Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

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Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 14:16

How to install SeleniumBasic and register the DLLs

Update: February 21, 2021. Added basic Actions tutorial below.

SeleniumBasic is a rewrite of florentbr's SeleniumBasic to make it more current.

Although arguably inferior to GeeKDude's Chrome.AHK, v3 can automate Chrome, Edge, Firefox, IE, Opera and Safari out-of-the-box, so it may be better choice for some projects.

It was coded by prolific Chinese author ryueifu. Although clearly directed toward VBA (as was florentbr's version) we can use it to good effect in AutoHotkey. Also, both versions can coexist, as for V3 we use "ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.*"). Unlike v2, we frequently need to create more than one COM object for our scripts. The main objects you'll need to create are "SeleniumBasic.IWebDriver", "SeleniumBasic.ChromeDriverService" (adapt as needed for different browsers), "SeleniumBasic.ChromeOptions" (only for Chrome, obviously), "SeleniumBasic.Screenshot", "SeleniumBasic.Keys" (critical if you want to send modifier keys, etc.), and, possibly, "SeleniumBasic.Utility".

You can download it from
You'll want to virus-check it, of course! Unblock the zip archive before opening.
Inside the zip are these files:

(These two provide objects and members in the SeleniumBasic namespace.)
(Run it as admin from the directory where you extracted the DLLs)
(Unregister SeleniumBasic, likewise as admin)
(V3 also relies on these two libraries, so keep all these files together)

Save all these files to a location on your system where you won't have to move them. As you'll be registering DLLs based on this location, you may break your v3 scripts if you move them.
Run RegAsm.bat as admin from the directory where the DLLs are (and hopefully will stay), refresh your environment, and you should be good to go.

Using various webdrivers

v3 scripts will require you to supply the location of both your browser executables and the location of e.g. chromedriver.exe, msedgedriver.exe, and geckodriver.exe. I've added that location (for me, C:\Downloads\Webdrivers) to my PATH, which has cut down on the number of webdrivers littering my system.

My Regasm.bat looks like this:

Code: Select all

cd /d %~dp0
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" /codebase "SeleniumBasic.dll" /tlb "SeleniumBasic.tlb"
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" /codebase "SeleniumBasic.dll" /tlb "SeleniumBasic.tlb"
My UnRegAsm.bat looks like this:

Code: Select all

cd /d %~dp0
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" /u "SeleniumBasic.dll" /tlb "SeleniumBasic.tlb"
"C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\RegAsm.exe" /u "SeleniumBasic.dll" /tlb "SeleniumBasic.tlb"
CAVEAT: I personally haven't been able to get "Actions" methods, used in SeleniumBasic to automate the mouse and keyboard, to work in either version for AutoHotkey. (I suspect this is because AHK is co-opting the mouse and keyboard, but it's just as likely that I just don't really know what I'm doing.) @Xtra's help below got me started with Actions.

None yet, unfortunately. I'm in the process of translating some of the VBA-related blog posts from Mandarin, but it's hard slogging. You can go to these blog posts and try your hand at some machine translation if you want to get farther than the simple code provided gets you.

Also, use dnspy for this and all your other dotnet disassembly/inspection needs! It's certainly been helpful for me.


As @Joe Glines of was kind enough to provide us with lots of examples for SeleniumBasic 2, I though I'd try to automate his page in a way analogous to his first example. The code below is a work in progress, so please be gentle! If v3 is correctly installed on your system you should be able to just sit back and watch. You'll need Chrome installed at the location shown in the code for this to work.

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1

wd := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.IWebDriver")
svc := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.ChromeDriverService")
options := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.ChromeOptions")
scr := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.Screenshot")
;ele := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.IWebElement")
U := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.Utility")
Keys := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.Keys") ; NEEDED!!!!
;actions := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.Actions")

;initialize - adapt to suit your system
svc.CreateDefaultService.driverPath := "C:\Downloads\WebDrivers"
options.BinaryLocation := "C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"
svc.HideCommandPromptWindow := True

;start browser service
wd.New_ChromeDriver(svc, options)

wd.URL := ("")
msgbox , , Automating The-Automator,We use SeleniumBasic 3.141.00`nto automate Joe Glines's famous page.`nFirst `, his "hello world" example, 3

wd.FindElementByName("s").SendKeys("hello world")
wd.FindElementByName("s").SendKeys(Keys.ENTER) ; 

/* use to make sure document is loaded
loop {
	ready := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.readyState")
	if (ready := "complete")
		sleep, 1000

wd.ExecuteScript("arguments[0].setAttribute('value', 'hello world')", wd.FindElementByName("s")) 

repl_text := "Automate Now!"

