Radial menu scripts

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Re: Radial menu scripts

06 Mar 2020, 00:06

smtdba wrote:
07 Jan 2020, 14:31
When I perform a gesture (L->D) I'd like to close the active tab/window.

When I run SQL Server Management Studio, I need to send Alt+F4 to close the tab, then a Tab & Space to reject the save.
Closing a tab in Chrome is different: Ctrl + w or Ctrl + F4
A single tabbed application (like notepad) I can just use the WinClose function

I was currently trying to use RMApp_Reg for RM helper variables, but I'm not able to find anything deterministic in the help samples.
Is there a list of variables it stores? I'm trying to use the RM helpers so that everything stays consistent with what RM sees.
RM still uses ifwinactive in its functions from what i've seen. So just create a function that checks for whatever the current active window is and then sends keys based on that info.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

13 Apr 2020, 12:40


Im a noob programming, but thanks a lot to the developers, I love this program, I already set macros, gestures and hotkeys, feels like running a new OS with all the options included.

I am trying to customize the layout of the buttons in the context menus and main menu, I switch layouts from to but I saw in the RMD there is a bottom line in the layout which seems to fit like linear shape, could you please give me some light about how to do it or where I can find more detailed info? I checked the forum but I didnt find anything.

Thanks a lot for the help and nice work!!
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Re: Radial menu scripts

13 Apr 2020, 12:48

RNKIP wrote:
08 Dec 2019, 14:07
How can I make profiles change automatically, depending on the program in which I call RM
Try using context menus, I use it detecting the name of the windows and then enabling a context menu with a different hotkey.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

14 Apr 2020, 04:55

shadowandres wrote:
13 Apr 2020, 12:48
RNKIP wrote:
08 Dec 2019, 14:07
How can I make profiles change automatically, depending on the program in which I call RM
Try using context menus, I use it detecting the name of the windows and then enabling a context menu with a different hotkey.
What do you mean with "Context Menus"?
Is this a feature you activate inside Radial Menu or a seperate Tool?
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Re: Radial menu scripts

15 Apr 2020, 17:22

@loumizhu: Wow, nice skins! :)
@smtdba: Take a look at description section in RM\My codes\My mouse gestures.ahk which describes how you can get handle to active window (hwnd / ID) or window under mouse cursor or focused control, etc. For example: ActiveWinID := RMApp_Reg("ActiveWinID")
@WOlfen: Radial menus should show above all other windows. Do you still have problems with that?
@shadowandres: There was online video tutorial at www.screenr.com/THMs on how to use Radial menu designer ("Radial menu designer (RMD) - Quick tutorial.mp4"). Unfortunately www.screenr.com doesn't exist anymore. I'll try to upload the video and some other stuff somewhere else...
Anyway, that bottom line in Radial menu designer is something like "temporary clipboard for menu items", which is useful if you want to transfer items from one menu to another. For example, open some menu, drag some items to that bootom line (clipboard menu), open another menu, and drag items from clipboard menu to it.
@WOlfen: take a look at RM\Help.htm, "Context-sensitive radial menus" section.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

17 Apr 2020, 17:09

Wow, you really should make merge these Mouse Gestures with this one there:
That would be really the best of both worlds.
While i like the inbuilt Gestures from Radial Menu, nothing beats a nice GUI with even more features.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

18 Apr 2020, 07:15

Okay, i have a few questions/bug reports after having some time today to fiddle around with this great Script.
I also looked through the Help File, but i may have overseen things, so i´m sorry if this is already answered.

1. "AutoSubmenuMarking" seems to not doing anything. I changed it to "0" in the Settings, yet the Stars are still there.

2. If i´m adding "TextFont = Comic Sans MS" to [SkinOverride], it disables the Text on the Items. This exact Line works in a "Skin definition.txt"
thou. "TextFont = Arial" works too. What is broken with Comic Sans?

