Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

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Re: Instantly Create and Save Hotstrings with the Hotstring() Function

25 Nov 2020, 01:13

Thanks mslonik

I rather forgot this question but will look into it again based on your ideas

mslonik wrote:
21 Oct 2020, 12:27
Hi @lawnmowerobot,

Please note that pictures you've published show a problem with Autorun.ahk and not with Hotstrings3.ahk. So to me it seems to be a problem with SciTE. The rule of the thumb: check your version of AutoHotkey environment, if it is the latest one, check SciTE if you've the latest version. Other suggestions: try to run Hotstrings3.ahk without SciTE editor. And finally: try to run Hotstrings3.exe instead of Hotstrings3.ahk.

Hopefully it helps.

Kind regards, mslonik
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

09 Dec 2020, 11:25

Hello mslonik,

Thank you for this wonderful hotstring GUI. I watched your walkthrough in Glines' video.

Is there a quick way to disable a library entirely (or all the hotstrings within a library) quickly through the GUI? I ask because there are times that hotstrings for certain projects I am working on interfere with my general work. So enabling/diaabling certain libraries depending on which project I am working on would be very helpful.

Thank you
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

09 Dec 2020, 12:38

Hello. Please disregard this question. I see this is possible under the menu item "Libraries configuration". Thank you very much
gibbons6546 wrote:
09 Dec 2020, 11:25
Hello mslonik,

Thank you for this wonderful hotstring GUI. I watched your walkthrough in Glines' video.

Is there a quick way to disable a library entirely (or all the hotstrings within a library) quickly through the GUI? I ask because there are times that hotstrings for certain projects I am working on interfere with my general work. So enabling/diaabling certain libraries depending on which project I am working on would be very helpful.

Thank you
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

09 Dec 2020, 13:06

Hello @gibbons6546,

thank you for your kind words.
Is there a quick way to disable a library entirely (or all the hotstrings within a library) quickly through the GUI?
No, it's not possible through GUI, on purpose. In my opinion that would be overkill, as all you need to do to disable a library is to move it to another folder, outside of ../Hotstrings/Libraries folder and restart Hotstrings application. Both operations are simple enough to run, so GUI wouldn't help much.
I ask because there are times that hotstrings for certain projects I am working on interfere with my general work.
Are you sure that hotstrings interfere with your work or just triggerstring tips?
I see this is possible under the menu item "Libraries configuration".
No, it's not the same. What you see in "Libraries configuration" is option to disable triggerstring tips instead of hotstrings from particular library.

Check out documentation of this app for further details.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

09 Dec 2020, 13:32

↻ This week update (week 50 of 2020).

🐛 Fixed bugs:
 - yes 🙂 but nothing spectacular this week, just small issues have been corrected: missing position in menu (Configuration → Change language), <F11> function key is no longer blocked system wide.

🆕 Added new functions:
  - VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) scripts (.bas) in Tools subfolder, which enable listing of Auto Correct entries and Math Auto Correct entries from Microsoft Word (tested with 2016 edition).
 - ImportWordAutoCorrect.ahk script in Tools subfolder, which is applicable for importing listed entries from Microsoft Word into (.csv) format of Hotstrings application.
 - ImportLibreOfficeLibrary.ahk script in Tools subfolder, which is applicable for importing hotstrings from libraries of Libre Office.

 This way both main "office suits" (Libre Office and Microsoft Office) are served, user can import (triggerstring, hotstring) definitions from both of them.

 - Localization: you can now easily translate GUI of Hotstrings application without editing of the script code (Hotstrings.ahk). It's possible because all text string definitions are stored in separate .ini file: ../Hotstrings/Languages/English.ini. All you need to do is to copy this file, change a name of copied file to name of your mother language and now edition and translation of text strings definitions (starting each line after "=" sign. When you're finished just restart Hotstrings application, next choose menu: Configuration → Change language → choose your language file.

Added new definitions to Libraries (.csv files).
  Exactly, each week definitions are updated.
 Added new library: Incoterms.csv which contains Incoterms abbreviations and full expansions.

Updated source and executable as always at Github.

Help file (
 Heavily updated. Reworked table of content, added few new chapters, e.g. description of command line parameters.

Next week:
 - maybe couple of videos showing how to do...

