SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

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SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

27 Aug 2021, 15:07

SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor()
Changes the pointer. Original by Serenity.

Set cursor size in pixels.
SetSystemCursor("IDC_Cross", 100, 100)

Supports .ani, .cur, and .ico files.

Creates an invisible cursor.

If the system cursor is not changing, restore the original cursor.

This code has been updated for v2. Github:

Code: Select all

; Source:   Serenity -
; Modified: iseahound -

SetSystemCursor(Cursor := "", cx := 0, cy := 0) {

   static SystemCursors := Map("APPSTARTING", 32650, "ARROW", 32512, "CROSS", 32515, "HAND", 32649, "HELP", 32651, "IBEAM", 32513, "NO", 32648,
                           "SIZEALL", 32646, "SIZENESW", 32643, "SIZENS", 32645, "SIZENWSE", 32642, "SIZEWE", 32644, "UPARROW", 32516, "WAIT", 32514)

   if (Cursor = "") {
      AndMask := Buffer(128, 0xFF), XorMask := Buffer(128, 0)

      for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
         CursorHandle := DllCall("CreateCursor", "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 32, "int", 32, "ptr", AndMask, "ptr", XorMask, "ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   if (Cursor ~= "^(IDC_)?(?i:AppStarting|Arrow|Cross|Hand|Help|IBeam|No|SizeAll|SizeNESW|SizeNS|SizeNWSE|SizeWE|UpArrow|Wait)$") {
      Cursor := RegExReplace(Cursor, "^IDC_")

      if !(CursorShared := DllCall("LoadCursor", "ptr", 0, "ptr", SystemCursors[StrUpper(Cursor)], "ptr"))
         throw Error("Error: Invalid cursor name")

      for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
         CursorHandle := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", CursorShared, "uint", 2, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0, "ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   if FileExist(Cursor) {
      SplitPath Cursor,,, &Ext:="" ; auto-detect type
      if !(uType := (Ext = "ani" || Ext = "cur") ? 2 : (Ext = "ico") ? 1 : 0)
         throw Error("Error: Invalid file type")

      if (Ext = "ani") {
         for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
            CursorHandle := DllCall("LoadImage", "ptr", 0, "str", Cursor, "uint", uType, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0x10, "ptr")
            DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor
      } else {
         if !(CursorShared := DllCall("LoadImage", "ptr", 0, "str", Cursor, "uint", uType, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0x8010, "ptr"))
            throw Error("Error: Corrupted file")

         for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
            CursorHandle := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", CursorShared, "uint", 2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
            DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   throw Error("Error: Invalid file path or cursor name")

RestoreCursor() {
   return DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uint", SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0)

The following is a demonstration script that switches your mouse pointer between all 14 built-in Windows mouse cursors.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2-a138+
#include Cursor.ahk

dict := {APPSTARTING: 32650, 
         ARROW: 32512,
         CROSS: 32515,
         HAND: 32649, 
         HELP: 32651,
         IBEAM: 32513, 
         NO: 32648,
         SIZEALL: 32646, 
         SIZENESW: 32643, 
         SIZENS: 32645, 
         SIZENWSE: 32642, 
         SIZEWE: 32644, 
         UPARROW: 32516, 
         WAIT: 32514}

for name, id in dict.ownprops() {
   SetSystemCursor name
   MsgBox name
Last edited by iseahound on 21 Oct 2021, 13:19, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

20 Oct 2021, 23:41

Uploaded a version that uses static map instead of Loop Parse. It is about 2% slower, unless cx or cy is set in which it is 10% faster. I doubt that such a performance hit matters—but I really liked Serenity's old script and wanted to keep it as simple as possible.
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Re: SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

21 Oct 2021, 07:34

Why regex instead of Map.Has()? Also, why would you need to loop over the Map if the Map has the value?
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Re: SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

21 Oct 2021, 13:20

Good points. The Regex is for detecting the IDC_ prefix. Do you know if a case insensitive map can be created in one line? Currently I'm using StrUpper which is fine.
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Re: SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

24 Oct 2021, 12:17

iseahound wrote:
21 Oct 2021, 13:20
Do you know if a case insensitive map can be created in one line?
Not the most beautiful thing but it's possible to do... static m := (m:=Map(), m.caseSense:=False, m.set("APPSTARTING", 32650, "ARROW", 32512, ...)).
I don't know if that's fits your idea.