; see e.g.
js =
var cats2monkeys = document.evaluate(".//h3[normalize-space()='Categories']", document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
cats2monkeys.innerText = " %repl_text% "
msgbox, ,Categories automation,We show various ways to automate the 'Select Categories' dropdown box.,4
sleep 1000
msgbox , ,Selecting dropdown options by CSS, We can use CSS to query`, locate and select dropdown options.`nA couple of examples follow.`nSee the code., 4
;~ myele := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.querySelector(""#cat > option:nth-child(8)"").innerText")
;~ msgbox, ,Option by CSS, %myele%, 2
myele := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.querySelector(""#cat > option[value*='1323']"").innerText")
msgbox, ,Option by CSS, We locate option with value '1323' and get its 'innerText':`n"%myele%", 3
myele := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.querySelector(""#cat > option[value*='1008']"").innerText")
msgbox, ,Option by CSS, We locate option with value '1008' and get its 'innerText':`n"%myele%", 3

;~ wd.ExecuteScript(js)
;~ U.Sleep(2000)
;~ wd.FindElementByName("cat").click()
;~ U.Sleep(1000)

num9 := wd.findElementById("cat") ;
;;;Take a screenshot of an element!
pic9 := num9.GetScreenShot
pic9.SaveAsFile(A_ScriptDir . "\cats.png", 0) ; 0 is png
/* via dnspy
Utility.ScreenshotImageFormat Bmp = 4;
Utility.ScreenshotImageFormat Gif = 2;
Utility.ScreenshotImageFormat Jpeg = 1;
Utility.ScreenshotImageFormat Png = 0;
Utility.ScreenshotImageFormat Tiff = 3;
;msgbox, , ,%repl_text%, 2
; see e.g.
botzJs = 
return document.evaluate(".//h3[normalize-space()='%repl_text%']", document.body, null, XPathResult.FIRST_ORDERED_NODE_TYPE, null).singleNodeValue;
;msgbox %botzJs%
botz := wd.ExecuteScript(botzJs)

bot := botz.GetScreenShot
bot.SaveAsFile(A_ScriptDir . "\automate.png", 0)
msgbox ,  ,Select Option by Index, We now get the option index from the HTML`nand use that to select.`nWe select option index 9 - Automate by Task`nSee the code.,2
wd.findElementByCssSelector("#cat[class='postform']").SelectByIndex(9) ; Go to an option
msgbox, ,Content of dropdown, % wd.findElementByCssSelector("#cat[class='postform']").SelectedOption.text , 2

;wd.Manage.Window.FullScreen ; As you have guessed, fullscreen

;;; If you know the text of the option, you can select it like this:
;;; Here we'll click AHK Studio

msgbox , ,Select Option by Text, If you know the text of the option`nyou can select it.`nWe look for AHK Studio.`nSee the code, 2
cat := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.querySelector(""#cat"")")
cat.SelectByText("AHK Studio", True)

sleep 2000
; Open context menu
msgbox , ,Open DevTools, We can open DevTools`nby sending right click - n , 3
sleep, 2000
MouseClick, Right
Send, n
;~ body := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.body")
;~ act := actions.Create(wd)
;~ act.ContextClick(body)
sleep 3000
msgbox , , Take screenshot of element, We can take screenshots of individual elements!`nLook in the script directory`nfor 'cats.png' and 'automate.png'`nwhen the demo ends., 4
sleep, 1000

msgbox, ,Exiting, End of demo `nThanks for watching`!, 2
wd := svc := options := scr := ele := actions := U := ""

Please share your comments and experiences.
Last edited by burque505 on 21 Feb 2021, 11:57, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 17:26

Thanks for posting this.

Ive used actions before to offset click an element.

Code: Select all

driver.Actions.moveToElement(element).moveByOffset(-100, 0).click().perform()
I will eventually try this version. Wish it had its own installer to keep it simple and user friendly.
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 17:56

@Xtra, I really appreciate the tip for Actions. I will try it in both versions and report back.
EDIT: No luck with v2 or v3. Would you be able to post a short AHK script with Actions working, either v2 or v3 of Selenium? Thanks in advance!
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 18:43

@Xtra, I have had a little success with Actions so far now in v3. Here is the code:
The syntax is not intuitive to me. The lines

Code: Select all

wd.New_ChromeDriver(svc, options)
wd.URL := ""
apparently mean "Create a new driver 'wd'; send it to a URL; then create Actions capabilities for this existing driver 'wd' ". Then I can perform

