Vis2 - Image to Text OCR()

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Vis2 - Image to Text OCR()

20 Aug 2017, 00:18

Interactively convert images to data.

Download from GitHub -
Beta experimental release can be found here:

Add the following lines to your main script.

Code: Select all

#c:: OCR()
#g:: ;Googles the text instead of saving it to clipboard.
#i:: ImageIdentify()
* When your cursor turns into a crosshair, drag to select a portion of the screen.
* Release LButton when you are satisfied with the preview text.

Press any of the modifier keys, Ctrl, Alt, or Shift to access Advanced Mode.

* Ctrl + LButton: Resize Corners.
* Shift + LButton: Resize Edges
* Alt + LButton: Draw a new rectangle
* Ctrl + Space: Show image preview.
* Alt + Space: Show image coordinates [x,y,w,h].
* Space: EXIT and copy text to keyboard!

Press Escape at anytime to cancel.

Using Additional Languages

Go to and place your desired languages in bin/tessdata_best.
Go to and place your desired languages in bin/tessdata_fast.
Fast is used in the interactive GUI implementation, while best will be used for othe cases. See below for what I mean.

Code: Select all

#c:: OCR(, "fra")      ; French (requires fast fra.traineddata)
#x:: OCR(, "eng+fra")  ; English and French
MsgBox % OCR("", "rus+eng")  ; Requires best eng.traineddata and rus.traineddata.
Input Data Types

Rectangle array [x, y, w, h] - Takes a screenshot text := OCR([0, 0, 430, 150])
File - Convert an image file to text text := OCR("myFile.png")
URL - Input a link to an image online text := OCR(" ... uote-1.jpg")
Window - Try typing in a new Notepad window and run #^w:: MsgBox % OCR("Untitled - Notepad")
hWnd - Handle to a window without the "ahk_id" prefix text := OCR(0x12345)
Bitmap - Input a pointer to a GDI Bitmap OCR(pBitmap)
hBitmap - Input a handle to a GDI Bitmap OCR(hBitmap)
Base64 - Image encoded as a base64 string
Binary seems inefficient, it's recommended to save it as a file instead.

Full Script. Adds the only class "Vis2". Depends on Gdip_All by tic. You need tesseract and leptonica provided here.

Code: Select all

; Script:    Vis2.ahk
; Author:    iseahound
; Date:      2017-08-19
; Recent:    2018-04-04

#include <Gdip_All>
#include <JSON>

; ImageIdentify() - Label and identify objects in images.
ImageIdentify(image:="", search:="", options:=""){
   return Vis2.ImageIdentify(image, search, options)

; OCR() - Convert pictures of text into text.
OCR(image:="", language:="", options:=""){
   return Vis2.OCR(image, language, options)

class Vis2 {

   class ImageIdentify extends Vis2.functor {
      call(self, image:="", search:="", options:=""){
         return (image != "") ? (new Vis2.provider.GoogleCloudVision()).ImageIdentify(image, search, options)
            : Vis2.core.returnText({"provider":(new Vis2.provider.GoogleCloudVision(search)), "tooltip":"Image Identification Tool", "splashImage":true})

   class OCR extends Vis2.functor {
      call(self, image:="", language:="", options:=""){
         return (image != "") ? (new Vis2.provider.Tesseract()).OCR(image, language, options)
            : Vis2.core.returnText({"provider":(new Vis2.provider.Tesseract(language)), "tooltip":"Optical Character Recognition Tool", "textPreview":true})

         return (image != "") ? (new Vis2.provider.Tesseract()).OCR(image, language, options).google()
            : Vis2.core.returnText({"provider":(new Vis2.provider.Tesseract(language)), "tooltip":"Any selected text will be Googled.", "textPreview":true, "noCopy":true}).google()

   class core {

      ; returnText() is a wrapper function of Vis2.core.ux.start()
      ; Unlike Vis2.core.ux.start(), this function will return a string of text.
      returnText(obj := ""){
         obj := IsObject(obj) ? obj : {}
         obj.callback := "returnText"
         if (Vis2.core.ux.start(obj) == "") {
            while !(EXITCODE := Vis2.obj.EXITCODE)
               Sleep 1
            text := Vis2.obj.database
            Vis2.obj.callbackConfirmed := true
   := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.Text, "google")
            text.base.clipboard := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.Text, "clipboard")
            return (EXITCODE > 0) ? text : ""

      class ux {

         ; start() is the function that launches the user interface.
         ; This can be called directly without calling Vis2.core.returnText().
         start(obj := ""){
         static void := ObjBindMethod({}, {})

            if (Vis2.obj != "")
               return "Already in use."

            Vis2.stdlib.setSystemCursor(32515) ; IDC_Cross := 32515
            Hotkey, LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, ^LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, !LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, +LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, RButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, Escape, % void, On

            Vis2.obj := IsObject(obj) ? obj : {}
            Vis2.obj.EXITCODE := 0 ; 0 = in progress, -1 = escape, 1 = success
            Vis2.obj.selectMode := "Quick"
            Vis2.obj.area := new Vis2.Graphics.Area("Vis2_Aries", "0x7FDDDDDD")
            Vis2.obj.image := new Vis2.Graphics.Image("Vis2_Kitsune").Hide()
            Vis2.obj.subtitle := new Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle("Vis2_Hermes")

            Vis2.obj.style1_back := {"x":"center", "y":"83%", "padding":"1.35%", "color":"DD000000", "radius":8}
            Vis2.obj.style1_text := {"z":1, "q":4, "size":"2.23%", "font":"Arial", "justify":"left", "color":"White"}
            Vis2.obj.style2_back := {"x":"center", "y":"83%", "padding":"1.35%", "color":"FF88EAB6", "radius":8}
            Vis2.obj.style2_text := {"z":1, "q":4, "size":"2.23%", "font":"Arial", "justify":"left", "color":"Black"}
            Vis2.obj.subtitle.render(Vis2.obj.tooltip, Vis2.obj.style1_back, Vis2.obj.style1_text)

            return Vis2.core.ux.waitForUserInput()

         static escape := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux, "escape")
         static waitForUserInput := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux, "waitForUserInput")
         static selectImage := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux.process, "selectImage")
         static textPreview := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux.process, "textPreview")

            if (GetKeyState("Escape", "P")) {
               Vis2.obj.EXITCODE := -1
               SetTimer, % escape, -9
            else if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
               SetTimer, % selectImage, -10
               if (Vis2.obj.textPreview)
                  SetTimer, % textPreview, -25
                  Vis2.obj.subtitle.render("Waiting for user selection...", Vis2.obj.style2_back, Vis2.obj.style2_text)
            else {
               SetTimer, % waitForUserInput, -10

         class process {

            static selectImage := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux.process, "selectImage")

               if (GetKeyState("Escape", "P")) {
                  Vis2.obj.EXITCODE := -1
                  return Vis2.core.ux.process.finale(A_ThisFunc)

               if (Vis2.obj.selectMode == "Quick")
               if (Vis2.obj.selectMode == "Advanced")

               if (Vis2.core.ux.overlap()) {
                  if (Vis2.obj.textPreview && Vis2.obj.dialogue != Vis2.obj.dialogue_past) {
                     Vis2.obj.dialogue_past := Vis2.obj.dialogue
                     Vis2.obj.style1_back.y := (Vis2.obj.style1_back.y == "83%") ? "2.07%" : "83%"
                     Vis2.obj.subtitle.render(Vis2.obj.dialogue, Vis2.obj.style1_back, Vis2.obj.style1_text)
                  else if !(Vis2.obj.textPreview) {
                     Vis2.obj.style2_back.y := (Vis2.obj.style2_back.y == "83%") ? "2.07%" : "83%"
                     Vis2.obj.subtitle.render("Still patiently waiting for user selection...", Vis2.obj.style2_back, Vis2.obj.style2_text)

               if !(Vis2.obj.unlock.1 ~= "^Vis2.core.ux.process.selectImage" || Vis2.obj.unlock.2 ~= "^Vis2.core.ux.process.selectImage")
                  SetTimer, % selectImage, -10

               if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P")) {
                  if (GetKeyState("Control", "P") || GetKeyState("Alt", "P") || GetKeyState("Shift", "P"))
                  else if (GetKeyState("RButton", "P")) {
                     if (!Vis2.obj.area.isMouseOnCorner() && Vis2.obj.area.isMouseStopped())
                        Vis2.obj.area.draw() ; Error Correction of Offset
               ; Do not return.

            static void := ObjBindMethod({}, {})

               DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uInt",0x57, "uInt",0, "uInt",0, "uInt",0) ; RestoreCursor()
               Hotkey, Space, % void, On
               Hotkey, ^Space, % void, On
               Hotkey, !Space, % void, On
               Hotkey, +Space, % void, On
               Vis2.obj.note_01 := Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle.Render("Advanced Mode", "time: 2500, xCenter y75% p1.35% cFFB1AC r8", "c000000 s2.23%")
               Vis2.obj.tokenMousePressed := 1
               Vis2.obj.selectMode := "Advanced" ; Exit selectImageQuick.
               Vis2.obj.key := {}
               Vis2.obj.action := {}

            static void := ObjBindMethod({}, {})

               if ((Vis2.obj.area.width() < -25 || Vis2.obj.area.height() < -25) && !Vis2.obj.note_02)
                  Vis2.obj.note_02 := Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle.Render("Press Alt + LButton to create a new selection anywhere on screen", "time: 6250, x: center, y: 67%, p1.35%, c: FCF9AF, r8", "c000000 s2.23%")

               Vis2.obj.key.LButton := GetKeyState("LButton", "P") ? 1 : 0
               Vis2.obj.key.RButton := GetKeyState("RButton", "P") ? 1 : 0
               Vis2.obj.key.Space   := GetKeyState("Space", "P")   ? 1 : 0
               Vis2.obj.key.Control := GetKeyState("Control", "P") ? 1 : 0
               Vis2.obj.key.Alt     := GetKeyState("Alt", "P")     ? 1 : 0
               Vis2.obj.key.Shift   := GetKeyState("Shift", "P")   ? 1 : 0

               ; Check if mouse is inside on activation.
               Vis2.obj.action.Control_LButton := (Vis2.obj.area.isMouseInside() && Vis2.obj.key.Control && Vis2.obj.key.LButton)
                  ? 1 : (Vis2.obj.key.Control && Vis2.obj.key.LButton) ? Vis2.obj.action.Control_LButton : 0
               Vis2.obj.action.Shift_LButton   := (Vis2.obj.area.isMouseInside() && Vis2.obj.key.Shift && Vis2.obj.key.LButton)
                  ? 1 : (Vis2.obj.key.Shift && Vis2.obj.key.LButton) ? Vis2.obj.action.Shift_LButton : 0
               Vis2.obj.action.LButton         := (Vis2.obj.area.isMouseInside() && Vis2.obj.key.LButton)
                  ? 1 : (Vis2.obj.key.LButton) ? Vis2.obj.action.LButton : 0
               Vis2.obj.action.RButton         := (Vis2.obj.area.isMouseInside() && Vis2.obj.key.RButton)
                  ? 1 : (Vis2.obj.key.RButton) ? Vis2.obj.action.RButton : 0

               ;___|¯¯¯|___ 00011111000 Keypress
               ;___|_______ 0001----000 Activation Function (pseudo heaviside)
               Vis2.obj.action.Control_Space   := (Vis2.obj.key.Control && Vis2.obj.key.Space)
                  ? ((!Vis2.obj.action.Control_Space) ? 1 : -1) : 0
               Vis2.obj.action.Alt_Space       := (Vis2.obj.key.Alt && Vis2.obj.key.Space)
                  ? ((!Vis2.obj.action.Alt_Space) ? 1 : -1) : 0
               Vis2.obj.action.Shift_Space     := (Vis2.obj.key.Shift && Vis2.obj.key.Space)
                  ? ((!Vis2.obj.action.Shift_Space) ? 1 : -1) : 0
               Vis2.obj.action.Alt_LButton     := (Vis2.obj.key.Alt && Vis2.obj.key.LButton)
                  ? ((!Vis2.obj.action.Alt_LButton) ? 1 : -1) : 0

               ; Ensure only Space is pressed.
               Vis2.obj.action.Space := (Vis2.obj.key.Space && !Vis2.obj.key.Control && !Vis2.obj.key.Alt && !Vis2.obj.key.Shift)
                  ? ((!Vis2.obj.action.Space) ? 1 : -1) : 0

               ; Space Hotkeys
               if (Vis2.obj.action.Control_Space = 1){
                  Vis2.obj.image.render(Vis2.obj.provider.getPreprocessImage(), 0.5)
               } else if (Vis2.obj.action.Alt_Space = 1){
               } else if (Vis2.obj.action.Shift_Space = 1){

               } else if (Vis2.obj.action.Space = 1)
                  Vis2.core.ux.process.finale(A_ThisFunc) ; Exit function.

