 4 tabs. If only 1 tab matches the contents of the active tab, it's fine. I know the tab name.
If 2 or more tabs match the contents of the active tab, I will use an InputBox like above.

Only remaining question for now:
Is there a way to save the text contents of a tab in a variable, without doing an explicit copy action (like sending ^a and then ^c ) and putting the clipboard in a variable ?

Thanks !
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 13:20

Wigi wrote:Is there a way to save the text contents of a tab in the clipboard or a variable, without doing an explicit copy action (like sending ^a and then ^c ) ?
You might be able to use ControlGetText depending on how Window Spy reports on the name of the control.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 13:25

Good suggestion, I will try that !
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 13:28

@Wigi: What ClassNN does the window spy give for the tab control (e.g. SysTabControl321, SysTabControl322)? Plus thanks for your response re. the MS forums.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 13:34


I was about to type what I found for the ClassNN using the window Spy:
the textbox for the Prolog is Edit1
the textbox for the Metadata is Edit2
the textbox for the Data is Edit3
the textbox for the Epilog is Edit4

So I guess I can make the distinction :-)
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 13:47

It looks like it's not a standard tab control.

I'd be interested in the ClassNN for 'Parameters', 'Data Source'/'Variables' etc and the text box with '#****Begin:' etc.

Try this and paste back what you've found. Note: do redact any information if preferred.

Code: Select all

WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
WinGet, vCtlList, ControlList, % "ahk_id " hWnd
vOutput := ""
Loop, Parse, vCtlList, `n
	vCtlClassNN := A_LoopField
	ControlGetText, vText, % vCtlClassNN, % "ahk_id " hWnd
	vText := StrReplace(vText, "`r", " ")
	vText := StrReplace(vText, "`n", " ")
	if (StrLen(vText) > 50)
		vText := SubStr(vText, 1, 50) "..."
	vOutput .= RTrim(vCtlClassNN "`t" vText) "`r`n"
	;vOutput .= vCtlClassNN "`t" RTrim(vText) "`r`n"

Clipboard := vOutput
MsgBox, % "done"
Btw if you use AccViewer(/the Acc library), there may be some information that can identify what the active tab is.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 14:13

While searching for an option to prevent a manual c&p event between TI and N++ I've found this (which is off topic) but might make sense in another TI context.
So, just for the records ...
TI Helper is an Auto Hot Key script that can be used to enhance the options in the IBM Cognos TM1 Turbo Integrator (TI) process editor. It gives short cuts and options to generate code when using the TI editor.

Found [here]
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 14:58

jeeswg wrote:I'd be interested in the ClassNN for 'Parameters', 'Data Source'/'Variables' etc and the text box with '#****Begin:' etc.
ClassNN for the Parameters tab is AfxWnd100u1.

The output for your code, thanks for that, is:

Code: Select all

#327701	Turbo Integrator
#327702	Advanced
Button1	Insert Function
Button2	Goto Line...
SysTabControl321	Tab1
Static1	Parameter Grid
Edit1	  #****Begin: Generated Statements***  #****End: Generated Statements****      tab = 'PROLOG';
Edit2	  #****Begin: Generated Statements***  #****End: Generated Statements****      tab = 'METADATA';
Edit3	  #****Begin: Generated Statements***  #****End: Generated Statements****      tab = 'DATA';
Edit4	  #****Begin: Generated Statements***  #****End: Generated Statements****      tab = 'EPILOG';
Button3	Insert
Button4	Delete
#327703	Variables
Static2	Variables Grid
Button5	New Variable
Button6	Delete
#327704	Data Source
Edit5	D:\Wim\TM1\TI processes\__All files in data
Button7	Browse...
Edit6	D:\Wim\TM1\TI processes\__All files in data
Button8	&Delimited
Button9	Fi&xed Width
Button10	&Tab
Button11	&Space
Button12	Comm&a
Button13	Semico&lon
Button14	Othe&r
Button15	Set Field Width
Edit10	"
Edit12	,
Button16	&Preview
Button17	Datasource Type
Static3	Transformer Grid Control
Button18	Log on
Button19	Signons
Static4	Source:
Button21	Browse...
Button22	Edit...
Button23	Edit Query...
Button24	Prompts...
Button25	Preview...
Static5	Data Source Name:
Static6	Data Source Name       On Server:
Static7	UserName:
Static8	Password:
Static9	Query:
Button26	Delimiter Type
Button27	Delimiter
Static10	Quote Char:
Static11	Number of title records:
Button28	Number Delimiters
Static12	Decimal Separator:
Static13	Thousand separator:
Static14	Preview
Static15	ODBO Cube containing dimension:
Static16	Cube Dimensions:
Static17	TM1 Dimension to load
Button29	ODBO Filter ...
Button30	TM1 Dimension Action
Button31	Create Dimension
Button32	Recreate Dimension
Button33	Update Dimension
Button34	Dont Load
SysTabControl322	Tab1
SysTabControl323	Tab1
Button35	Connect
Static18	SAP Variables Grid Will Appear Here
SysTabControl324	Tab1
Static19	ODBO Connection Grid
Static20	Dimension Hierarchy load plan for Cube:
Static21	Sales
Static22	Load Plan Grid
Static23	MDX Query:
Static24	Select ODBO Cube to load From:
Static25	Select TM1 Cube to load To:
Button36	TM1 Cube Action
Button37	Create Cube
Button38	Recreate Cube
Button39	Update Cube
Button40	No Action
Button41	Data Action
Button42	Store Values
Button43	Accumulate Values
Button44	Zero Out Portion of Target Cube
Static26	View:
Button45	...
Button46	Reload
Button47	Enable Cube Logging
Button48	Physical Cube
Button49	Virtual Cube
Button50	Cube Type
Button51	O&DBO
ComboBox7	Cube
Button52	&IBM Cognos TM1
ComboBox8	Cube View
Button53	IBM &Cognos Package
ComboBox9	Package
Button54	T&ext
Button55	&ODBC
Button56	&None
Button57	Use Unicode
Button58	&SAP
ComboBox10	InfoCube
Static27	Ruler goes here
#327705	Turbo Integrator
#327706	Connection
Static28	Transformer Grid Control
Button59	Signons
Button60	Log on
Button61	OK
Button62	Cancel
Button63	&Apply
Button64	Help
#327707	Turbo Integrator
#327708	Connection
Static29	SAP Grid Control
Button65	Connect
Button66	OK
Button67	Cancel
Button68	&Apply
Button69	Help
#327709	Schedule
Button70	Schedule  this  Process as a  Chore  Named:
Edit23	_
Button71	Chore Start Date and Time:
Static30	Date:
Static31	Local Time:
SysDateTimePick321	18:14:07
Button72	Chore Frequency:
Edit24	0
Static32	Days
Edit25	0
Static33	Hours
Edit26	0
Static34	Minutes
Edit27	0
Static35	Seconds
Button73	Specify Parameters for Process...
Static36	Run Every:
Static37	GMT time:
Static38	2017/06/05  16:14:07
Button74	OK
Button75	Cancel
Button76	&Apply
Button77	Help
msctls_statusbar321	Ready
So I can see the contents of the 4 tabs.
Now I will try to determine the active tab.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 14:59

