Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.22 28th Oct 2018

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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

21 Nov 2017, 16:03

Hi evilC,

Great app! Makes things very simple!

One question, I'm trying to map a dpad up and down to a throttle axis using ButtonToAxis. It goes dpad_up | dpad_down > vjoy4_axis_x, 100% low, 0% mid, 100% high. It works but I'm only getting max throttle on, max throttle off.

Is there a way to work it so that I can get the full range as I hold the button (ex, hold at 70% throttle?) I was also thinking that I could map the mouse wheel, in game, but wasn't sure what function to use to make that work.

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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

21 Nov 2017, 16:27

The low/mid/high settings are where you want the stick to be in each of the states

As you have both low and high at 100, you will get the same when you hold either key.
low is the value to set the axis to when you hold the low key
high is the value to set the axis to when you hold the high key
mid is the value to set the axis to when holding no keys
They are absolute values - 0 is one end of the axis, 50 is center, 100 is the other end

Mouse wheel is a button. It is slightly special though in that it will press and then release the button you map it to straight away (You cannot "hold down" mouse wheel up)
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

21 Nov 2017, 22:12

Ahhh that makes more sense. Appreciate the insight!

Can’t wait to see the updated version!

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

25 Nov 2017, 01:43

it is possible to output two buttons at a time???
eX pressing button 1 on a joystick outputs button 2 + button 3 at the same time.

ty and more power
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Dewi Morgan
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

28 Nov 2017, 02:01

Wow. This is a mindblowingly good AHK application which perfectly solved my problem when I found it yesterday: Deus Ex Human Revolution has a no-clip patch that requires an XBox controller, and I wanted to be able to toggle my keyboard to act as an XBox controller when no-clip was turned on.

I've read all 33 pages of this thread, and have a few bug reports and several plugins I'd like to write(*), but should I wait until the new version comes out instead? It sounded like the release might be imminent. Is there anything I can help with? You mentioned a discord channel?

I'm most interested in writing "when active program <is/is not> <value>, switch to profile <value>" - this'd mean that I'd still be able to type in here even when I have blocking remaps enabled for when I switch to Deus Ex. It would also mean that I could seamlessly detect applications running, and switch to the correct profile for them. Though I've also considered writing a pull req for a checkbox to disable the currently selected/being-edited profile, since remapped keys are important for things like filling in notes plugins, renaming things, etc...

But the plugin that I lay awake last night plotting about is a "KeyToKeyCycle" plugin, with optional text-to-speech for each position in the cycle: Tab=>[1="fists"/2="pistol"/3="uzi"/4="rockets"]. Remap a single key to itself, it's just a "say something when this key is pressed" plugin: 5=>[5="stimpack"]; with the same key twice, mapped to itself, it'll say something then turning on/off a toggle-key (CapsLock=>[CapsLock="walk"/CapsLock="run"); and so on. Want to spam all the attack spells on your hotbar so you don't need to bother tracking cooldowns? Map a "spam" button to cycle through them as fast as you can tap it! Sounds a fun thing to write, but ideally needs dynamic UI elements to add as many cyclable keys as desired, but I think you couldn't see an easy way to do them in AxisRangeToButtons.
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UCR: WISH: Map physical to virtual axis via Modifier (key/button)

30 Nov 2017, 16:08

This is just essential - as there is no other software out there that could deliver this function!

It's common to have modifer functions to let buttons perform different actions when a modifier button is held. Every mapping tool out there is capable of doing this.

But there is no tool, that would allow an axis to act as a different axis when a modifier button is held!

In various console games whenever a different function of the analogue sticks is needed this is implemented in the game right away. The stick performs differently when you are driving a car (steering left/right) or flying a plane (rolling left/right).

It's very problematic and often impossible to emulate such a mapping in an (old) PC game. If it's not implemented, you will not be able to find any mapping software that can handle this!

Let's take Kerbal Space Program. There are control schemes for Xbox and PS4 making use of modifier keys to perform 9 (!!!) axes actions.

The setup routine of the PC version also offers configuration of up to 12 axes.

