Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

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Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

28 May 2019, 23:12

Update: I recommend you try this script by Rseding91 it is much faster. A 4 mb file gets recreated is less then a second.

I combined Bin2Hex code by Laszlo and "include-a-bitmap-in-your-uncompiled-script" by Veovis to make it easier to add images/files to your uncompiled script. Tested on image, text and exe files. It takes a very long time to write the file back to disk if the file is large.

Steps to use...
(1) Run this script
(2) Script will prompt you to choose a file
(3) Script will create FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk
(4) Edit or Open FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk
(5) Copy & Paste Sections 1,2 and 3 to your script
(6) Do this for as many images/files that you want to include in your script. Only Copy and Paste Section 2 one time per script.
(7) FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk will tell you where to copy each section
(8) FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk can be run as is to see it work before copying to your script.

Credits go to the following people.
Laszlo - "Bin2Hex functions" found here
Veovis - "include-a-bitmap-in-your-uncompiled-script" found here
Rohwedder - "Divide String by number of characters" found here

Code: Select all

;I combined Bin2Hex code by Laszlo and "include-a-bitmap-in-your-uncompiled-script" by Veovis to make it easier to add images/files to your uncompiled script.

;Steps to use...
;(1) Run this script
;(2) Script will prompt you to choose a file
;(3) Script will create FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk
;(4) Edit or Open FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk
;(5) Copy & Paste Sections 1,2 and 3 to your script
;(6) Do this for as many images/files that you want to include in your script. Only Copy and Paste Section 2 one time per script.
;(7) FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk will tell you where to copy each section
;(8) FinalCode_NameOfFile_ExtensionOfFile.ahk can be run as is to see it work before copying to your script.

;Credits go to the following people.
;Laszlo - "Bin2Hex functions" found here
;Veovis - "include-a-bitmap-in-your-uncompiled-script" found here
;Rohwedder - "Divide String by number of characters" found here

SplitStringVarByThisNumber = 16300 ;After converting the file to hexcode this will be the maximum number of characters in each continuation/join variable.

;Choose file to covert to Hex
FileSelectFile,File,,,Choose a file
if File =

UniqueNumber = %a_now% ;this is needed to make each varible in the continuation/join section different each time this script is ran.
SplitPath,File,ScriptCreatedFile,OutDir,OutExtension,OutNameNoExt ;ScriptCreatedFile will be the same name as the file chosen by FileSelectFile without the path
FinalCode = FinalCode_%OutNameNoExt%_%OutExtension%.ahk ;This will be the name of the Output ahk file 

 MsgBox,4,File already exists!,File: ( %FinalCode% )`n`nDo you want to overwrite it?`n`nSelect Yes to overwrite, select No to Exit script
  IfMsgBox, no
  IfMsgBox, yes

BinRead(file,data) ;read binary data
Bin2Hex(h,data,res) ;convert binary to Hex

;Split Hex code in sections no larger then 16366 (SplitStringVarByThisNumber), the name of these sections will be HexData1, HexData2, etc...
While, HexDataX%A_Index% := SubStr(h,1+(A_Index-1)*SplitStringVarByThisNumber, SplitStringVarByThisNumber) 
 Sections++ ;Need to know how many sections of HexData is created

;create the continuation/join sections and label them var1, var2,etc....These variables will be written to FileCode_???.ahk
loop %Sections%
HexData := HexDataX%a_index%
Var%A_Index% =
%UniqueNumber%_%a_index% =
`( join
len := StrLen(Var%a_index%)
if Len > 16394
  MsgBox,4112,Error, One of the continuation sections is too large.`n`nPlease reduce ( SplitStringVarByThisNumber )`n`nThe script will now exit.

;The rest of this Autoexecute section creates FileCode_???.ahk
if Sections = 1
  FileAppend,;This script can be ran as is or add the 3 sections to your script. For multiple files Section 2 can only be added to your script 1 time..`n`n;[SECTION 1]-----------------------------------------Add Lines 4-7 to your autoexecute section------------------------------`n,%FinalCode%
Gosub, CreateHexDataContinuationSections
HexDataX := ( HexDataX %UniqueNumber%_1 )
HexDataX1 =
Return ;only add this return if you want your Autoexec section to end here

;This script can be ran as is or add the 3 sections to your script. Section 2 only has to be added to your script 1 time.`n`n;[SECTION 1]-----------------------------------------Add Lines 4-10 to your AutoExecute section------------------------------
Gosub, CreateHexDataContinuationSections
loop %Sections%
  HexDataX := ( HexDataX %UniqueNumber%_`%a_index`% )
  HexDataX`%a_index`% =
Return ;only add this return if you want your AutoExecute section to end here