Code: Select all

button := wd.FindElementById("hamburger-button")
That's all the farther I've gotten, but your input certainly encouraged me to get there. Thanks! I will follow up with more on actions as I have more success.
Last edited by burque505 on 20 Feb 2021, 18:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 18:44

I removed the offset click to simplify the example:

Code: Select all


driver := ComObjCreate("Selenium.ChromeDriver") 
element := driver.FindElementByXPath("//input[@class='gLFyf gsfi']")
MsgBox, 4096, Actions, ??, 5
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 18:48

For V3 if there was documentation (in english) it would be easier to deal with.
Thanks again for posting.
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 Feb 2021, 18:53

@Xtra, thanks to you too. Your example works great in v2. The attached doesn't really qualify as 'documentation' since it's 1) all machine-translated and 2) meant for VBA, but maybe it'll help for now.
(53.53 KiB) Downloaded 373 times
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

21 Feb 2021, 11:52

Use a behavior chain to simulate mouse and keyboard operations.

The Actions class in SeleniumBasic can implement mouse and keyboard operations. Actions can be chained.
These are the available Actions.

Code: Select all

Build() - void
Click(IWebElement) *
ClickAndHold(IWebElement) *
ContextClick(IWebElement) *
DoubleClick(IWebElement) *
DragAndDrop(IWebElement, IWebElement)
DragAndDropToOffset(IWebElement, int, int)
KeyDown(string, IWebElement) *
KeyUp(string, IWebElement) *
MoveByOffset(int, int)
MoveToElement(IWebElement, int, int) ** last two indicate an offset - omit if none.
Perform() - void
Sendkeys(string, IWebElement) *

The Perform method must be the last command in chain, and is not optional.
Some IWebElement parameters are OPTIONAL. Those with one or more optional parameters are marked with an asterisk above.

The code in the first spoiler below uses Actions to fill in the StartPage search box, select all text in it, cut the text to the clipboard, and shows the clipboard content in a MsgBox.
These lines are related to our Actions:

Code: Select all

Actions.Create(wd) ; This syntax is very confusing for me. I read it to mean "Driver 'wd' can hereafter create Actions."
; ...
Actions.KeyDown(Keys.Control, search).SendKeys("a", search).KeyUp(Keys.Control,search).KeyDown(Keys.Control,search).SendKeys("x",search).KeyUp(Keys.Control,search).Perform

This script visits StartPage, searches for "Selenium", then clicks the hamburger menu in the upper right corner.
The lines related to our Actions are

Code: Select all

Actions.Create(wd) ; Always need to do this after the browser 'wd' as created, and preferably after a URL is visited.
; . . .
; After searching for 'Selenium', click the hamburger-menu button.
button := wd.FindElementById("hamburger-button") 
'Build()' is likely not necessary or even usable for us in AHK. This SO post mentions that 'Perform()' now incorporates 'Build()' in Selenium, that 'build' is included in 'perform' in the Java binding, and that Ruby and Python don't even have 'build()'.
Here's a code snippet (not a standalone script) demonstrating how you might create an Action chain and then use or re-use it as required.
If you like, for testing you can substitute it into the script in the spoiler below.

Code: Select all

search := wd.FindElementById("q")

button := wd.FindElementById("hamburger-button")
builder := Actions.MoveToElement(button).click() ; create the Action chain (here a chain with just one 'link');
builder.Perform ; now use (or perhaps later re-use) the Action chain.
Note that the parameters following KeyDown and KeyUp need to be obtained from the Keys class. The supported keys are in the spoiler below.
All comments and suggestions appreciated - I'm basically just documenting my own learning process with SeleniumBasic, and I'm not very far along yet. Selenium is a deep topic.

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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

17 Mar 2021, 07:31

:thumbup: @kairushinjuu, thank you!
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

18 Mar 2021, 17:35

Interacting with alerts/popups using SeleniumBasic v3.

Recent posts to the Chrome.ahk thread lead me to post some relevant stuff here, where it probably belongs.
@AHK_user inquired about ways to interact with popups in the Chrome.ahk thread. @malcev responded with a useful tidbit:
You can also do it with iaccessible help or with seleniumbasic SwitchToAlert method.
SeleniumBasic v3 has a similar method: [driver].SwitchTo
So, where 'wd' is the webdriver we've created, for alerts/popups we can use:

Code: Select all

to accept a popup;

Code: Select all

to dismiss a popup (or click 'Cancel');

Code: Select all

myvar := wd.SwitchTo.Alert.Text
to put the alert/popup text in 'myvar';

Code: Select all

wd.SwitchTo.Alert.SendKeys("My erudite text")
to send text to an alert/popup that has an input field (it will fail if there's no input field).