               ; Mouse Hotkeys
               if (Vis2.obj.action.Control_LButton)
               else if (Vis2.obj.action.Alt_LButton = 1)
               else if (Vis2.obj.action.Alt_LButton = -1)
               else if (Vis2.obj.action.Shift_LButton)
               else if (Vis2.obj.action.LButton || Vis2.obj.action.RButton)
               else {
                  Vis2.obj.area.hover() ; Collapse Stack
                  if Vis2.obj.area.isMouseInside() {
                     Hotkey, LButton, % void, On
                     Hotkey, RButton, % void, On
                  } else {
                     Hotkey, LButton, % void, Off
                     Hotkey, RButton, % void, Off
               ; Do not return.

            static textPreview := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux.process, "textPreview")

               if (!Vis2.obj.unlock.1 || bypass) {
                  if (coordinates := Vis2.obj.Area.ScreenshotRectangle()) {
                     pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(coordinates) ; To avoid the grey tint, call Area.Hide() but this will cause flickering.
                     if !(coordinates == Vis2.obj.coordinates && Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_isBitmapEqual(pBitmap, Vis2.obj.pBitmap)) {
                        Vis2.obj.coordinates := coordinates
                        Vis2.obj.pBitmap := pBitmap

                        ; Process screenshot.
                        try {
                           if (Vis2.obj.provider.file != "")
                              Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, Vis2.obj.provider.file, Vis2.obj.provider.jpegQuality)
                           if (Vis2.obj.provider.base64 != "")
                              Vis2.obj.provider.base64 := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, Vis2.obj.provider.ext, Vis2.obj.provider.jpegQuality)
                           if (Vis2.obj.image.isVisible() == true)
                              Vis2.obj.image.render(Vis2.obj.provider.getPreprocessImage(), 0.5)
                           Vis2.obj.database := Vis2.obj.provider.getText()
                        catch e {
                           MsgBox, 16,, % "Exception thrown!`n`nwhat: " e.what "`nfile: " e.file
                              . "`nline: " e.line "`nmessage: " e.message "`nextra: " e.extra "`ncoordinates: " coordinates

                        ; Retrieve three lines of text.
                        dialogue := ""
                        i := 1
                        Loop, Parse, % Vis2.obj.database, `r`n
                           data := RegExReplace(A_LoopField, "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", "$1")
                           if (data != "") {
                              dialogue .= (dialogue) ? ("`n" . data) : data
                        } until (i > 3)

                        if (dialogue != "") {
                           Vis2.obj.firstDialogue := true
                           Vis2.obj.dialogue := dialogue
                           Vis2.obj.dialogue := (Vis2.obj.firstDialogue == true) ? "ERROR: No Text Data Found" : "Searching for text..."

                        if (Vis2.obj.textPreview)
                           Vis2.obj.Subtitle.Render(Vis2.obj.dialogue, Vis2.obj.style1_back, Vis2.obj.style1_text)
                     else {

               if (Vis2.obj.unlock.1)
                  return Vis2.core.ux.process.finale(A_ThisFunc)
                  SetTimer, % textPreview, -100

            static escape := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux, "escape")

               (IsObject(Vis2.obj.unlock) && key != Vis2.obj.unlock.1) ? Vis2.obj.unlock.push(key) : (Vis2.obj.unlock := [key])

               if (key ~= "^Vis2.core.ux.process.selectImage") {
                  Vis2.obj.Area.ChangeColor(0x01FFFFFF) ; Lighten Area object, but do not hide or delete it until key up.
                  if (!Vis2.obj.textPreview)

               if (Vis2.obj.unlock.MaxIndex() == 2) {
                  if (Vis2.obj.database != "" && Vis2.obj.EXITCODE == 0) {
                     if (Vis2.obj.noCopy != true) {
                        clipboard := Vis2.obj.database
                        t := 2500
                        if (Vis2.obj.splashImage == true) {
                           t := 5000
                           w := Gdip_GetImageWidth(Vis2.obj.pBitmap)
                           h := Gdip_GetImageHeight(Vis2.obj.pBitmap)
                           Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle.Render("", {"time":t, "x":((A_ScreenWidth-w)/2)-10, "y":((A_ScreenHeight-h)/2)-10, "w":w+20, "h":h+20, "color":"Black"})
                           Vis2.Graphics.Image.Render(Vis2.obj.pBitmap, 1, t).Border()
                           , {"time":t, "x":"center", "y":"83%", "padding":"1.35%", "color":"Black", "radius":8}, {"z":1, "q":4, "size":"2.23%", "font":"Arial", "justify":"left", "color":"White"})
                        Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle.Render("Saved to Clipboard.", "time: " t ", x: center, y: 75%, p: 1.35%, c: F9E486, r: 8", "c: 0x000000, s:2.23%, f:Arial")
                     Vis2.obj.EXITCODE := 1
                  Vis2.obj.EXITCODE := (Vis2.obj.EXITCODE == 0) ? -1 : Vis2.obj.EXITCODE
                  SetTimer, % escape, -9

         static escape := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.core.ux, "escape")
         static void := ObjBindMethod({}, {})

            if (Vis2.obj.callback) {
               if !(Vis2.obj.callbackConfirmed) {
                  SetTimer, % escape, -9

            ; Delete temporary image and text files.
            Vis2.obj.note_01.hide() ; Let them time out instead of Destroy()
            Vis2.obj := "" ; Goodbye all, you were loved :c

            ; Fixes a bug where AHK does not detect key releases if there is an admin-level window beneath.
            if WinActive("ahk_id" Vis2.obj.area.hwnd) {
               KeyWait Control
               KeyWait Alt
               KeyWait Shift
               KeyWait RButton
               KeyWait LButton
               KeyWait Space
               KeyWait Escape

            Hotkey, LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, ^LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, !LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, +LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, RButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, Escape, % void, Off
            Hotkey, Space, % void, Off
            Hotkey, ^Space, % void, Off
            Hotkey, !Space, % void, Off
            Hotkey, +Space, % void, Off

            return DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uInt",0x57, "uInt",0, "uInt",0, "uInt",0) ; RestoreCursor()

         overlap() {
            p1 := Vis2.obj.area.x1()
            p2 := Vis2.obj.area.x2()
            r1 := Vis2.obj.area.y1()
            r2 := Vis2.obj.area.y2()

            q1 := Vis2.obj.subtitle.x1()
            q2 := Vis2.obj.subtitle.x2()
            s1 := Vis2.obj.subtitle.y1()
            s2 := Vis2.obj.subtitle.y2()

            a := (p1 < q1 && q1 < p2) || (p1 < q2 && q2 < p2) || (q1 < p1 && p1 < q2) || (q1 < p2 && p2 < q2)
            b := (r1 < s1 && s1 < r2) || (r1 < s2 && s2 < r2) || (s1 < r1 && r1 < s2) || (s1 < r2 && r2 < s2)

            ;Tooltip % a "`t" b "`n`n" p1 "`t" r1 "`n" p2 "`t" r2 "`n`n" q1 "`t" s1 "`n" q2 "`t" s2
            return (a && b)

            static void := ObjBindMethod({}, {})
            Hotkey, LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, ^LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, !LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, +LButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, RButton, % void, Off
            Hotkey, Escape, % void, Off
            Hotkey, Space, % void, Off
            Hotkey, ^Space, % void, Off
            Hotkey, !Space, % void, Off
            Hotkey, +Space, % void, Off
            DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uInt",0x57, "uInt",0, "uInt",0, "uInt",0) ; RestoreCursor

            Hotkey, LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, ^LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, !LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, +LButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, RButton, % void, On
            Hotkey, Escape, % void, On

            if (Vis2.obj.selectMode == "Quick")
               Vis2.stdlib.setSystemCursor(32515) ; IDC_Cross := 32515

            if (Vis2.obj.selectMode == "Advanced") {
               Hotkey, Space, % void, On
               Hotkey, ^Space, % void, On
               Hotkey, !Space, % void, On
               Hotkey, +Space, % void, On

   class functor {

      __Call(method, ByRef arg := "", args*) {
      ; When casting to Call(), use a new instance of the "function object"
      ; so as to avoid directly storing the properties(used across sub-methods)
      ; into the "function object" itself.
      ; Thanks to coco for this code. Modified by iseahound.
         if IsObject(method)
            return (new this).Call(method, arg, args*)
         else if (method == "")
            return (new this).Call(arg, args*)

   class Graphics {

      static pToken, Gdip := 0

         global pToken
         return Vis2.Graphics.pToken := (Vis2.Graphics.Gdip++ > 0) ? Vis2.Graphics.pToken : (pToken) ? pToken : Gdip_Startup()

         global pToken
         return Vis2.Graphics.pToken := (--Vis2.Graphics.Gdip <= 0) ? ((pToken) ? pToken : Gdip_Shutdown(Vis2.Graphics.pToken)) : Vis2.Graphics.pToken

         VarSetCapacity(UUID, 16, 0)
         if (DllCall("rpcrt4.dll\UuidCreate", "ptr", &UUID) != 0)
             return (ErrorLevel := 1) & 0
         if (DllCall("rpcrt4.dll\UuidToString", "ptr", &UUID, "uint*", suuid) != 0)
             return (ErrorLevel := 2) & 0
         return A_TickCount "n" SubStr(StrGet(suuid), 1, 8), DllCall("rpcrt4.dll\RpcStringFree", "uint*", suuid)

      class Area{

         ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight,
         action := ["base"], x := [0], y := [0], w := [1], h := [1], a := ["top left"], q := ["bottom right"]

         __New(name := "", color := "0x7FDDDDDD") {
   := name := (name == "") ? Vis2.Graphics.Name() "_Graphics_Area" : name "_Graphics_Area"
            this.color := color

            Gui, %name%:New, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -DPIScale +E0x80000 +ToolWindow +hwndSecretName, %
            Gui, %name%:Show, % (this.isDrawable()) ? "NoActivate" : ""
            this.hwnd := SecretName
            this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
            this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
            this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
            this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
            Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(this.G, 4) ;Adds one clickable pixel to the edge.
            this.pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(this.color)


            SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
            Gui, % ":Destroy"

            DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hWnd, "int",0)

         Show(){ ; NoActivate
            DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hWnd, "int",8)

            this.isVisible() ? this.Hide() : this.Show()

            return DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "ptr",this.hWnd)

         isDrawable(win := "A"){
             static WM_KEYDOWN := 0x100,
             static WM_KEYUP := 0x101,
             static vk_to_use := 7
             ; Test whether we can send keystrokes to this window.
             ; Use a virtual keycode which is unlikely to do anything:
             PostMessage, WM_KEYDOWN, vk_to_use, 0,, % win
             if !ErrorLevel
             {   ; Seems best to post key-up, in case the window is keeping track.
                 PostMessage, WM_KEYUP, vk_to_use, 0xC0000000,, % win
                 return true
             return false

            if (this.ScreenWidth != A_ScreenWidth || this.ScreenHeight != A_ScreenHeight) {
               this.ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight
               SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
               this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
               this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
               this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
               this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
               Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(this.G, 4)

         Redraw(x, y, w, h){
            Critical On
            Gdip_FillRectangle(this.G, this.pBrush, x, y, w, h)
            if (this.coordinates)
               Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle.Draw("x: " x " │ y: " y " │ w: " w " │ h: " h
                  , {"a":"top_right", "x":"right", "y":"top", "color":"Black"}, {"font":"Lucida Sans Typewriter", "size":"1.67%"}, this.G)
            UpdateLayeredWindow(this.hwnd, this.hdc, 0, 0, this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
            Critical Off

            this.color := color
            this.pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(this.color)
            this.Redraw(this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()], this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()], this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()], this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])

            this.coordinates := true
            this.Redraw(this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()], this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()], this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()], this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])

            this.coodinates := false
            this.Redraw(this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()], this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()], this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()], this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])

            this.coordinates := !this.coordinates
            this.Redraw(this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()], this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()], this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()], this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])

            this.a[v] := (this.a[v] == "") ? this.a[v-1] : this.a[v]
            this.q[v] := (this.q[v] == "") ? this.q[v-1] : this.q[v]
            this.x[v] := (this.x[v] == "") ? this.x[v-1] : this.x[v]
            this.y[v] := (this.y[v] == "") ? this.y[v-1] : this.y[v]
            this.w[v] := (this.w[v] == "") ? this.w[v-1] : this.w[v]
            this.h[v] := (this.h[v] == "") ? this.h[v-1] : this.h[v]

            action := this.action.pop()
            a := this.a.pop()
            q := this.q.pop()
            x := this.x.pop()
            y := this.y.pop()
            w := this.w.pop()
            h := this.h.pop()

            dx := x - this.x[pasts-1]
            dy := y - this.y[pasts-1]
            dw := w - this.w[pasts-1]
            dh := h - this.h[pasts-1]

            i := pasts-1
            while (i >= 1) {
               this.x[i] += dx
               this.y[i] += dy
               this.w[i] += dw
               this.h[i] += dh

         Converge(v := ""){
            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()

            if (v > 2) {
               this.action := [this.action[v-1], this.action[v]]
               this.a := [this.a[v-1], this.a[v]]
               this.q := [this.q[v-1], this.q[v]]
               this.x := [this.x[v-1], this.x[v]]
               this.y := [this.y[v-1], this.y[v]]
               this.w := [this.w[v-1], this.w[v]]
               this.h := [this.h[v-1], this.h[v]]

            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()
            Tooltip % function "`t" v . "`n" v-1 ": " this.action[v-1]
               . "`n" this.x[v-2] ", " this.y[v-2] ", " this.w[v-2] ", " this.h[v-2]
               . "`n" this.x[v-1] ", " this.y[v-1] ", " this.w[v-1] ", " this.h[v-1]
               . "`n" this.x[v] ", " this.y[v] ", " this.w[v] ", " this.h[v]
               . "`nAnchor:`t" this.a[v] "`nMouse:`t" this.q[v] "`t" this.isMouseInside()

            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_hover, y_hover
            this.x_hover := x_hover
            this.y_hover := y_hover

            ; Resets the stack to 1.
            if (A_ThisFunc != this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()]){
               this.action := [A_ThisFunc]
               this.a := [this.a.pop()]
               this.q := [this.q.pop()]
               this.x := [this.x.pop()]
               this.y := [this.y.pop()]
               this.w := [this.w.pop()]
               this.h := [this.h.pop()]

         Origin(v := ""){
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse

            if (A_ThisFunc != this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()]){
               this.x_hover := x_mouse
               this.y_hover := y_mouse

            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()

            if (x_mouse != this.x_last || y_mouse != this.y_last) {
               this.x_last := x_mouse, this.y_last := y_mouse

               this.x[v] := x_mouse
               this.y[v] := y_mouse

               this.Redraw(x_mouse, y_mouse, 1, 1) ;stabilize x/y corrdinates in window spy.