BoBo wrote:While searching for an option to prevent a manual c&p event between TI and N++ I've found this (which is off topic) but might make sense in another TI context.
So, just for the records ...
TI Helper is an Auto Hot Key script that can be used to enhance the options in the IBM Cognos TM1 Turbo Integrator (TI) process editor. It gives short cuts and options to generate code when using the TI editor.

Found [here]
Thank you.
I know this tool and it helps. But it still keeps us (developers) in Turbo Integrator. I want to get away from there ;-)
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 16:50

Hi jeeswg

I'm trying AccViewer, it shows me as output all empty fields (WinTitle, ...)
How do I use the tool ?
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 16:51

Click on the crosshair and drag it to a window/control/object, or use Ctrl+/.
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 17:04

Got the info I need in AccViewer !

Now the question, how to get the value of the "Selection" for that "SysTabControl321" into AHK ?
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

05 Jun 2017, 17:50

Note: accSelection uses 1-based indexes, the TCM messages use 0-based indexes. (I.e. 0-based: 1st item has index 0, 1-based: 1st item has index 1.)

Code: Select all

q:: ;tab control - get active tab index
ControlGet, hCtl, Hwnd,, SysTabControl321, A
oAcc := Acc_Get("Object", "4", 0, "ahk_id " hCtl)
MsgBox, % oAcc.accSelection
oAcc := ""
There are 2 messages which can get the active tab index. However, I'm not really sure if there is a difference, I suppose getting the selected item (rather than the focused item), would be safer. Realistically would the 2 ever be different, selected/focused item, is it possible to make them different via key presses and mouse clicks?

Code: Select all

q:: ;tab control - get active tab index
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
SendMessage, 0x132F,,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_GETCURFOCUS := 0x132F
vFoc := ErrorLevel+1
SendMessage, 0x130B,,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_GETCURSEL := 0x130B
vSel := ErrorLevel+1
MsgBox, % vFoc " " vSel
Even trying to make the focused/selected item differ, programmatically, doesn't seem to work:

Code: Select all

w:: ;tab control - set focused/selected tab index
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
SendMessage, 0x130C,4,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_SETCURSEL := 0x130C
Sleep 1000
SendMessage, 0x1330,2,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_SETCURFOCUS := 0x1330
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Re: Selecting a tab in another program

06 Jun 2017, 15:43

Wonderful, I can now read out what is the selected tab !
And I can do the same for the other tabs (Data source, variables, ...) because that is SysTabControl327 instead of SysTabControl321.

Many thanks, this was the missing piece.
I guess I will send a msgbox in case the tab of the code (in Notepad++) is not the same as the tab selected in Turbo Integrator. Then I select the correct tab manually.
This will be (at least in the beginning) better than forcing the selections (I could also send a left mouse button click to a relative position).

Just to understand it. Do I need an AHK script other than my main AHK script in which I use code similar to:

Code: Select all

q:: ;tab control - get active tab index
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
SendMessage, 0x132F,,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_GETCURFOCUS := 0x132F
vFoc := ErrorLevel+1
SendMessage, 0x130B,,, SysTabControl321, % "ahk_id " hWnd ;TCM_GETCURSEL := 0x130B
vSel := ErrorLevel+1
MsgBox, % vFoc " " vSel
or do I need AccViewer too ? Are the 3 solutions depending on AccViewer ? I would prefer to use only my AHK script without other scripts if possible.

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