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Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

25 Aug 2017, 15:14


I am using an HTML help system online in IE 11. AHK_L Unicode.
It uses 2 frames, Left side and Right side. To navigate either side you click on that side somewhere.

I have a hotkey "^Right" that I want to MouseMove, then click, all the way over the right, but just before (1 pixel is best) the vertical
scrollbar on the right side, which scrolls the page if the scrollbar is clicked on. I need to just miss the scrollbar.
The web pages are often made quite large for larger monitor viewing, using [Ctrl]+[=], [Ctrl]+[-]. Over 200 percent sometimes.
As the Zoom size increases, the scrollbar width also increases in these web pages.

I need to get the actual current width (or x start position) of the vertical scrollbar, just before the click is made, so I can subtract
that from A_ScreenWidth.

I saw this in the forum,

Code: Select all

SysGet, Scroll_Size, 2  ;2 is SM_CXVSCROLL, Width of a vertical scroll bar, in pixels - assume y is same thickness  Bad. does no get larger text view.
MsgBox, 4096,, Scroll_Size is: %Scroll_Size%
but that always gets about 17 or probably some default un-enlarged width.

Code: Select all

MouseMove, (A_ScreenWidth - 44),(A_ScreenHeight // 2)
send, {Click down}{Click up}
Even 44 is not enough sometimes, but for smaller views it is too much.
It would be nice if solution worked in FF and Chrome also. XP to 10+

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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

25 Aug 2017, 19:54

OK, how about this? These are the colors of the scrollbar and the page background. The scrollbar seems plain, square and consistent.
0xF0F0F0 The scrollbar background
0xCDCDCD The scrollbar thumb
0xFFFFFF The white background of page.
So I could read from far right A_ScreenWidth ScreenHeight/2 to the left looking for the background color 0xFFFFFF
That number + 1 should be the start of scrollbar. (Subtraction from ScreenWidth). I guess I could do an inverted PixelSearch for that.
Should that work no matter what the monitor, OS etc.?
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

25 Aug 2017, 21:50

Well, it woks basically. Sometimes you wind up way over to the left of the right side when there is graphics that is wider than the frame,
so don't find "white" 0xFFFFFF until near the left border of the right side frame, which is always there and white.

I would still appreciate a more direct solution. Even a COM or dll?

PixelSearch always gives me fits. Had to use CoordMode, Pixel, Screen and CoordMode, Mouse, Screen. Fast did nothing on a 1 pixel tall search area,
and the very wide to left search area mentioned above, made this a pain. But it works. AHK comes through again. This would probably fail on a more
diversified web page.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

25 Aug 2017, 22:18

- You could retrieve the current zoom percentage, and you could have an array with pixel widths for various zoom percentages.
- Or you could store the current zoom percentage, set the zoom to a specific percentage, and then restore the original zoom percentage.
- It might be possible to scroll a particular element to be shown on the screen. (I'd have to check over this.)
[EDIT:] See code below.
- It may be possible to get the position relative to the screen of a web element. (Again, I'd have to check over this.)
[EDIT:] Internet Explorer get element under cursor (show borders, show text) (any zoom percentage) - AutoHotkey Community ... 72#p167172
- Use iWB2 Learner, set the zoom to 100%, to query information about elements (it only works correctly at 100% currently). Once you know identifying information about an element, you can retrieve its size/position.

Internet Explorer get/set zoom/text size - AutoHotkey Community

[download link for iWB2 Learner]
Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

25 Aug 2017, 23:51

Code re. scrolling in Internet Explorer:

Code: Select all

;[WBGet function]
;Basic Webpage Controls with JavaScript / COM - Tutorial - Tutorials - AutoHotkey Community

q:: ;scroll element into view
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
oWB := WBGet("ahk_id " hWnd)
oElt := oWB.document.activeElement
oWB := ""

w:: ;scroll to top of page
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
oWB := WBGet("ahk_id " hWnd)
vNum := 0
oWB.document.parentWindow.scrollTo(0, vNum)
oWB := ""

e:: ;scroll down by 100
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
oWB := WBGet("ahk_id " hWnd)
vNum += 100
oWB.document.parentWindow.scrollTo(0, vNum)
oWB := ""

r:: ;scroll element to top of screen
WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
oWB := WBGet("ahk_id " hWnd)
oElt := oWB.document.activeElement
vDocY := oWB.document.documentElement.scrollTop
vEltY := oElt.getBoundingClientRect().top
oWB.document.parentWindow.scrollTo(0, vEltY+vDocY)
oWB := ""
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

26 Aug 2017, 12:15

Thanks jeewg, I will have to remember the iWB2 thing to always use it at 100% zoom. I actually include it in my program, and I'll update my Help doc
to cover that point. Great point. It does not provide info on the scrollbar even at 100%, for me however.

The COM info on scrolling is great stuff, I might rewrite some of my HELP docs navigating code using some of it. I guess I could use scrollBy(var1, var2) also?

I will look into javascript getting the scrollbar width. I was just about to try using my IE_Inject thing. This could maybe simplify that.

I may come back to you for some more COM help using this with frames etc.

BTW: the PixelSearch thing I did works, but it takes a long time (over a second) on W8.1. It is very quick on my old W7. Go figure.

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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

26 Aug 2017, 12:50

Re. element positions, it may not provide info on the scrollbar but on the element it's a part of.

It could be some months, but I plan to rewrite iWB2 Learner to handle other zoom percentages.

The method scrollBy handles X and Y.

Do you have a link re. IE_Inject?

Re. slow pixel search, you could try Gdip_BitmapFromScreen and Gdip_ImageSearch in case you get better results.


I read somewhere on these forums, there was some difference re. printscreens on different OSes. But that one approach might be faster on new OSes.

I haven't found the exact link, but here are some links. [EDIT:] It might have been the bottom one, although it doesn't give a faster method.

PixelGetColor and transparency - Ask for Help - AutoHotkey Community ... nsparency/
If GetDC is used on a layered window, it retrieves a device context representing the backing bitmap of the window. Functions like GetPixel and BitBlt will access the pre-blended image.

With desktop-composition (Aero) in Vista, it is essentially the same except that all top-level windows have a surface in video memory. Accessing these surfaces is considerably slower than accessing GDI bitmaps. I believe this also applies to the desktop (GetDC(0)), perhaps even more so.
CGDipSnapShot - GDI replacement for PixelGetColor - AutoHotkey Community

Fast PixelGetColor workaround for Aero (Windows 7 and Vista) - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community ... and-vista/

GDI+ standard library 1.45 by tic - Page 79 - Scripts and Functions - AutoHotkey Community ... ic/page-79
I just thought this would be worth mentioning to the AutoHotkey users that are currently using BitBlt to capture the screen. Aero can slow down a BitBlt from being instantaneous for a 256x256 square to 30 milliseconds. When and if you're rapidly and frequently capturing, this can really slow things down.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

26 Aug 2017, 16:08

Hi jeeswg,

This is one link to IE_Inject originally written by ahklearner for old AHK and later rewritten by the great jethrow for AHK_L. I only added
miniscule parts, but I should get some credit for the beatings I took in getting it to be updated for AHK_L. :lol: There are other links about that,
but this is the long story short. I do love jethrow BTW:
I have made a number of updates to this function locally on my own PC to make it work with IE11+ using eval instead of execScript which
was eliminated with IE11. They are customized to work with my particular program at this time, and are very messy with comments. I always
thought that someday jethrow would tweak it to work with eval so I have long since forgotten about it.

If nothing else you can quickly test javascipt, and get variables returned, and then "maybe" convert that js to classic COM.
I am still not sure you can get variables returned from the web page with classic COM for AHK use however. This allows a 20,000
line long js script to integrated with AHK, and get several variables returned to AHK.