         Draw(v := ""){
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse

            if (A_ThisFunc == this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()-1]){
               this.x_hover := x_mouse
               this.y_hover := y_mouse
               pass := 1
            if (A_ThisFunc != this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()]){
               this.x_hover := x_mouse
               this.y_hover := y_mouse
               pass := 1

            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()
            dx := x_mouse - this.x_hover
            dy := y_mouse - this.y_hover
            xr := (x_mouse > this.x[v-1]) ? 1 : 0
            yr := (y_mouse > this.y[v-1]) ? 1 : 0

            if (pass == 1 || x_mouse != this.x_last || y_mouse != this.y_last) {
               this.x_last := x_mouse, this.y_last := y_mouse

               this.x[v] := (xr) ? this.x[v-1] : x_mouse
               this.y[v] := (yr) ? this.y[v-1] : y_mouse
               this.w[v] := (xr) ? x_mouse - this.x[v-1] : this.x[v-1] - x_mouse
               this.h[v] := (yr) ? y_mouse - this.y[v-1] : this.y[v-1] - y_mouse

               this.a[v] := (xr && yr) ? "top left" : (xr && !yr) ? "bottom left" : (!xr && yr) ? "top right" : "bottom right"
               this.q[v] := (xr && yr) ? "bottom right" : (xr && !yr) ? "top right" : (!xr && yr) ? "bottom left" : "top left"

               this.Redraw(this.x[v], this.y[v], this.w[v], this.h[v])

         Move(v := ""){
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse

            if (A_ThisFunc != this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()]){
               this.x_hover := x_mouse
               this.y_hover := y_mouse
               pass := 1

            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()
            dx := x_mouse - this.x_hover
            dy := y_mouse - this.y_hover

            if (pass == 1 || x_mouse != this.x_last || y_mouse != this.y_last) {
               this.x_last := x_mouse, this.y_last := y_mouse

               this.x[v] := this.x[v-1] + dx
               this.y[v] := this.y[v-1] + dy

               this.Redraw(this.x[v], this.y[v], this.w[v], this.h[v])

         ResizeCorners(v := ""){
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse

            if (A_ThisFunc != this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()]){
               this.x_hover := x_mouse
               this.y_hover := y_mouse
               pass := 1

            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()
            xr := this.x_hover - this.x[v-1] - (this.w[v-1] / 2)
            yr := this.y[v-1] - this.y_hover + (this.h[v-1] / 2) ; Keep Change Change
            dx := x_mouse - this.x_hover
            dy := y_mouse - this.y_hover

            if (pass == 1 || x_mouse != this.x_last || y_mouse != this.y_last) {
               this.x_last := x_mouse, this.y_last := y_mouse

               if (xr < -1 && yr > 1) {
                  r := "top left"
                  this.x[v] := this.x[v-1] + dx
                  this.y[v] := this.y[v-1] + dy
                  this.w[v] := this.w[v-1] - dx
                  this.h[v] := this.h[v-1] - dy
               if (xr >= -1 && yr > 1) {
                  r := "top right"
                  this.x[v] := this.x[v-1]
                  this.y[v] := this.y[v-1] + dy
                  this.w[v] := this.w[v-1] + dx
                  this.h[v] := this.h[v-1] - dy
               if (xr < -1 && yr <= 1) {
                  r := "bottom left"
                  this.x[v] := this.x[v-1] + dx
                  this.y[v] := this.y[v-1]
                  this.w[v] := this.w[v-1] - dx
                  this.h[v] := this.h[v-1] + dy
               if (xr >= -1 && yr <= 1) {
                  r := "bottom right"
                  this.x[v] := this.x[v-1]
                  this.y[v] := this.y[v-1]
                  this.w[v] := this.w[v-1] + dx
                  this.h[v] := this.h[v-1] + dy

               this.Redraw(this.x[v], this.y[v], this.w[v], this.h[v])

         ; This works by finding the line equations of the diagonals of the rectangle.
         ; To identify the quadrant the cursor is located in, the while loop compares it's y value
         ; with the function line values f(x) = m * xr and y = -m * xr.
         ; So if yr is below both theoretical y values, then we know it's in the bottom quadrant.
         ; Be careful with this code, it converts the y plane inversely to match the Decartes tradition.

         ; Safety features include checking for past values to prevent flickering
         ; Sleep statements are required in every while loop.

         ResizeEdges(v := ""){
            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse

            if (A_ThisFunc != this.action[this.action.MaxIndex()]){
               this.x_hover := x_mouse
               this.y_hover := y_mouse
               pass := 1

            v := (v) ? v : this.action.MaxIndex()
            m := -(this.h[v-1] / this.w[v-1])                              ; slope (dy/dx)
            xr := this.x_hover - this.x[v-1] - (this.w[v-1] / 2)           ; draw a line across the center
            yr := this.y[v-1] - this.y_hover + (this.h[v-1] / 2)           ; draw a vertical line halfing it
            dx := x_mouse - this.x_hover
            dy := y_mouse - this.y_hover

            if (pass == 1 || x_mouse != this.x_last || y_mouse != this.y_last) {
               this.x_last := x_mouse, this.y_last := y_mouse

               if (m * xr >= yr && yr > -m * xr)
                  r := "left",                this.x[v] := this.x[v-1] + dx,               this.w[v] := this.w[v-1] - dx
               if (m * xr < yr && yr > -m * xr)
                  r := "top",                 this.y[v] := this.y[v-1] + dy,               this.h[v] := this.h[v-1] - dy
               if (m * xr < yr && yr <= -m * xr)
                  r := "right",   this.w[v] := this.w[v-1] + dx
               if (m * xr >= yr && yr <= -m * xr)
                  r := "bottom",  this.h[v] := this.h[v-1] + dy

               this.Redraw(this.x[v], this.y[v], this.w[v], this.h[v])

            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse
            return (x_mouse >= this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()]
               && x_mouse <= this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] + this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()]
               && y_mouse >= this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()]
               && y_mouse <= this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] + this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])

            return !this.isMouseInside()

            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse
            return (x_mouse == this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] || x_mouse == this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] + this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()])
               && (y_mouse == this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] || y_mouse == this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] + this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])

            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse
            return ((x_mouse >= this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] && x_mouse <= this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] + this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()])
               && (y_mouse == this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] || y_mouse == this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] + this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()]))
               OR ((y_mouse >= this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] && y_mouse <= this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] + this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()])
               && (x_mouse == this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] || x_mouse == this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] + this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()]))

            CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
            MouseGetPos, x_mouse, y_mouse
            return x_mouse == this.x_last && y_mouse == this.y_last

            x := this.x1(), y := this.y1(), w := this.width(), h := this.height()
            return (w > 0 && h > 0) ? (x "|" y "|" w "|" h) : ""

            return this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()]

            return this.x[this.x.MaxIndex()] + this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()]

            return this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()]

            return this.y[this.y.MaxIndex()] + this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()]

            return this.w[this.w.MaxIndex()]

            return this.h[this.h.MaxIndex()]

      Class CustomFont{
         CustomFont v2.00 (2016-2-24) by tmplinshi
         Description: Load font from file or resource, without needed install to system.
         Useage Examples:

            * Load From File
               font1 := New CustomFont("ewatch.ttf")
               Gui, Font, s100, ewatch

            * Load From Resource
               Gui, Add, Text, HWNDhCtrl w400 h200, 12345
               font2 := New CustomFont("res:ewatch.ttf", "ewatch", 80) ; <- Add a res: prefix to the resource name.

            * The fonts will removed automatically when script exits.
              To remove a font manually, just clear the variable (e.g. font1 := "").

         static FR_PRIVATE  := 0x10

         __New(FontFile, FontName="", FontSize=30) {
            if RegExMatch(FontFile, "i)res:\K.*", _FontFile) {
               this.AddFromResource(_FontFile, FontName, FontSize)
            } else {

         AddFromFile(FontFile) {
            DllCall( "AddFontResourceEx", "Str", FontFile, "UInt", this.FR_PRIVATE, "UInt", 0 )
   := FontFile

         AddFromResource(ResourceName, FontName, FontSize = 30) {
            static FW_NORMAL := 400, DEFAULT_CHARSET := 0x1

            nSize    := this.ResRead(fData, ResourceName)
            fh       := DllCall( "AddFontMemResourceEx", "Ptr", &fData, "UInt", nSize, "UInt", 0, "UIntP", nFonts )
            hFont    := DllCall( "CreateFont", Int,FontSize, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0, UInt,FW_NORMAL, UInt,0
                        , Int,0, Int,0, UInt,DEFAULT_CHARSET, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0, Int,0, Str,FontName )

   := {fh: fh, hFont: hFont}

         ApplyTo(hCtrl) {
            SendMessage, 0x30,, 1,, ahk_id %hCtrl%

         __Delete() {
            if IsObject( {
               DllCall( "RemoveFontMemResourceEx", "UInt",    )
               DllCall( "DeleteObject"           , "UInt", )
            } else {
               DllCall( "RemoveFontResourceEx"   , "Str",, "UInt", this.FR_PRIVATE, "UInt", 0 )

         ; ResRead() By SKAN, from
         ResRead( ByRef Var, Key ) {
            VarSetCapacity( Var, 128 ), VarSetCapacity( Var, 0 )
            If ! ( A_IsCompiled ) {
               FileGetSize, nSize, %Key%
               FileRead, Var, *c %Key%
               Return nSize

            If hMod := DllCall( "GetModuleHandle", UInt,0 )
               If hRes := DllCall( "FindResource", UInt,hMod, Str,Key, UInt,10 )
                  If hData := DllCall( "LoadResource", UInt,hMod, UInt,hRes )
                     If pData := DllCall( "LockResource", UInt,hData )
                        Return VarSetCapacity( Var, nSize := DllCall( "SizeofResource", UInt,hMod, UInt,hRes ) )
                           ,  DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory", Str,Var, UInt,pData, UInt,nSize )
            Return 0

      class Image{

         ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight

         __New(name := "") {
   := name := (name == "") ? Vis2.Graphics.Name() "_Graphics_Image" : name "_Graphics_Image"

            Gui, %name%: New, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -DPIScale +E0x80000 +ToolWindow +hwndSecretName, %
            this.hwnd := SecretName
            DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",8)
            this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
            this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
            this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
            this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
            Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(this.G, 7)


         Border() {
            Gui, % ": +Border"
            UpdateLayeredWindow(this.hwnd, this.hdc, (A_ScreenWidth-this.w)/2, (A_ScreenHeight-this.h)/2, this.w, this.h)
            return this

         Destroy() {
            SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
            Gui, % ":Destroy"
            return this

         Hide() {
            Gui, % ":Show", Hide
            return this

         Show() {
            Gui, % ":Show", NoActivate
            return this

         ToggleVisible() {
            if DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "UInt", this.hwnd)
               Gui, % ":Show", Hide
               Gui, % ":Show", NoActivate
            return this

         isVisible() {
            return DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "UInt", this.hwnd)

         Render(file, scale := 1, time := 0) {
            if (this.hwnd){
               this.scale := scale
               if (time) {
                  self_destruct := ObjBindMethod(this, "Destroy")
                  SetTimer, % self_destruct, % -1 * time
               Critical On
               if FileExist(file)
                  f := pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(file)
               else pBitmap := file
               Width := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), Height := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
               this.DetectScreenResolutionChange(Width, Height)
               Gdip_DrawImage(this.G, pBitmap, 0, 0, Floor(Width*scale), Floor(Height*scale), 0, 0, Width, Height)
               UpdateLayeredWindow(this.hwnd, this.hdc, 0, 0, Floor(Width*scale), Floor(Height*scale))
               this.w := Floor(Width*scale)
               this.h := Floor(Height*scale)
               if f
               Critical Off
               return this
            else {
               parent := ((___ := RegExReplace(A_ThisFunc, "^(.*)\..*\..*$", "$1")) != A_ThisFunc) ? ___ : ""
               Loop, Parse, parent, .
                  parent := (A_Index=1) ? %A_LoopField% : parent[A_LoopField]
               _image := (parent) ? new parent.image() : new image()
               return _image.Render(file, scale, time)

         DetectScreenResolutionChange(w:="", h:=""){
            w := (w) ? w : A_ScreenWidth
            h := (h) ? h : A_ScreenHeight
            if (this.ScreenWidth != w || this.ScreenHeight != h) {
               this.ScreenWidth := w, this.ScreenHeight := h
               SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
               this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
               this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
               this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
               this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
               Gdip_SetInterpolationMode(this.G, 7)

      class Subtitle{

         layers := {}, ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth, ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight

         __New(name := ""){
            parent := ((___ := RegExReplace(A_ThisFunc, "^(.*)\..*\..*$", "$1")) != A_ThisFunc) ? ___ : ""
            Loop, Parse, parent, .
               this.parent := (A_Index=1) ? %A_LoopField% : this.parent[A_LoopField]

            Gui, New, +LastFound +AlwaysOnTop -Caption -DPIScale +E0x80000 +ToolWindow +hwndSecretName
            this.hwnd := SecretName
   := (name != "") ? name "_Subtitle" : "Subtitle_" this.hwnd
            DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",8)
            DllCall("SetWindowText", "ptr",this.hwnd, "str",
            this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
            this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
            this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
            this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)
            this.colorMap := this.colorMap()


            SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
            return this

            DllCall("DestroyWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd)
            return this

            DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",0)
            return this

            DllCall("ShowWindow", "ptr",this.hwnd, "int",8)
            return this

            this.isVisible() ? this.Hide() : this.Show()
            return this

            return DllCall("IsWindowVisible", "ptr",this.hwnd)

            DetectHiddenWindows On
            WinSet, ExStyle, +0x20, % "ahk_id" this.hwnd
            DetectHiddenWindows Off
            return this

            if (this.ScreenWidth != A_ScreenWidth || this.ScreenHeight != A_ScreenHeight) {
               this.ScreenWidth := A_ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight := A_ScreenHeight
               SelectObject(this.hdc, this.obm)
               this.hbm := CreateDIBSection(this.ScreenWidth, this.ScreenHeight)
               this.hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
               this.obm := SelectObject(this.hdc, this.hbm)
               this.G := Gdip_GraphicsFromHDC(this.hdc)

