[Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

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[Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

17 Jun 2018, 16:22

The TAB library was created to add functionality to AutoHotkey-created tab controls.

TAB library
Key features:
  • Icons. Add a unique icon for each tab.
  • Tooltips. Add a unique tooltip for each tab. A tooltip title can also be set.
  • Display Area. Easily identify the position and size of the tab control's display area. Useful when positioning controls at the display area boundaries (Ex: Group box).
The Code
The pertinent files are as follows:
  • Project: TAB.zip (Includes the TAB library and example scripts)
  • Documentation: TAB Library
This library is designed to work on all versions of AutoHotkey v1.1+: ANSI, Unicode, and Unicode x64.

A few considerations:
  • Preview. This version of the project has been marked as Preview because it's the first release and because it has never been tested on anything other Windows 7. If you experience any problems, please let me know.
  • Examples. This project includes quite a few examples. If any of the examples don't work as expected, please let me know. I will try to correct the problem.
  • Other Issues/Considerations. See the "Issues and Considerations" section in the library documentation for more information.
Release Notes
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

18 Jun 2018, 03:47

Really nice work :shock: :bravo: .

I tried most of the examples, seems to work very well, excellent job. Great documentation too.

Thank you very much for sharing, cheers.
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

18 Jun 2018, 03:51

I was just about to post nearly similar thing :lol: .

Well done jballi, great work :clap:

I also tried with no problem but I'm like you also on Win 7 - 64 bits ;)
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

24 Jun 2018, 06:34

thanks, very useful for ahk
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

28 Jun 2018, 00:18

jballi, this is an excellent library! AND the documentation is amazing! Did you use NaturalDocs to generate your html help file by chance?

I definitely plan to use this for a couple of the styles that you demonstrated. The "No Tabs" example highlights a good way of using the tabcontrol as more of a panel type control.

Have you considered starting a GitHub account to host your source on, rather than using dropBox links?
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

28 Jun 2018, 02:13

Thanks for the feedback everybody. I hope that someone finds it useful.
freakkk wrote:Did you use NaturalDocs to generate your html help file by chance?
Yes. You can tell because there is a link to the NaturalDocs web site at the bottom right of every one of the HTML documents that they generate.

I'm still using a old version of NaturalDocs. I was going to say that it's the latest version but I noticed that a new version was released last month. And no, I haven't tried it yet.
freakkk wrote:Have you considered starting a GitHub account to host your source on, rather than using dropBox links?
I have always intended to migrate to GitHub but I've never gotten around to it. Most of the projects I release include example scripts that include other libraries/functions and sometimes other files (icons, pictures, text files, etc.) that are required in order for them to run. I haven't figured out a good way to publish something like that from GitHub.

Thank you for your interest and your feedback.
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

30 Jun 2018, 10:08

Looks really great, but IMHO this would be even slicker if done using classes.

As an example, I had a go at converting TAB.ahk to a class, and Example - Tabs Only.ahk to use that class.
I am not sure I converted everything perfectly, but hopefully this gives you some food for thought:

Code: Select all

	In this example, the tabs in the tab control are used to manipulate the
	information that is shown but no GUI controls are assigned to any of the

	This example is based on a script from derRaphael which was published in
	the forum.


	Showing just the tabs of tab control and then positioning the Edit control
	immediately after is a mix of art and math.  The tab control was not
	designed to be shown this way so identifying exactly where to make the cut
	can be tricky.  Cutting too short will make the tabs look odd but leaving
	too much also looks odd.  The tab control will give the developer an
	accurate measurement of the tabs and the display area but after that, it's
	up to developer to determine exactly where to make the cut.
#SingleInstance Force
ListLines Off

;-- Tab control styles
TCS_SINGLELINE        :=0x0
TCS_RIGHT             :=0x2
TCS_BOTTOM            :=0x2
TCS_HOTTRACK          :=0x40
TCS_VERTICAL          :=0x80
TCS_BUTTONS           :=0x100
TCS_MULTILINE         :=0x200
TCS_FIXEDWIDTH        :=0x400
TCS_RAGGEDRIGHT       :=0x800
TCS_TOOLTIPS          :=0x4000
TCS_FOCUSNEVER        :=0x8000

;-- Intialize
IconDir :=A_ScriptDir . "\_Example Files\ico\Fresh Fruit"
   (ltrim join|

TCWidth :=400

;-- Create GUI
gui -DPIScale

;-- Introduction
gui Add,Text,cm w%TCWidth%,
   (ltrim join`s
	In this example, only the tabs of the tab control are shown.  No GUI
	controls are assigned to any of the tabs.  The selected tab determines what
	information is shown in the Edit control.

;-- Add Tab control
;   Note: At least one tab must be specified here.  Otherwise, space for the
;   tabs is not allocated.  Also note that the height of the control is set to
;   0.  This is done so that AutoHotkey does not calculate a height for this
;   control.


;~ gui Add,Tab3,xm h0 w%TCWidth% -Wrap %TabStyle% hWndhTab gSelectedTab vMyTab,Dummy
mytab := new ClassTabs("xm h0 w" TCWidth " -Wrap " TabStyle)
GuiControl, +g, % mytab.hTab, SelectedTab

;-- Create and populate image list
hIL :=mytab.CreateImageList(32)
Loop Parse,Fruit,|
	IL_Add(hIL,IconDir . "\" . A_LoopField . ".ico")

;-- Associate an image list with the tab control
;   Note: The tab control will automatically change the size of the tabs to
;   accommodate for the icons when this command is performed.
;~ TAB_SetImageList(hTab,hIL)

;-- Get the position of the tab control and the display area
;~ TAB_GetPos(hTab,MyTabPosX,MyTabPosY,MyTabPosW,MyTabPosH)

;~ TAB_GetDisplayArea(hTab,DisplayAreaX,DisplayAreaY,DisplayAreaW,DisplayAreaH)

;-- Change the height of the tab control so that only the tabs are showing
;   The +4 is included to adjust for the gap between the tabs and the beginning
;   of the display area.  This can be adjusted at the developer's discretion.
;~ GUIControl Move, % mytab.hTab,% "h" . MyTabPosH-(DisplayAreaH+4)

;-- Delete the dummy tab

;-- Add the tabs and assign an icon
Loop Parse,Fruit,|

;-- End of tabs
gui Tab

;-- Add the first GUI control after the tab control.  The y-Position of the
;   control should be where the display area of the tab control begins.
EditY :=DisplayAreaY+0
gui Add,Edit,xm y%EditY% w400 r10 vMyEdit,
   (ltrim join`s
	This Edit Control is independent of the tab control.  However, it is updated
	when a tab is selected.

gui Font

gui Add,Button,xm gAdd,%A_Space%Add%A_Space%
gui Add,Button,x+0 gModifyName,Modify Name
gui Add,Button,x+0 gModifyIcon,Modify Icon
gui Add,Button,x+0 gDelete,Delete
gui Add,Button,x+0 gDeleteAll,Delete All

;-- Misc.
gui Add,Button,xm gReload,%A_Space%Reload...%A_Space%

;-- Status bar
gui Add,StatusBar

;-- Show it
SplitPath A_ScriptName,,,,$ScriptName
gui Show,,%$ScriptName%
gosub UpdateSB

gui +OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile IconFile,1,%IconDir%\,Icon,Icons (*.ico)
if ErrorLevel

SplitPath IconFile,,,,TabName
gosub UpdateSB

gui +OwnDialogs
if not iTab:=mytab.GetCurSel()

gosub UpdateSB

gosub UpdateSB

if not iTab:=mytab.GetCurSel()

gui +OwnDialogs
InputBox TabName,Label,New label:,,,,,,,,% mytab.GetText(iTab)
if ErrorLevel

gosub UpdateSB

if not iTab:=mytab.GetCurSel()

gui +OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile IconFile,1,%IconDir%\,Icon,Icons (*.ico)
if ErrorLevel

gosub UpdateSB

gui Submit,NoHide
GUIControl,,Edit1,Selected tab: %MyTab%
gosub UpdateSB

IL_Destroy(hIL)  ;-- Required for image lists used by tab controls.


SelectedTab :=mytab.GetCurSel()
SBText :=""
	. "There are " . mytab.GetItemCount() . " tabs. "
	. (SelectedTab ? "Tab " . SelectedTab . " (""" . mytab.GetText(SelectedTab) . """) is selected.":"No tab is selected.")


;*                 *
;*    Functions    *
;*                 *
#include ClassTabs.ahk
ClassTabs library - packaged it as a class, and added __New() constructor, plus added SetHeight method.

Code: Select all

Class ClassTabs {
	Title: TAB Library v0.1 (Preview)

	Group: Introduction

		This library adds functionality to AutoHotkey-created tab controls.

	Group: AutoHotkey Compatibility

		This library is designed to run on all versions of AutoHotkey v1.1+: ANSI,
		Unicode, and Unicode 64-bit.

	Group: Common Parameters

		Common function parameters of note.


		The handle to a tab control.  This is the de facto first parameter for most
		of the library functions.  It is critical to the success of the library.  So
		much so, that it's value is usually not tested.  If hTab contains an invalid
		value, most of the library functions will fail.  Most tab control messages
		will set ErrorLevel to FAIL if hTab does not contain a valid handle to a tab

		If the integrity of hTab is important/critical for a particular task or
		event, use <TAB_IsTabControl> to test the value.


		The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  This is an integer value
		from 1 to the total number of tabs in the tab control.


		The handle to an image list.


		The 1-based index of the image in the image list.  This is an integer value
		from 1 to the total number of images in the image list.

	Group: Terminology

		The terminology created to describe the components, characteristics, and
		conditions of the tab control is not always intuitive and can be ambigious.
		The following are a few of the terms used in this library.

		Button - If the TCS_BUTTONS style is used, tabs appear as buttons.  Also
			known as "button mode".

		Display Area - The area of each tab where the application displays the
			current page.  This area will typically contain a group of controls
			that relate to the tab name.

		Focus [Definition 1] - Input focus, also known as keyboard focus.  Keyboard
			focus determines which window or control will receive information typed
			at the keyboard.  If the tab control has keyboard focus, the Left and
			Right keys can be used to navigate between the tab pages.  See the
			<Keyboard Navigation> topic for more information.

		Focus [Definition 2] - Tab focus.  See the <Tab Focus> topic for more

		Item - This term is synonymous with "tab".  Every tab control can have
			multiple items, i.e. tabs.   This term is used frequently in this

		Label - This term is synonymous with "name" and "text".  It is used
			occasionally in this library but it is used infrequently or not at all
			in the AutoHotkey and Microsoft documentation.

		Name - AutoHotkey's term for the tab's label.  It is used sporadically
			throughout this library.  See the "Text" definition for more

		Page - This term is synonymous with "tab" and "item".

		Select(ed) - For the user, the "selected" tab is the active tab.  The
			display area will typically contain information that relates to the tab
			name.  For the developer, use <TAB_GetCurSel> to determine the selected

		Tab - A page within a tab control.  Also known as an "item".  Each tab can
			be assigned a label and an icon.

		Text - The string of characters that each tab shows as a label.  AutoHotkey
			uses the terms "name" or "tab names" instead.

	Group: Issues and Considerations

		A few issues and considerations.

		Topic: AutoHotkey Only

			Although most of the functions in this library will work on any tab
			control, this library is designed to work with the tab controls created
			by AutoHotkey.  They may not work as expected if used on other tab

		Topic: DPI-Aware

			The functions in this library are not DPI-aware.  Specified position and
			size values are used as-is and the values returned from library
			functions are not adjusted to reflect a non-standard screen DPI.

			Starting with AutoHotkey v1.1.11, a "DPIScale" option was added for
			AutoHotkey GUIs which makes most "gui" commands DPI-aware.  Although the
			AutoHotkey "gui" commands will not interfere with with any of the
			library commands (and vice versa), the size and position used by each
			may be incompatible when used on a computer that is using a non-standard
			DPI.  The DPIScale feature is enabled by default so if necessary, it
			must be explicitly disabled for each GUI.  Ex: gui -DPIScale.

		Topic: Focus on Button Down

			Adding the TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN style to an AutoHotkey-created tab
			control provides no value because AutoHotkey overrides the effects of
			this style by setting input focus on the first control within the tab as
			soon as the tab is selected.  To get the same/similar affect as the
			TCS_FOCUSONBUTTONDOWN style, call <TAB_SetInputFocus> immediately after
			a tab has been selected with a mouse click.

