RunCMD() v0.97 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

25 Aug 2021, 22:47

A clarification:
You may call A_Args.RunCMD.PID := 0 from a hotkey or routine to exit gracefully
This means you can see PID in task manager even after RunCMD() exits... Process will end when it is supposed to.
Process, Close, % A_Args.RunCMD.PID
This is (somewhat) equivalent to using Ctc+c in CMD prompt.
One needs to use this when target process wouldn't exit on its own.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

26 Aug 2021, 12:48

@SKAN, thank you once again for your continued support of this (for me at least) indispensable function.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

08 Sep 2021, 21:29

in windowless mode
can this run in windowed mode ?
I want to execute command in windowless mode, but if there's an error, I want to show it in windowed cmd.exe

I could catch the output and do

Code: Select all

stdOut:=runcmd("cmd /c gerg")
stdOut:=StrReplace(stdOut, "`r")
stdOut:=StrReplace(stdOut, "`n", "& echo.")
RunWait % "cmd /k echo " stdOut
so this was ran: cmd /k echo 'gerg' is not recognized as an internal or external command,& echo.operable program or batch file.& echo.
I can know if there was an error or not by reading ErrorLevel right ?

but there's loss of information, the command that started this cmd.exe would be some cmd /k echo , and not the original command: cmd /k gerg
you can see the "Command Line" that started the cmd.exe using Process Explorer:
I could also RunWait % "cmd /k gerg",, % Options:="Hide"
then WinShow it if there's an error

but I wouldn't get to read the stdOut...

Code: Select all

RunWaitOne(command) {
    ; WshShell object:
    shell := ComObjCreate("WScript.Shell")
    ; Execute a single command via cmd.exe
    exec := shell.Exec(ComSpec " /C " command)
    ; Read and return the command's output
    return exec.StdOut.ReadAll()
I get to read StdOut, but ALL THE OUTPUT ISN'T DISPLAYED IN THE CMD.EXE, what a waste.. (ik, normally NOT displaying it saves cpu cycles)
the cmd.exe window is shown, but it's blank, nothing displayed, only black, why even show it ?

is there a way to display the output on that cmd.exe window ?
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

10 Sep 2021, 03:02


No you can't run this in window mode. A console is not an "edit box" that you can just take text from and put text in any way you want. It is much more complex than that. This function redirects stdout and stderr. Since it is redirected, if you want specific parts to show into a console you would need to create a console yourself and put the text you want back in there.

To give you an idea of how much effort this takes, here is the best lib on the forums to accomplish this: LibCon by joedf

Good luck.

EDIT: Your best bet is to use a callback (this function offers that ability) and you need to parse the output for errors. Once an error is recognized you can then redirect it to whatever window or global var/object you collect it in. In this case you will need to know what "valid info" and "error info" looks like in order to find it.

EDIT2: Or, rewrite the function to show the window and to not redirect stderr (which happens to be redirected to stdout).

This will get you started:
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

12 Sep 2021, 16:13

@TheArkive thank you
am I a programmer or not? I didn't even read the code, well probably not winapi yet

it was using

I tried 0 and tried
but still blank window, what if I don't pipe stdOut to ahk ? but I don't know how to edit the code.. I should start in c++ ?
I think the output needs to be duplicated ?
something like tee but not a command, using winapi
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

12 Sep 2021, 16:37

MrDoge wrote: I think the output needs to be duplicated ?

You can't "duplicate" the output the way you are thinking of. That is not how it works. You either need to scrape the console with ReadConsoleOutputCharacter (and not redirect anything), or you need to decide what parts you want to redirect, or you can use a combo if you wish. You could allow stdout to redirect, while keeping stderr in the console window. If I remember correctly this is what you were trying to do.

If you choose to use ReadConsoleOutputCharacter to scrape, it can be tricky. If you keep the console buffer the default size (80 cols x 9000 lines - ish?) it won't perform well. And if you resize the buffer too small you might miss data. So scraping is really not ideal at all.

From the OP:

Code: Select all

, NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 88 : 60)      ; hStdOutput
, NumPut(hPipeW, SI, P8 ? 96 : 64)      ; hStdError <------------------- comment this out, to start with

That should be part of your next step for testing. This way you can still capture stdout, and then stderr will remain in the console. The problem however, is that you will have no way of matching stderr with a specific command. So you will just have a dump of errors with little or no way to tell what the full command actually was.

At least with everything being directed, you can still sort out the output and decide what is what.