I have been researching getting javascript to get the scrollbar width. I only need it for this IE project, of these particular web page(s)
of my Helpndoc HTML help system. The js solutions I have seen so far are quite convoluted. I have injected some basic things like
alert(window.screen.width); and alert(document.documentElement.scrollWidth); and come up with very different answers depending
on the web page. I should be getting 1280 on my W7 PC and I do on many web pages. But with the Helpndoc pages I am getting 854/853???

Keep me posted on iWB2 updates. I sometimes get virus alerts on it. Other browser support would be fantastic.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

26 Aug 2017, 18:05

- I don't do very much with events or alerts or anything too clever. I haven't done very much with frames either. Although I could take a peep.
- With positions etc, it's always good to try 100% zoom first, and see if you can get the right values there.
- With iWB2 Learner, I run it direct from an ahk script, rather than as an exe, so virus alerts aren't an issue, I provided the link in a post above.
- Is this related to chm files or HTML Help (used by AutoHotkey.chm) in any way? Cheers.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

26 Aug 2017, 18:52

helpndoc generates many forms of help from the original templates which I have a major time investment in. I provide the chm with my product program,
and I maintain an HTML version on my server. It is great for enlarging and translations.

The link for iWB2 is to your version of it? I would only be able to use an exe that I can include in my product as I already do now.

I got you on the 100% thing. Of course I am looking to get the dynamic scrollbar width which changes as the [ctrl]+ [ctrl]- is applied.
It is for TV use as much as PC use.
It seems I get 1280 correct width on 100% zoom. I have to figure out how to account for other zoom percentages.
All I want to do is click just 1 pixel to the left of vertical scrollbar. Any web page that enlarges the vertical scrollbar as the zoom increases
would do I think.

Have to go out tonight. Talk tomorrow.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

29 Aug 2017, 16:49

Thanks for all your help jeeswg.
I have a scrollBy question from your info above.

WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
wb := WBGet("ahk_id " hWnd)
wb.document.parentWindow.scrollBy(20, 0)

This works great in IE. Any chance to work with Firefox & Google Chrome?

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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

29 Aug 2017, 17:06

The extent of what I've done with Firefox and Chrome is here:
Firefox/Chrome, get tab names/focus tab - AutoHotkey Community

The issue is that if you can't use COM with them, like you can with IE, then you can't do clever stuff.

You could try Selenium for both Firefox and Chrome, I've provided some install notes there:
Using Selenium with AutoHotkey- Cross browser automation! - AutoHotkey Community

You may be able to do certain things with Firefox using Acc.
Acc library (MSAA) and AccViewer download links - AutoHotkey Community
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

29 Aug 2017, 19:17

That looks very interesting jeeswg. So, Selenium code can exist in my existent AHK coding?
I can compile the single exe like I do now, for distribution?

I am kind of surprised someone has not made more cross browser scrolling/scrollbar facility with all the tools we have.
dll, sendmessage, COM, acc, accviewer, etc. Even IE could use some help on this.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

29 Aug 2017, 19:21

Unfortunately I don't think Selenium is necessarily a very good solution, it's supposed to be for testing websites I believe, AFAIK it only works if you open the browser in a new window, with Selenium attached when you open it, and you can only have one tab, you can't latch onto an existing tab.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

29 Aug 2017, 21:04

I just watched the videos. So I assume I would use the same compiling I now use to create the distribution exe, as long as I have
the drivers etc. installed?

I agree that :is not necessarily a very good solution", but the "edge" info is scary. I guess we have to hope those browser web drivers he mentioned
will become available for edge and other browsers as a bridge for COM to stay relevant.

It is funny how he showed so many javascript injections I have been doing for so many years using IE_Inject that was so frowned upon by the
COM kings. I think I will try to update IE_Inject using the new ScriptControl. Mainly because I have so much older programming that used it exactly
and often. I always found it nice to go on to the next stuff to do, instead of spending hours getting the COM syntax exactly correct.

Are you familiar with ScriptControl?
Which browsers is it compatible with?

If it works with "edge" someday, it could make a lot existent programming easier to work with it in the future.