But your gamepad only offer 5 axes (and Xinput is generally limited to those 5 axes).

So there is no way you could make use of the configuration options of all those axes because your gamepad can't deliver them.

The solution: Modifier button(s)! Make 10 axes out of 5! Make 15 axes out of 5! Make 20 axes ouf of 5! ....

Even the steam controller is limited to Keyboard/Mouse and Xinput (5 axes). WHY? I just don't get it!

The function I suggest is just fundamental in my opinion and I don't understand why this has never been realized or implemented in any mapping tools.

Physical axis 1 -> mapped to virtual axis 1
Physical axis 1 + modifier button -> mapped to virtual axis 2

In Kerbal Space Program you could then do the following:

Left Stick L/R -> Yaw
Left Stick U/D -> Pitch
Triggers -> Throttle +/-

LB + Left Stick L/R -> Translate L/R
LB + Left Stick U/D -> Translate U/D
LB + Triggers -> Roll

Right Stick L/R -> Camera Horizontal
Right Stick U/D -> Camera Vertical
LB + Right Stick U/D -> Camera Zoom

With just one modifier key you would be able to configure ALL analogue axes KSP supports. This would be by far superior to any setups and workarounds out there including the offically implemented steam controller support!

This would also solve probably all of of the issues of older games that were never meant to be played via gamepad.

You could also turn your basic gamepad in a fully featured HOTAS system for space shooters/sims (like Freespace) or flight sims.

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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

04 Dec 2017, 07:02

@Dewi Morgan
We should have a usable version of the new implementation hopefully sometime around xmas
The new version is in C#, so if you are comfortable coding in that, then wait. If you are only comfortable in AHK, then use the current version.

UCR already supports shifted axes.
You need to use profile switching.
Make two child profiles, "Shifted" and "Unshifted", tick "Inherits from parent" in both.
In the parent, add a "Profile Switcher" plugin and have it shift to the Shifted profile on press and the Unshifted profile on release.
Then do your axis mappings in either the shifted or unshifted profiles.

When you hold the shift button, the axis will be mapped one way, when you release the button they will be mapped another way
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

04 Dec 2017, 10:03

I want to thank you for UCR, where I mapped two game controllers into one virtual so I can play single-player games with a friend sitting in my couch and us both being able to control the player in the game (e.g. one drives while the other one aims and shoot, or walk and take cover while the other one aims and shoot). It has been really fun.

I would like to give a bit of my time for a contribution of a bug report + feature request I believe would be useful (I'm in latest version 0.1.18) and a question.

Bug - When adding plugins, if they are like ten or more, then they go under the window size, there is no scrollbar and we can't map more plugins because we can't see them. I have seen this also reported, I also tried their solutions of resizing / closing UCR and opening, but without success, the scrollbar does not show. I just wanted to re-iterate this.

Feature Request - Most interaction in UCR is done through dropdowns which take many clicks, something that greatly slows down quick usage and experimentation. I would like to see something different, or, for a nice simple and quick solution, to be able to select multiple plugins that were added and then have an "Apply Stick ID / Vjoy ID" to these.

Question Can you tell me if I need SCPBus installed? I did not install it and it still worked correctly with vjoy + x360ce (the latter I use for translating vjoy to Xinput).

Thank you again!
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

04 Dec 2017, 10:08

Regarding the bug, I have been unable to reliably reproduce and debug this. I *have* seen it, but it appears to be timing critical and when I debug, it does not happen :(

Regarding the request - this is something we are seeking to address in the new version

SCPVBus is needed for UCR to natively output as virtual XBox. If you installed SCPVBus, you would not need X360ce to convert vJoy to xbox, you could select vXbox as output in UCR.

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

09 Dec 2017, 04:44

Does UCR support 4 player?(srry for bad english)
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

12 Dec 2017, 19:12

evilC wrote:@Helgef
ViGEm (Output)
Hi, i'm trying to use my keyboard instead of DS4 for PS4 Remote play, but can't setup it properly.

