class_consolelogger - simultaneously write log to console and file

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class_consolelogger - simultaneously write log to console and file

15 Oct 2021, 07:06

Hello everyone. This is a very simple class that is designed to write to both a file and console. I find it useful for debugging and also monitoring the current progress of whatever's running. Each mode can also be called individually. It uses the native windows console so your CLI programs launch there as well; these programs are not currently captured, however.

sample lines to get you started:

Code: Select all

console := new class_consoleLogger	;New class instance

;inits some variables, including log path and text encoding.
;Leave blank to auto-generate a timestamped file in %a_scriptdir%\logs\

;Basic Usage
console.log("This writes to file and console.")
console.fileLog("This writes to file only.")
console.consoleLog("This writes to console only.")

console.setWritingColor(5)	;changes the console "palette" at the exact place in text it's called. 0 returns to normal white on black.

console.changeLogPath(a_scriptdir "\different log folder\log.txt")
;changes the targeted output file and encoding.
;Returns 1 on success or 0 on failure (such as making a file where you don't have permissions).
;Leave blank to use the default timestamped file.

and the code:

Code: Select all

class class_consolelogger{
	static hConsoleOut := ""
	static stdin := ""
	static stdout := ""
	static logPath := ""
	static logHandle := ""
	register(logPath := "",logEncoding := "UTF-16"){
		,this.hConsoleOut := DllCall("GetStdHandle", "uint", -11, Ptr)
		,this.stdout := FileOpen("*", "w `n")
		,this.stdin := FileOpen("*","r `n")
		if (logPath = "")
			logPath := a_scriptdir "\logs\" ScriptBase " [" A_NowUTC "]" ".txt"
		FileCreateDir, % logDir
		,this.logpath := logpath	
		,this.logHandle := FileOpen(this.logpath,"a",logEncoding)	;opens in append mode to allow updating old log files
	log(byref input){
	SetWritingColor(Color := 0){
		return DllCall("SetConsoleTextAttribute", "uPtr", this.hConsoleOut, "UShort", color)
	fileLog(byref input){
		this.logHandle.write("[" A_NowUTC "]" a_tab input "`n")
		;DllCall("FlushFileBuffers", "Ptr", this.logHandle.__Handle)	;slow
		,this.logHandle.__Handle	;fast
	consoleLog(byref input){
		this.stdout.write(input "`n")
	changeLogPath(byref newPath := "",logEncoding := "UTF-16"){
		if (newPath = ""){
			newPath := a_scriptdir "\logs\" ScriptBase " [" A_NowUTC "]" ".txt"
		FileCreateDir, % LogDir
		if InStr(FileExist(LogPath),"D"){
			,this.logPath := newPath
			,this.logHandle := FileOpen(this.logpath,"a",logEncoding)
			return 1	;success	
		return 0	;failure

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