Edge seems like a typical MS thing to dumb down software, and force people to use MS software.

That sure is a long road to travel for some scrollBy or scrolling. I use PixelSearch now Firefox and Chrome. I will use your Com method
for IE. Years ago, I would have used IE_Inject for IE in 60 seconds.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

29 Aug 2017, 21:22

No I don't know much about ScriptControl. I'm not sure what you're trying to do, are you trying to create some elaborate webpage handling for users who use your website/program? It seems awfully complicated. By instinct, I can't really see how Selenium could be a solution for this. For scrolling you could send Down or PgDn, or possibly WheelDown (but the cursor must be over the window).

I guess in the end everything I did in AutoHotkey was to clean up the mess left by programmers, and to get my software working in a halfway-decent manner. Nowadays I don't really blame programmers, I think that everybody in every industry, in every sphere of life, is a bit foolish or misguided and ends up doing things that create inefficiency or bureaucracy, that are counterproductive to their own aims, or that even end up ruining people's lives. People create and do mediocre things in a mediocre way. The solution is to give ordinary people a choice of standard off-the-shelf products, plus the tools and knowledge to fix some those products, and to fix some of the problems in their everyday lives.

So ultimately Microsoft-bashing, which I'm not saying you're doing but which I see sometimes, is essentially reality-bashing or real-life-bashing.
I don't know if some dark motive like greed explains exactly how the Ribbon was created, whatever caused it, it could be the worst decision in computer history. This is the scariest horror movie I have seen in my life. It's the classic example of 'the road to hell is paved with good intentions'.
The Story of the Ribbon | MIX08 | Channel 9

What they should have done is just create an intro video for key features, so that users would have an idea of the range of features that MS Office had, and further videos for features in different categories, e.g. one video for each of the old menu bar items; and improve the help search by having a list of keywords for each help page article. Some people say 'I like the Ribbon because I like the Quick Access Toolbar', well I like the Quick Access Toolbar, the two things are separate things.

[EDIT:] If I think over the main 3 PC OSes, and the main 2 mobile OSes, the companies/organisations behind those have all made major mistakes in recent decades.

The worst thing about the Ribbon ultimately though, is not the Ribbon, it is that there should be an MS Office classic mode. Silly basic customisation things, like in MS Paint you should be able to specify what colours appear in the default palette. I can edit them live in MS Paint (Windows XP) version, I might see out of interest where they're stored in the exe, if I can find them. I would love to hear from Microsoft people who thought that the Ribbon was the worst idea in history.

Ultimately is the Ribbon so bad? I guess it is, because I brought over the XP versions of WordPad and Paint. And I customised Excel 2007 using AutoHotkey to avoid using the Ribbon. Swings and roundabouts, I would use Excel 2003 if I had the CD handy (because no Ribbon), but then again, Excel 2007 has better support for xlsx and xlsm files. WordPad (XP version) had it right, standard menus and a toolbar, although personally I don't really use toolbars. One bad thing about the Ribbon is that you have to press alt+h instead of alt+f, which is awkward to do one-handed especially on certain laptops. Look how we've moved forwards with technology!

[EDIT:] Omg I just remembered that Windows 8 uses the Ribbon ... I dread upgrading. They (he) even said in the talk, not all programs are suitable for the Ribbon, and then it ended up in Paint, WordPad and Explorer. Like I said above, standard menus and a toolbar is all that's really wanted. If Microsoft want to spend millions on UI, they could get a team to look at MS Office 2003 and learn about great UI. Notepad (and I suppose Edge) ftw, no Ribbon. I dislike the Ribbon I suppose because it's impractical, results in more clicks, makes it harder to find things, and to see all menu items at a glance, especially for a new program, you can customise it to fix it (for some programs), but that's not ideal. When you press alt, and there's squares everywhere, instead of a list with underlines.