Edit: .Set() returns the map. For a second I thought I created a bug but it actually works like that, without adding a ", m" at the end.
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Re: SetSystemCursor() and RestoreCursor() - Changing the system cursor

22 Sep 2023, 13:10

I modified the SetSystemCursor function to also accept a base64 string:

Code: Select all

Sleep 5000

Code: Select all

SetSystemCursor(Cursor := "", cx := 0, cy := 0) {

   static SystemCursors := Map("APPSTARTING", 32650, "ARROW", 32512, "CROSS", 32515, "HAND", 32649, "HELP", 32651, "IBEAM", 32513, "NO", 32648,
                           "SIZEALL", 32646, "SIZENESW", 32643, "SIZENS", 32645, "SIZENWSE", 32642, "SIZEWE", 32644, "UPARROW", 32516, "WAIT", 32514)

   if (Cursor = "") {
      AndMask := Buffer(128, 0xFF), XorMask := Buffer(128, 0)

      for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
         CursorHandle := DllCall("CreateCursor", "ptr", 0, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", 32, "int", 32, "ptr", AndMask, "ptr", XorMask, "ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   if (Cursor ~= "^(IDC_)?(?i:AppStarting|Arrow|Cross|Hand|Help|IBeam|No|SizeAll|SizeNESW|SizeNS|SizeNWSE|SizeWE|UpArrow|Wait)$") {
      Cursor := RegExReplace(Cursor, "^IDC_")

      if !(CursorShared := DllCall("LoadCursor", "ptr", 0, "ptr", SystemCursors[StrUpper(Cursor)], "ptr"))
         throw Error("Error: Invalid cursor name")

      for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
         CursorHandle := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", CursorShared, "uint", 2, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0, "ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   if FileExist(Cursor) {
      SplitPath Cursor,,, &Ext:="" ; auto-detect type
      if !(uType := (Ext = "ani" || Ext = "cur") ? 2 : (Ext = "ico") ? 1 : 0)
         throw Error("Error: Invalid file type")

      if (Ext = "ani") {
         for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
            CursorHandle := DllCall("LoadImage", "ptr", 0, "str", Cursor, "uint", uType, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0x10, "ptr")
            DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor
      } else {
         if !(CursorShared := DllCall("LoadImage", "ptr", 0, "str", Cursor, "uint", uType, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0x8010, "ptr"))
            throw Error("Error: Corrupted file")

         for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
            CursorHandle := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", CursorShared, "uint", 2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
            DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   ; Base64PNG_to_HICON
   BLen := StrLen(Cursor), nBytes := Floor(StrLen(RTrim(Cursor,"=")) * 3/4 ),  Bin :=Buffer(nBytes)
   CursorShared := DllCall("Crypt32\CryptStringToBinary", "str", Cursor, "uint", BLen, "uint", 1, "ptr", Bin, "uint*", nBytes, "uint", 0, "uint", 0)
                   && DllCall("User32\CreateIconFromResourceEx", "ptr", Bin, "uint", nBytes, "int", true, "uint", 0x30000, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", 0, "uptr")
   if CursorShared {
      for CursorName, CursorID in SystemCursors {
         CursorHandle := DllCall("CopyImage", "ptr", CursorShared, "uint", 2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "uint", 0, "ptr")
         DllCall("SetSystemCursor", "ptr", CursorHandle, "int", CursorID) ; calls DestroyCursor

   throw Error("Error: Invalid file path or cursor name")

RestoreCursor() {
   return DllCall("SystemParametersInfo", "uint", SPI_SETCURSORS := 0x57, "uint", 0, "ptr", 0, "uint", 0)

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