Dll Injector

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Dll Injector

16 Oct 2021, 22:48


Code: Select all

;	InjectDll - An AutoHotkey library for injecting dll files into a process
;	Copyright (C) 2016  Brian Baker https://github.com/Fooly-Cooly
;	Licensed with GPL v3 https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.txt
;	Requires AutoHotKey ANSI

Inject_CleanUp(pMsg, pHandle, pLibrary)
	If pMsg
		MsgBox, 0, :(, % "Error Code: " . DllCall("GetLastError") . "`n" . pMsg

	If pLibrary
		DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "UInt", pHandle, "UInt", pLibrary, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x8000)

	If pHandle
		DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", pHandle)

	Return False

Inject_Dll(pID, dllPath)
	MEM_COMMIT := 0x1000,
	MEM_RESERVE := 0x2000,
	MEM_PHYSICAL := 0x004,

	Size := VarSetCapacity(dllFile, StrLen(dllPath)+1, NULL)
	StrPut(dllPath, &dllFile)
	If (!pHandle := DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, "Char", False, "UInt", pID))
		Return Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't open process!`nPossible Invalid PID.", NULL, NULL)

	If (!pLibrary := DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "Ptr", pHandle, "Ptr", NULL, "Ptr", Size, "Ptr", MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT, "Ptr", MEM_PHYSICAL))
		Return Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't allocate memory!", pHandle, NULL)

	If (!DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "Ptr", pHandle, "Ptr", pLibrary, "Ptr", &dllFile, "Ptr", Size, "Ptr", NULL))
		Return Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't write to memory in process!`nPossible permission Issue, Try Run as Admin.", pHandle, pLibrary)

	If (!pModule := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", "kernel32.dll"))
		Return Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't find kernel32.dll handle!", pHandle, pLibrary)

	If (!pFunc := DllCall("GetProcAddress", "Ptr", pModule, "AStr", A_PtrSize = 4 ? "LoadLibraryA" : "LoadLibraryW"))
		Return Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't find function 'LoadLibrary' in kernel32.dll!", pHandle, pLibrary)

	If (!hThread := DllCall("CreateRemoteThread", "Ptr", pHandle, "UIntP", NULL, "UInt", NULL, "Ptr", pFunc, "Ptr", pLibrary, "UInt", NULL, "UIntP", NULL))
		Return Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't create thread in PID: " pID, pHandle, pLibrary)

    DllCall("WaitForSingleObject", "Ptr", hThread, "UInt", WAIT_FAILED)
	If !DllCall("GetExitCodeThread", "Ptr", hThread, "UIntP", lpExitCode)
		Inject_CleanUp("Couldn't create thread in PID: " pID, pHandle, pLibrary)

    DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hThread)
The above script only works when compiled in ASCII.
Can someone tell me where need to modify this to make it work even when compiled to unicode ?

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