3. How can i move the text down under an icon? I don´t want it having centered, but instead having it under the icon.

4. When i´m deleting "Text" from an item, Tooltip also will not show any Text. It would be nice to have the Tooltip still showing Text. If you add
something in the "Profiles" like this:

Text =
Tool = Exit
Icon = Exit.png
Action = fun RMApp_ExitRM
So the Text would be disabled on the Icons itself, but the Tooltip will still show what the Items Text is.

5. Are additional Buttons in addition to the Left Mouse Button supported? I´m not talking about if you can use other Buttons to activate a Item.
I want to have additional Options IF you press the Right or Middle Mouse Button on an Item. For example if you press on a Item with the Left
Mouse Button, it will launch like usual. But if you press the Right Mouse Button on that exact same Button, it will open the Folder in which the
Item is. The Secondary Button would be configurable in the "General Settings". This would be all of course configurable like this:

Text =
Icon = Exit.png
Action = fun RMApp_ExitRM
ActionSec = explore RM\

6. That ""Context-Sensitive" Feature is great. However, is it possible to completely replace the standard Radial Menu with this?
I mean, having this Feature all the time without pressing an additional button, but instead having it on the Standard Button you call the
Radial Menu by default.

Thank you very much for this great Script. :D
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Re: Radial menu scripts

21 Apr 2020, 20:48

1. This will work:

Code: Select all

AutoSubmenuMarking = 0
2. I tested

Code: Select all

TextFont =   Arial
TextFont =   Times New Roman
TextFont =   Tahoma
and it works, but it seems there is no support for TextFont = Comic Sans MS, as you reported.

3. That's hardcoded - you can't do it unless you modify RM2module.ahk. Alternative solution is to create png image which will contain both image and text at desired position and use it as RM item icon.

4. You must use word "Tooltip" not "Tool". For example: Tooltip = AHK scripts.

5. There is no feature which will work exactly like that, but you can do something similar: you can make your custom function in My functions.ahk which will check if modifier key is held down( for example Shift) in the moment when it is called and will do appropriate action - for example: Shift down runs App1, no shift down runs App2...
Assign that function to item action, for example: Action= fun MyCustomFunction and it should work. Example:

Code: Select all

MyCustomFunction() {
	if (GetKeyState("Shift","p") = 1)
		MsgBox, Action 1
		MsgBox, Action 2
Note that "Control" modifier key is used as default "ExploreKey" but you can modify / disable that.

6. No, there is no such feature at the moment.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

23 Apr 2020, 17:39

I made a small Radial menu v4 website. :beer:
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Re: Radial menu scripts

24 Apr 2020, 02:12

Great! :D

I have one final question thou.
I have a Program which when it´s opened, and i would activate Radial Menu, the Menu will show, but the Mouse would still be captured on the Program and can´t move. So i can not use the Mouse on the Radial Menu until i Right Click or Alttab.
I really want to like it that the Mouse focus on the Radial Menu immediately when i activate it.
This is my Config by the way (i´m using the Touch Controls):

RMSelectMethod = Click
RMShowHotkey = F21
RMShowMethod = 10
RSMShowHotkey = LButton
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Re: Radial menu scripts

25 Apr 2020, 18:21

In RM\Internal\Codes\RM2module.ahk , there is a line Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% NA (line number 686) which shows radal menu window without activating it (NA option).
Try to replace this line with Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% (delete NA)and see if it will help.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

26 Apr 2020, 05:37

Learning one wrote:
25 Apr 2020, 18:21
In RM\Internal\Codes\RM2module.ahk , there is a line Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% NA (line number 686) which shows radal menu window without activating it (NA option).
Try to replace this line with Gui %GuiNum%:Show, x%MenuX% y%MenuY% (delete NA)and see if it will help.