If Sections = 1
 Lines = 12-29
 Lines = 15-32

;[SECTION 2]---------------------------Put the WriteFile function Lines %Lines% anywhere in your script-----------------------
   Handle :=  DllCall("CreateFile","str",file,"Uint",0x40000000
     if strlen(data) = 0
     StringLeft, Hex, data, 2
     StringTrimLeft, data, data, 2
     Hex = 0x`%Hex`%
     DllCall("WriteFile","UInt", Handle,"UChar *", Hex
     ,"UInt",1,"UInt *",UnusedVariable,"UInt",0)

   DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", Handle)


FileAppend,;[SECTION 3]---Add label CreateHexDataContinuationSections and all continuation/join sections (everything below including the Return) to anywhere in your script (other than the AutoExecute section)---,%FinalCode%
Loop, %sections%
 if A_index = 1
 AppendVar := Var%a_index%
MsgBox ( %FinalCode% ) has been created in this scripts folder....`n`n%a_scriptdir%
;functions Bin2Hex and BinRead by Laszlo -
Bin2Hex(ByRef h, ByRef b, n=0)      ; n bytes binary data -> stream of 2-digit hex
{                                   ; n = 0: all (SetCapacity can be larger than used!)
   format = %A_FormatInteger%       ; save original integer format
   SetFormat Integer, Hex           ; for converting bytes to hex

   m := VarSetCapacity(b)
   If (n < 1 or n > m)
       n := m
   Address := &b
   h =
   Loop %n%
      x := *Address                 ; get byte in hex
      StringTrimLeft x, x, 2        ; remove 0x
      x = 0%x%                      ; pad left
      StringRight x, x, 2           ; 2 hex digits
      h = %h%%x%
   SetFormat Integer, %format%      ; restore original format

BinRead(file, ByRef data, n=0, offset=0)
   h := DllCall("CreateFile","Str",file,"Uint",0x80000000,"Uint",3,"UInt",0,"UInt",3,"Uint",0,"UInt",0)
   IfEqual h,-1, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -1
   IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0,Return,0 ; couldn't open the file

   m = 0                            ; seek to offset
   IfLess offset,0, SetEnv,m,2
   r := DllCall("SetFilePointerEx","Uint",h,"Int64",offset,"UInt *",p,"Int",m)
   IfEqual r,0, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -3
   IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, {
      t = %ErrorLevel%              ; save ErrorLevel to be returned
      DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
      ErrorLevel = %t%              ; return seek error
      Return 0

   m := DllCall("GetFileSize","UInt",h,"Int64 *",r)
   If (n < 1 or n > m)
       n := m
   Granted := VarSetCapacity(data, n, 0)
   IfLess Granted,%n%, {
      ErrorLevel = Mem=%Granted%
      Return 0

   result := DllCall("ReadFile","UInt",h,"Str",data,"UInt",n,"UInt *",Read,"UInt",0)

   if (!result or Read < n)
       t = -3
   IfNotEqual ErrorLevel,0, SetEnv,t,%ErrorLevel%

   h := DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", h)
   IfEqual h,-1, SetEnv, ErrorLevel, -2
   IfNotEqual t,,SetEnv, ErrorLevel, %t%-%ErrorLevel%

   Return Read
Last edited by DataLife on 31 May 2019, 00:26, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

29 May 2019, 01:13

Just for a bit of clarification on my end, what use does this have versus FileInstall?

[AHK]......: v2.0.12 | 64-bit
[OS].......: Windows 11 | 23H2 (OS Build: 22621.3296)
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Re: Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

29 May 2019, 03:03

It is for uncompiled scripts , fileinstall only insert the data when compiling it.
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Re: Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

29 May 2019, 19:24

try nimda's "include any file" if it's still around. uses base64 encoding which lets you "embed" them as text sections in your script
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Re: Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

29 May 2019, 19:42

WeedTrek wrote:
29 May 2019, 19:24
try nimda's "include any file" if it's still around. uses base64 encoding which lets you "embed" them as text sections in your script
This also embeds them as text in the uncompiled script. Maybe nimdas is faster.
Check out my scripts. (MyIpChanger) (ClipBoard Manager) (SavePictureAs)
All my scripts are tested on Windows 10, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.
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Re: Include images/files in Uncompiled Scripts

30 May 2019, 08:51

Maybe nimdas is faster.
Converting to hex doubles the size while using base64 only increases with 33%.I tried your code and it works fine i guess it is also compatible with older windows versions.
Thanks for sharing :)

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