🗫 Any support / comments are welcomed.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

10 Dec 2020, 09:57

@mslonik, this is a very fine project. Thank you! By the way, is your 🐘 avatar a cross-lingual visual pun? (слоник) :D
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

13 Dec 2020, 13:48

burque505 wrote:
10 Dec 2020, 09:57
By the way, is your 🐘 avatar a cross-lingual visual pun? (слоник) :D
Visual pun for sure, yes. It's related to my domain: mslonik is concatenation of "m", the first letter of my name and "slonik" which means 🐘. Cross-lingual is just coincidence, as even among Slavic languages big differences could be noticed: turtle ↔ żółw ↔ черепаха 😉

Kind regards, mslonik

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

02 Feb 2021, 17:15

I'm back after a while. Decided to provide maintenance to this project. So I continue adventure with coding.

Unfortunately I've found serious (in my opinion critical) bug. When "Move" button is pressed (available in "Search Hotstrings" window), the source library is cut down and cut content is lost. So don't use "Move" button for a while.

Besides that bug code clarity has been improved and also couple of minor issues are now fixed. More details as usual on GitHub of the project.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

08 Mar 2021, 16:44

Important update. I've taken over maintenance of this script.

In main GitHub repository from now on I'll store "last stable version" of the Hostrings.ahk.
New, reworked, cutting edge from now on I'll store in "CuttingEdge" folder.

Over the last weeks I've reworked GUI of the application. Unfortunately as a consequence the vast majority of functions do not work anymore. I'm working on it, but it takes me a lot of time as I'm not skilled in programming. Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

09 Jun 2021, 12:59

Today I decided to publish the next "stable release". After few months of intensive work I can say that Hotstrings application was completely rewritten. From initial ~3 k lines now it is over 7 k lines long. Hopefully also more stable, cleaner and more user friendly.

As always I ask you to support my work. Please report noticed bugs and suggest further improvements.

At the moment documentation is few steps ahead of code. Perhaps it will catch up over next few weeks.

Ideas for future improvements:
  • Triggerstring tips: small GUI instead of tooltips.
  • Customizable shortcut for "undo last hotstring" event.
  • The first run: window with short tutorial with basic info about this application.
  • More info about options in form of tooltips.
  • Dynamic "learning" of new hotstrings on time of writing.
Known bugs and deficiences:
  • Triggerstring tips stop working after some time. I don't know when exactly and why it happens.
  • GUI window is not ready for "maximize" button. I still don't know how to do it correctly.
  • Outdated help / manual file.
  • Tools script haven't been reviewed yet.
Plans for future:
It seems like a task for the rest of my life 😉 So I plan to maintain this application. Any help is welcomed.
Next release is planned definitely after summer 2021, maybe at the end of a year. As it used to be till now, you can always find "cutting edge" version on GitHub.
I plan to bring to life some of my other projects / ideas, such as "hotkey tips manager" or bustrophedon editor, but it is matter of unspecified future.

Stay tuned!

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

10 Jun 2021, 11:53


I'm first time AHK user, looking specifically for what your script/app offers... and I just wanted to say THANK you. This does everything and more.

2 questions
- can I change the font size of triggerstringtips? I'm hoping to help my ageing father with his work and a more readable font size would help.
- there is no way to move cursor after triggering a hotstring to a specified position, right? eg. "you need to fill {CURSOR} before finishing writing letter"
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

11 Jun 2021, 02:27

Hello @Silvayn,
I'm first time AHK user, looking specifically for what your script/app offers... and I just wanted to say THANK you. This does everything and more.
Welcome to AutoHotkey forum! I hope you'll find here what you're looking for. Thank you for your kind words.

Answering to your questions:
- can I change the font size of triggerstringtips? I'm hoping to help my ageing father with his work and a more readable font size would help.
Short answer: no, not at the moment. Font size of triggerstring tips follows system settings.
Longer answer: I plan to change mechanism of displaying triggerstring tips from "ToolTip" to Gui, but it's not specified term in future. As a workaround I think your father face the same issue if works with "menus" and many other operating system settings. So I advice him to change font size system wide.
- there is no way to move cursor after triggering a hotstring to a specified position, right? eg. "you need to fill {CURSOR} before finishing writing letter"
Sorry, I don't understand your question.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

11 Jun 2021, 05:49

Let me try to explain.

Let's say you would define a short string (eg. "\c\"). If I would insert this string into any hotstring, you program would know, that after the hotstring is triggered and inserted, it would then remove the predefined short string and move the cursor to its place.
Eg. Hotstring "you have to wait for another \c\ years, before you can move out"... Once this hotstring is triggered and inserted, your program would also remove "\c\" and leave the cursor there, so you could quicky fill in the number of years....
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

11 Jun 2021, 12:32

Hello @Silvayn ,
Let's say you would define a short string (...)
Now I get it 🙂

Short answer: yes, of course, as my application is based on AutoHotkey Hotstrings.
Long answer: yes, build this example alone please:
Enter triggerstring: \c\
Select triggerstring option(s): Immediate execute (*)
Enter hotstring: you have to wait for another \\ years, before you can move out{left 32}

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

13 Jun 2021, 11:10

Thank you, that will do just fine. I'm off writing my hotstrings.
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

06 Jul 2021, 12:24

Just FYI, when trying to launch Hotstrings.exe (New stable version, old 27 days), I get

Error: Submenu does not exist.