         Draw(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := "", pGraphics := "") {
            if (pGraphics == "") {
               pGraphics := this.G
               if (this.rendered == true) {
                  this.rendered := false
                  this.layers := {}
                  this.x := this.y := this.xx := this.yy := ""
               this.layers.push([text, style1, style2])

            ; Remember styles so that they can be loaded next time.
            style1 := (style1) ? this.style1 := style1 : this.style1
            style2 := (style2) ? this.style2 := style2 : this.style2

            static q1 := "i)^.*?(?<!-|:|:\s)\b(?![^\(]*\))"
            static q2 := "(:\s?)?\(?(?<value>(?<=\()[\s\-\da-z\.#%]+(?=\))|[\-\da-z\.#%]+).*$"

            time := (style1.t) ? style1.t : (style1.time) ? style1.time
                  : (!IsObject(style1) && (___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1 "(t(ime)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___
                  : (style2.t) ? style2.t : (style2.time) ? style2.time
                  : (!IsObject(style2) && (___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1 "(t(ime)?)" q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___
                  : 0

            if (time) {
               self_destruct := ObjBindMethod(this, "Destroy")
               SetTimer, % self_destruct, % -1 * time

            static alpha := "^[A-Za-z]+$"
            static decimal := "^(\-?\d+(\.\d*)?)$"
            static integer := "^\d+$"
            static percentage := "^(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)%$"
            static positive := "^\d+(\.\d*)?$"

            if IsObject(style1){
               _a  := (style1.a != "")  ? style1.a  : style1.anchor
               _x  := (style1.x != "")  ? style1.x  : style1.left
               _y  := (style1.y != "")  ? style1.y  :
               _w  := (style1.w != "")  ? style1.w  : style1.width
               _h  := (style1.h != "")  ? style1.h  : style1.height
               _r  := (style1.r != "")  ? style1.r  : style1.radius
               _c  := (style1.c != "")  ? style1.c  : style1.color
               _m  := (style1.m != "")  ? style1.m  : style1.margin
               _p  := (style1.p != "")  ? style1.p  : style1.padding
               _q  := (style1.q != "")  ? style1.q  : (style1.quality) ? style1.quality : style1.SmoothingMode
            } else {
               _a  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(a(nchor)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _x  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(x|left)"               q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _y  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(y|top)"                q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _w  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(w(idth)?)"             q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _h  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(h(eight)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _r  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(r(adius)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _c  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(c(olor)?)"             q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _m  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(m(argin)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _p  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(p(adding)?)"           q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""
               _q  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style1, q1    "(q(uality)?)"           q2, "${value}")) != style1) ? ___ : ""

            if IsObject(style2){
               a  := (style2.a != "")  ? style2.a  : style2.anchor
               x  := (style2.x != "")  ? style2.x  : style2.left
               y  := (style2.y != "")  ? style2.y  :
               w  := (style2.w != "")  ? style2.w  : style2.width
               h  := (style2.h != "")  ? style2.h  : style2.height
               m  := (style2.m != "")  ? style2.m  : style2.margin
               f  := (style2.f != "")  ? style2.f  : style2.font
               s  := (style2.s != "")  ? style2.s  : style2.size
               c  := (style2.c != "")  ? style2.c  : style2.color
               b  := (style2.b != "")  ? style2.b  : style2.bold
               i  := (style2.i != "")  ? style2.i  : style2.italic
               u  := (style2.u != "")  ? style2.u  : style2.underline
               j  := (style2.j != "")  ? style2.j  : style2.justify
               n  := (style2.n != "")  ? style2.n  : style2.noWrap
               z  := (style2.z != "")  ? style2.z  : style2.condensed
               d  := (style2.d != "")  ? style2.d  : style2.dropShadow
               o  := (style2.o != "")  ? style2.o  : style2.outline
               q  := (style2.q != "")  ? style2.q  : (style2.quality) ? style2.quality : style2.TextRenderingHint
            } else {
               a  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(a(nchor)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               x  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(x|left)"               q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               y  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(y|top)"                q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               w  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(w(idth)?)"             q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               h  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(h(eight)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               m  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(m(argin)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               f  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(f(ont)?)"              q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               s  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(s(ize)?)"              q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               c  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(c(olor)?)"             q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               b  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(b(old)?)"              q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               i  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(i(talic)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               u  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(u(nderline)?)"         q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               j  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(j(ustify)?)"           q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               n  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(n(oWrap)?)"            q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               z  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(z|condensed?)"         q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               d  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(d(ropShadow)?)"        q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               o  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(o(utline)?)"           q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""
               q  := ((___ := RegExReplace(style2, q1    "(q(uality)?)"           q2, "${value}")) != style2) ? ___ : ""

            ; Step 1 - Simulate string width and height, setting only the variables we need to determine it.
            style += (b) ? 1 : 0      ; bold
            style += (i) ? 2 : 0      ; italic
            style += (u) ? 4 : 0      ; underline
            style += (strike) ? 8 : 0 ; strikeout, not implemented.
            s  := (s ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenHeight * SubStr(s, 1, -1)  / 100 :  s
            s  := (s ~= positive) ? s : 36
            q  := (q >= 0 && q <= 5) ? q : 4
            n  := (n) ? 0x4000 | 0x1000 : 0x4000
            j  := (j ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 1 : (j ~= "i)(far|right)") ? 2 : 0
            _q := (_q >= 0 && _q <= 4) ? _q : 4

            Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphics, _q)
            Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphics, q) ; 4 = Anti-Alias, 5 = Cleartype
            hFamily := (___ := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(f)) ? ___ : Gdip_FontFamilyCreate("Arial")
            hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, s, style)
            hFormat := Gdip_StringFormatCreate(n)
            Gdip_SetStringFormatAlign(hFormat, j)

            CreateRectF(RC, 0, 0, 0, 0)
            ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)
            ReturnRC := StrSplit(ReturnRC, "|")

            ; Step 2 - Define margins and padding.
            _m := this.margin(_m)
            _p := this.margin(_p)
             m := this.margin( m)
             p := this.margin( p)

            ; Bonus - Condense Text using a Condensed Font if simulated text width exceeds screen width.
            if (z) {
               ExtraMargin := (_m.2 + _m.4 + _p.2 + _p.4)
               if (ReturnRC[3] + ExtraMargin > A_ScreenWidth){
                  hFamily := (___ := Gdip_FontFamilyCreate(z)) ? ___ : Gdip_FontFamilyCreate("Arial Narrow")
                  hFont := Gdip_FontCreate(hFamily, s, style)
                  ReturnRC := Gdip_MeasureString(pGraphics, Text, hFont, hFormat, RC)
                  ReturnRC := StrSplit(ReturnRC, "|")
                  _w  := ReturnRC[3]

            ; Step 3 - Define _width and _height. Do not modify with margin and padding.
            _w  := (_w  ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenWidth  * SubStr(_w, 1, -1)  / 100 : _w
            _h  := (_h  ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenHeight * SubStr(_h, 1, -1)  / 100 : _h
            _w  := (_w  ~= positive) ? _w  : ReturnRC[3]
            _h  := (_h  ~= positive) ? _h  : ReturnRC[4]

            ; Step 4 - Define _anchor with a default value of 1.
            _a  := (_a = "top") ? 2 : (_a = "left") ? 4 : (_a = "right") ? 6 : (_a = "bottom") ? 8
                  : (_a ~= "i)top" && _a ~= "i)left") ? 1 : (_a ~= "i)top" && _a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2
                  : (_a ~= "i)top" && _a ~= "i)bottom") ? 3 : (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && _a ~= "i)left") ? 4
                  : (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 5 : (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && _a ~= "i)bottom") ? 6
                  : (_a ~= "i)bottom" && _a ~= "i)left") ? 7 : (_a ~= "i)bottom" && _a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 8
                  : (_a ~= "i)bottom" && _a ~= "i)right") ? 9 : (_a ~= "^[1-9]$") ? _a : 1 ; default

            ; Step 5 - Modify _anchor with _x and _y.
            _a  := (_x  = "left") ? 1+(((_a-1)//3)*3) : (_x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2+(((_a-1)//3)*3) : (_x = "right") ? 3+(((_a-1)//3)*3) : _a
            _a  := (_y  = "top") ? 1+(mod(_a-1,3)) : (_y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 4+(mod(_a-1,3)) : (_y = "bottom") ? 7+(mod(_a-1,3)) : _a

            ; Step 6 - Define _x and _y with respect to _anchor.
            _x  := (_x  = "left") ? 0 : (_x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 0.5*A_ScreenWidth : (_x = "right") ? A_ScreenWidth : _x
            _y  := (_y  = "top") ? 0 : (_y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 0.5*A_ScreenHeight : (_y = "bottom") ? A_ScreenHeight : _y
            _x  := (_x  ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenWidth  * SubStr(_x, 1, -1)  / 100 : _x
            _y  := (_y  ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenHeight * SubStr(_y, 1, -1)  / 100 : _y
            _x  := (_x  ~= decimal) ? _x  : 0
            _y  := (_y  ~= decimal) ? _y  : 0
            _x  -= (mod(_a-1,3) == 0) ? 0 : (mod(_a-1,3) == 1) ? _w/2 : (mod(_a-1,3) == 2) ? _w : 0
            _y  -= (((_a-1)//3) == 0) ? 0 : (((_a-1)//3) == 1) ? _h/2 : (((_a-1)//3) == 2) ? _h : 0
            ; Fractional y values might cause gdi+ slowdown.

            ; Round 1 - Define width and height.
            w  := ( w  ~= percentage) ? _w * RegExReplace( w, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : w
            h  := ( h  ~= percentage) ? _h * RegExReplace( h, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : h
            w  := ( w  ~= positive) ?  w  : (_w) ? _w : ReturnRC[3] ;if _w = 0
            h  := ( h  ~= positive) ?  h  : (_h) ? _h : ReturnRC[4]

            ; Round 2 - Define anchor.
            a  := (a = "top") ? 2 : (a = "left") ? 4 : (a = "right") ? 6 : (a = "bottom") ? 8
                  : (a ~= "i)top" && a ~= "i)left") ? 1 : (a ~= "i)top" && a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2
                  : (a ~= "i)top" && a ~= "i)bottom") ? 3 : (a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && a ~= "i)left") ? 4
                  : (a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 5 : (_a ~= "i)cent(er|re)" && a ~= "i)bottom") ? 6
                  : (a ~= "i)bottom" && a ~= "i)left") ? 7 : (a ~= "i)bottom" && a ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 8
                  : (a ~= "i)bottom" && a ~= "i)right") ? 9 : (a ~= "^[1-9]$") ? a : 1 ; default

            a  := ( x  = "left") ? 1+((( a-1)//3)*3) : ( x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 2+((( a-1)//3)*3) : ( x = "right") ? 3+((( a-1)//3)*3) :  a
            a  := ( y  = "top") ? 1+(mod( a-1,3)) : ( y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? 4+(mod( a-1,3)) : ( y = "bottom") ? 7+(mod( a-1,3)) :  a

            ; Round 3 - Define x and y with respect to anchor.
            x  := ( x  = "left") ? _x : (x ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? _x + 0.5*_w : (x = "right") ? _x + _w : x
            y  := ( y  = "top") ? _y : (y ~= "i)cent(er|re)") ? _y + 0.5*_h : (y = "bottom") ? _y + _h : y
            x  := ( x  ~= percentage) ? _x + (_w * RegExReplace( x, percentage, "$1")  / 100) : x
            y  := ( y  ~= percentage) ? _y + (_h * RegExReplace( y, percentage, "$1")  / 100) : y
            x  := ( x  ~= decimal) ? x  : _x
            y  := ( y  ~= decimal) ? y  : _y
            x  -= (mod(a-1,3) == 0) ? 0 : (mod(a-1,3) == 1) ? ReturnRC[3]/2 : (mod(a-1,3) == 2) ? ReturnRC[3] : 0
            y  -= (((a-1)//3) == 0) ? 0 : (((a-1)//3) == 1) ? ReturnRC[4]/2 : (((a-1)//3) == 2) ? ReturnRC[4] : 0

            ; Round 4 - Modify _x, _y, _w, _h with margin and padding.
            if (_w && _h) {
               _w  += (_m.2 + _m.4 + _p.2 + _p.4) + (m.2 + m.4 + p.2 + p.4)
               _h  += (_m.1 + _m.3 + _p.1 + _p.3) + (m.1 + m.3 + p.1 + p.3)
               _x  -= (_m.1 + _p.1)
               _y  -= (_m.4 + _p.4)

            ; Round 5 - Modify x, y with margin and padding.
            x  += (m.1 + p.1)
            y  += (m.4 + p.4)

            ; Round 6 - Define radius of rounded corners.
            _smaller := (_w > _h) ? _h : _w
            _r  := (_r  ~= percentage) ? _smaller * RegExReplace(_r, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : _r
            _r  := (_r  <= _smaller / 2 && _r ~= positive) ? _r : 0

            ; Round 7 - Define color.
            _c := this.color(_c, 0xDD424242)
             c := this.color( c, 0xFFFFFFFF)

            ; Round 8 - Define outline and dropShadow.
            o := this.outline(o)
            d := this.dropShadow(d)

            ; Round 9 - Define Text
            if (!A_IsUnicode){
               nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint",0, "uint",0, "ptr",&text, "int",-1, "ptr",0, "int",0)
               VarSetCapacity(wtext, nSize*2)
               DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "uint",0, "uint",0, "ptr",&text, "int",-1, "ptr",&wtext, "int",nSize)

            ; Draw 1 - Background
            if (_w && _h && _c && (_c & 0xFF000000)) {
               pBrushBackground := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(_c)
               Gdip_FillRoundedRectangle(pGraphics, pBrushBackground, _x, _y, _w, _h, _r)

