Easy access to multiple hotkeys Topic is solved

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Easy access to multiple hotkeys

24 Jun 2021, 05:57

Meanwhile I have quite some hotkeys or shortcuts to
1. phrases and text snippets in two languages for sentences or paragraphs which are used repeatedly
2. functions

These sum up to a total amount of 350. Since it is impossible to remember 350 shortcuts/hotkeys, I am looking for a solution how to access some of them (about 30) easily.

Some simple examples:
::ENgreet4::Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I look forward to your soonest reply
::ENrf::Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
::bra::Best regards{Enter}{Enter}Alex

I thought, using the <CTRL> and <Mouse right klick> opening a menu (eventually with sub-menu(s) for languages, functions) would be an option.
Access the right mouse button is easy but how can I generate a menu showing a short description of the hotkey and execute the hotkey if I klick on it.

I would like to have my "EasyAccess" Menu somehow like this:

Menu, EasyAccess, Add, Greetings, Sendkeys ENgreet4
Menu, EasyAccess, Add, Contact us for questions, Sendkeys ENrf
Menu, EasyAccess, Add, Best regards, Sendkeys bra

Menu, EasyAccess, Show

But that does not work. Surely because I did not understand how
- to properly generate a menu
- to call a shortcut defined in one AHK script from another AHK script.

Could you please help me? Thank you and best regards

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Re: Easy access to multiple hotkeys

24 Jun 2021, 18:23

Code: Select all

Menu, short, Add, Hello, Go
Menu, short, Add, 123 abc, Go
^RButton::Menu, short, Show
Send %A_ThisMenuItem%
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How can a menu item call a hotkey?

25 Jun 2021, 05:24

Thank you for your reply Mikey! 👍

What your menu does is print the text "Hello" if I click on the first menu-item.

What I was looking for is that the klick on the menu-item calls the defined hotkey.
To make the long story short: How can a menu item call a hotkey?

My AHK files contains the following hotkeys:
::ENgreet4::Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I look forward to your soonest reply
::ENrf::Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
::brm::Best regards{Enter}{Enter}Mikey

I would like to have the menu
- sending out the defined hotkey (example "brm")
- and then the other AHK script, where the hotkeys are defined (or in the same script file) is triggered to write the long text "Best

Working but too complicated and error prone:
What works but not seems to be an efficient way is the following code:

Code: Select all

Menu, short, Add, Ask for assist, HL_ENgreet4
Menu, short, Add, Contact us for questions, HL_ENrf
Menu, short, Add, Best regards, HL_brm

^RButton::Menu, short, Show

     SendInput Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I look forward to your soonest reply
     ::ENgreet4::Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I look forward to your soonest reply

    SendInput Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.
    ::ENrf::Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

        ;The following does not work, just for demonstration
	SendInput bra{Space}
	::bra::Best regards{Enter}{Enter}Mikey
On the one hand I have to work with endless jump targets and on the other hand I have to double the text. Both error prone.

Do you know a possibility calling a AHK hotkey with an AHK menu item?

Best regards

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Re: Easy access to multiple hotkeys

25 Jun 2021, 05:44

What you are referring to are hotstrings, not hotkeys. You wouldn’t put the definition of the hotstring (the line with the :: in it) in this script if you’re trying to trigger the hotstring in another script. And you can’t execute a hotstring definition by putting it in the flow of your code like you showed. You should just be using the Send (or SendInput) command to send the abbreviation part to simulate typing just that part and let the other script expand it. You will need to use #InputLevel and SendLevel in your scripts to allow the hotstrings to be triggered by what is sent by a script. See the documentation links for more information.
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Re: Easy access to multiple hotkeys  Topic is solved

25 Jun 2021, 05:49

Code: Select all

Menu, short, Add, Ask for assist, HL_ENgreet4
Menu, short, Add, Contact us for questions, HL_ENrf
Menu, short, Add, Best regards, HL_brm

^RButton::Menu, short, Show
SendInput Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I look forward to your soonest reply

SendInput Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

SendInput  Best regards
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Re: Easy access to multiple hotkeys

25 Jun 2021, 06:51

Not better or worse, but another method.

Code: Select all

 := {"Ask for assist"
     : ["engreet4" , "Your assistance in this matter is greatly appreciated and I look forward"
                   . " to your soonest reply"]
   , "Contact us for questions"
     : ["enrf", "Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions."]
   , "Best regards"
     : ["brm", "Best regards"]}
For k, v in phrase {
 Menu, txt, Add, %k%, Go
 Hotstring("::" v.1, v.2)
^RButton::Menu, txt, Show
SendInput % phrase[A_ThisMenuItem].2
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Re: Easy access to multiple hotkeys

25 Jun 2021, 08:10

Thank you braunbaer, that works perfect and at least eliminates one possible error source:

Mikey thank you as well for your help and for the lesson !

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