What i've found out from your posts , that it will be possible only after ViGEm implementation.
Is it correct or am i missing something ?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

13 Dec 2017, 06:42

This (AutoHotkey) version of UCR will probably never be able to emulate DS4 as I will probably not bother implementing ViGEm support.
The new (C#) version of UCR is the one with ViGEm support.
We have something semi-usable now (For one controller only), I am intending to make an initial test release sometime before the new year.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

13 Dec 2017, 06:45

Guest wrote:Does UCR support 4 player?(srry for bad english)
That's a very open-ended question.
What output do you need to send?
Currently, I think UCR can only emulate one Xbox controller.
Emulating multiple vJoy sticks is not a problem.
Obviously, if you need to output to keyboard, that would not be a problem
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

13 Dec 2017, 17:35

I am also interested in emulating the DS4, have been hovering around the other forums and reading about ViGEm too, will be interested in the test release, just want to say you did a great job with UCR as it was so helpful.

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

20 Dec 2017, 13:25

do you think in the future you could maybe add the Deadzone/Sensitivity/Linear parameters to the outputs of the Axis Splitter?

I use it to split a xbox controller joystick, but I'm having deadzone issues where I'm still getting a slight reading even though the stick is centered.
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

20 Dec 2017, 14:10

AHK mid-points are always off as AHK uses an odd numbered scale (0..100 = 101 integer values) whereas the underlying scale is even (0..65535 = 65536 integer values, with 32767 being middle), so AHK reports centered sticks as like 49.997
Add to this that xb controllers are very "noisy" (The wobble a lot around the mid-point) and yeah, when you need to do stuff like this, you are likely gonna need a DZ

So god knows why I omitted DZ options from the splitter. Will add them, hopefully by the end of this weekend. If I forget, nudge me.

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

20 Dec 2017, 14:14

I'm trying to bind the buttons at the moment right now and whenever I press them I don't think they register because the red window is still their and after I click somewhere else the bind are not set.

Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

20 Dec 2017, 14:30

evilC wrote:AHK mid-points are always off as AHK uses an odd numbered scale (0..100 = 101 integer values) whereas the underlying scale is even (0..65535 = 65536 integer values, with 32767 being middle), so AHK reports centered sticks as like 49.997
Add to this that xb controllers are very "noisy" (The wobble a lot around the mid-point) and yeah, when you need to do stuff like this, you are likely gonna need a DZ

So god knows why I omitted DZ options from the splitter. Will add them, hopefully by the end of this weekend. If I forget, nudge me.
When I remap the buttons for joystick 2 is that keyboard basically a whole new controllers, what if we both like playing on keyboards but he doesn't want to use the arrow keys would he be able to wsad on his keyboard and me able to use wsad on mine?
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Re: Universal Control Remapper (UCR) - v0.1.17 21st Aug 2017

21 Dec 2017, 01:12

Hmm... shifting used to work...

Bug Report: In the latest version, the inheriting from parent functionality seems to be broken. I've got a shift button, set to go to the shifted profile on press and back to the unshifted on release, but it's not returning. An attempt to fix it had a similar shift function on the shifted profile, but that led to having to click once to go to the shifted profile, and once to return, with none of the buttons on the unshifted profile that did not have an override on the shifted profile working.

Also, could you include a menu option to have UCR redetect what devices are plugged in please? Because at the moment combining UCR and WhiteKnight is kinda fiddly, with the user having to start UCR, whitelist it, hide the devices, unplug them and replug them, and if UCR crashes and thus gets a new process ID, unhide the devices, unplug and replug them, then start UCR and continue the usual setup process, because a new UCR, even if whitelisted, cannot detect the devices unless it was already detecting them before they were hidden. Without unhiding and unplugging, the new UCR will never see the devices.

Thanks for the great programs!

EDIT: Oh, also - I know I'm being dense, but how do I get the Code Runner function to send vJoy commands? Like, say I wanted a button on the physical joystick to send a series of JoyPOV commands on the virtual joystick, as I've got power settings in a space sim set to the vJoy Hat 1 and want to be able to quickly switch between power presets, how would I do that?

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