            ; Draw 2 - DropShadow
            if (!d.void) {
               delta := 2*d.3 + 2*o.1
               offset := d.3 + o.1

               if (d.3) {
                  pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(w + delta, h + delta)
                  pGraphicsDropShadow := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
                  Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphicsDropShadow, _q)
                  Gdip_SetTextRenderingHint(pGraphicsDropShadow, q)
                  CreateRectF(RC, offset, offset, w + delta, h + delta)
               } else {
                  CreateRectF(RC, x + d.1, y + d.2, w, h)
                  pGraphicsDropShadow := pGraphics

               if (!o.void)
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePath", "int",1, "uptr*",pPath)
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathString", "ptr",pPath, "ptr", A_IsUnicode ? &text : &wtext, "int",-1
                                                     , "ptr",hFamily, "int",style, "float",s, "ptr",&RC, "ptr",hFormat)
                  pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(d.4, o.1)
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenLineJoin", "ptr",pPen, "uInt",2)
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPath", "ptr",pGraphicsDropShadow, "ptr",pPen, "ptr",pPath)
                  pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(d.4)
                  Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphicsDropShadow, 1) ; Turn off alpha blending
                  Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphicsDropShadow, 3)   ; Turn off anti-aliasing
                  Gdip_FillPath(pGraphicsDropShadow, pBrush, pPath)
                  Gdip_SetCompositingMode(pGraphicsDropShadow, 0)
                  Gdip_SetSmoothingMode(pGraphicsDropShadow, _q)
                  pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(d.4)
                  Gdip_DrawString(pGraphicsDropShadow, Text, hFont, hFormat, pBrush, RC)

               if (d.3) {
                  pBlur := Gdip_BlurBitmap(pBitmap, d.3)
                  Gdip_DrawImage(pGraphics, pBlur, x + d.1 - offset, y + d.2 - offset, w + delta, h + delta)

            ; Draw 3 - Text Outline
            if (!o.void) {
               ; Convert our text to a path.
               CreateRectF(RC, x, y, w, h)
               DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreatePath", "int",1, "uptr*",pPath)
               DllCall("gdiplus\GdipAddPathString", "ptr",pPath, "ptr", A_IsUnicode ? &text : &wtext, "int",-1
                                                  , "ptr",hFamily, "int",style, "float",s, "ptr",&RC, "ptr",hFormat)

               ; Create a pen.
               pPen := Gdip_CreatePen(o.2, o.1)
               DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenLineJoin", "ptr",pPen, "uint",2)

               ; Create a glow effect around the edges.
               if (o.3) {
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipClonePath", "ptr",pPath, "uptr*",pPathGlow)
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipWidenPath", "ptr",pPathGlow, "ptr",pPen, "ptr",0, "float",1)

                  ; Set color to glowColor or use the previous color.
                  color := (o.4) ? o.4 : o.2

                  loop % o.3
                     ARGB := Format("0x{:02X}",((color & 0xFF000000) >> 24)/o.3) . Format("{:06X}",(color & 0x00FFFFFF))
                     pPenGlow := Gdip_CreatePen(ARGB, A_Index)
                     DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSetPenLineJoin", "ptr",pPenGlow, "uInt",2)
                     DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPath", "ptr",pGraphics, "ptr",pPenGlow, "ptr",pPathGlow)

               ; Draw outline text.
               if (o.1)
                  DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDrawPath", "ptr",pGraphics, "ptr",pPen, "ptr",pPath)

               ; Fill outline text.
               if (c && (c & 0xFF000000)) {
                  pBrush := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(c)
                  Gdip_FillPath(pGraphics, pBrush, pPath)

            ; Draw Text
            if (text != "" && d.void && o.void) {
               CreateRectF(RC, x, y, w, h)
               pBrushText := Gdip_BrushCreateSolid(c)
               Gdip_DrawString(pGraphics, text, hFont, hFormat, pBrushText, RC)

            ; Complete

            ; Correct Offsets
            _w := (_w == 0) ? (ReturnRC[3] + d.1 + 2*d.3 + 2*o.1 + 2*o.3) : _w
            _h := (_h == 0) ? (ReturnRC[4] + d.2 + 2*d.3 + 2*o.1 + 2*o.3) : _h

            this.x  := (this.x  = "" || _x < this.x) ? _x : this.x
            this.y  := (this.y  = "" || _y < this.y) ? _y : this.y
            this.xx := (this.xx = "" || _x + _w > this.xx) ? _x + _w : this.xx
            this.yy := (this.yy = "" || _y + _h > this.yy) ? _y + _h : this.yy

         Render(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := "", update := 1){
            if (this.hWnd){
               Critical On
               this.Draw(text, style1, style2)
               if (update)
                  UpdateLayeredWindow(this.hwnd, this.hdc, 0, 0, A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
               this.rendered := true
               Critical Off
               return this
            else {
               parent := ((___ := RegExReplace(A_ThisFunc, "^(.*)\..*\..*$", "$1")) != A_ThisFunc) ? ___ : ""
               Loop, Parse, parent, .
                  parent := (A_Index=1) ? %A_LoopField% : parent[A_LoopField]
               _subtitle := (parent) ? new parent.Subtitle() : new Subtitle()
               return _subtitle.Render(text, style1, style2, update)

         Bitmap(x:=0, y:=0, w:=0, h:=0){
            pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmap(A_ScreenWidth, A_ScreenHeight)
            pGraphics := Gdip_GraphicsFromImage(pBitmap)
            loop % this.layers.MaxIndex()
               this.Draw(this.layers[A_Index].1, this.layers[A_Index].2, this.layers[A_Index].3, pGraphics)

            if (x || y || w || h) {
               w := (w = 0) ? A_ScreenWidth, h := (h = 0) ? A_ScreenHeight
               pBitmap2 := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pBitmap, x, y, w, h)
               pBitmap := pBitmap2
            return pBitmap ; Please dispose of this image responsibly.

         Save(filename := "", quality := 92, fullscreen := 0){
            filename := (filename ~= "i)\.(bmp|dib|rle|jpg|jpeg|jpe|jfif|gif|tif|tiff|png)$") ? filename
                      : (filename != "") ? filename ".png" : ".png"
            pBitmap := (fullscreen) ? this.Bitmap() : this.Bitmap(this.x, this.y, this.xx - this.x, this.yy - this.y)
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, filename, quality)

         SaveFullScreen(filename := "", quality := ""){
            return this.Save(filename, quality, 1)

         hBitmap(alpha := 0xFFFFFFFF){
            ; hBitmap converts alpha channel to specified alpha color.
            ; Add 1 pixel because Anti-Alias (SmoothingMode = 4)
            ; Should it be crop 1 pixel instead?
            pBitmap := this.Bitmap(this.x, this.y, this.xx - this.x, this.yy - this.y)
            hBitmap := Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(pBitmap, alpha)
            return hBitmap

         RenderToHBitmap(text := "", style1 := "", style2 := ""){
            if (this.hWnd){
               this.Render(text, style1, style2, 0)
               return this.hBitmap()
            else {
               parent := ((___ := RegExReplace(A_ThisFunc, "^(.*)\..*\..*$", "$1")) != A_ThisFunc) ? ___ : ""
               Loop, Parse, parent, .
                  parent := (A_Index=1) ? %A_LoopField% : parent[A_LoopField]
               _subtitle := (parent) ? new parent.Subtitle() : new Subtitle()
               _subtitle.Render(text, style1, style2, 0)
               return _subtitle.hBitmap() ; Does not return a subtitle object.

            pBitmap := this.Bitmap(this.x, this.y, this.xx - this.x, this.yy - this.y)
            hIcon := Gdip_CreateHICONFromBitmap(pBitmap)
            return hIcon

         color(c, default := 0xDD424242){
            static colorRGB  := "^0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})$"
            static colorARGB := "^0x([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})$"
            static hex6      :=   "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{6})$"
            static hex8      :=   "^([0-9A-Fa-f]{8})$"

            if ObjGetCapacity([c], 1){
               c  := (c ~= "^#") ? SubStr(c, 2) : c
               c  := ((___ := this.colorMap[c]) != "") ? ___ : c
               c  := (c ~= colorRGB) ? "0xFF" RegExReplace(c, colorRGB, "$1") : (c ~= hex8) ? "0x" c : (c ~= hex6) ? "0xFF" c : c
               c  := (c ~= colorARGB) ? c : default
            return (c != "") ? c : default

         margin(m, default := 0){
            static percentage := "^(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)%$"
            static positive := "^\d+(\.\d*)?$"

            if IsObject(m){
               m.1 := (m.y  != "") ? m.y  :
               m.2 := (m.x2 != "") ? m.x2 : m.right
               m.3 := (m.y2 != "") ? m.y2 : m.bottom
               m.4 := (m.x  != "") ? m.x  : m.left
            else if (m) {
               m   := StrSplit(m, " ")
               if (m.length() == 3)
                  m.4 := m.2
               else if (m.length() == 2)
                  m.4 := m.2, m.3 := m.1
               else if (m.length() == 1)
                  m.4 := m.3 := m.2 := m.1, exception := true
                  m.Delete(5, m.MaxIndex())
               return {1:default, 2:default, 3:default, 4:default}

            m.1 := (m.1 ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenHeight * SubStr(m.1, 1, -1)  / 100 : m.1
            m.2 := (m.2 ~= percentage) ? (exception ? A_ScreenHeight : A_ScreenWidth) * SubStr(m.2, 1, -1)  / 100 : m.2
            m.3 := (m.3 ~= percentage) ? A_ScreenHeight * SubStr(m.3, 1, -1)  / 100 : m.3
            m.4 := (m.4 ~= percentage) ? (exception ? A_ScreenHeight : A_ScreenWidth) * SubStr(m.4, 1, -1)  / 100 : m.4

            m.1 := (m.1 ~= positive) ? m.1 : default
            m.2 := (m.2 ~= positive) ? m.2 : default
            m.3 := (m.3 ~= positive) ? m.3 : default
            m.4 := (m.4 ~= positive) ? m.4 : default

            return m

            static percentage := "^(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)%$"
            static positive := "^\d+(\.\d*)?$"

            if IsObject(o){
               o.1 := (o.w  != "") ? o.w  : o.width
               o.2 := (o.c  != "") ? o.c  : o.color
               o.3 := (o.g  != "") ? o.g  : o.glow
               o.4 := (o.c2 != "") ? o.c2 : o.glowColor
            } else if (o)
               o   := StrSplit(o, " ")
               return {"void":true, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0}

            o.1 := (o.1 ~= "px$") ? SubStr(o.1, 1, -2) : o.1
            o.1 := (o.1 ~= percentage) ?  s * RegExReplace(o.1, percentage, "$1")  // 100 : o.1
            o.1 := (o.1 ~= positive) ? o.1 : 1

            o.2 := this.color(o.2, 0xFF000000)

            o.3 := (o.3 ~= "px$") ? SubStr(o.3, 1, -2) : o.3
            o.3 := (o.3 ~= percentage) ?  s * RegExReplace(o.3, percentage, "$1")  // 100 : o.3
            o.3 := (o.3 ~= positive) ? o.3 : 0

            o.4 := this.color(o.4, 0x00000000)
            return o

            static decimal := "^(\-?\d+(\.\d*)?)$"
            static percentage := "^(\-?\d+(?:\.\d*)?)%$"
            static positive := "^\d+(\.\d*)?$"

            if IsObject(d){
               d.1 := (d.h != "") ? d.h : d.horizontal
               d.2 := (d.v != "") ? d.v : d.vertical
               d.3 := (d.b != "") ? d.b : d.blur
               d.4 := (d.c != "") ? d.c : d.color
               d.5 := (d.s != "") ? d.s : d.strength
            } else if (d)
               d   := StrSplit(d, " ")
               return {"void":true, 1:0, 2:0, 3:0, 4:0, 5:0}

            d.1 := (d.1 ~= "px$") ? SubStr(d.1, 1, -2) : d.1
            d.1 := (d.1 ~= percentage) ? ReturnRC[3] * RegExReplace(d.1, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : d.1
            d.1 := (d.1 ~= decimal) ? d.1 : 0

            d.2 := (d.2 ~= "px$") ? SubStr(d.2, 1, -2) : d.2
            d.2 := (d.2 ~= percentage) ? ReturnRC[4] * RegExReplace(d.2, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : d.2
            d.2 := (d.2 ~= decimal) ? d.2 : 0

            d.3 := (d.3 ~= "px$") ? SubStr(d.3, 1, -2) : d.3
            d.3 := (d.3 ~= percentage) ? s * RegExReplace(d.3, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : d.3
            d.3 := (d.3 ~= positive) ? d.3 : 1

            d.4 := this.color(d.4, 0xFF000000)

            d.5 := (d.5 ~= percentage) ? s * RegExReplace(d.5, percentage, "$1")  / 100 : d.5
            d.5 := (d.5 ~= positive) ? d.5 : 1
            return d

            color := [] ; 73 LINES MAX
            color["Clear"] := color["Off"] := color["None"] := color["Transparent"] := "0x00000000"