		Topic: Font

			The font used by the tab control should be set before the tab control is
			created.  This will ensure that the size of each tab is set correctly.
			Small changes to the font -- small size changes or a different font with
			a similar font size -- can be made after the tab control has been
			created without any difficulty but significant changes can affect the
			number of tab rows and might require that some or all of the GUI
			controls to be repositioned.  Any changes to the font after the tab
			control is showing will require that the tab control be repositioned
			and/or resized.  See the <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw> topic for more

		Topic: Icons

			Each tab in a tab control can have an icon associated with it.  However,
			the icon is not shown if the tab control has the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED

			If the developer independently adds the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style to the
			tab control to support other capabilities (Ex: colored tabs), code to
			draw the icon (and text if needed) must be included in the function that
			is created to monitor the WM_DRAWITEM message.  See the
			<Owner-Drawn Tabs> topic for more information.

			The TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style is sometimes automatically added by
			AutoHotkey to support other AutoHotkey features (Ex: text color,
			background color, etc.).  When this occurs, the developer has the
			following options:

			  * Do nothing.  The icon will not be drawn.
			  * Write the necessary code to independently draw the icon and text in
				each tab.
			  * Remove the feature that is causing the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style to
				be added (Ex: text color).  The icon will be drawn because the
				TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style is no longer added by AutoHotkey.
			  * Remove the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style immediately after the tab
				control is created.  The icon will be drawn because the
				TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style has been removed.  The feature that caused
				the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style to be added in the first place (Ex:
				text color) will not work on the tab control but it will continue to
				be applied to the window and/or other controls.

		Topic: Image List

			If the tabs will have an icon, the image list that contains the icons
			should be associated with the tab control before GUI controls are added
			to the tab control.  See the <Icons and Image Lists> topic for more

		Topic: Keyboard Navigation

			There are a number of built-in keyboard shortcuts that can be used
			to navigate between the pages of the tab control.  These keyboards
			shortcuts are delivered in pairs.  One of the keyboard shortcuts will
			navigate to the "next" tab and the other will navigate to the "previous"
			tab.  It is unclear which of these keyboard shortcuts are native to the
			tab control and which have been added and/or have been enhanced by
			AutoHotkey.  This topic will discuss the keyboard shortcuts and issues
			that are available to the tab controls created by AutoHotkey.

			Keyboard Shortcuts:

			If a tab control has input focus (the user may have to click on the
			selected tab again to get input focus), the Left and Right keys can be
			used to navigate between the pages of the tab control.

			The Ctrl+PgDn and Ctrl+PgUp keys can be use to navigate from page to
			page in a tab control.  Unlike the Left and Right keys, navigation for
			these keys are circular.  If on the first/last tab, selection will
			continue around to the last/first tab, depending on the key.

			The Ctrl+Tab and Ctrl+Shift+Tab keys operate the same as the Ctrl+PgDn
			and Ctrl+PgUp keys except that they will not work if the currently
			focused control is a multi-line Edit control.

			Note: These keyboard shortcuts work as defined but they often work even
			if extra modifiers are being held down.  For example, Ctrl+PgDn is the
			primary keyboard shortcut but the Ctrl+Shift+PgDn, Ctrl+Win+PgDn, and
			Ctrl+Shift+Win+PgDn keyboard shortcuts will do the same thing.  If
			creating replacement hotkeys, be sure to include all possible key
			combinations or include the wildcard modifier when defining the hotkey.
			Ex: *^PgDn::


			The Ctrl+PgDn, Ctrl+PgDn, Ctrl+Tab, and Ctrl+Shift+Tab keyboard
			shortcuts will navigate from page to page in the tab control even if
			keyboard focus is on a control that does not belong to a tab control.
			If the window has more than one tab control, the first tab control will
			be navigated.

			If desired, this idiosyncrasy can be fixed by creating replacement
			hotkeys in the script.  With some additional code, the hotkeys can
			determine if and when to perform the requested action.

			Selection Notifications:

			In most cases, the TCN_SELCHANGING notification is sent immediately
			before the tab is selected and TCN_SELCHANGE notification is sent
			immediately after the tab is selected.  However, when keyboard
			navigation is used to select a tab, these notifications are not sent.
			This is usually not a problem in most cases but if the developer is
			monitoring these notifications, it quickly becomes an issue.  Creating a
			workaround to deal with the problem can be tricky.

			One approach is to stop the user from using the keyboard to select a
			tab.  The TCS_FOCUSNEVER style will stop the tab control from getting
			focus from the mouse so that the Left and Right keys cannot be used to
			select a tab.  For the other keyboard shortcuts, do-nothing replacement
			hotkeys can be added to script to ensure that the user cannot use
			keyboard shortcuts to select a tab.

			A better approach might be to create replacement hotkeys that call
			library functions to select the tabs.  The <TAB_SelectItem>,
			<TAB_SelectNext> and <TAB_SelectPrev> functions will send the the
			TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications when appropriate.

		Topic: Minimum Windows Version

			The tab control is a part of the common control library (ComCtl32.dll).
			This library was introduced in Windows 3.1 but it did not come into it's
			own until Windows 95.  Most of the major changes to the tab control were
			made in v4.70 of ComCtl32.dll (Windows 95 OSR2) but small changes have
			been made here and there throughout the life of the common control

			The Microsoft documentation makes it difficult to identify when a
			feature (function, message, style, etc.) was introduced because the
			"minimum version" for the feature is actually the earliest version of a
			"supported" version of Windows which may or may not be when the feature
			was introduced.  At this writing, the minimum supported version of
			Windows for the tab control is Windows Vista.  Most, if not all, of the
			messages, styles, and notification codes used in this library "should"
			work on Windows 2000 or later but Windows Vista is officially the
			earliest version of Windows that is supported.

		Topic: Owner-Drawn Tabs

			AutoHotkey-created tab controls include a lot of built-in
			functionality.  In order to get the tab control to work with Windows
			features (Ex: themes) or other AutoHotkey features (Ex: text color),
			AutoHotkey will automatically add or remove the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style
			when the tab control is created.

			If AutoHotkey automatically adds the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style to support
			other AutoHotkey features (Ex: text color), only the AutoHotkey
			documented features are supported when drawing the tabs.  For example,
			the tab will show the blue text defined earlier (Ex: "gui Font,cBlue")
			but the icon added by this library is not drawn because tab control
			icons are not officially supported by AutoHotkey.

			If the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style is needed for other reasons, the
			developer may need to add the style after the tab control is created.
			The developer then becomes responsible for drawing the tabs.  If the
			TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED style was added by AutoHotkey to support other
			features (Ex: text color), the developer must duplicate those features
			(or choose to ignore them) if they wish to make other changes to the

			The Tab3 control is especially vulnerable.  AutoHotkey includes a lot
			of theme-related features that are lost when the TCS_OWNERDRAWFIXED
			style is included.  Even then, the built-in features may interfere with
			changes made by the developer.  Thorough testing is a must.  Retesting
			is recommended when changes or bug fixes are made to the Tab3 control.

		Topic: Reset/Refresh

			Some of the functions in this library can change the appearance of the
			tab control.  The tab control will often respond automatically and no
			additional action is necessary but other times, the tab control must be
			instructed to reset/refresh.  See the <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw>
			topic for more information.

		Topic: Selection Notifications

			To aid the developer, two notifications are (or should be) sent when a
			new/different tab is selected.  The TCN_SELCHANGING notification is used
			to notify the tab control's parent window that the currently selected
			tab is about to change.  The TCN_SELCHANGE notification is used to
			notify the tab control's parent window that the currently selected tab
			has changed.

			Support for these notifications (especially TCN_SELCHANGE) is critical
			to the success of a tab control.  AutoHotkey automatically monitors
			these notifications for tab controls created using the "gui
			Add,Tab[2|3]" command.  In response to the TCN_SELCHANGE notification,
			AutoHotkey shows the controls associated with the selected tab and calls
			the subroutine or function associated with the tab control if a g-label
			has been set.

			Developer Action:

			For the script developer, the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE
			notifications can be useful in other ways.

			When the TCN_SELCHANGING notification is sent immediately before a new
			tab is selected, the developer can save the contents of the current tab
			page or perform some other actions related to the about-to-change tab
			page.  This notification can also be used to stop the selection from
			occurring.  For example, if the contents of the tab page contain invalid
			data, the TCN_SELCHANGING notification can be rejected and the user is
			shown an error message.  See the example scripts for an example on how
			to do this.

			The TCN_SELCHANGE notification is sent immediately after a tab has been
			selected.  Monitoring for the TCN_SELCHANGE notification is usually
			unnecessary because the subroutine or function associated with the tab
			control is called when a tab is selected.  If the developer wants to
			perform action when a tab is selected, they can simply attach a
			subroutine or function to the tab control via the g-label option.
			Warning: Be careful about performing commands that change the tab
			selection from this subroutine/function.  Although unlikely, it can
			trigger an infinite loop.


			Although AutoHotkey responds correctly when the TCN_SELCHANGING and
			TCN_SELCHANGE notifications are sent, these notifications are not always
			sent when a tab is selected.  When this occurs, any code that is
			monitoring these notifications does not run.  This is especially
			problematic for the TCN_SELCHANGING notification.

			_Keyboard Shortcuts_

			All native and AutoHotkey-enhanced keyboard shortcuts that select the
			next or previous tabs (Left, Right, Ctrl+PgUp, Ctrl+PgDn, etc.) do not
			send the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications when a tab is
			selected.  However, if a subroutine or function is attached to the tab
			control, it is triggered correctly in all cases.

			_Choose and ChooseString_

			If the tab control does _not_ have the TCS_BUTTONS style, the Choose
			command (Ex: GUIControl Choose,%hTab%,3) and the ChooseString command
			(Ex: GUIControl ChooseString,%hTab%,MyTabName) work as expected.  The
			TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications are sent and if the tab
			number or tab name is preceded with a pipe character (Ex: GUIControl
			Choose,%hTab%,|3), the subroutine or function associated with the tab
			control is called.  However, if tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style,
			the Choose and ChooseString commands do _not_ work as expected.
			Although the tab is selected correctly, The TCN_SELCHANGING and
			TCN_SELCHANGE notifications are not sent and the subroutine or function
			associated with the tab control is not called regardless of if the tab
			number or tab name is preceded with a pipe character.

			_TabLeft and TabRight_

			The TabLeft and TabRight options of the Control command (Ex: Control
			TabLeft,1) do not work as expected.

			If the tab control does _not_ have the TCS_BUTTONS style, the tab is
			selected and the subroutine or function associated with the tab control
			is called.  However, the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications
			are not sent.

			If the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style, nothing works as expected.
			The tab is not selected, the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE
			notifications are not sent, and the subroutine or function associated
			with the tab control is not called.  Hint: Never use these commands if
			the tab has the TCS_BUTTONS style.


			If the developer needs to monitor the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE
			notifications, calling selection commands from this library instead of
			AutoHotkey commands will resolve most of the issues.

			For issues related to AutoHotkey commands, the <TAB_SelectItem> function
			is a good alternative.  This function will send the the TCN_SELCHANGING
			and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications when appropriate.  The <TAB_SelectNext>
			and <TAB_SelectPrev> functions call the <TAB_SelectItem> function so
			they can also be used.

			If only monitoring the TCN_SELCHANGE notification or
			if triggering the subroutine/function associated with the tab control is
			critical, calling <TAB_NotifySelChange> at the appropriate time may
			resolve the problem.  This function will send the TCN_SELCHANGE
			notification.  In response to this notification, AutoHotkey will trigger
			the subroutine/function associated with the tab control.

			Fixing issues related to keyboard shortcuts may just be a matter of
			creating hotkeys to override the default functionality.  See the
			<Keyboard Navigation> topic for more information.

		Topic: Tab Focus

			Preface: This topic is about "Tab Focus".  Tab focus is not the same
			thing as input focus, i.e. keyboard focus.

			"Focus" is one of two conditions a tab in a tab control can have.  The
			other is "Selected".  A tab can:

				* be selected.  Only one tab can be the currently selected tab.
				* have focus.  Only one tab can have tab focus.
				* be selected and have focus.
				* be none of the above, i.e. not selected and not have focus.

			For the developer, identifying which tab has focus and/or is selected is
			easy.  Use <TAB_GetCurFocus> to get the tab that has focus and
			<TAB_GetCurSel> to get the tab that is selected.

			To the user, there is only one condition: Selected.  A tab is either
			selected or it's not.  The user does not know (or care) that the
			selected tab also has focus.  If the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS and
			TCS_MULTISELECT styles, selection and focus can be separated but the
			user will still not have any way to know which button has focus.