Yep, works as expected. Thank you so much.
I guess i can´t make this standard somewhere in the "General Settings" without touching the "RM2module.ahk"?
Would be good when an update comes out and would overwrite this settings. In case i forgot how i did it in the first place.
Well, i just could go to this very thread and just read again how i did it. ;)

If you remember the one question i had with how i could having the text under the icon?
Well, you said it is hardcoded and would be somewhere in the "RM2module.ahk" too.
Could you give me the exact line where this is written?
Thank you.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

26 Apr 2020, 19:48

I guess i can´t make this standard somewhere in the "General Settings" without touching the "RM2module.ahk"?
If you remember the one question i had with how i could having the text under the icon?
Well, you said it is hardcoded and would be somewhere in the "RM2module.ahk" too.
Could you give me the exact line where this is written?
I suggest you not to mess with custom text position... but if you must, look at Gdip_TextToGraphics() in RM2_CreateBackAndItemsLayer() and RM2_CreateBackAndItemsLayerOR()
As I wrote, alternative (and recommended) solution is to create png image which will contain both image and text at desired (not centered) position and use it as RM item icon.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

27 Apr 2020, 20:14

Radial menu application updated to v4.47 What's new?
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Re: Radial menu scripts

15 May 2020, 08:41

is there a version without obfuscation inside the auto-update mechanism? you also threw a wrench somewhere into the startup process by needlessly obfuscating some important parts... some people prefer not to run stuff like that on their machines...
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Re: Radial menu scripts

18 May 2020, 10:04

Is there any simple "Make it bigger" option in Radial Menu? I have a large 4k Monitor and the size of the Radial Menu is not ideal for my old eyes.

This tool looks amazing.....when squint and bring my head closer to the screen lol.

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Re: Radial menu scripts

22 May 2020, 19:14

is there a version without obfuscation inside the auto-update mechanism?
you also threw a wrench somewhere into the startup process by needlessly obfuscating some important parts... some people prefer not to run stuff like that on their machines...
I'm OK with that.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

22 May 2020, 19:14

Is there any simple "Make it bigger" option in Radial Menu?
Sure - open RM\Menu definitions\General settings.txt and in [SkinOverride] section write something like this;

Code: Select all

ItemSize = 		80
TextSize = 		15
Experiment with ItemSize and TextSize values until you find something that fits your needs.
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Re: Radial menu scripts

22 May 2020, 19:34

Learning one wrote:
22 May 2020, 19:14
is there a version without obfuscation inside the auto-update mechanism?
you also threw a wrench somewhere into the startup process by needlessly obfuscating some important parts... some people prefer not to run stuff like that on their machines...
I'm OK with that.
Thanks a lot, Learning One, this made my day :bravo: I was laughing so hard I've almost fallen off the chair :lol:
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Re: Radial menu scripts

24 May 2020, 09:23


Has anyone explored the idea of mapping keys to Radial Menu so that:

1. Once Radial Menu is open (in default setting, it would be right click and mouse-move down)
2. each button would show a key-binding in some way (Maybe something like vimium for chrome?)
3. simulate clicking of a button using a key

I think this method could have benefits such as:

1. Less stress on the finger with R_Button (I really really love the "release" idea but it does add stress to the finger)
1.1 If key-binding was available, I would prefer to use a key for "RMShowHotkey"
2. Another, optional UX for Sub-Menu
2.1 Nesting concept is great, but for me it was a bit too "slow" to use
3. Some people remember finger/key sequences quite well
3.1 I'm someone who remembers series of finger-sequences much better than key sequences, such as "Index-Index-Middle-Index" combination, when your left hand is rested at "ASDF" position. If key-binding was possible, this would allow me to get really adventurous and build layers within layers of context-specific-menu for all kinds of applications.


1. Press F3 to show RM
2. RM Menu shows up with small keybinding tooltip/box
3. I press "A" to open a sub-menu
4. Sub-Menu appeals with small keybinding tooltip/box
5. I press "A" to click a button

I think this method would work quite well with navigator as well.

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