               color["AliceBlue"]             := "0xFFF0F8FF"
             , color["AntiqueWhite"]          := "0xFFFAEBD7"
             , color["Aqua"]                  := "0xFF00FFFF"
             , color["Aquamarine"]            := "0xFF7FFFD4"
             , color["Azure"]                 := "0xFFF0FFFF"
             , color["Beige"]                 := "0xFFF5F5DC"
             , color["Bisque"]                := "0xFFFFE4C4"
             , color["Black"]                 := "0xFF000000"
             , color["BlanchedAlmond"]        := "0xFFFFEBCD"
             , color["Blue"]                  := "0xFF0000FF"
             , color["BlueViolet"]            := "0xFF8A2BE2"
             , color["Brown"]                 := "0xFFA52A2A"
             , color["BurlyWood"]             := "0xFFDEB887"
             , color["CadetBlue"]             := "0xFF5F9EA0"
             , color["Chartreuse"]            := "0xFF7FFF00"
             , color["Chocolate"]             := "0xFFD2691E"
             , color["Coral"]                 := "0xFFFF7F50"
             , color["CornflowerBlue"]        := "0xFF6495ED"
             , color["Cornsilk"]              := "0xFFFFF8DC"
             , color["Crimson"]               := "0xFFDC143C"
             , color["Cyan"]                  := "0xFF00FFFF"
             , color["DarkBlue"]              := "0xFF00008B"
             , color["DarkCyan"]              := "0xFF008B8B"
             , color["DarkGoldenRod"]         := "0xFFB8860B"
             , color["DarkGray"]              := "0xFFA9A9A9"
             , color["DarkGrey"]              := "0xFFA9A9A9"
             , color["DarkGreen"]             := "0xFF006400"
             , color["DarkKhaki"]             := "0xFFBDB76B"
             , color["DarkMagenta"]           := "0xFF8B008B"
             , color["DarkOliveGreen"]        := "0xFF556B2F"
             , color["DarkOrange"]            := "0xFFFF8C00"
             , color["DarkOrchid"]            := "0xFF9932CC"
             , color["DarkRed"]               := "0xFF8B0000"
             , color["DarkSalmon"]            := "0xFFE9967A"
             , color["DarkSeaGreen"]          := "0xFF8FBC8F"
             , color["DarkSlateBlue"]         := "0xFF483D8B"
             , color["DarkSlateGray"]         := "0xFF2F4F4F"
             , color["DarkSlateGrey"]         := "0xFF2F4F4F"
             , color["DarkTurquoise"]         := "0xFF00CED1"
             , color["DarkViolet"]            := "0xFF9400D3"
             , color["DeepPink"]              := "0xFFFF1493"
             , color["DeepSkyBlue"]           := "0xFF00BFFF"
             , color["DimGray"]               := "0xFF696969"
             , color["DimGrey"]               := "0xFF696969"
             , color["DodgerBlue"]            := "0xFF1E90FF"
             , color["FireBrick"]             := "0xFFB22222"
             , color["FloralWhite"]           := "0xFFFFFAF0"
             , color["ForestGreen"]           := "0xFF228B22"
             , color["Fuchsia"]               := "0xFFFF00FF"
             , color["Gainsboro"]             := "0xFFDCDCDC"
             , color["GhostWhite"]            := "0xFFF8F8FF"
             , color["Gold"]                  := "0xFFFFD700"
             , color["GoldenRod"]             := "0xFFDAA520"
             , color["Gray"]                  := "0xFF808080"
             , color["Grey"]                  := "0xFF808080"
             , color["Green"]                 := "0xFF008000"
             , color["GreenYellow"]           := "0xFFADFF2F"
             , color["HoneyDew"]              := "0xFFF0FFF0"
             , color["HotPink"]               := "0xFFFF69B4"
             , color["IndianRed"]             := "0xFFCD5C5C"
             , color["Indigo"]                := "0xFF4B0082"
             , color["Ivory"]                 := "0xFFFFFFF0"
             , color["Khaki"]                 := "0xFFF0E68C"
             , color["Lavender"]              := "0xFFE6E6FA"
             , color["LavenderBlush"]         := "0xFFFFF0F5"
             , color["LawnGreen"]             := "0xFF7CFC00"
             , color["LemonChiffon"]          := "0xFFFFFACD"
             , color["LightBlue"]             := "0xFFADD8E6"
             , color["LightCoral"]            := "0xFFF08080"
             , color["LightCyan"]             := "0xFFE0FFFF"
             , color["LightGoldenRodYellow"]  := "0xFFFAFAD2"
             , color["LightGray"]             := "0xFFD3D3D3"
             , color["LightGrey"]             := "0xFFD3D3D3"
               color["LightGreen"]            := "0xFF90EE90"
             , color["LightPink"]             := "0xFFFFB6C1"
             , color["LightSalmon"]           := "0xFFFFA07A"
             , color["LightSeaGreen"]         := "0xFF20B2AA"
             , color["LightSkyBlue"]          := "0xFF87CEFA"
             , color["LightSlateGray"]        := "0xFF778899"
             , color["LightSlateGrey"]        := "0xFF778899"
             , color["LightSteelBlue"]        := "0xFFB0C4DE"
             , color["LightYellow"]           := "0xFFFFFFE0"
             , color["Lime"]                  := "0xFF00FF00"
             , color["LimeGreen"]             := "0xFF32CD32"
             , color["Linen"]                 := "0xFFFAF0E6"
             , color["Magenta"]               := "0xFFFF00FF"
             , color["Maroon"]                := "0xFF800000"
             , color["MediumAquaMarine"]      := "0xFF66CDAA"
             , color["MediumBlue"]            := "0xFF0000CD"
             , color["MediumOrchid"]          := "0xFFBA55D3"
             , color["MediumPurple"]          := "0xFF9370DB"
             , color["MediumSeaGreen"]        := "0xFF3CB371"
             , color["MediumSlateBlue"]       := "0xFF7B68EE"
             , color["MediumSpringGreen"]     := "0xFF00FA9A"
             , color["MediumTurquoise"]       := "0xFF48D1CC"
             , color["MediumVioletRed"]       := "0xFFC71585"
             , color["MidnightBlue"]          := "0xFF191970"
             , color["MintCream"]             := "0xFFF5FFFA"
             , color["MistyRose"]             := "0xFFFFE4E1"
             , color["Moccasin"]              := "0xFFFFE4B5"
             , color["NavajoWhite"]           := "0xFFFFDEAD"
             , color["Navy"]                  := "0xFF000080"
             , color["OldLace"]               := "0xFFFDF5E6"
             , color["Olive"]                 := "0xFF808000"
             , color["OliveDrab"]             := "0xFF6B8E23"
             , color["Orange"]                := "0xFFFFA500"
             , color["OrangeRed"]             := "0xFFFF4500"
             , color["Orchid"]                := "0xFFDA70D6"
             , color["PaleGoldenRod"]         := "0xFFEEE8AA"
             , color["PaleGreen"]             := "0xFF98FB98"
             , color["PaleTurquoise"]         := "0xFFAFEEEE"
             , color["PaleVioletRed"]         := "0xFFDB7093"
             , color["PapayaWhip"]            := "0xFFFFEFD5"
             , color["PeachPuff"]             := "0xFFFFDAB9"
             , color["Peru"]                  := "0xFFCD853F"
             , color["Pink"]                  := "0xFFFFC0CB"
             , color["Plum"]                  := "0xFFDDA0DD"
             , color["PowderBlue"]            := "0xFFB0E0E6"
             , color["Purple"]                := "0xFF800080"
             , color["RebeccaPurple"]         := "0xFF663399"
             , color["Red"]                   := "0xFFFF0000"
             , color["RosyBrown"]             := "0xFFBC8F8F"
             , color["RoyalBlue"]             := "0xFF4169E1"
             , color["SaddleBrown"]           := "0xFF8B4513"
             , color["Salmon"]                := "0xFFFA8072"
             , color["SandyBrown"]            := "0xFFF4A460"
             , color["SeaGreen"]              := "0xFF2E8B57"
             , color["SeaShell"]              := "0xFFFFF5EE"
             , color["Sienna"]                := "0xFFA0522D"
             , color["Silver"]                := "0xFFC0C0C0"
             , color["SkyBlue"]               := "0xFF87CEEB"
             , color["SlateBlue"]             := "0xFF6A5ACD"
             , color["SlateGray"]             := "0xFF708090"
             , color["SlateGrey"]             := "0xFF708090"
             , color["Snow"]                  := "0xFFFFFAFA"
             , color["SpringGreen"]           := "0xFF00FF7F"
             , color["SteelBlue"]             := "0xFF4682B4"
             , color["Tan"]                   := "0xFFD2B48C"
             , color["Teal"]                  := "0xFF008080"
             , color["Thistle"]               := "0xFFD8BFD8"
             , color["Tomato"]                := "0xFFFF6347"
             , color["Turquoise"]             := "0xFF40E0D0"
             , color["Violet"]                := "0xFFEE82EE"
             , color["Wheat"]                 := "0xFFF5DEB3"
             , color["White"]                 := "0xFFFFFFFF"
             , color["WhiteSmoke"]            := "0xFFF5F5F5"
               color["Yellow"]                := "0xFFFFFF00"
             , color["YellowGreen"]           := "0xFF9ACD32"
            return color

            return this.x

            return this.y

            return this.xx

            return this.yy

            return this.xx - this.x

            return this.yy - this.y

   class provider {

      class GoogleCloudVision {

         static ext := "jpg"
         static jpegQuality := "75"

         base64 := true

         ; Cloud Platform Console Help - Setting up API keys
         ; Step 1:
         ; Step 2:

         ; You must enter billing information to use the Cloud Vision API.
         ; First 1000 LABEL_DETECTION per month is free.

         ; Please enter your api_key for Google Cloud Vision API.
         ; Instead, keep your api_key in a separate file, "Vis2_API.txt"

            if (error != "") {
               (Vis2.obj) ? Vis2.core.ux.suspend() : ""
               InputBox, api_key, Vis2.GoogleCloudVision.ImageIdentify, Enter your api_key for GoogleCloudVision.
               (Vis2.obj) ? Vis2.core.ux.resume() : ""
               FileAppend, GoogleCloudVision=%api_key%, Vis2_API.txt
               return api_key

            if (this.api_key ~= "^X{39}$") {
               if FileExist("Vis2_API.txt") {
                  file := FileOpen("Vis2_API.txt", "r")
                  keys := file.Read()
                  api_key := ((___ := RegExReplace(keys, "s)^.*?GoogleCloudVision(?:\s*)=(?:\s*)([A-Za-z0-9\-]+).*$", "$1")) != keys) ? ___ : ""

                  if (api_key != "")
                     return api_key
               return this.api_key

         ; Supported Image Formats
         ; JPEG, PNG8, PNG24, GIF, Animated GIF (first frame only)
         ; BMP, WEBP, RAW, ICO
         ; Maximum Image Size - 4 MB
         ; Maximum Size per Request - 8 MB
         ; Compression to 640 x 480 - LABEL_DETECTION


            img64 := Vis2.stdlib.toBase64(image)

            req := {}
            req.requests := {}
            req.requests[1] := {"image":{}, "features":{}}
            req.requests[1].image.content := img64
            req.requests[1].features[1] := {"type":"LABEL_DETECTION"}
            body := JSON.Dump(req)

            VarSetCapacity(file, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(img64, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(req, 0)

            whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
  "POST", "" Vis2.GoogleCloudVision.getCredentials())

            MsgBox % whr.ResponseText

            reply := JSON.Load(whr.ResponseText)
            i := 1
            while (i <= reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations.length()) {
               sentence  .= (i == 1) ? "" : ", "
               sentence2 .= (i == 1) ? "" : ", "
               sentence  .= reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations[i].description
               sentence2 .= reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations[i].description " (" Format("{:i}",  100*reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations[i].score) "%)"
            VarSetCapacity(body, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(whr, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(reply, 0)



            in := (in) ? in : this.base64
            req := {}
            req.requests := {}
            req.requests[1] := {"image":{}, "features":{}}
            req.requests[1].image.content := in
            req.requests[1].features[1] := {"type":"LABEL_DETECTION"}
            body := JSON.Dump(req)

            whr := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
            if (api_key := this.getCredentials())
               whr.Open("POST", "" api_key, true)
               whr.Open("POST", "", true)
            whr.SetRequestHeader("Accept", "*/*")
            whr.SetRequestHeader("Origin", "")
            whr.SetRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8")
            whr.SetRequestHeader("Referer", "")
            whr.SetRequestHeader("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/65.0.3325.181 Safari/537.36")


            try reply := JSON.Load(whr.ResponseText)
            i := 1
            while (i <= reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations.length()) {
               sentence  .= (i == 1) ? "" : ", "
               sentence2 .= (i == 1) ? "" : ", "
               sentence  .= reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations[i].description
               sentence2 .= reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations[i].description " (" Format("{:i}",  100*reply.responses[1].labelAnnotations[i].score) "%)"

            this.text := sentence2

            return this.text

      class Tesseract {

         static leptonica := A_ScriptDir "\bin\leptonica_util\leptonica_util.exe"
         static tesseract := A_ScriptDir "\bin\tesseract\tesseract.exe"
         static tessdata_best := A_ScriptDir "\bin\tesseract\tessdata_best"
         static tessdata_fast := A_ScriptDir "\bin\tesseract\tessdata_fast"

         uuid := Vis2.stdlib.CreateUUID()
         file := A_Temp "\Vis2_screenshot" this.uuid ".bmp"
         fileProcessedImage := A_Temp "\Vis2_preprocess" this.uuid ".tif"
         fileConvertedText := A_Temp "\Vis2_text" this.uuid ".txt"

         ; public OCR()
         ; public preprocess()
         ; public convert()
         ; public cleanup()
         ; public getPreprocessImage()
         ; public getText()
         ; private convert_best()
         ; private convert_fast()
         ; private getTextLines()

            this.language := language

         OCR(image, language:="", options:=""){
            this.language := language
            try {
               screenshot := Vis2.stdlib.toFile(image, this.file, options)
               this.preprocess(screenshot, this.fileProcessedImage)
               this.convert_best(this.fileProcessedImage, this.fileConvertedText)
               text :=
            } catch e {
               MsgBox, 16,, % "Exception thrown!`n`nwhat: " e.what "`nfile: " e.file
                  . "`nline: " e.line "`nmessage: " e.message "`nextra: " e.extra
            finally {
      := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.Text, "google")
               text.base.clipboard := ObjBindMethod(Vis2.Text, "clipboard")
            return text