Your ECHO commands can have a special sequence added (before, after, both) so that you can tell the difference between an echo and an error. For example:

Code: Select all

ECHO /// my message \\\

But honestly though, fabricating an ECHO to look like an error, what purpose does that serve anyway? If you properly format an ECHO then it should be easy to tell what is an error, ECHO, or normal program output.

EDIT: If you want to duplicate the output (ie. with tee) you certainly can, but what you are trying to do sounds like it can happen all in AHK with the proper mindset. Sometimes ya might just be approaching a problem all wrong and come up with some wacky solutions. And as for C++ that is definitely not necessary in this case. I pointed you to that for use with DllCall(), not to start programming. SKAN uses CreateProcess in his func.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

21 Oct 2021, 09:45

I'm using this to capture ripgrep's json output so I get lightning fast typeahead search of content of my files, and with Everything for searching file names.

ripgrep screenshot.
2021_1021_1041_36 (Useful Vipersquid).gif
2021_1021_1041_36 (Useful Vipersquid).gif (1.99 MiB) Viewed 5013 times
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

22 Oct 2021, 02:30

This is not working for me :
runcmd("echo y | plink.exe " . CMD)
The command doesn't pass the first part of the pipe.
I need this to force plink to answer yes to the question for adding a new ssh key.
How can I do that (if it's possible)?
Thank you in advance.
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

24 Oct 2021, 16:14

ozzii wrote:
22 Oct 2021, 02:30
This is not working for me :
runcmd("echo y | plink.exe " . CMD)
The command doesn't pass the first part of the pipe.
I need this to force plink to answer yes to the question for adding a new ssh key.
How can I do that (if it's possible)?
Thank you in advance.
Hi @ozzii

You need to prefix cmd.exe /c for that to work.
For example, the following would delete all files in temp folder.

Code: Select all

MsgBox % RunCmd(A_Comspec " /c echo y | del *.*", A_Temp)
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

25 Oct 2021, 04:35

I think I've tested this....
I will redo the test.
Thank you SKAN (as always)
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

27 Oct 2021, 07:58

Hi, is there a version of RunCmd for v2.0-beta.1 and higher? I'm now getting this error message:

Code: Select all

Error at line 10.

Line Text: Local
Error: Unexpected declaration.

The program will exit.
2.0-a122 throws an error due to VarSetCapacity, which doesn't exist in that version as far as I know.
2.0-a103 still works, but the newlines in the output are stripped:

Code: Select all

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=62ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=60ms TTL=47Reply from bytes=32 time=61ms TTL=47Ping statistics for    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:    Minimum = 60ms, Maximum = 62ms, Average = 61ms
Output of ping from v1.1.33.10:

Code: Select all

Pinging [] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from bytes=32 time=61ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=61ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=59ms TTL=47
Reply from bytes=32 time=61ms TTL=47

Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 59ms, Maximum = 61ms, Average = 60ms
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

16 Feb 2022, 02:58

Hi @SKAN ,

Can you help me and start lets say file, but read output line by line in real time trough tooltip?

Thank you,
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

17 Feb 2022, 10:56

haha @SKAN , it is not about .py, you can imagine any use case with cmd, just that can be read line by line trough tooltip in real time

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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

17 Feb 2022, 11:15

Aha, I see now.
Thank you for tip, you have already that function.

It looks like all I need is little hint.

Thank you
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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

26 Feb 2022, 13:02

I've called RunCMD this way MsgBox % RunCMD(comspec " echo list disk | diskpart"), but without success. TBH, I haven't really expected it :roll:
The used command line has been extracted from :arrow: here. Officially 'DiskPart' only offers to output into a file. Any idea what I'm doing wrong, or if RunCMD() isn't built to handle stuff like this?
The standard output would look like this, after executing 'diskpart> list disk' with Windows 10.

Code: Select all

Disk ###  Status         Size     	     Free      Dyn  Gpt
Disk 0    Online          931 GB	     0 B        *    *
Disk 1    Online          111 GB	     0 B  
Disk 2    Online          465 GB	 1024 KB         
Probably it's possible to access its objects?

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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

26 Feb 2022, 13:49

Hi @BoBo

I've no idea about DiskPart.
If you have a command that works properly in unelevated command prompt,
then it should work with RunCMD(), with a very few exceptions.

I will be out of town Sunday. I will try and see on Monday.

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Re: RunCMD() v0.94 : Capture stdout to variable. Non-blocking version. Pre-process/omit individual lines.

26 Feb 2022, 13:56

It's not using com.exe but diskpart.exe and its command set within its own shell, similar to a power-shell client.
Have a nice Sunday :)

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