[EDIT:] Looking at MS Paint (Windows 7) and thinking about Excel 2007, why did they make all the colour palettes so ugly? The Windows XP and Excel 2003 colours were really nice. Also why isn't orange available as a highlight colour even in Word 2007, I wanted it to indicate shades together with red, and yellow, i.e. red remove (or don't include), yellow resolve, orange reconsider. Highlight colours are the one advantage of word processors over Notepad or WordPad. It's really sad looking at the MS Paint (Windows 7) Ribbon.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

30 Aug 2017, 01:10

So, when "edge" destroys COM, ie: becomes widely used, I hope they don't break ALL the ahk programs. I hope the fix comes as was mentioned by Joe Glines in
the link you kindly provided above. Why worry anyway. It's all gonna be cellphones & brain glasses/chips anyway.

I loved your list of ahk commands, variables, etc you posted. No COM list like that?

The scrolling I want is 10 pixels Left/Right/Up/Down. I am finding many video and online TV station sites are closing the Fullscreen after a few
minutes. So I enlarge the page, and center the video, and make it f11 fullscreen, and it feels like a decent TV experience. I do all that without a mouse.

I do not want to talk much about my program in general. I don't want to pressure myself to finish it quick quick.
Most of my current work is in COM.

You are one of the most proficient COM guys I have run across, but there is so little known about it in many ways.
IE11 broke so much JavasSript it is hard to Google js solutions anymore.

Videos are OK. When I was watching Joe's videos tonight, I had to have total silence in the house (not always easy) to absorb it.
I'll do some video work at some point. Right now I am finishing up my context sensitive help.

They say, if it works, it's obsolete. I am a bit of a perfectionist. This works against me when MS is moving the goal posts.
At least it will never be mediocre.

Thanks for everything.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

30 Aug 2017, 01:16

Regarding making a list related to COM. I can think of:
- list AHK functions relating to COM
- list AHK methods that apply to AHK arrays e.g. MyObj.Method() or AHK's File object
- selected list of methods/handy code relating to: e.g. Acc (Microsoft Active Accessibility), Internet Explorer/Explorer/HTMLFile objects/Internet Explorer_Server controls/HTML Help, MS Excel/MS Word, Scripting.Dictionary objects, WinHttpRequest, WIA (Windows Image Acquisition), any program or 'thing' that uses COM

Note: any programmer can create COM objects with methods for their program.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

30 Aug 2017, 03:18

You are the man to do it for sure.
Start with the list in that thread you made of ahk commands etc.
People will probably contribute additional vocabulary(s)
Start simply and build out from there.
I just looked at the ahk chm and searched for parentNode. No hits.
I tried item items. Tons of hits but I could not find one that pertained to COM.
LocationURL, LocationName. 1 hit buried deep in the middle of For-Loops,
document vs Document. 3 hits. All buried deep.
Sometimes there is a link to a mile long social tutorial. Could they at least link to the neighborhood that pertains.
If I use a new word in a sentence I usually remember it. That is where a chm with hyperlinks to examples
comes in. But I will not live long enough to plow through thousands of long tedious social forum threads to learn
even the basic vocabulary. One can always search, use indexes and such, but first one should speak the language, at
least just a little. I realize it is a massive multi-person job, but the templating and organizing is probably a one
man job. Just not another random thread. Thank goodness for Google's ...

BTW: I took a stab at ScriptControl. I don't think it uses the browsers JavaScript and the JavaScript it does use is
outdated, if I read this correctly. IE_Inject does use the browsers JavaScript. So few even know it exists. I will
not persue ScriptControl. IE_Inject works just fine.
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Re: Get current Verticle scrollbar width in IE

30 Aug 2017, 03:28

OK, so from those terms: parentNode, item, LocationURL, LocationName, that sounds like everything Internet Explorer/Explorer-related. I was planning to do that anyway. I'll have a good collection of those done soon, of just general useful methods, and handy code. And then perhaps if people see any obvious things I didn't include, they could mention it in the thread that I'll create.

[EDIT:] See this link:
jeeswg's objects tutorial - AutoHotkey Community
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