            FileDelete, % this.file
            FileDelete, % this.fileProcessedImage
            FileDelete, % this.fileConvertedText

         convert(in:="", out:="", fast:=1){
            in := (in) ? in : this.fileProcessedImage
            out := (out) ? out : this.fileConvertedText
            fast := (fast) ? this.tessdata_fast : this.tessdata_best

            if !(FileExist(in))
               throw Exception("Input image for conversion not found.",, in)

            if !(FileExist(this.tesseract))
               throw Exception("Tesseract not found",, this.tesseract)

            static q := Chr(0x22)
            _cmd .= q this.tesseract q " --tessdata-dir " q fast q " " q in q " " q SubStr(out, 1, -4) q
            _cmd .= (this.language) ? " -l " q this.language q : ""
            _cmd := ComSpec " /C " q _cmd q
            RunWait % _cmd,, Hide

            if !(FileExist(out))
               throw Exception("Tesseract failed.",, _cmd)

            return out

         convert_best(in:="", out:=""){
            return this.convert(in, out, 1)

         convert_fast(in:="", out:=""){
            return this.convert(in, out, 1)

            return this.fileProcessedImage

         getText(in:="", lines:=""){
            in := (in) ? in : this.fileConvertedText

            if !(database := FileOpen(in, "r`n", "UTF-8"))
               throw Exception("Text file could not be found or opened.",, in)

            if (lines == "") {
               text := RegExReplace(database.Read(), "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", "$1")
               text := RegExReplace(text, "(?<!\r)\n", "`r`n")
            } else {
               while (lines > 0) {
                  data := database.ReadLine()
                  data := RegExReplace(data, "^\s*(.*?)\s*$", "$1")
                  if (data != "") {
                     text .= (text) ? ("`n" . data) : data
                  if (!database || database.AtEOF)
            return text

            return, lines)

         preprocess(in:="", out:=""){
            static ocrPreProcessing := 1
            static negateArg := 2
            static performScaleArg := 1
            static scaleFactor := 3.5

            in := (in != "") ? in : this.file
            out := (out != "") ? out : this.fileProcessedImage

            if !(FileExist(in))
               throw Exception("Input image for preprocessing not found.",, in)

            if !(FileExist(this.leptonica))
               throw Exception("Leptonica not found",, this.leptonica)

            static q := Chr(0x22)
            _cmd .= q this.leptonica q " " q in q " " q out q
            _cmd .= " " negateArg " 0.5 " performScaleArg " " scaleFactor " " ocrPreProcessing " 5 2.5 " ocrPreProcessing  " 2000 2000 0 0 0.0"
            _cmd := ComSpec " /C " q _cmd q
            RunWait, % _cmd,, Hide

            if !(FileExist(out))
               throw Exception("Preprocessing failed.",, _cmd)

            return out

   class stdlib {

         Loop 12
            bytes .= Chr(NumGet(data, A_Index-1, "uchar"))

         ; Null bytes are not passed, so they have been omitted below

         if (bytes ~= "^BM")
            return "bmp"
         if (bytes ~= "^(GIF87a|GIF89a)")
            return "gif"
         if (bytes ~= "^ÿØÿÛ")
            return "jpg"
         if (bytes ~= "s)^ÿØÿà..\x4A\x46\x49\x46") ;\x00\x01
            return "jfif"
         if (bytes ~= "^\x89\x50\x4E\x47\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A")
            return "png"
         if (bytes ~= "^(\x49\x49\x2A|\x4D\x4D\x2A)") ; 49 49 2A 00, 4D 4D 00 2A
            return "tif"

         regex .= "((https?|ftp)\:\/\/)" ; SCHEME
         regex .= "([a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+(\:[a-z0-9+!*(),;?&=\$_.-]+)?@)?" ; User and Pass
         regex .= "([a-z0-9-.]*)\.([a-z]{2,3})" ; Host or IP
         regex .= "(\:[0-9]{2,5})?" ; Port
         regex .= "(\/([a-z0-9+\$_-]\.?)+)*\/?" ; Path
         regex .= "(\?[a-z+&\$_.-][a-z0-9;:@&%=+\/\$_.-]*)?" ; GET Query
         regex .= "(#[a-z_.-][a-z0-9+\$_.-]*)?" ; Anchor

         return (url ~= "i)" regex) ? true : false

      b64Encode( ByRef buf, bufLen:="" ) {
         bufLen := (bufLen) ? bufLen : StrLen(buf) << !!A_IsUnicode
         DllCall( "crypt32\CryptBinaryToStringA", "ptr", &buf, "UInt", bufLen, "Uint", 1 | 0x40000000, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", outLen )
         VarSetCapacity( outBuf, outLen, 0 )
         DllCall( "crypt32\CryptBinaryToStringA", "ptr", &buf, "UInt", bufLen, "Uint", 1 | 0x40000000, "Ptr", &outBuf, "UInt*", outLen )
         return strget( &outBuf, outLen, "CP0" )

      b64Decode( b64str, ByRef outBuf ) {
         static CryptStringToBinary := "crypt32\CryptStringToBinary" (A_IsUnicode ? "W" : "A")

         DllCall( CryptStringToBinary, "ptr", &b64str, "UInt", 0, "Uint", 1, "Ptr", 0, "UInt*", outLen, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0 )
         VarSetCapacity( outBuf, outLen, 0 )
         DllCall( CryptStringToBinary, "ptr", &b64str, "UInt", 0, "Uint", 1, "Ptr", &outBuf, "UInt*", outLen, "ptr", 0, "ptr", 0 )

         return outLen

      CreateUUID() {
         VarSetCapacity(puuid, 16, 0)
         if !(DllCall("rpcrt4.dll\UuidCreate", "ptr", &puuid))
            if !(DllCall("rpcrt4.dll\UuidToString", "ptr", &puuid, "uint*", suuid))
               return StrGet(suuid), DllCall("rpcrt4.dll\RpcStringFree", "uint*", suuid)
         return ""

      Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, ext, Quality=75) {

               return -1
         Extension := "." Ext

         DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "uint*", nCount, "uint*", nSize)
         VarSetCapacity(ci, nSize)
         DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "uint", nCount, "uint", nSize, Ptr, &ci)
         if !(nCount && nSize)
            return -2

            Loop, %nCount%
                  sString := StrGet(NumGet(ci, (idx := (48+7*A_PtrSize)*(A_Index-1))+32+3*A_PtrSize), "UTF-16")
                  if !InStr(sString, "*" Extension)

                  pCodec := &ci+idx

         if !pCodec
               return -3

         if (Quality != 75)
               Quality := (Quality < 0) ? 0 : (Quality > 100) ? 100 : Quality
               if Extension in .JPG,.JPEG,.JPE,.JFIF
                     DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", Ptr, pBitmap, Ptr, pCodec, "uint*", nSize)
                     VarSetCapacity(EncoderParameters, nSize, 0)
                     DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", Ptr, pBitmap, Ptr, pCodec, "uint", nSize, Ptr, &EncoderParameters)
                     Loop, % NumGet(EncoderParameters, "UInt")
                        elem := (24+(A_PtrSize ? A_PtrSize : 4))*(A_Index-1) + 4 + (pad := A_PtrSize = 8 ? 4 : 0)
                        if (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+16, "UInt") = 1) && (NumGet(EncoderParameters, elem+20, "UInt") = 6)
                              p := elem+&EncoderParameters-pad-4
                              NumPut(Quality, NumGet(NumPut(4, NumPut(1, p+0)+20, "UInt")), "UInt")

         DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr",0, "int",true, "ptr*",pStream)
         DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToStream", "ptr",pBitmap, "ptr",pStream, "ptr",pCodec, "uint",p ? p : 0)

         DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr",pStream, "uint*",hData)
         pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr",hData, "uptr")
         nSize := DllCall("GlobalSize", "uint",pData)

         VarSetCapacity(Bin, nSize, 0)
         DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr",&Bin , "ptr",pData , "uint",nSize)
         DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr",hData)
         DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pStream + 0, 0, "uptr") + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "uptr"), "ptr",pStream)
         DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr",hData)

         DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint",0x01, "ptr",0, "uint*",base64Length)
         VarSetCapacity(base64, base64Length*2, 0)
         DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint",0x01, "ptr",&base64, "uint*",base64Length)
         Bin := ""
         VarSetCapacity(Bin, 0)
         VarSetCapacity(base64, -1)

         return base64

      Gdip_BitmapFromClientHWND(hwnd) {
         VarSetCapacity(rc, 16)
         DllCall("GetClientRect", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", &rc)
      	hbm := CreateDIBSection(NumGet(rc, 8, "int"), NumGet(rc, 12, "int"))
         VarSetCapacity(rc, 0)
         hdc := CreateCompatibleDC()
         obm := SelectObject(hdc, hbm)
      	PrintWindow(hwnd, hdc, 1)
      	pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(hbm)
      	SelectObject(hdc, obm), DeleteObject(hbm), DeleteDC(hdc)
      	return pBitmap

      Gdip_CropBitmap(ByRef pBitmap, c){
         w := Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap), h := Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap)
         pBitmap2 := Gdip_CloneBitmapArea(pBitmap, c.1, c.2, (c.1 + c.3 > w) ? w - c.1 : c.3 , (c.2 + c.4 > h) ? h - c.2 : c.4)
         pBitmap := pBitmap2

      Gdip_isBitmapEqual(pBitmap1, pBitmap2, width:="", height:="") {
         ; Check if pointers are identical.
         if (pBitmap1 == pBitmap2)
            return true

         ; Assume both Bitmaps are equal in width and height.
         width := (width) ? width : Gdip_GetImageWidth(pBitmap1)
         height := (height) ? height : Gdip_GetImageHeight(pBitmap1)
         E1 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap1, 0, 0, width, height, Stride1, Scan01, BitmapData1)
         E2 := Gdip_LockBits(pBitmap2, 0, 0, width, height, Stride2, Scan02, BitmapData2)

         ; RtlCompareMemory preforms an unsafe comparison stopping at the first different byte.
         length := width * height * 4  ; ARGB = 4 bytes
         bytes := DllCall("RtlCompareMemory", "ptr", Scan01+0, "ptr", Scan02+0, "uint", length)

         Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap1, BitmapData1)
         Gdip_UnlockBits(pBitmap2, BitmapData2)
         return (bytes == length) ? true : false

      RPath_Absolute(AbsolutPath, RelativePath, s="\") {

         len := InStr(AbsolutPath, s, "", InStr(AbsolutPath, s . s) + 2) - 1   ;get server or drive string length
         pr := SubStr(AbsolutPath, 1, len)                                     ;get server or drive name
         AbsolutPath := SubStr(AbsolutPath, len + 1)                           ;remove server or drive from AbsolutPath
         If InStr(AbsolutPath, s, "", 0) = StrLen(AbsolutPath)                 ;remove last \ from AbsolutPath if any
            StringTrimRight, AbsolutPath, AbsolutPath, 1

         If InStr(RelativePath, s) = 1                                         ;when first char is \ go to AbsolutPath of server or drive
            AbsolutPath := "", RelativePath := SubStr(RelativePath, 2)        ;set AbsolutPath to nothing and remove one char from RelativePath
         Else If InStr(RelativePath,"." s) = 1                                 ;when first two chars are .\ add to current AbsolutPath directory
            RelativePath := SubStr(RelativePath, 3)                           ;remove two chars from RelativePath
         Else If InStr(RelativePath,".." s) = 1 {                              ;otherwise when first 3 char are ..\
            StringReplace, RelativePath, RelativePath, ..%s%, , UseErrorLevel     ;remove all ..\ from RelativePath
            Loop, %ErrorLevel%                                                    ;for all ..\
               AbsolutPath := SubStr(AbsolutPath, 1, InStr(AbsolutPath, s, "", 0) - 1)  ;remove one folder from AbsolutPath
         } Else                                                                ;relative path does not need any substitution
            pr := "", AbsolutPath := "", s := ""                              ;clear all variables to just return RelativePath

         Return, pr . AbsolutPath . s . RelativePath                           ;concatenate server + AbsolutPath + separator + RelativePath

      setSystemCursor(CursorID = "", cx = 0, cy = 0 ) { ; Thanks to Serenity -
         static SystemCursors := "32512,32513,32514,32515,32516,32640,32641,32642,32643,32644,32645,32646,32648,32649,32650,32651"

         Loop, Parse, SystemCursors, `,
               Type := "SystemCursor"
               CursorHandle := DllCall( "LoadCursor", "uInt",0, "Int",CursorID )
               %Type%%A_Index% := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uInt",CursorHandle, "uInt",0x2, "Int",cx, "Int",cy, "uInt",0 )
               CursorHandle := DllCall( "CopyImage", "uInt",%Type%%A_Index%, "uInt",0x2, "Int",0, "Int",0, "Int",0 )
               DllCall( "SetSystemCursor", "uInt",CursorHandle, "Int",A_Loopfield)

      ; toBase64() - Converts the input to a Base 64 string.
      ; Types of input accepted
      ; Objects: Rectangle Array (Screenshot)
      ; Strings: File, URL, Window Title (ahk_class...) OR hwnd (hex)
      ; Numbers: GDI Bitmap, GDI HBitmap
      ; Rawfile: Binary, base64

         ; Check if image is an array of 4 numbers
         if (image.1 ~= "^\d+$" && image.2 ~= "^\d+$" && image.3 ~= "^\d+$" && image.4 ~= "^\d+$") {
            pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(image.1 "|" image.2 "|" image.3 "|" image.4)
            base64 := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, "png")
         ; Check if image points to a valid file
         else if FileExist(image) {
            file := FileOpen(image, "r")
            file.RawRead(data, file.length)
            base64 := Vis2.stdlib.b64Encode(data, file.length)
         ; Check if image points to a valid URL
         else if Vis2.stdlib.isURL(image) {
            static req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")

            pStream := ComObjQuery(req.ResponseStream, "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
            DllCall("ole32\GetHGlobalFromStream", "ptr",pStream, "uint*",hData)
            pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr",hData, "uptr")
            nSize := DllCall("GlobalSize", "uint",pData)

            VarSetCapacity(Bin, nSize, 0)
            DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr",&Bin , "ptr",pData , "uint",nSize)
            DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr",hData)
            DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pStream + 0, 0, "uptr") + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "uptr"), "ptr",pStream)
            DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr",hData)

            DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint",0x01, "ptr",0, "uint*",base64Length)
            VarSetCapacity(base64, base64Length*2, 0)
            DllCall("Crypt32.dll\CryptBinaryToString", "ptr",&Bin, "uint",nSize, "uint",0x01, "ptr",&base64, "uint*",base64Length)
            Bin := ""
            VarSetCapacity(Bin, 0)
            VarSetCapacity(base64, -1)
         ; Check if image matches a window title OR is a valid handle to a window
         else if (DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr",image) || (hwnd := WinExist(image))) {
            hwnd := (DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr",image)) ? image : hwnd
            pBitmap := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_BitmapFromClientHWND(hwnd)
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, "ttt.png")
            base64 := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, "png")
         ; Check if image is a valid GDI Bitmap
         else if DeleteObject(Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(image)) {
            base64 := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(image, "png")
         ; Check if image is a valid handle to a GDI Bitmap
         else if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr",image) == 7) {
            pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(image)
            base64 := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_EncodeBitmapTo64string(pBitmap, "png")
         ; Check if image is raw binary data
         else if Vis2.stdlib.isBinaryImageFormat(image) {
            base64 := Vis2.stdlib.b64Encode(image)
         ; Check if image is a base64 string
         else if (image ~= "^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)$") {
            base64 := image
         return base64

      ; toFile() - Saves the image as a temporary file.
      toFile(image, outputFile:="", cropArray:=""){
         ; Check if image is an array of 4 numbers
         if (image.1 ~= "^\d+$" && image.2 ~= "^\d+$" && image.3 ~= "^\d+$" && image.4 ~= "^\d+$") {
            pBitmap := Gdip_BitmapFromScreen(image.1 "|" image.2 "|" image.3 "|" image.4)
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, outputFile)
         ; Check if image points to a valid file
         else if FileExist(image) {
            Loop, Files, % image
               if (A_LoopFileExt != "bmp" || IsObject(cropArray)) {
                  pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromFile(A_LoopFileLongPath)
                  (cropArray) ? Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_CropBitmap(pBitmap, cropArray) : ""
                  Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, outputFile)
               else outputFile := A_LoopFileLongPath
         ; Check if image points to a valid URL
         else if Vis2.stdlib.isURL(image) {
            static req := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")

            pStream := ComObjQuery(req.ResponseStream, "{0000000C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}")
            DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr",pStream, "uptr*",pBitmap)
            (cropArray) ? Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_CropBitmap(pBitmap, cropArray) : ""
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, outputFile, 92)
         ; Check if image matches a window title OR is a valid handle to a window
         else if (DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr",image) || (hwnd := WinExist(image))) {
            hwnd := (DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr",image)) ? image : hwnd
            pBitmap := Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_BitmapFromClientHWND(hwnd)
            (cropArray) ? Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_CropBitmap(pBitmap, cropArray) : ""
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, outputFile)
         ; Check if image is a valid GDI Bitmap
         else if DeleteObject(Gdip_CreateHBITMAPFromBitmap(image)) {
            (cropArray) ? Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_CropBitmap(image, cropArray) : ""
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(image, outputFile)
         ; Check if image is a valid handle to a GDI Bitmap
         else if (DllCall("GetObjectType", "ptr",image) == 7) {
            pBitmap := Gdip_CreateBitmapFromHBITMAP(image)
            (cropArray) ? Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_CropBitmap(pBitmap, cropArray) : ""
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, outputFile)
         ; Check if image is a base64 string
         else if (image ~= "^([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*([A-Za-z0-9+/]{4}|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==)$") {
            nSize := Vis2.stdlib.b64Decode(image, bin)
            hData := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "uint",0x2, "ptr",nSize)
            pData := DllCall("GlobalLock", "ptr",hData)
            DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "ptr",pData, "ptr",&bin, "ptr",nSize)
            DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "ptr",hData)
            DllCall("ole32\CreateStreamOnHGlobal", "ptr",hData, "int",1, "uptr*",pStream)
            DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromStream", "ptr",pStream, "uptr*",pBitmap)
            (cropArray) ? Vis2.stdlib.Gdip_CropBitmap(pBitmap, cropArray) : ""
            Gdip_SaveBitmapToFile(pBitmap, outputFile, 92)
            DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pStream + 0, 0, "uptr") + (A_PtrSize * 2), 0, "uptr"), "ptr",pStream)
            DllCall("GlobalFree", "ptr",hData)

         if !(FileExist(outputFile))
            throw Exception("Could not find source image.")

         return outputFile

   class Text {

      copy() {
         AutoTrim Off
         c := ClipboardAll
         Clipboard := ""             ; Must start off blank for detection to work.
         Send, ^c
         ClipWait 0.5
         if ErrorLevel
         t := Clipboard
         Clipboard := c
         VarSetCapacity(c, 0)
         return t

      paste(t) {
         c := ClipboardAll
         Clipboard := t
         Send, ^v
         Sleep 50                    ; Don't change clipboard while it is pasted! (Sleep > 0)
         Clipboard := c
         VarSetCapacity(c, 0)        ; Free memory
         AutoTrim On

      restore() {
         AutoTrim On

      ; Based on this paper:
      rmgarbage(data := ""){
         ; If the input value is blank, send ^c to capture highlighted text.
         text := (data == "") ? Vis2.Text.copy() : data

         ; Split our text into strings, creating an array of words.
         strings := [], whitespaces := [], pos := 1
         while RegexMatch(text, "O)([^\s]+)", string, pos) {
            pos := string.pos() + string.len()
            RegexMatch(text, "O)([\s]+)", whitespace, pos)

         for i in strings {
            ; (L) If a string is longer than 40 characters...
            ;strings[i] := RegExReplace(strings[i], "[^\s]{40,}", "")
            ; (A) If a string’s ratio of alphanumeric characters to total characters is less than 50%...
            alnum_thresholds := {1: 0     ; single chars can be non-alphanumeric
                    ,2: 0     ; so can doublets
                    ,3: 0.32  ; at least one of three should be alnum
                    ,4: 0.24  ; at least one of four should be alnum
                    ,5: 0.39}  ; at least two of five should be alnum
            strings[i] := (StrLen(RegExReplace(strings[i], "\W")) / StrLen(strings[i]) < 0.5) ? "" : strings[i]
            ; (R) If a string has 4 identical characters in a row...
            ;strings[i] := (strings[i] ~= "([^\s])\1\1\1") ? "" : strings[i]
            ; (V) If a string has nothing but alphabetic characters, look at the number of consonants and vowels.
            ;     If the number of one is less than 10% of the number of the other...
            ;     This includes a length threshold.

            def bad_consonant_vowel_ratio(self, string):
             Rule V
             if a string has nothing but alphabetic characters, look at the
             number of consonants and vowels. If the number of one is less than 10%
             of the number of the other, then the string is garbage.
             This includes a length threshold.
             :param string: string to be tested
             :returns: either True or False
             alpha_string = filter(str.isalpha, string)
             vowel_count = sum(1 for char in alpha_string if char in 'aeiouAEIOU')
             consonant_count = len(alpha_string) - vowel_count

             if (consonant_count > 0 and vowel_count > 0):
                 ratio = float(vowel_count)/consonant_count
                 if (ratio < 0.1 or ratio > 10):
                     return True
             elif (vowel_count == 0 and consonant_count > len('rhythms')):
                 return True
             elif (consonant_count == 0 and vowel_count > len('IEEE')):
                 return True

             return False
            ;strings[i] := (strings[i] ~= "^(\w(?<=\D))+$") ? () : strings[i]
            ; (P) Strip off the first and last characters of a string. If there are two distinct
            ;     punctuation characters in the result...

            ; (C) If a string begins and ends with a lowercase letter, then if the string
            ;     contains an uppercase letter anywhere in between...

         ; Reassemble the text
         text := ""
         for i, string in strings {
            text .= string . whitespaces[i]

         return (data == "") ? Vis2.Text.paste(text) : text

      clipboard(data := ""){
         text := (data == "") ? Vis2.Text.copy() : data
         clipboard := text
         return (data == "") ? Vis2.Text.restore() : text

      google(data := "") {
         text := data
         if not RegExMatch(text, "^(http|ftp|telnet)")
            text := "" . RegExReplace(text, "\s", "+")
         if (data)
            Run % text
         return data
Reminder: You will always find the latest version on my GitHub. Also you will need some exe files in the github as well.

If you have any suggestions or features, please let me know below. I'll implement them along with some other fixes---No definite timeline!
Script is still incomplete and needs work as of 2017-11-02.

If anyone can post a gif or image of this in action, I'd appreciate it!
Last edited by iseahound on 13 Sep 2018, 20:03, edited 26 times in total.
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

20 Aug 2017, 01:21

Very nice!! Thanks for sharing. :thumbup:

Posts: 1460
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

20 Aug 2017, 03:53

TY, wolf_II.

One thing you might not know, you can hold down RButton to reposition the grey box.

Mini-rant: GUI objects are hellish to code in AHK. Had to rewrite my original AHK GUI commands to Gdip. I also rewrote tics Gdip_TextToGraphics, will release it standalone at a later date.

If anyone is curious, try this:

Code: Select all

Vis2.Graphics.Subtitle.Render("Matcha Ice Cream & Strawberry Chocolate", "xCenter y:83% w900; time: 4000", {"x":"center", "y":"Bottom", "color":"A6e5b7"})
It accepts objects or strings as inputs and the RegEx is very lenient. (Untested)

EDIT: If anyone is interested in the Subtitle Object (text thing) check it out here
Last edited by iseahound on 31 Aug 2017, 06:41, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

20 Aug 2017, 06:02

Pretty accurate for regular text if not too blur or extra tiny!
neokix wrote:Script is still incomplete and needs work as of 2017-08-20.
Any chance for diacritics on the horizon?
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

28 Aug 2017, 01:35

Refined Subtitle Object, making background transparent black and margins consistent. Should feel better to use now.
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

31 Aug 2017, 01:55


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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

31 Aug 2017, 03:05

Really Nice... wow. I've been looking for this type of OCR! :) Thank you for sharing!
Posts: 4709
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

31 Aug 2017, 05:50

Really nice script iseahound, it looks very nice and is easy to use. Great job! :clap:
Posts: 26
Joined: 23 Sep 2016, 03:58

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

31 Aug 2017, 14:58

I'am having problem with this, do I need administrative privileges for this to work? Can I add more language?
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

01 Sep 2017, 11:03

didn't work for me
Error: Failed attempt to launch program or document:
Action: <.\bin\leptonica_util\leptonica_util.exe>
Params: <C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\Vis2_screenshot.bmp C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\Vis2_preprocess.tif 2 0.5 1 3.5 1 5 2.5 1 2000 2000 0 0 0.0>

Specifically: The system cannot find the file specified.

074: {
075: Vis2.obj.dialogue_past := Vis2.obj.dialogue
076: Vis2.obj.background.y := (Vis2.obj.background.y == "83%") ? "2.07%" : "83%"
077: Vis2.obj.Subtitle.Render(Vis2.obj.dialogue, Vis2.obj.background, Vis2.obj.text)
078: }
079: if (Vis2.obj.Area != "")
080: SetTimer,selectImage,-10
---> 081: Return
082: }
083: {
084: if (GetKeyState("LButton", "P"))
084: {
085: if (GetKeyState("Control", "P") || GetKeyState("Alt", "P") || GetKeyState("Shift", "P"))
086: Vis2.core.process.selectImageTransition()
087: Else

The current thread will exit.
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Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

01 Sep 2017, 19:06

AlphaBravo wrote:didn't work for me
Re-download. Open Vis2.ahk. Add this line to the top.

Code: Select all

#^c:: Vis2.OCR()
Run Vis2.ahk.

For future reference, double check your folder structure. A_workingDir must be A_ScriptDir, folder hierarchy should look like this: mainscript.ahk, lib, bin. Inside lib should be Vis2.ahk and Gdip_All.ahk. Your includes in mainscript.ahk should be #include <Vis2>
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

01 Sep 2017, 19:41

iseahound wrote:You need tesseract and leptonica provided in the download link above.
brain fart moment, DUHHHH.
Posts: 16
Joined: 10 Jun 2016, 10:46

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

20 Sep 2017, 14:38

Is there any way I can get someone to explain this, I could use OCR. I would need someone to explain it the way you would to an unintelligent newbie in order to make it simple enough for me to understand. Is that possible?
Posts: 1460
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

20 Sep 2017, 15:24

Small Update: Bugfix.

The only thing this script does is wrap actual OCR utilities in a manner that makes it accessible to AutoHotkey users. It does not perform computationally expensive neural net operations; those need to be compiled in a lower level language and are included in the download.
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

20 Sep 2017, 16:58

iseahound wrote:Small Update: Bugfix.

The only thing this script does is wrap actual OCR utilities in a manner that makes it accessible to AutoHotkey users. It does not perform computationally expensive neural net operations; those need to be compiled in a lower level language and are included in the download.
So I download tesseract for the OCR, then your script gives me the objects to use in my script in order to call tesseract? Is my understanding of this remotely close to correct?
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Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

27 Sep 2017, 16:37

How would I go about passing coords to search an area for text?
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Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

18 Oct 2017, 21:58

Croq wrote:How would I go about passing coords to search an area for text?
Update: You can now pass coordinates to Vis2.OCR([x, y, w, h]) where x, y are the coordinates of the top left corner, and w, h are width and height. Many people have requested this so here it is. You have to send the coordinates in an array.

Syntax Change: Please update your hotkeys.

Code: Select all

#^c:: Vis2.OCR()
#g:: ;Googles the text instead of saving it to clipboard. 
Last edited by iseahound on 02 Nov 2017, 20:44, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 8
Joined: 27 Sep 2017, 16:32

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

19 Oct 2017, 13:32

Much appreciated!!!
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

19 Oct 2017, 14:31

Thank you very much, iseahound. This should come in quite handy.
Posts: 1736
Joined: 22 Jan 2017, 19:37

Re: Vis2 - Simple OCR

19 Oct 2017, 14:50

Thank you very much, iseahound. This should come in quite handy. Needs AHK_L, correct?

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