			Focus is a necessary condition of the tab control but it is rarely set
			or changed except when a tab is selected.  The Microsoft documentation
			doesn't even mention it except for the TCM_GETCURFOCUS and
			TCM_SETCURFOCUS messages.  The AutoHotkey documentation doesn't mention
			it at all.  Finding any discussion on the interwebs (other than for the
			TCM_GETCURFOCUS and TCM_SETCURFOCUS messages) is next to impossible
			because nothing exists.  Update: Nope, there's still nothing.

	Group: Icons and Image Lists

		Each item in a tab control can have an icon associated with it, which is
		specified by an index in the image list for the tab control.  This library
		includes a number of functions for managing the images and image lists
		used with a tab control.

		Image List:

		When a tab control is created, it has no image list associated with it.  If
		system small or system large icons are desired, the AutoHotkey <IL_Create at
		https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ListView.htm#IL_Create> can be used to
		create an image list.  Otherwise, <TAB_CreateImageList> can be used to
		create an image list with icons of any size.

		Adding and Removing Images:

		Images can be added to a tab control's image list in same manner as any
		image list.  The AutoHotkey <IL_Add at
		https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ListView.htm#IL_Add> command works fine
		in most cases.  Other programs may work better in some cases.  However,
		images should be removed from the image list by using <TAB_RemoveImage>
		instead of the system *ImageList_Remove* function.  <TAB_RemoveImage> uses
		the TCM_REMOVEIMAGE message which will ensure that each item remains
		associated with the same image as before.  There are restrictions.  See the
		documentation in <TAB_RemoveImage> for more information.


		The image list is assigned to the tab control with <TAB_SetImageList>.
		Assigning an image list to the tab control can change the size of the tabs
		which in turn can change the size of the display area.  When possible,
		<TAB_SetImageList> should be called before GUI controls are added to any of
		the tabs.

		To retrieve the handle to the image list currently associated with a tab
		control, use <TAB_GetImageList>.


		Destroying a tab control does not destroy the image list that is associated
		with it.  The image list must be destroyed separately.  This can be useful
		if an image list is assigned to multiple tab controls.  If needed, use
		<IL_Destroy at https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ListView.htm#IL_Destroy>
		to destroy the image list.

	Group: Reposition, Resize, and Redraw

		Tab controls are complex GUI objects.  A tab control created by AutoHotkey
		can be even more complex because additional controls and/or processing is
		included to get the control to work with other GUI controls and to help the
		developer implement the control without including a lot of extra script

		Most of the problems encountered while using a tab control have to do with
		the position, size, and/or appearance of the elements of a tab control and
		what happens when these elements are added, changed, or removed.  If the
		size of the tab/buttons change, this can include the position of the GUI
		controls that are added to each item in a tab control.

		This library includes functions that can change the position, size, and/or
		appearance of a tab control.  These changes may require the tab control to
		respond appropriately so that everything is shown correctly.  For many
		changes, the tab control responds automatically and no additional action is
		needed.  For a few library functions however, some additional action is
		needed depending on the type of tab control.

		The following are possible actions for getting the tab control to correctly
		set the position, size, and appearance of all elements.


		(start code)
		WinSet Redraw,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

		The standard *Redraw* command can resolve small appearance issues with the
		Tab2 control but it can cause all kinds of havoc with the Tab and Tab3
		controls.  In general, the Redraw command should be avoided.


		(start code)

		This do-nothing command effectively informs the tab control that changes may
		have been made and so _most_ tab elements are repositioned, resized, and/or
		redrawn.  This command resolves most of the display issues may occur after
		changes are made with some of the library functions.  If the tab control is
		showing, the user may see a small flicker when this command is executed.

		Hint: This method works on all AutoHotkey-created tab controls but it is
		especially beneficial for the Tab3 control which potentially has the largest
		number of issues that can be caused by changes made by this library.


		(start code)
		GUIControl Move,%hTab1%,w351  ;-- Current width plus 1 pixel
		GUIControl Move,%hTab1%,w350  ;-- Restore to the original size

		These commands change the size of a tab control forcing the control to
		reposition, resize, and redraw all elements.  This approach appears to
		resolve all of the display issues that may occur after changes are made with
		some of the library functions.  If the tab control is showing, the user may
		see a flicker when these commands are executed.

		Hint: Although very effective, this solution should only be used when the
		the other options (especially *Reset*) don't fix the problem.

		Sequence of Commands:

		Problems can occur because commands that can affect the position, size, or
		appearance of the tooltip control are not performed in the correct sequence.
		For example, assigning an image list to to a tab control can affect the size
		of the tabs and so performing this task before GUI controls are added to the
		tabs is usually recommended.  Performing tasks that can change the position,
		size, and/or appearance of things before the tab control's parent window is
		shown may also solve some of the problems.

		Hint: Even when the commands are performed in the correct sequence,
		sometimes the control (especially the Tab3 control) needs to be reset in
		order to get everything to display correctly.

	Group: Tooltips

		The tab control can show a unique tooltip for each item in the tab control.
		This library includes a number of functions to help manage the tasks
		required to get this feature to work.

		Tooltip Control:

		AutoHotkey does not include the TCS_TOOLTIPS style by default when a tab
		control is created.  If the developer adds this style when the tab control
		is created, the operating system will automatically create a tooltip control
		and attach it to the tab control.  Adding or removing the TCS_TOOLTIPS style
		after the tab control has been created doesn't do anything.

		If needed, use <TAB_GetTooltips> get the handle to the tooltip control that
		is attached to the tab control.  This function can also be used to
		determine if a tooltip control is attached to a tab control.

		Custom Tooltip Control:

		To manually attach a custom tooltip control to the tab control, use
		<TAB_SetTooltips>.  This can be performed even if the TCS_TOOLTIPS style was
		included when the tab control was created.  If a custom tooltip control is
		the objective, the tab control should be created without the TCS_TOOLTIPS

		A custom tooltip control must be in a particular format in order to work
		correctly with a tab control.  The <TAB_Tooltips_Create> function can be
		used to create a custom tooltip control for a tab control or it can be used
		as a template for a custom function.

		Static vs. Dynamic:

		By default, tooltips for the tab control are designed to be dynamic.  When
		the user hovers the pointer over a tab, the tab control sends a
		TTN_GETDISPINFO notification to the parent window.  If the developer wants a
		tooltip to be displayed when this occurs, the WM_NOTIFY message must be
		monitored with a trap for the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification.  If the
		notification is for a tab that the developer wants to provide a tooltip, the
		notification is updated with the tooltip text and the user sees the tooltip.
		These type of tooltips are designed for tooltips that include dynamic text.
		For example, text that includes the current time, data from a dynamic
		database, et. al.  Otherwise, they are a pain to program and monitoring
		messages will eat up some CPU although it's minimal.  See the example
		scripts for an example on how to create and update dynamic tooltips. Hint:
		Tooltips should be shown very quickly so any request that takes more than a
		few milliseconds to build should not be used.

		Static tooltips are just that, static.  Use <TAB_Tooltips_SetText> to create
		a static tooltip for a tab.  Once set, the tooltip remains the same until it
		is changed or removed with another call to <TAB_Tooltips_SetText>.
		Monitoring for TTN_GETDISPINFO notifications is not necessary if the
		tooltips for all tabs contains static text.

		Tooltips for a tab control can be a mix of static and dynamic.  When the
		tooltip control is initially created, the tooltips for all tabs are set to
		send a TTN_GETDISPINFO notification to the parent window.  If
		<TAB_Tooltips_SetText> is used to update the tooltip for one of the tabs,
		that tooltip becomes static but the tooltips for the other tabs remain
		dynamic, i.e. the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification is still sent to the parent
		window for those tabs.  To change a static tooltip back into a dynamic
		tooltip, simply call <TAB_Tooltips_SetText> and set the p_Text parameter
		to null.

		Other Tooltip Functions:

		The <TAB_Tooltips_Deactivate> function will disable the tooltip control so
		that no tooltips are shown while the control is disabled.  The
		<TAB_Tooltips_Activate> function will (re)enable the tooltip control so that
		tooltips are shown.  The <TAB_Tooltips_SetTitle> function can be used to set
		or remove a title and icon for the tooltips.  The <TAB_Tooltips_GetText>
		function can be used to get the tooltip text for a tab.

		Other Tooltips:

		Tooltips for the controls within each item in a tab control can be added
		using a custom function.  The AutoHotkey forum has several examples.  The
		"AddTooltip" function is often used.


		A tab control that has the TCS_TOOLTIPS style creates a tooltip control when
		it is created and destroys the tooltip control when it is destroyed.  Even
		if the tooltip control is replaced with a custom tooltip control, the
		original tooltip control is destroyed when the tab control is destroyed.

		A custom tooltip control created via the <TAB_Tooltips_Create> function is
		destroyed when the tab control's parent window is destroyed because the
		tooltip control is owned by the parent window.  Any other custom tooltip
		control may need to be destroyed independently, depending on how it was

	Group: References


		Tab Controls (AutoHotkey)
		* <https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/GuiControls.htm#Tab>

		About Tab Controls
		* <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb760550(v=vs.85).aspx>

		Tab Control Messages
		* <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff486047(v=vs.85).aspx>

		Tab Control Styles
		* <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb760549(v=vs.85).aspx>

		Tab Control Styles (AutoHotkey)
		* <https://autohotkey.com/docs/misc/Styles.htm#Tab>
		Tab Control Notifications
		* <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ff486048(v=vs.85).aspx>

		Related Libraries/Posts:

		[stdLib] better Tab control with icons etc
		* <https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/49122-stdlib-better-tab-control-with-icons-etc/>

		[LIB] TC_EX ; Some functions for AHK GUI Tab2 controls
		* <https://autohotkey.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1271>

	Group: Credit and Thanks

		Credit and thanks to *lexikos* the development of the Tab3 control
		[v1.1.23.00] and for the help resolving some of the position and sizing
		issues and to *Chris* and everyone else involved with the development of the
		Tab and Tab2 control.  The AutoHotkey-created tab controls are far from
		perfect and there is room for improvement they have a substantial amount of
		build-in functionality that makes it easy for the developer to implement
		without a lot of extra script code.

	Group: Functions
	__New(options := ""){
		gui Add,Tab3, % options " hwndhTab", Dummy
		this.hTab := hTab
		GUIControl Move, % this.hTab,% "h" h
	; Function: TAB_CreateImageList
	; Description:
	;   Create a new image list.
	; Parameters:
	;   p_Width, p_Height - See the *Image Size* section for more information.
	;   p_Initial - The number of images that the image list initially contains.
	;       [Optional]  If unspecified, the default is 10.
	;   p_Grow - The number of images by which the image list can grow when the
	;       system needs to make room for new images.  [Optional]  If unspecified,
	;       the default is 10.
	;   p_Flags - A set of bit flags that specify the type of image list to create.
	;       This parameter can be a combination of the <Image List Creation Flags at
	;       http://tinyurl.com/yd4cgowz>.  If not specified, p_Flags are set to
	;       ILC_MASK|ILC_COLOR32 which are the same flags used by the AutoHotkey
	;       <IL_Create at
	;       https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ListView.htm#IL_Create> command.
	; Returns:
	;   The handle to the new image list (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise
	;   FALSE.
	; Image Size:
	;   The p_Width and p_Height parameters are used to specify the size (in pixels)
	;   of the images in the image list.  If the p_Height parameter is not specified
	;   or null, it is set to the value of p_Width.
	;   Alternatively, these parameters can be set to "Small" for the system small
	;   icon size or "Large" for the system large icon size.  If an invalid string
	;   is specified, the size of the system small icon is used.
	;   Hint: If p_Width and p_Height are both set to the same size (Ex: "Large"),
	;   just set p_Width to the desired size and leave p_Height undefined.  When
	;   this is done, p_Height will automatically be set to the value of p_Width.
	; Remarks:
	;   The image list created by this function remains in memory until it is
	;   destroyed.  See the <Icons and Image Lists> topic for more information.
	;   The default values for the p_Initial and p_Grow parameters are arbitrary.
	;   Be sure to set to specific values if needed.
		Static Dummy75976751

			  ;-- Imagelist creation flags
			  ,ILC_COLOR        :=0x0
			  ,ILC_MASK         :=0x1
			  ,ILC_COLOR4       :=0x4
			  ,ILC_COLOR8       :=0x8
			  ,ILC_COLOR16      :=0x10
			  ,ILC_COLOR24      :=0x18
			  ,ILC_COLOR32      :=0x20
			  ,ILC_COLORDDB     :=0xFE
			  ,ILC_PALETTE      :=0x800     ;-- Not implemented
			  ,ILC_MIRROR       :=0x2000
			  ,ILC_ORIGINALSIZE :=0x10000   ;-- Vista+

