
Post your working scripts, libraries and tools for AHK v1.1 and older
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

25 Aug 2017, 12:07

It worked yesterday, but it stopped working today.
Here are the errors I'm getting:

Tried disabling Secure Boot and driver signature verification, no luck.
From what I have found, the DLL is fetching a certificate from a chinese website called (specifically:
If you download the certificate above, you'll see the "Effective Date" is today - August 25, 2017 (stopped working today, coincidence?). Next update is on August 30, 2017. So I guess maybe we gotta wait till then?
Anyway Its a very dumb way of implementing this using third party certificates and relying on them. The errors are in Chinese which makes it even worse.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

26 Aug 2017, 00:13

It's mean "Network Problem Try Again"

Previously, it was normal.

Why ? Please tell me.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

08 Sep 2017, 06:08

sending string works abcefghij, however keypress such
f1-f12, enter,home,insert,delete, button doesnt seem to work on my game
any idea how to make it work?

and what is command for this?

key(param1, param2) {
return DllCall(this.dllFile "\DD_key", "int", param1, "int", param2)

i've tried DD.Key("f1")
doesnt work
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

08 Sep 2017, 06:51

ravena1 wrote:however keypress such
f1-f12, enter,home,insert,delete, button doesnt seem to work on my game
any idea how to make it work?
Adding some sleep between key up and key down might help, please take a look at the code (of _key_press function) and try it yourself. wrote:key(param1, param2) - Simulate keyboard
param1: DD code
param2: 1=Down 2=Up
The param1 DD code is converted from todc(VKCode) function.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

08 Sep 2017, 07:29

tmplinshi wrote:
ravena1 wrote:however keypress such
f1-f12, enter,home,insert,delete, button doesnt seem to work on my game
any idea how to make it work?
Adding some sleep between key up and key down might help, please take a look at the code (of _key_press function) and try it yourself. wrote:key(param1, param2) - Simulate keyboard
param1: DD code
param2: 1=Down 2=Up
The param1 DD code is converted from todc(VKCode) function.
omg thank you it works!

DD._key("F9", "Down")
sleep, 300
DD._key("F9", "Up")

however is there any chance to make the mouse move works on pixelsearch?

PixelSearch, X, Y, 29, 198, 771, 577, 0x00FF00, 0, fast
if(ErrorLevel=0) {, %Y%)
sleep, 250

mouse move seem to move on found pixe colorl :(

Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

24 Sep 2017, 08:14

Can someone enlighten me. I am using Autoit as my script editor and I cant figure out how this dll work. I DL the files but I coudnt understand text.
I want to include dll to my script but I couldnt figure out which one is the one needed to be included in the script. I Keep on looking for this class_DD.ahk file but I couldnt find it.
Please someone explain me this script.

Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

25 Sep 2017, 09:43

I Have same problem as OrtisticzBallz
it is triggered when "return DllCall(this.dllFile "\DD_btn", "int", 2)" is call
can someone tell us why this happen?
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

14 Sep 2018, 05:16

Hello, May I ask if there's any way that we can rename the service that the DLL was creating when the hotkey is running? A gameguard of the game that I'm using detects this service causing the game to crash.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

30 Dec 2018, 04:45

Not working Now? Network check failed.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

21 Aug 2019, 07:58

@tmplinshi i catch an error:

Code: Select all

Error ID: 0 , 网络问题,稍后再试
How i can fix it or controle time which DD dll not work? (request frum RU country)
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

21 Aug 2019, 08:02

last i heard, i think the DD server got shutdown but i guess we'll have to wait for @tmplinshi for verification
guess not
Last edited by swagfag on 21 Aug 2019, 08:46, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

21 Aug 2019, 08:44

I updated the dll 9 days ago, just tested and still works.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

23 Aug 2019, 06:15

My client catch this error every run program. Why?
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

23 Aug 2019, 06:30

@FordeD Did you update DD to the lastest version? Other from that, there is nothing I can do about it.
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

23 Aug 2019, 07:05

Yes, i updated DD to the latest
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

23 Aug 2019, 11:34

evilC wrote:
14 Aug 2017, 09:47
Is Interception not doing the same thing as DD?
Interception has a signed driver and is completely free.
Thank you evilC! I was aware of Interception, but I thought it can only capture key strokes. I don't have the need to use DD, so I didn't look into Interception..
Until now, I have more free time, and people are complaining the network problem of DD again.. I downloaded your AutoHotInterception, and it works like you said, it succesfully sent keystrokes to the PassGuardCtrl. :shock:
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Re: Class_DD - WingRing0 alternative, a vitual keyboard/mouse library

23 Aug 2019, 12:40

Dear DD users, if you are having network problems, maybe it's time to use AutoHotInterception instead.

Quik Guide:
  1. Download from, and unpack it.
  2. Open the folder Interception\command line installer, and run install-interception.exe /install in cmd.exe, then reboot your computer.
  3. Download AutoHotInterception from, unpack it.
  4. Copy Interception\library\x86 and Interception\library\x64 to AutoHotInterception\Lib
Simple Example:
(Before running it, you'll need to run "AutoHotInterception\Monitor.ahk" to get your device id)

Code: Select all

#include Lib\AutoHotInterception.ahk

AHI := new AutoHotInterception()

; Run "AutoHotInterception\Monitor.ahk" to get your device id
; id1 := AHI.GetKeyboardId(0x04F2, 0x0112, 1)                ; USB keyboard
id1 := AHI.GetKeyboardIdFromHandle("ACPI\VEN_PNP&DEV_0303")  ; PS/2 keyboard

; Send a
AHI.SendKeyEvent(id1, GetKeySC("a"), 1) ; press a
AHI.SendKeyEvent(id1, GetKeySC("a"), 0) ; release a

; Send Ctrl+A
AHI.SendKeyEvent(id1, GetKeySC("LControl"), 1) ; press LControl
AHI.SendKeyEvent(id1, GetKeySC("a"), 1)        ; press a
AHI.SendKeyEvent(id1, GetKeySC("a"), 0)        ; release a
AHI.SendKeyEvent(id1, GetKeySC("LControl"), 0) ; release LControl

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