Here's a Firefox script that sends keys to this handy alert test page.
(Chrome and Edge drivers appear to have a bug that keeps the sent text from displaying in the input field, although testing shows the text is accepted by the webpage.)

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1

wd := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.IWebDriver")
svc := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.FirefoxDriverService")
options := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.FirefoxOptions")

svc.CreateDefaultService.driverPath := "C:\Downloads\WebDrivers" ; the webdrivers are here for me
svc.HideCommandPromptWindow := True

wd.URL := ""

loop {
	ready := wd.ExecuteScript("return document.readyState")
	if (ready := "complete")
		sleep, 1000


sleep, 2000
wd.SwitchTo.Alert.SendKeys("Howard Hughes") 
sleep 2000
sleep 4000
;~ msgbox % wd.GetCurrentUrl
msgbox, ,I will dismiss myself     , AHK filled in the prompt`nand submitted it.`nFirefox shows keys sent.`nChrome does not`!, 2

sleep 3000
; This page was helpful:
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

19 May 2021, 03:06

Hello, @burque505
Can you select all of these check boxes?
0519160137.png (190.55 KiB) Viewed 14199 times
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 May 2021, 07:31

Hi @sanmaodo, sorry for the late (and incomplete) reply. I don't have the right machine available at the moment to explore further, but I will do so and report back.
It seems it should be possible, but there are some Google-ish hoops to jump through.
You can get the list of items like this in DevTools:

Code: Select all

found = document.querySelector("#history-app").shadowRoot.querySelector("#history")
You will get something like this:

Code: Select all

<history-list id="history" path="history" role="application" aria-roledescription="List of history entries" class="iron-selected"></history-list>
Expanding, you'll see something like this:

Code: Select all

<iron-list class="history-cards" as="item" id="infinite-list" role="grid" preserve-focus="" aria-rowcount="7" style="" aria-owns="frb0 frb1 frb2 frb3 frb4 frb5 frb6">
This will be the first item:

Code: Select all

<history-item role="row" class="no-outline" tabindex="0" aria-rowindex="1" id="frb0" is-card-start="" style="transform: translate3d(0px, 0px, 0px);"></history-item>
That's all the farther I've gotten, I'll keep looking at this. Very interesting.
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

20 May 2021, 07:50

thank you very much!
I will test it as soon as possible
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

21 May 2021, 00:51

@burque505 :D
The test failed.
This page rejects script changes
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

21 May 2021, 08:02

Getting there with DevTools, at least. The following will click the first item:

Code: Select all

More soon (I hope :D)

Note the apparent doubling of 'shadowRoot.querySelector("#checkbox")' - that is part of the JSPath reported by DevTools when selecting the first checkbox, right-clicking and then choosing 'Copy JS Path'. The unchecked and checked states from the Elements tab are shown below:
unchecked.PNG (5.41 KiB) Viewed 14079 times
checked.PNG (5.27 KiB) Viewed 14079 times
EDIT: On my system for SeleniumBasic the Chrome history is not saved, so I had to create an artificial history in this code. It will check the first result, wait a bit and then pop up a message box, wait a bit more and then exit. You'll probably have to adjust paths for your own system.

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1

wd := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.IWebDriver")
svc := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.ChromeDriverService")
options := ComObjCreate("SeleniumBasic.ChromeOptions")
svc.CreateDefaultService  ;.driverPath := "C:\Downloads\WebDrivers" ; the webdrivers are here for me
svc.HideCommandPromptWindow := True
wd.URL := ""
sleep 500
wd.URL := ""
sleep 500
wd.URL := ""
sleep 500
wd.URL := ""
sleep 500
wd.URL := ""
sleep 500
wd.URL := ""
sleep 500
wd.URL := "chrome://history/?"

sleep 500

sleep 4000
msgbox Halting execution

sleep 3000
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

21 May 2021, 11:05

Tribute to you!
I have learned a lot from you.
Thanks again!
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

21 May 2021, 12:42

Thanks, @sanmaodo, I appreciate the kind words.
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

11 Jul 2021, 14:34

How to connect to already running Edge instance?
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Re: Using SeleniumBasic v3.141.0.0 with AHK

06 Apr 2022, 21:22

Thanks for sharing, I integrated SeleniumBasic with Chrome.ahk and it works fine.

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