		;-- Parameters
		if p_Width is not Integer
			if (p_Width="Large")
				SysGet p_Width,11       ;-- SM_CXICON: Width of the large icon, in pixels
			 else  ;-- everything else
				SysGet p_Width,49       ;-- SM_CXSMICON: Width of the small icon, in pixels

		if p_Height is Space  ;-- Null/blank or unspecified
			if p_Height is not Integer
				if (p_Height="Large")
					SysGet p_Height,12  ;-- SM_CYICON: Height of the large icon, in pixels
				 else  ;-- everything else
					SysGet p_Height,50  ;-- SM_CYSMICON: Height of the small icon, in pixels

		if p_Initial is not Integer

		if p_Grow is not Integer

		if p_Flags is not Integer

		;-- Create image list
			,"Int",p_Width                  ;-- cx (The width, in pixels, of each image)
			,"Int",p_Height                 ;-- cy (The height, in pixels, of each image)
			,"UInt",p_Flags                 ;-- flags
			,"Int",p_Initial                ;-- cInitial
			,"Int",p_Grow                   ;-- cGrow
			,"Ptr")                         ;-- Return type

		;-- Return the handle to the image list
		Return hIL

	; Function: TAB_DeleteAllItems
	; Description:
	;   Remove all items from a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   This function will remove all items (i.e. tabs) from a tab control but it
	;   does not remove the GUI sub-controls that were associated to the items.  See
	;   the AutoHotkey documentation for more information.
		Static TCM_DELETEALLITEMS:=0x1309                   ;-- TCM_FIRST + 9
		SendMessage TCM_DELETEALLITEMS,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_DeleteItem
	; Description:
	;   Remove an item from a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   This function will remove an item (i.e. "tab") from a tab control but it
	;   does not remove the sub-controls that were associated to the item.  See the
	;   AutoHotkey documentation for more information.
		Static TCM_DELETEITEM:=0x1308                       ;-- TCM_FIRST + 8
		SendMessage TCM_DELETEITEM,iTab-1,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_DeselectAll
	; Description:
	;   Reset items in a tab control, clearing any that were set to the
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Flag - Flag that specifies the scope of the item deselection.  If set to
	;       FALSE (the default), all tab items will be reset.  If set to TRUE, all
	;       tab items except for the one currently selected will be reset.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Remarks:
	;   This message is only useful if the TCS_BUTTONS style has been set.
	;   On a tab control created by AutoHotkey, the first item is selected by
	;   default.  The developer can change the default by using the "||" syntax in
	;   the list of tab labels or include the Choose option.  However, there appears
	;   to be no way to have no tabs selected.  For the standard tab control, this
	;   makes sense but for a "buttons" tab control, this can be an issue.  The
	;   TCM_DESELECTALL message is one of the few ways to change the tab control so
	;   that no tabs are selected.  Note: If a button is selected when this message
	;   is sent _and_ the button is unselected as a result, the TCN_SELCHANGING and
	;   TCN_SELCHANGE notifications are sent to the parent window.  For tab controls
	;   created by AutoHotkey, this will also trigger the subroutine that is
	;   associated with the tab control if any.
		Static TCM_DESELECTALL:=0x1332                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 50
		SendMessage TCM_DESELECTALL,p_Flag,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

	; Function: TAB_FindText
	; Description:
	;   Find an item with specified text.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Text - Text to search for.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the first tab with the specified text (tests as TRUE),
	;   otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetItemCount>
	; Remarks:
	;   The search is successful when the text in an item matches the leading part of
	;   the text in the p_Text parameter.  The search is not case sensitive.  This
	;   search method is similar to the AutoHotkey "GUIControl ChooseString"
	;   command.
	;   It is possible for 2 or more tabs to have the exact same label (text) so
	;   even when the exact text is provided, only first tab with specified text is
	;   returned.
		Static Dummy88459233
			  ,MAX_TEXT:=512  ;-- Size in TCHARS

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_GETITEMA:=0x1305                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 5
			  ,TCM_GETITEMW:=0x133C                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 60

		;-- Initialize
		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		VarSetCapacity(l_Text,MAX_TEXT*(A_IsUnicode ? 2:1),0)
		NumPut(TCIF_TEXT,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                   ;-- mask
		NumPut(&l_Text,  TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12,"Ptr")  ;-- pszText
		NumPut(MAX_TEXT, TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:16,"Int")  ;-- cchTextMax

		;-- Search through the tabs until found
		Loop % this.GetItemCount()
			SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_GETITEMW:TCM_GETITEMA,A_Index-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
			if (InStr(l_Text,p_Text)=1)
				Return A_Index

		Return 0

	; Function: TAB_GetCurFocus
	; Description:
	;   Get the 1-based index of the item that has the focus in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the tab item that has the focus (test as TRUE),
	;   otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Remarks:
	;   The item that has the focus may be different than the selected item.
		Static TCM_GETCURFOCUS:=0x132F                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 47
		SendMessage TCM_GETCURFOCUS,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:(ErrorLevel<<32>>32)+1
			;-- Convert UInt to Int

	; Function: TAB_GetCurSel
	; Description:
	;   Get the currently selected item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the selected tab (tests as TRUE) if successful,
	;   otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE) if no tabs are selected or if there was a
	;   problem.
	; Remarks:
	;   If the +AltSubmit option was included when the tab control was created, the
	;   *GUIControlGet* command can be used instead.  For example:
	;   (start code)
	;   GUIControlGet iTab,,%hTab%
	;   (end)
	;   The *ControlGet* command can also be used instead.  For example :
	;   (start code)
	;   ControlGet iTab,Tab,,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
	;   (end)
		Static TCM_GETCURSEL:=0x130B                        ;-- TCM_FIRST + 11
		SendMessage TCM_GETCURSEL,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:(ErrorLevel<<32>>32)+1
			;-- Convert UInt to Int

	; Function: TAB_GetDisplayArea
	; Description:
	;   Get the position and size of the display area of the tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   X, Y, W, H - Output variables. [Optional]  See the *Remarks* section for
	;       more information.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetDisplayRect>
	; Remarks:
	;   The X and Y output variables contain the coordinates of the display area of
	;   the tab control relative to the client area of the parent window.  The W and
	;   H output variables contain the size of the display area.  This information
	;   can be used by the AutoHotkey "gui" commands when adding or repositioning
	;   GUI controls in a tab.
	GetDisplayArea(ByRef X:="",ByRef Y:="",ByRef W:="",ByRef H:="")
		;-- Copy RECT from TAB_GetDisplayRect to local RECT
			,"Ptr",&RECT                                    ;-- lprcDst
			,"Ptr",this.GetDisplayRect())                ;-- lprcSrc

		;-- Convert to client-area coordinates
			,"Ptr",this.hTab                                     ;-- hWndFrom
			,"Ptr",DllCall("GetParent","Ptr",this.hTab,"Ptr")    ;-- hWndTo
			,"Ptr",&RECT                                    ;-- lpPoints
			,"UInt",2)                                      ;-- cPoints

		;-- Populate output variables
		X:=NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")                             ;-- left
		Y:=NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")                             ;-- top
		W:=NumGet(RECT,8,"Int")-NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")        ;-- right - left
		H:=NumGet(RECT,12,"Int")-NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")       ;-- bottom - top

	; Function: TAB_GetDisplayRect
	; Description:
	;   Get the tab control's display area rectangle.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   r_Left..r_Bottom - [Optional] Output variables that contains the display
	;       rectangle for the specified tab.
	; Returns:
	;   The address to a RECT structure that contains the rectangle for the tab
	;   control's display area.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetItemRect>
	; * <TAB_GetRowCount>
	; * <TAB_GetStyle>
	; Credit:
	;   AutoHotkey source code
	; Remarks:
	;   In most cases, the display area values are derived from the TCM_ADJUSTRECT
	;   message.  However, when the TCS_BUTTONS style is used, the TCM_ADJUSTRECT
	;   message can be unreliable.  When the TCS_VERTICAL or TCS_BOTTOM styles are
	;   also used, the TCM_ADJUSTRECT message is very unreliable (read: useless).
	;   This function duplicates the steps used by AutoHotkey to calculate the
	;   display area of the tab control.
	;   The display area rectangle contains coordinates relative to the tab control.
	;   If needed, use <TAB_GetDisplayArea> for coordinates relative to the client
	;   area of the parent window.
	GetDisplayRect(ByRef r_Left:="",ByRef r_Top:="",ByRef r_Right:="",ByRef r_Bottom:="")
		Static Dummy12451202

			  ;-- Styles
			  ,TCS_BOTTOM  :=0x2
			  ,TCS_RIGHT   :=0x2
			  ,TCS_BUTTONS :=0x100

			  ;-- Message
			  ,TCM_ADJUSTRECT:=0x1328                       ;-- TCM_FIRST + 40

		;-- Initialize

		;-- Begin with the coordinates of a tab control's client area

		;[  Standard  ]
		if not (l_Style & TCS_BUTTONS)  ;-- Not button mode
			;-- Get the display area of the tab control
			SendMessage TCM_ADJUSTRECT,False,&RECT,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

			;-- Extract and update values from RECT structure
			r_Left  :=NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")-2
				;-- Testing shows that X (but not Y) is off by exactly 2.
			r_Top   :=NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")
			r_Right :=NumGet(RECT,8,"Int")

			;-- Update RECT strucutre

			;-- Return address to RECT structure
			Return &RECT

		;[  Button mode  ]
		;-- Extract values from RECT structure
		r_Left  :=NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")
		r_Top   :=NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")
		r_Right :=NumGet(RECT,8,"Int")

		;-- Get the bounding rectangle for the first button

		l_ButtonGap:=3  ;-- The gap between buttons seems to be 3 pixels.
		if (l_Style & TCS_VERTICAL)
			if (l_Style & TCS_RIGHT)
		 else  ;-- not Vertical
		   if (l_Style & TCS_BOTTOM)

		;-- Load output variables back to RECT structure
		NumPut(r_Left,  RECT,0,"Int")
		NumPut(r_Top,   RECT,4,"Int")
		NumPut(r_Right, RECT,8,"Int")

		;-- Return address to RECT structure
		Return &RECT

	; Function: TAB_GetImageList
	; Description:
	;   Get the image list associated with a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The handle to the image list (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise 0
	;   (tests as FALSE).
		Static TCM_GETIMAGELIST:=0x1302                     ;-- TCM_FIRST + 2
		SendMessage TCM_GETIMAGELIST,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_GetItemCount
	; Description:
	;   Get the number of tabs in the tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The number of tab items (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise 0 (tests
	;   as FALSE).
		Static TCM_GETITEMCOUNT:=0x1304                     ;-- TCM_FIRST + 4
		SendMessage TCM_GETITEMCOUNT,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_GetItemHeight
	; Description:
	;   Get the height of a tab in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 (the default)
	;       for the first tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The height of the specified tab.
		Static TCM_GETITEMRECT:=0x130A                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 10
		SendMessage TCM_GETITEMRECT,iTab-1,&RECT,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return NumGet(RECT,12,"Int")-NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")   ;-- Bottom - Top

	; Function: TAB_GetItemRect
	; Description:
	;   Get the bounding rectangle for a tab in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 (the default)
	;       for the first tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	;   r_Left..r_Bottom - [Optional] Output variables that contains the bounding
	;       rectangle for the specified tab.
	; Returns:
	;   The address to a RECT structure that contains the bounding rectangle.
	GetItemRect(iTab:=1,ByRef r_Left:="",ByRef r_Top:="",ByRef r_Right:="",ByRef r_Bottom:="")
		Static Dummy75028900

			  ;-- Message
			  ,TCM_GETITEMRECT:=0x130A                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 10

		;-- Get item RECT
		SendMessage TCM_GETITEMRECT,iTab-1,&RECT,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

		;-- Populate the output variables
		r_Left  :=NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")
		r_Top   :=NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")
		r_Right :=NumGet(RECT,8,"Int")
		Return &RECT

	; Function: TAB_GetItemWidth
	; Description:
	;   Get the width of a tab in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 (the default)
	;       for the first tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The width of the specified tab.
		Static TCM_GETITEMRECT:=0x130A                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 10
		SendMessage TCM_GETITEMRECT,iTab-1,&RECT,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return NumGet(RECT,8,"Int")-NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")    ;-- Right - Left

	; Function: TAB_GetIcon
	; Description:
	;   Get the 1-based index of the image in the tab control's image list that is
	;   assigned to the tab.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based image index (test as TRUE) or 0 (test as FALSE) if there is
	;   no image for the tab.
		Static Dummy18408860

