Set cursor Location in edit box? Topic is solved

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Set cursor Location in edit box?

07 Feb 2018, 09:55

HI all,

I'm trying to move the cursor to the end of an edit box after my g-label triggers and removes the non-"a-z0-9" characters.

currently, the G-label triggers, removes the * from the string, and updates the editbox. but the cursor is back at the start of the box.

I know I could end the g-label with something like "Send ^{right}" to go to the end, but I feel like this is bodging it and opens me up for an unknown case causing issues later on.

Any help would be appreciated!



for anyone else with this issue:

Code: Select all

Gui, 2:add, Edit, x5 y5 h20   w150  vAddEditVehicleRegistration1 gAddEditVehicleRegistration1 limit10, 
gui, 2:show h100 y200 

	GuiControlGet, temp,,AddEditVehicleRegistration1
	tempCursorPos := RegExMatch(temp, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]") - 1
	if (tempCursorPos >= 0)
		temp := RegExReplace(temp, "[^a-zA-Z0-9]", "")
		;~ MsgBox,,,%tempCursorPos%
		GuiControl, 2:-g, AddEditVehicleRegistration1
		GuiControl, 2:, AddEditVehicleRegistration1, %temp%
		temphwnd := xgc.hwnd
		SendMessage, 0xB1, %tempCursorPos%, %tempCursorPos%,,ahk_id %temphwnd%
		GuiControl, 2:+gAddEditVehicleRegistration1, AddEditVehicleRegistration1
Last edited by JackPJ on 07 Feb 2018, 11:11, edited 2 times in total.
Posts: 18
Joined: 19 Oct 2016, 05:52

Re: Set cursor Location in edit box?

07 Feb 2018, 10:09


I just realised I worded my question poorly and didn't cover all options, I'd ideally like to keep the cursor wherever it is when the text gets removes. i.e if I went back to a box that has "123456789" and entered a % in the middle like "12345%6789"
I'd still want my cursor to stay in the same place (between 5 and 6).

your example was great for selecting a final position, but how would I get the current cursor location?

I'm guessing the regexreplace I'm using must know the position of the first symbol it removes? how would I find it?

sorry, I suck with regex :(

Re: Set cursor Location in edit box?

07 Feb 2018, 10:26

In that case (and any other Edit control "needs") I can only recommend you have a look (and use) the Edit library by jballi which includes getting/setting selections, positions, find/replace etc:
just me
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Re: Set cursor Location in edit box?

07 Feb 2018, 10:35

You can get the position using RegExMatch() with a similar needle before RegExReplace().
Posts: 18
Joined: 19 Oct 2016, 05:52

Re: Set cursor Location in edit box?

07 Feb 2018, 11:08

Ahh, I get you,

thats perfect, thanks all

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