Specifically: CompileSubmenu

---> 3115: Menu,AppSubmenu,Add,TransA["Compile"],:CompileSubmenu

The current thread will exit.
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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

25 Jul 2021, 07:46

Hi @Silvayn and others,

I've just released the next "stable" version of Hotstrings application. Mainly having in mind newcomers to AutoHotkey universe I've added intro screen as well as some tooltips which should aid on start. Some of your questions have been directly addressed.

Thank you for the information about this bug. It should be fixed now.

Plans for the next "stable" release:
- configurable shortcuts (hotkeys),
- change of the mechanism used to display "triggerstring tooltips" from OS tooltips to small GUIs.

It's planned not sooner than for October.

Unfortunately documentation is more and more behind the application, but till now it shouldn't do much harm.

From now on I plan to release also bug fixes as "stable" releases.

Maybe somebody would like to support me? Just get into touch.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

29 Sep 2021, 15:40


I've just released the next stable version of Hotstrings application (3.4.0). Now it is almost 10 k lines of code and 448 KiB in size.

New traits:
  • configurable shortcuts (hotkeys),
  • change of the mechanism used to display "triggerstring tooltips" from OS tooltips to small GUIs,
  • triggerstring menu and hotstring menus are now both based on GUI mechanism; thanks to that user can now configure basic parameters like typeface font, typeface size, background color, typeface color,
  • releases numbering / versioning,
  • options to check for new stable releases upon application startup.
Unfortunately documentation is more and more behind the application.

Plans for the next stable release:
  • rework of event menus: conversion from basic menu items into tabs,
  • logging of triggerstring events into files.
Next stable release is anticipated in October 2021.

Maybe somebody would like to support me? If so, please just get into touch.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

01 Nov 2021, 04:05


I've just released the next stable version of "Hotstrings" application (3.5.0). Now it is over 10 K lines of code and 495 KiB in size.

New traits 🎉🎂🎁:
  • reworked (refactored) configuration of "events":
    • basic triggerstring is triggered,
    • menu hotstring is triggered,
    • undid the last hotstring,
    • triggerstring tips
    • active triggerstring tips
  • each event now is configurable in separate "tab", but with some similarities what should make it clearer to user;
  • new event: active triggerstring tips; from now it is possible to click by mouse or use keyboard shortcut to select and enter into edited text any of triggerstring tips; disabled by default
  • basic logging of (triggerstring, hotstring) events into .txt file stored in .txt files; disabled by default.
Plans for future🔮:
  • Enter SourceForge with "Hotstrings" application.
  • Find patreons.
  • Along with "triggerstring tips" next listbox showing trigger (aka endchar) for each of the displayed "triggerstring tips".
  • Along with "triggerstring tips" next listbox showing hotstrings to be triggered.
Next stable release is anticipated at the end of 2021 🥂🥳.

If somebody would like to support me 💁‍♂️? If so, please get into touch 📧📞.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

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Re: Hotstrings.ahk, application for learning / managing of hotstrings

27 Nov 2021, 10:02


I've just released the next stable version of "Hotstrings" application (3.6.0). Now it is over 12 K lines of code and 593 KiB in size.

New traits 🎉🎂🎁:
  • new functions:
    • triggerstring / hotstirng menu "static" window, which do not dissapear,
    • minor new options like opening of Config.ini in default editor, opening folder where logs are stored etc.
  • reworked configuration of events (menu: Configuration → Signaling of events),
  • the results are available on SourceForge
  • Patreon account is ready 😉
Plans for future🔮:
  • Application is finished... It contains 100% of planned functionality.
  • If you have some wishes, feel free to discuss them.
  • videos.
  • Add configuration options for "static" window.
Some ideas for future:
  • Additional tool which will check existing text against abbreviations (triggerstrings) and exchange them to "full form".
  • Dynamical "learning" tool which will catch / suggest new pairs of triggerstring / hotstring on time of text writing.
  • Encryption of libraries.
  • Separate tool: installator?
If somebody would like to support me 💁‍♂️? If so, please get into touch 📧📞.

Kind regards, mslonik (🐘)

My scripts on this forum: Hotstrings Diacritic O T A G L E
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