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_GETITEMA:=0x1305                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 5
			  ,TCM_GETITEMW:=0x133C                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 60

		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		NumPut(TCIF_IMAGE,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                  ;-- mask
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_GETITEMW:TCM_GETITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:NumGet(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 28:20,"Int")+1
			;-- iImage

	; Function: TAB_GetPos
	; Description:
	;   Gets the position and size of the tab control.  See the *Remarks*
	;   section for more information.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   X, Y, W, H - Output variables. [Optional]  If defined, these variables
	;       contain the coordinates of the tab control relative to the
	;       client-area of the parent window (X and Y), and the width and height of
	;       the tab control (W and H).
	; Remarks:
	;   This function returns values similar to the AutoHotkey
	;   *GUIControlGet,OutputVar,Pos* command.  The coordinates values (i.e. X and
	;   Y) are relative to the parent window's client area.  However, this function
	;   is not DPI-aware and so the returned values are actual values, not
	;   calculated values based on the current screen DPI.  This function will
	;   return the same values as the *GUIControlGet,OutputVar,Pos* command if the
	;   "-DPIScale" option was specified when the GUI was created or if the computer
	;   is currently using the default DPI setting, i.e. 96 DPI.
	;   If the tab control was created using the AutoHotkey "gui Add" command
	;   and the "-DPIScale" option is specified, the *GUIControlGet* command can be
	;   used instead.  The <ControlGetPos at
	;   https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/ControlGetPos.htm> and <WinGetPos at
	;   https://autohotkey.com/docs/commands/WinGetPos.htm> commands are not
	;   DPI-aware and so if only interested in the width and/or height values, these
	;   commands can be used on all tab controls.  Hint: The native AutoHotkey
	;   commands are more efficient and should be used whenever possible.
	GetPos(ByRef X:="",ByRef Y:="",ByRef W:="",ByRef H:="")
		;-- Initialize

		;-- Get the dimensions of the bounding rectangle of the tab control
		W:=NumGet(RECT,8,"Int")-NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")        ;-- W=right-left
		H:=NumGet(RECT,12,"Int")-NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")       ;-- H=bottom-top

		;-- Convert the screen coordinates of the tab control to client-area
		;   coordinates.  Note: The API reads and updates the first 8-bytes of the
		;   RECT structure.

		;-- Update output variables
		X:=NumGet(RECT,0,"Int")                             ;-- left
		Y:=NumGet(RECT,4,"Int")                             ;-- top

	; Function: TAB_GetRowCount
	; Description:
	;   Gets the current number of rows of tabs in a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The number of rows of tabs (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise 0
	;   (tests as FALSE).
	; Remarks:
	;   Only tab controls that have the TCS_MULTILINE style can have multiple rows
	;   of tabs.  For tab controls created by AutoHotkey, the TCS_MULTILINE style
	;   is included by default.  If needed, use the "-Wrap" option to remove this
	;   style.
		Static TCM_GETROWCOUNT:=0x132C                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 44
		SendMessage TCM_GETROWCOUNT,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_GetState
	; Description:
	;   Get the state of an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The tab state (can be 0).
	; Remarks:
	;   See the function's static variables for a list of possible states.
		Static Dummy33291926

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- States

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_GETITEMA:=0x1305                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 5
			  ,TCM_GETITEMW:=0x133C                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 60

		;-- Initialize

		;-- Get state
		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		NumPut(TCIF_STATE, TCITEM,0,"UInt")                 ;-- mask
		NumPut(l_StateMask,TCITEM,8,"UInt")                 ;-- dwStateMask
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_GETITEMW:TCM_GETITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return NumGet(TCITEM,4,"UInt")                      ;-- dwState

	; Function: TAB_GetStyle
	; Description:
	;   Returns an integer that represents the styles currently set for the tab
	;   control.
	; Remarks:
	;   See <References> for a link to a complete list of tab control styles.
		ControlGet l_Style,Style,,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return l_Style

	; Function: TAB_GetText
	; Description:
	;   Get the text for an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The text of the specified tab.  This value can be null.  Null is also
	;   returned if there was a problem.
	; Remarks:
	;   To get the text of the selected tab, use <TAB_GetCurSel> to identify the
	;   selected tab.  For example :
	;   (start code)
	;   Text:=TAB_GetText(hTab,TAB_GetCurSel(hTab))
	;   (end)
	;   If the +AltSubmit option was _not_ included when the tab control was
	;   created, the *GUIControlGet* command can be used get the text of the tab
	;   that is currently selected.  For example:
	;   (start code)
	;   GUIControlGet Text,,%hTab%
	;   (end)
		Static Dummy18408860
			  ,MAX_TEXT:=512  ;-- Size in TCHARS

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_GETITEMA:=0x1305                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 5
			  ,TCM_GETITEMW:=0x133C                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 60

		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		VarSetCapacity(l_Text,MAX_TEXT*(A_IsUnicode ? 2:1),0)
		NumPut(TCIF_TEXT,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                   ;-- mask
		NumPut(&l_Text,  TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12,"Ptr")  ;-- pszText
		NumPut(MAX_TEXT, TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:16,"Int")  ;-- cchTextMax
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_GETITEMW:TCM_GETITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return l_Text

	; Function: TAB_GetTooltips
	; Description:
	;   Get the handle to the tooltip control associated with a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The handle to the tooltip control (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise
	;   0 (tests as FALSE).
		Static TCM_GETTOOLTIPS :=0x132D                     ;-- TCM_FIRST + 45
		SendMessage TCM_GETTOOLTIPS,0,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_HasFocus
	; Description:
	;   Determines if the tab control has functional input focus, i.e. keyboard
	;   focus.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if the tab control has keyboard focus, otherwise FALSE.
	; Credit:
	;   Adapted from an example in the AutoHotkey documentation.
	; Remarks:
	;   This function should not be confused with <TAB_GetCurFocus> which will
	;   determine which item (i.e. tab) has the focus in a tab control.
		Static Dummy59216982

			  ;-- Create and initialize GUITHREADINFO structure
			  ,sizeofGUITHREADINFO:=(A_PtrSize=8) ? 72:48

		;-- Collect GUI Thread Info
		if not DllCall("GetGUIThreadInfo","UInt",0,"Ptr",&GUITHREADINFO)
			   (ltrim join`s
				Function: %A_ThisFunc% -
				DllCall to "GetGUIThreadInfo" API failed. A_LastError=%A_LastError%

			Return False

		;~ Return (hTab=NumGet(GUITHREADINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr"))
		Return (NumGet(GUITHREADINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr"))
			;-- hwndFocus

	; Function: TAB_HighlightItem
	; Description:
	;   Set the highlight state of an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	;   p_Highlight - Highlight state.  Set to TRUE (the default) to highlight the
	;       tab.  Set to FALSE to set the tab to the default state.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   In Comctl32.dll version 6.0, this message has no visible effect when a theme
	;   is active.
	; Observations:
	;   By default, the Tab and Tab2 controls do not use the desktop theme but the
	;   Tab3 control does.
	;   If the tab control does not use a theme, either by default or with the
	;   -Theme option, the entire tab is is modified when highlighted.  The user
	;   will notice that the tab is highlighted.
	;   If the tab control uses a theme, either by default or with the +Theme
	;   option, only the icon is modified.  The icon is blended with the system
	;   highlight color so that it looks selected.  If the icon is small, the user
	;   may not notice the change.  If the tab does not have an icon, the user will
	;   not see any change when highlighted.
		Static TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM :=0x1333                   ;-- TCM_FIRST + 51
		SendMessage TCM_HIGHLIGHTITEM,iTab-1,p_Highlight,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_HitTest
	; Description:
	;   Determine which tab, if any, is at a specified screen position.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   X, Y - Position to hit test, in client coordinates.
	;   r_Flags - [Output, Optional] - Variable that receives the results of a hit
	;       test. See the function's static variable for a list of possible values.
	; Returns:
	;   If there is a tab at the specified screen position, the 1-based index of the
	;   tab (tests as TRUE) is returned, otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE) is returned.
	HitTest(X,Y,ByRef r_Flags)
		Static Dummy71348165

			  ;-- Hit flags
					;-- The position is not over a tab.

					;-- The position is over a tab's icon.

					;-- The position is over a tab's text.

					;-- A bitwise-OR operation on TCHT_ONITEMICON and

			  ;-- Message
			  ,TCM_HITTEST:=0x130D                          ;-- TCM_FIRST + 13

		NumPut(X,TCHITTESTINFO,0,"Int")                     ;-- POINT.x
		NumPut(Y,TCHITTESTINFO,4,"Int")                     ;-- POINT.y
		SendMessage,TCM_HITTEST,0,&TCHITTESTINFO,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		r_Flags:=NumGet(TCHITTESTINFO,8,"UInt")             ;-- flags
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:(ErrorLevel<<32>>32)+1
			;-- Convert UInt to Int

	; Function: TAB_InsertItem
	; Description:
	;   Insert a new item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of the new tab in the tab control.  Set to any
	;       large number (Ex: 999) to insert the new tab at the end of the tab
	;       control.
	;   p_Text - The tab's text (label).
	;   iIL - The 1-based index of the image in the image list that is associated
	;       with the tab control.  Set to 0 for no icon.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the new tab (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise 0
	;   (tests as FALSE).
	; Remarks:
	;   For tab controls created by AutoHotkey, this function can interfere with the
	;   operation of the tab control.  See the AutoHotkey documentation for more
	;   information.
		Static Dummy54230476

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_INSERTITEMA:=0x1307                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 7
			  ,TCM_INSERTITEMW:=0x133E                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 62

		;-- Initialize

		;-- Create and populate TCITEM structure
		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		if StrLen(p_Text)
			NumPut(&p_Text,TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12,"Ptr")
				;-- pszText

		if iIL  ;-- Not blank/null or 0
			NumPut(iIL-1,TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 28:20,"Ptr")  ;-- iImage

		NumPut(l_Mask,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                      ;-- mask

		;-- Insert item
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_INSERTITEMW:TCM_INSERTITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:(ErrorLevel<<32>>32)+1
			;-- Convert UInt to Int

	; Function: TAB_IsStyle
	; Description:
	;   Determine if a specific style has been set.
	; Parameters:
	;   p_Style - A style of a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if the specified style has been set, otherwise FALSE.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetStyle>
		Return this.GetStyle() & p_Style ? True:False

	; Function: TAB_IsTabControl
	; Description:
	;   Determine if hTab contains a valid handle to a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if hTab contains a valid handle to a tab control, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   This function is rarely needed but it is available when verifying the
	;   integrity of the hTab variable is important/critical.
		DetectHiddenWindows On
		WinGetClass l_ClassName,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%
		Return l_ClassName="SysTabControl32" ? True:False

	; Function: TAB_NotifySelChange
	; Description:
	;   Notify the parent window that the tab selection has changed.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Credit:
	;   Idea and code from *just me*.
	; Remarks:
	;   This function sends the TCN_SELCHANGE notifications to the parent window.
	;   It was created because on occasion, the tab control does not automatically
	;   send this notification when needed.  This function is called by
	;   <TAB_SelectItem> if the the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style (button
	;   mode) but it can also be called independently.
	;   For tab controls created by AutoHotkey, the TCN_SELCHANGE notification is
	;   monitored by AutoHotkey.  When received, AutoHotkey will update variables,
	;   draw/redraw and enable/disable the GUI controls in the selected tab, and
	;   call the subroutine associated with the tab control.
	;   Warning: Don't call this function from the tab control's g-label subroutine.
	;   It can cause an infinite loop.
		Static Dummy91002320

			  ;-- Notification

			  ;-- Message

		;-- Get the tab control's identifier (control ID).

		;-- Create and populate the NMHDR structure
		VarSetCapacity(NMHDR,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:12,0)
		NumPut(this.hTab,  NMHDR,0,"Ptr")                        ;-- hwndFrom
		NumPut(CtrlID,NMHDR,A_PtrSize=8 ? 8:4,"Ptr")        ;-- idFrom

		;-- Selection changed
		NumPut(TCN_SELCHANGE,NMHDR,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:8,"Int")   ;-- code
		SendMessage WM_NOTIFY,this.hTab,&NMHDR,,% "ahk_id " . DllCall("GetParent","Ptr",this.hTab)

	; Function: TAB_NotifySelChanging
	; Description:
	;   Notify the parent window that the tab selection is changing.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if the notification was sent successfully _and_ the system will allow
	;   the selection to change, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   This function sends the TCN_SELCHANGING notification to the parent window.
	;   It was created because on occasion, the tab control or AutoHotkey does not
	;   automatically send this notification when needed.  This function is called
	;   by <TAB_SelectItem> if the the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style (button
	;   mode) but it can also be called independently.
	;   In most cases, this notification is superfluous and most applications will
	;   work correctly without it.  However, if the application is monitoring this
	;   notification, it must be sent at the correct time.  See the example scripts
	;   for an example.
		Static Dummy57876824

			  ;-- Notification

			  ;-- Message

		;-- Get the tab control's identifier (control ID).

		;-- Create and populate the NMHDR structure
		VarSetCapacity(NMHDR,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:12,0)
		NumPut(this.hTab,  NMHDR,0,"Ptr")                        ;-- hwndFrom
		NumPut(CtrlID,NMHDR,A_PtrSize=8 ? 8:4,"Ptr")        ;-- idFrom

		;-- Send TCN_SELCHANGING notification
		NumPut(TCN_SELCHANGING,NMHDR,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:8,"Int") ;-- code
		SendMessage WM_NOTIFY,this.hTab,&NMHDR,,% "ahk_id " . DllCall("GetParent","Ptr",this.hTab)
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel ? False:True

	; Function: TAB_PressButton
	; Description:
	;   Changes the state of a tab control item so that TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is
	;   set or removed.  See the *Remarks* section for more information.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	;   p_ButtonPressed - Set to TRUE (the default) to set the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED
	;       state.  Set to FALSE to remove the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   The TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is only meaningful if the TCS_BUTTONS style
	;   flag has been set.
	;   When the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is set, the appearance of the button is
	;   changed so that the button is pressed.  When the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is
	;   removed, the appearance of the button is changed so that the button is
	;   unpressed.
	;   Setting the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state does not necessarily change the current
	;   selection or current focus.  If the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is set on a
	;   button where the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is already set, nothing happens.
	;   If the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is set on a button that neither has
	;   selection or focus, the appearance of the button changes but selection and
	;   focus do not change.  However, if the TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED state is removed on
	;   a button that is selected and/or has focus, selection and/or focus will
	;   change.  If selection changes, the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE
	;   notifications are sent to the parent window.  For tab controls created by
	;   AutoHotkey, this will trigger the subroutine that is associated with the tab
	;   control if any.
		Static Dummy31308063

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- States

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_SETITEMA:=0x1306                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 6
			  ,TCM_SETITEMW:=0x133D                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 61

		;-- Set state
		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		NumPut(TCIF_STATE,        TCITEM,0,"UInt")          ;-- mask
		NumPut(TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED,TCITEM,8,"UInt")          ;-- dwStateMask
		if p_ButtonPressed
			NumPut(TCIS_BUTTONPRESSED,TCITEM,4,"UInt")      ;-- dwState

		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_SETITEMW:TCM_SETITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_RemoveImage
	; Description:
	;   Remove an image from a tab control's image list.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iIL - The 1-based index of the image in the image list that is associated
	;       with the tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Remarks:
	;   The tab control updates each tab's image index, so each tab remains
	;   associated with the same image as before.  If a tab is using the image being
	;   removed, the tab will be set to have no image.
	;   This functionality should not be confused with <TAB_SetIcon> which can
	;   remove an icon from a tab.
	;   Important: Although this approach works well for one tab control that is
	;   associated with one image list, it does not work if a single image list is
	;   used by multiple tab controls.  Do not use this function to remove the image
	;   from the image list if this is the case.
	; Observations:
	;   If an item is using the image being removed, the item will be set to have no
	;   image.  However, unlike what occurs after <TAB_SetIcon> is used to remove an
	;   icon, the size (specifically the width) of the item is not adjusted for the
	;   lack of an icon.  This is not a problem but it is a bit inconsistent.  In
	;   addition, the icon is sometimes not erased completely (residual traces of
	;   the icon left behind at the bottom of the tab, Tab and Tab2 only).
	;   Redrawing appears to resolve the residual icon problem on the Tab and Tab2
	;   control but does not resolve the tab size problem.  Redraw causes other
	;   problems on the Tab control and should never be used on the Tab3 control.
	;   Resetting the tab control appears to resolve the residual icon problem but
	;   does not resolve the tab size problem.  Resizing the tab control appears to
	;   resolve all of the problems for all tab controls.  See the
	;   <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw> topic for more information.
		Static TCM_REMOVEIMAGE :=0x132A                     ;-- TCM_FIRST + 42
		SendMessage TCM_REMOVEIMAGE,iIL-1,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

	; Function: TAB_SelectItem
	; Description:
	;   Selects an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the previously selected tab (tests as TRUE) if
	;   successful, otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetCurFocus>
	; * <TAB_GetCurSel>
	; * <TAB_GetStyle>
	; * <TAB_NotifySelChange>
	; * <TAB_NotifySelChanging>
	; Remarks:
	;   This function was written to create a consistent method of selecting a tab.
	;   It generates the same results whether the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS
	;   style (button mode) or not.  See the *Programming and Usage Notes* section
	;   for more information.
	; Programming and Usage Notes:
	;   If the specified item is already selected, this function does nothing.  If
	;   needed, call <TAB_NotifySelChange> to manually send the TCN_SELCHANGE
	;   notification.  See the documentation in <TAB_NotifySelChange> for more
	;   information.
	;   If an item is selected, the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications
	;   are sent to the parent window.  For tab controls created by AutoHotkey, the
	;   TCN_SELCHANGE notification will trigger the g-label associated with the
	;   control if any.
	;   If the tab control does _not_ have the TCS_BUTTONS style (button mode), the
	;   AutoHotkey *GUIControl,Choose* command can be used instead.  Like this
	;   function, this command will do nothing if the specified tab is already
	;   selected.  This command will not trigger any g-label associated with the
	;   control unless the tab number is preceded by a pipe character.  For example:
	;   (start code)
	;   GUIControl Choose,%hTab%,3
	;       ;-- Select the 3rd tab of the tab control.  The g-label associated with
	;       ;   the control is NOT triggered.
	;   GUIControl Choose,%hTab%,|5
	;       ;-- Select the 5th tab of the tab control.  The g-label associated with
	;       ;   the control is triggered.
	;   (end)
	;   Note: The AutoHotkey *GUIControl,Choose* command can be used if the tab
	;   control has the TCS_BUTTONS style (button mode) but it does not trigger the
	;   g-label associated with the control regardless of the syntax.
		Static Dummy76237588

			  ;-- Style

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_SETCURSEL  :=0x130C                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 12
			  ,TCM_SETCURFOCUS:=0x1330                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 48

		;-- Bounce if the specified tab is already selected
		;   Note: This is standard behavior.  This test ensures that unnecessary
		;   action is not performed but more importantly, that the TCN_SELCHANGING
		;   and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications are not sent.
		if (iTab=iTabPrev)
			Return 0

		;-- Initialize

		;-- If the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style, manually send the
		;   TCN_SELCHANGING notification.  Bounce if TRUE is returned.  TRUE is
		;   returned if a program monitoring the TCN_SELCHANGING notification
		;   rejects the request.  Note: For tab controls without the TCS_BUTTONS
		;   style, the TCN_SELCHANGING notification is automatically sent when the
		;   TCM_SETCURFOCUS message is sent.
		if l_Style & TCS_BUTTONS
			if not this.NotifySelChanging()
				Return 0

		;-- Set focus
		;   Note: If the tab control does not have the TCS_BUTTONS style, this
		;   message sets focus and selects the tab.  In addition, the tab control
		;   sends the TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notification codes to its
		;   parent window.  If the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style (button
		;   mode), this message sets the input focus to the button associated with
		;   the specified tab but it does not change the selected tab.  The
		;   TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notifications are NOT sent.
		SendMessage TCM_SETCURFOCUS,iTab-1,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

		;-- Bounce if the focus did not change
		;   Note: Failure to change focus can occur if a program stopped the
		;   selection from occurring.
		if (this.GetCurFocus()<>iTab)
			Return 0

		;-- If the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style, manually select and send
		;   the TCN_SELCHANGE notification.
		if l_Style & TCS_BUTTONS
			;-- Select
			;   Note: For the tab control with the TCS_BUTTONS style (button mode),
			;   this message selects the specified tab.  This step is necessary
			;   because the TCM_SETCURFOCUS message performed earlier did not select
			;   the tab.
			SendMessage TCM_SETCURSEL,iTab-1,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

			;-- Send the TCN_SELCHANGE notification
			;   Note: This is performed here because this notification was not sent
			;   automatically when the TCM_SETCURFOCUS message was sent.  Note:
			;   There is no return value for this notification.

		Return iTabPrev

	; Function: TAB_SelectNext
	; Description:
	;   Select the next item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Count - The number of positions to move the selection.  The default is 1.
	;   p_Circular - See the *Circular* section for more information.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the previously selected tab (tests as TRUE) if
	;   successful, otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetCurSel>
	; * <TAB_GetItemCount>
	; * <TAB_SelectItem>
	; Circular:
	;   The p_Circular parameter is used to determine what happens when the
	;   selection is already on the last item.
	;   If p_Circular is set to TRUE, the selection will circle around to the
	;   beginning of the tab control if needed.  This action is similar to the
	;   *Ctrl+PgDn* keyboard shortcut.
	;   If p_Circular is set to FALSE (the default), the last item in the tab
	;   control is the barrier.  If the last tab is already selected, no selection
	;   is performed and 0 is returned.  If the request would select beyond the last
	;   tab, the last tab is selected.  This action is similar to the Right keyboard
	;   shortcut (only available if the tab control has input focus) and the
	;   *Control TabRight,Count* command.
		;-- Bounce if there are less than 2 tabs (1 or none)
		if ((l_ItemCount:=this.GetItemCount())<2)
			Return 0

		;-- Bounce if no tabs are selected.  Rare but it can happen.
		if ((iTab:=Selected_iTab:=this.GetCurSel())=0)
			Return 0

		;-- Circular
		if p_Circular
			Loop %p_Count%
				if (iTab=l_ItemCount)

			if (iTab=Selected_iTab)
				Return 0

			Return this.SelectItem(iTab)

		;-- Regular (not circular)
		if (iTab=l_ItemCount)
			Return 0

		iTab:=iTab>l_ItemCount ? l_ItemCount:iTab
		Return this.SelectItem(iTab)

	; Function: TAB_SelectPrev
	; Description:
	;   Select the previous item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Count - The number of positions to move the selection.  The default is 1.
	;   p_Circular - See the *Circular* section for more information.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the previously selected tab (tests as TRUE) if
	;   successful, otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetCurSel>
	; * <TAB_GetItemCount>
	; * <TAB_SelectItem>
	; Circular:
	;   The p_Circular parameter is used to determine what happens when the
	;   selection is already on the first item.
	;   If p_Circular is set to TRUE, the selection will circle around to the end of
	;   the tab control if needed.  This action is similar to the *Ctrl+PgUp*
	;   keyboard shortcut.
	;   If p_Circular is set to FALSE (the default), the first item in the tab
	;   control is the barrier.  If the first tab is already selected, no selection
	;   is performed and 0 is returned.  If the request would select before the
	;   first tab, the first tab is selected.  This action is similar to the Left
	;   keyboard shortcut (only available if the tab control has input focus) and
	;   the *Control TabLeft,Count* command.
		;-- Bounce if there are less than 2 tabs (1 or none)
		if ((l_ItemCount:=this.GetItemCount())<2)
			Return 0

		;-- Bounce if no tabs are selected.  Rare but it can happen.
		if ((iTab:=Selected_iTab:=this.GetCurSel())=0)
			Return 0

		;-- Circular
		if p_Circular
			Loop %p_Count%
				if (iTab=1)

			if (iTab=Selected_iTab)
				Return 0

			Return this.SelectItem(iTab)

		;-- Regular (not circular)
		if (iTab=1)
			Return 0

		iTab:=iTab<1 ? 1:iTab
		Return this.SelectItem(iTab)

	; Function: TAB_SelectText
	; Description:
	;   Selects an item in a tab control with a specific text (name).
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Text - Text to search for.
	;   p_CaseSensitive - [Optional] Set to TRUE for a case sensitive search.
	;       The default is FALSE, i.e. case insensitive search.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the previously selected tab (tests as TRUE) if
	;   successful, otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_FindText>
	; * <TAB_SelectItem>
	; Remarks:
	;   This function uses <TAB_FindText> to determine if the text in the p_Text
	;   parameter matches the text in a tab.  See the <TAB_FindText> documentation
	;   for more information.
		if iTab:=this.FindText(p_Text)
			Return this.SelectItem(iTab)

		Return 0

	; Function: TAB_SetCurFocus
	; Description:
	;   Set the focus to a specified item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Remarks:
	;   If the tab control has the TCS_BUTTONS style (button mode), the tab with the
	;   focus may be different from the selected tab.  For example, when an item is
	;   selected, the user can press the arrow keys to set the focus to a different
	;   tab without changing the selected tab. (Note: Arrow keys don't work this way
	;   on a tab control created by AutoHotkey).  In button mode, TCM_SETCURFOCUS
	;   sets the input focus to the button associated with the specified tab, but it
	;   does not change the selected tab.
	;   If the tab control does not have the TCS_BUTTONS style, changing the focus
	;   also changes the selected tab.  In this case, the tab control sends the
	;   TCN_SELCHANGING and TCN_SELCHANGE notification codes to its parent window.
	;   The TCM_SETCURFOCUS message is often used in conjunction with the
	;   TCM_SETCURSEL message so that focus and selection are changed at the same
	;   time (focus immediately followed by selection), regardless of whether the
	;   tab control has TCS_BUTTONS style.  Hint: Use <TAB_SelectItem> instead.
		Static TCM_SETCURFOCUS :=0x1330                     ;-- TCM_FIRST + 48
		SendMessage TCM_SETCURFOCUS,iTab-1,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

	; Function: TAB_SetCurSel
	; Description:
	;   Select an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The 1-based index of the previously selected tab (tests as TRUE) if
	;   successful, otherwise 0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Remarks:
	;   A tab control does not send a TCN_SELCHANGING or TCN_SELCHANGE notification
	;   code when an item is selected using the TCM_SETCURSEL message.  So the tab
	;   will be selected but the controls within the tab may not be showing.  Hint:
	;   Use <TAB_SelectItem> to change the focus of the control to the specified tab
	;   and then select the tab.
		Static TCM_SETCURSEL :=0x130C                       ;-- TCM_FIRST + 12
		SendMessage TCM_SETCURSEL,iTab-1,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:(ErrorLevel<<32>>32)+1
			;-- Convert UInt to Int

	; Function: TAB_SetMinTabWidth
	; Description:
	;   Set the minimum width of the tabs in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Width - The minimum width to set.  If set to -1, the default tab width is
	;       set.
	; Returns:
	;   The previous minimum tab width or 0 if there was problem.
	; Remarks:
	;   This request may increase or decrease the number of tab rows.
	;   The tab control may not be positioned or drawn correctly after this request.
	;   See the <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw> topic for more information.
	; Observations:
	;   This message only works if the tab control does not have the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH
	;   style.
		Static TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH:=0x1331                   ;-- TCM_FIRST + 49
		SendMessage TCM_SETMINTABWIDTH,0,p_Width,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_SetIcon
	; Description:
	;   Set or remove an icon for an item on a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	;   iIL - The 1-based index of the image in the image list that is associated
	;       with the tab control.  Set to 0 to remove the icon for the tab.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   The tab control may not be drawn correctly after this request.  See the
	;   <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw> topic for more information.
	; Observations:
	;   There are no redraw issues when the icon is removed.  Your results may
	;   differ.
		Static Dummy18408860

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_SETITEMA:=0x1306                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 6
			  ,TCM_SETITEMW:=0x133D                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 61

		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		NumPut(TCIF_IMAGE,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                  ;-- mask
		NumPut(iIL-1,TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 28:20,"Ptr")      ;-- iImage
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_SETITEMW:TCM_SETITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_SetImageList
	; Description:
	;   Assigns an image list to a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   hIL - The handle to an image list.
	; Returns:
	;   The handle to the previous image list or 0 if there is no previous image
	;   list.
	; Remarks:
	;   This request can affect the display area of the tab control so in most
	;   cases, this function should be called before GUI controls are added to the
	;   tabs.  If this request is performed after the window is showing, the tab
	;   control may need to be repositioned and/or resized.  See the
	;   <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw> topic for more information.
		Static TCM_SETIMAGELIST:=0x1303                     ;-- TCM_FIRST + 3
		SendMessage TCM_SETIMAGELIST,0,hIL,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_SetInputFocus
	; Description:
	;   Sets input focus to the tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   When a tab control is shown, input focus is usually set on the first control
	;   withing the selected tab.  This command moves focus to the tab control
	;   itself.  It allows the user to navigate via the Left and Right keys without
	;   first clicking on the selected tab with the mouse.
	;   Note: The TCS_FOCUSNEVER style will not stop this function from setting
	;   focus.  If needed, check for the TCS_FOCUSNEVER style before calling is
	;   function.
		ControlFocus,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel ? False:True

	; Function: TAB_SetItemSize
	; Description:
	;   Set the width and height of tabs in a fixed-width tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Width, p_Height - The new width and height.  Set p_Width to -1 (the
	;       default) to use the current width of the first tab (the width should be
	;       the same for all tabs if the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH style is used).  Set
	;       p_Height to -1 (the default) to use the current height of the tabs.  See
	;       the *Observations* section for more information.
	; Returns:
	;   The old width and height.  The width is in the LOWORD of the return value,
	;   and the height is in the HIWORD.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetItemWidth>
	; * <TAB_GetItemHeight>
	; Observations:
	;   Note: The Microsoft documentation for this message is very limited.  This
	;   section is titled "Observations" not "Remarks" because the following
	;   information is based on observation, not documentation (official or
	;   otherwise).
	;   If the tab control has the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH style, the actual minimum width
	;   depends on whether an image list has been assigned to the tab control or
	;   not.  If an image list has been assigned, the minimum width is the width of
	;   the image list icon plus ~4 pixels.  If an image list has not been assigned,
	;   the minimum width is 0.
	;   If the tab control does _not_ have the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH style, the width is
	;   not changed by this function regardless of the value.
	;   The height can be set regardless of the TCS_FIXEDWIDTH style.  The minimum
	;   height is 1 and there does not appear to be a maximum height.  Setting 
	;   the height to 0 will set the tabs to the default height.  The default height
	;   is determined by the height of icons in the image list or the height of the
	;   font.
	;   Once the size is set by this function, changes to the tab control's image
	;   list do not affect the size of the tab.  If needed, call this function again
	;   after changing the size of the icons.
		Static TCM_SETITEMSIZE:=0x1329                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 41
		p_Width :=p_Width<0 ?  this.GetItemWidth():p_Width
		p_Height:=p_Height<0 ? this.GetItemHeight():p_Height
		SendMessage TCM_SETITEMSIZE,0,p_Height<<16|p_Width,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? 0:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_SetStyle
	; Description:
	;   Adds, removes, or toggles a style for an tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   p_Style - Style to set.
	;   p_Option - Use "+" (the default) to add, "-" to remove, and "^" to toggle.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if the request completed successfully, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   For a complete list of tab control styles :
	;   * <https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/bb760549(v=vs.85).aspx>
	;   This document includes a list of styles can be modified after the tab
	;   control has been created.  Please note that some changes made after the tab
	;   control has been created may not produce the desired results.
	;   The tab control will often need to be repositioned and/or redrawn after a
	;   style has been added or removed.  See the <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw>
	;   topic for more information.
		Control Style,%p_Option%%p_Style%,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel ? False:True

	; Function: TAB_SetText
	; Description:
	;   Set the text on an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Remarks:
	;   In many cases, the tab control is not drawn correctly after this request.
	;   See the <Reposition, Resize, and Redraw> topic for more information.
		Static Dummy18408860

			  ;-- Mask
			  ,TCIF_TEXT      :=0x1
			  ,TCIF_IMAGE     :=0x2
			  ,TCIF_PARAM     :=0x8
			  ,TCIF_STATE     :=0x10

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TCM_SETITEMA:=0x1306                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 6
			  ,TCM_SETITEMW:=0x133D                         ;-- TCM_FIRST + 61

		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		NumPut(TCIF_TEXT,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                   ;-- mask
		NumPut(&p_Text,TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12,"Ptr")    ;-- pszText
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TCM_SETITEMW:TCM_SETITEMA,iTab-1,&TCITEM,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel

	; Function: TAB_SetTooltips
	; Description:
	;   Assign a tooltip control to a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   hTT - The handle to a tooltip control.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Remarks:
	;   The tooltip control must be created with certain attributes.  See the
	;   <Tooltips> topic for more information.
	;   Use <TAB_GetTooltips> to get the tooltip control associated with a tab
	;   control.
		Static TCM_SETTOOLTIPS:=0x132E                      ;-- TCM_FIRST + 46
		SendMessage TCM_SETTOOLTIPS,hTT,0,,% "ahk_id " this.hTab

	; Function: TAB_Tooltips_Activate
	; Description:
	;   Activates (enables) the tooltip control that is attached to the tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetTooltips>
	; Remarks:
	;   The tooltip control is enabled by default.  There is no need to activate
	;   (enable) the tooltip control unless it has been previously deactivated
	;   (disabled).
		Static TTM_ACTIVATE:=0x401                          ;-- WM_USER + 1
		DetectHiddenWindows On
		SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,True,0,,% "ahk_id " . this.GetTooltips()
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

	; Function: TAB_Tooltips_Create
	; Description:
	;   Create a tooltip control for use with a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   The handle to a new tooltip control.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetItemCount>
	; * <TAB_GetItemRect>
	; Remarks:
	;   This function creates a tooltip control that can be used with the specified
	;   tab control.  If needed, call <TAB_SetTooltips> to assign the tooltip
	;   control created by this function to the tab control.
	;   This function can be used as is, customized for personal use, or used as
	;   a template for a custom function.
		Static Dummy15715076

			  ;-- Misc. constants

			  ;-- Tooltip styles
					;-- Prevents the system from stripping ampersand characters from
					;   a string or terminating a string at a tab character.
					;   Without this style, the system automatically strips
					;   ampersand characters and terminates a string at the first
					;   tab character.  This allows an application to use the same
					;   string as both a menu item and as text in a tooltip control.

			  ;-- TOOLINFO uFlags
					;-- Indicates that the tooltip control should subclass the
					;   window for the tool in order to intercept messages, such
					;   as WM_MOUSEMOVE.

			  ;-- Extended styles

			  ;-- Flags

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TTM_ADDTOOLA      :=0x404                    ;-- WM_USER + 4
			  ,TTM_ADDTOOLW      :=0x432                    ;-- WM_USER + 50
			  ,TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH:=0x418                    ;-- WM_USER + 24
			  ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA:=0x40C                    ;-- WM_USER + 12
			  ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW:=0x439                    ;-- WM_USER + 57

		;-- Save/Set DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows On

		;-- Create Tooltip window
			,"UInt",WS_EX_TOPMOST                       ;-- dwExStyle
			,"Str","TOOLTIPS_CLASS32"                   ;-- lpClassName
			,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpWindowName
			,"UInt",l_Style                             ;-- dwStyle
			,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- x
			,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- y
			,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nWidth
			,"UInt",CW_USEDEFAULT                       ;-- nHeight
			,"Ptr",hParent                              ;-- hWndParent
			,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hMenu
			,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- hInstance
			,"Ptr",0                                    ;-- lpParam
			,"Ptr")                                     ;-- Return type

		;-- Disable visual style
		;   Note: Uncomment the following to disable the visual style, i.e.
		;   remove the window theme, from the tooltip control.  All tooltips added
		;   to the control created by this function will be affected.
	;;;;;    DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme","Ptr",hTT,"Ptr",0,"UIntP",0)

		;-- Set the maximum width for the tooltip window
		;   Note: This message makes multi-line tooltips possible
		SendMessage TTM_SETMAXTIPWIDTH,0,A_ScreenWidth,,ahk_id %hTT%

		;-- Create and populate the TOOLINFO structure
		cbSize:=VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 64:44,0)
		NumPut(cbSize,TOOLINFO,0,"UInt")                    ;-- cbSize
		NumPut(uFlags,TOOLINFO,4,"UInt")                    ;-- uFlags
		NumPut(hTab,  TOOLINFO,8,"Ptr")                     ;-- hwnd
		NumPut(LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 48:36,"Ptr")
			;-- lpszText

		;-- Add a tool for each tab
		Loop % this.GetItemCount()
			NumPut(A_Index-1,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr")
				;-- uId

			;-- Set the appropriate bounding rectangle coordinates
			;   Note: This information is only set once when the tool is created.
			;   The tab control automatically updates this information if/when
			;   needed.
			NumPut(l_Left,  TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:16,"Int")
			NumPut(l_Top,   TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 28:20,"Int")
			NumPut(l_Right, TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 32:24,"Int")
			NumPut(l_Bottom,TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 36:28,"Int")

			;-- Add tool
				,,ahk_id %hTT%

		;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

		;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
		Return hTT

	; Function: TAB_Tooltips_Deactivate
	; Description:
	;   Deactivates (disables) the tooltip control that is attached to the tab
	;   control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	; Returns:
	;   No return value.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetTooltips>
	; Remarks:
	;   This command will stop all of tooltips from showing on a tab control.  Use
	;   <TAB_Tooltips_Activate> to reverse this action.
		Static TTM_ACTIVATE:=0x401                          ;-- WM_USER + 1
		DetectHiddenWindows On
		SendMessage TTM_ACTIVATE,False,0,,% "ahk_id " . this.GetTooltips()
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

	; Function: TAB_Tooltips_GetText
	; Description:
	;   Get the tooltip text for an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	; Returns:
	;   The text for tooltip.  The value can be null.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetTooltips>
	; Programming notes :
	;   To support Windows XP and earlier, the value of the wParam parameter
	;   for the TTM_GETTEXT message is set to zero.  There is no way to predetermine
	;   the required buffer size.
	;   Due to a bug or a design restriction, the TTM_GETTEXTA message is never
	;   used because it returns a maximum of 80 characters.
	; Observations:
	;   If the text for tooltip tool contains the LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK flag (set by
	;   default and when the text is set to null by <TAB_Tooltips_SetText>), the
	;   tooltip control will send the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification when the
	;   TTM_GETTEXTW message is sent.  If the notification is being monitored, the
	;   text returned by this function will be whatever the code that is monitoring
	;   the TTN_GETDISPINFO notification sets the text to, otherwise the text is
	;   returned as null.
		Static Dummy75922473
			  ,MaxTCHARs:=0xFFFF  ;-- 64K
			  ,sizeofTOOLINFO:=(A_PtrSize=8) ? 64:44

			  ;-- Message
			  ,TTM_GETTEXTW:=0x438                          ;-- WM_USER + 56

		;-- Create, initialize, and populate TOOLINFO structure
		NumPut(sizeofTOOLINFO,TOOLINFO,0,"UInt")            ;-- cbSize
		NumPut(this.hTab,          TOOLINFO,8,"Ptr")             ;-- hwnd
		NumPut(iTab-1,        TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr")
			;-- uId

		NumPut(&l_Text,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 48:36,"Ptr")
			;-- lpszText

		;-- Get text
		DetectHiddenWindows On
		SendMessage TTM_GETTEXTW,0,&TOOLINFO,,% "ahk_id " . this.GetTooltips(this.hTab)
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

		;-- Return text
		if A_IsUnicode
			Return l_Text
			Return StrGet(&l_Text,-1,"UTF-16")

	; Function: TAB_Tooltips_SetText
	; Description:
	;   Set the tooltip text for an item in a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   iTab - The 1-based index of a tab in a tab control.  Set to 1 for the first
	;       tab, 2 for the second tab, and so on.
	;   p_Text - The tooltip text.  Ex: "My tooltip".  Set to null to remove the
	;       tooltip.
	; Returns:
	;   The handle to the tooltip control (tests as TRUE) if successful, otherwise
	;   0 (tests as FALSE).
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetItemRect>
	; * <TAB_GetTooltips>
	; * <TAB_IsTabControl>
	; * <TAB_SetTooltips>
	; * <TAB_Tooltips_Create>
	; Remarks:
	;   To improve usability, this function will automatically call
	;   <TAB_Tooltips_Create> and <TAB_SetTooltips> before setting the tooltip text
	;   if a tooltip control is not associated with the tab control.
		Static Dummy40370454

			  ;-- TOOLINFO uFlags
					;-- Indicates that the tooltip control should subclass the
					;   window for the tool in order to intercept messages, such
					;   as WM_MOUSEMOVE.

			  ;-- Tooltip icons
			  ,TTI_NONE         :=0
			  ,TTI_INFO         :=1
			  ,TTI_WARNING      :=2
			  ,TTI_ERROR        :=3
			  ,TTI_INFO_LARGE   :=4
			  ,TTI_ERROR_LARGE  :=6

			  ;-- Flags

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TTM_ADDTOOLA      :=0x404                    ;-- WM_USER + 4
			  ,TTM_ADDTOOLW      :=0x432                    ;-- WM_USER + 50
			  ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOA  :=0x408                    ;-- WM_USER + 8
			  ,TTM_GETTOOLINFOW  :=0x435                    ;-- WM_USER + 53
			  ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTA:=0x40C                    ;-- WM_USER + 12
			  ,TTM_UPDATETIPTEXTW:=0x439                    ;-- WM_USER + 57

		;-- Save/Set DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows On

		;-- Get the handle to the tooltip control
		if not hTT:=this.GetTooltips()
			;-- Check the veracity of hTab.  This will help to ensure that when a
			;   new tooltip control is created, it can be associated to a tab
			;   control.  This will avoid a memory leak that could become
			;   problematic if this function is called many times in the life a
			;   script.
			hTab := this.hTab
			if not this.IsTabControl()
				   (ltrim join`s
					Function: %A_ThisFunc% - hTab does not contain a valid handle.
					Tooltip control not created.  Function aborted.
					hTab: %hTab%

				Return 0

			;-- Create a new tooltip control and attach to the tab control

		;-- Create/Populate the TOOLINFO structure
		cbSize:=VarSetCapacity(TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 64:44,0)
		NumPut(cbSize,TOOLINFO,0,"UInt")                    ;-- cbSize
		NumPut(uFlags,TOOLINFO,4,"UInt")                    ;-- uFlags
		NumPut(hTab,  TOOLINFO,8,"Ptr")                     ;-- hwnd
		NumPut(iTab-1,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 16:12,"Ptr") ;-- uId

		;-- Check if a tool has already been registered for the specified tab
			,,ahk_id %hTT%


		;-- Update the TOOLTIP structure
		NumPut(p_Text="" ? LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK:&p_Text,TOOLINFO,(A_PtrSize=8) ? 48:36,"Ptr")
			;-- lpszText

		;-- Update or add tool
		if l_RegisteredTool
				,,ahk_id %hTT%
			;-- Add tool with the appropriate bounding rectangle coordinates
			;   Note: This information is only set when the tool is created.
			;   The tab control updates this information if/when needed.
			NumPut(l_Left,  TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:16,"Int")
			NumPut(l_Top,   TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 28:20,"Int")
			NumPut(l_Right, TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 32:24,"Int")
			NumPut(l_Bottom,TOOLINFO,A_PtrSize=8 ? 36:28,"Int")
				,,ahk_id %hTT%

		;-- Restore DetectHiddenWindows
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%

		;-- Return the handle to the tooltip control
		Return hTT

	; Function: TAB_Tooltips_SetTitle
	; Description:
	;   Set or remove the title for the tooltips of a tab control.
	; Parameters:
	;   hTab - The handle to a tab control.
	;   p_Title - The title.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
	;   p_Icon - Tooltip icon.  See the *Title & Icon* section for more information.
	; Returns:
	;   TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
	; Calls To Other Functions:
	; * <TAB_GetTooltips>
	; Title & Icon:
	;   To set a title for the tooltips, set the p_Title parameter to the desired
	;   tooltip title.  Ex: TAB_Tooltips_SetTitle(hTab,"Bob's Tooltips"). To remove
	;   the title, set the p_Title parameter to null.  Ex:
	;   TAB_Tooltips_SetTitle(hTab,"").
	;   The p_Icon parameter determines the icon to be displayed along with the
	;   title, if any.  If not specified or if set to 0, no icon is shown.  To show
	;   a standard icon, specify one of the standard icon identifiers.  See the
	;   function's static variables for a list of possible values.  Ex:
	;   TAB_Tooltips_SetTitle(hTab,"My Title",4).  To show a custom icon, specify a
	;   handle to an image (bitmap, cursor, or icon).  When a custom icon is
	;   specified, a copy of the icon is created by the tooltip control so if
	;   needed, the original icon can be destroyed any time after the title and icon
	;   are set.
	;   Please note that an icon is only shown if a title has been set.  The title
	;   is only shown if the text has been set for the tooltip.
	;   Setting a tooltip title may not produce a desirable result in many cases.
	;   The title (and icon if specified) is shown on every tooltip.
		Static Dummy12754852

			  ;-- Tooltip icons
			  ,TTI_NONE         :=0
			  ,TTI_INFO         :=1
			  ,TTI_WARNING      :=2
			  ,TTI_ERROR        :=3
			  ,TTI_INFO_LARGE   :=4
			  ,TTI_ERROR_LARGE  :=6

			  ;-- Messages
			  ,TTM_SETTITLEA:=0x420                         ;-- WM_USER + 32
			  ,TTM_SETTITLEW:=0x421                         ;-- WM_USER + 33

		;-- If needed, truncate the title
		if (StrLen(p_Title)>99)

		;-- Icon
		if p_Icon is not Integer

		;-- Set title
		DetectHiddenWindows On
		SendMessage A_IsUnicode ? TTM_SETTITLEW:TTM_SETTITLEA,p_Icon,&p_Title,,% "ahk_id " . this.GetTooltips()
		DetectHiddenWindows %l_DetectHiddenWindows%
		Return ErrorLevel="FAIL" ? False:ErrorLevel
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

30 Jun 2018, 19:25

evilC, thank you for your feedback.

I'm a big believer in using the right tool for the right job. If the typical GUI used 2, 3, or more tab controls at a time then I might be convinced that there is value to converting a library of functions into a class. But typically there is only one tab control in a GUI so using a class instead of a library of functions is just trading one syntax for another. Instead of calling a function, a method is used. And including the "gui Add" statement within the class is a bit clunky, especially since the library supports all 3 tab control types.

In my opinion, a class should only be created when it provides substantial value. Managing multiple instances of a class is not the only reason to use a class but it is one of the better reasons. Is using a class rather than a library of functions "slicker?" Perhaps. But all developers know how to call a function. The syntax for creating a class instance and then triggering the appropriate method when needed is not hard but it is not something that all developers understand yet.

I've seen a few developers come around to this way of thinking. They create a class because it is the latest feature of AutoHotkey and then they convert it back into a library of functions when they figure out that the class didn't add any substantial value.

This is just my opinion. Thank you for your interest.
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

01 Jul 2018, 04:49

To make it support Tab2, Tab3 etc, you can just add a parameter to the constructor.


Code: Select all

		;-- Initialize
		VarSetCapacity(TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 40:28,0)
		VarSetCapacity(l_Text,MAX_TEXT*(A_IsUnicode ? 2:1),0)
		NumPut(TCIF_TEXT,TCITEM,0,"UInt")                   ;-- mask
		NumPut(&l_Text,  TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 16:12,"Ptr")  ;-- pszText
		NumPut(MAX_TEXT, TCITEM,A_PtrSize=8 ? 24:16,"Int")  ;-- cchTextMax
This is executed once per function call, but is the same every time.
With classes, you could build the struct once in the constructor, store it as a class property, then re-use it. It would mean startup was a bit slower, but repeatedly calling FindText would be more performant. Or, if you want the best of both worlds, then store it as a dynamic property or something, so that it gets lazy initialized.

Furthermore, you can possibly eliminate the need for some DLL calls - for example if you intend for users to only set or get styles using SetStyle / GetStyle, then when SetStyle is called, you could simply store the style as a class property, then GetStyle could just return that property.
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

28 Mar 2021, 07:12

And how to change the color of the text of all tabs?
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

28 Mar 2021, 17:13

serzh82saratov wrote:
28 Mar 2021, 07:12
And how to change the color of the text of all tabs?
For the Tab control, this can only be done at the right time, in the right place, and with the right conditions. One of the "Close Tab" examples in the project sets the color of the text in the tabs. Use it as an example of how to perform this task.
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

31 Mar 2021, 10:39

Thanks. I tried to do it before you write here. I did not understand why always some inactive tabs became black. Maybe you will succeed, I would call it a basic need and I would like to see it in the examples of the library, if possible, the black text is not visible on dark backgrounds.
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

31 Mar 2021, 13:08

This is very fancy and handy! Thanks for sharing it. 👍
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Re: [Library] TAB v0.1 (Preview) - Add Functionality to the Tab Control

31 Mar 2021, 21:49

serzh82saratov wrote:
31 Mar 2021, 10:39
the black text is not visible on dark backgrounds.
Actually, the "Close Tab" example mentioned earlier deals with this very issue. It's a simplified version of what you need but it basically inverts the bits of the background color to create a text color that will be visible no matter what the background color is. The code is basically the following:

Code: Select all

This works most of the time but it doesn't work when inverting the bits creates the same or very similar color as before. For example, inverting some monochrome colors like Gray (0x808080) won't produce useful results so you'll have to create a workaround for that.

I hope that this is helpful.

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