Hide the dotted focus border

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Hide the dotted focus border

23 Oct 2015, 01:43

Because of this question I tried tmplinshi's function. But it didn't work as I want, so I changed it. This version seems to work and - according to the MSDN - should work for all Windows versions >= Win 2000. I tested on Win 10 only.

As a result of my test you have to call the function once for each GUI control / GUI after it has been shown.

Code: Select all

; ==================================================================================================================================
; Hides the focus border for the given GUI control or GUI and all of its children.
; Call the function passing only the HWND of the control / GUI in wParam as only parameter.
; WM_UPDATEUISTATE  -> msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms646361(v=vs.85).aspx
; The Old New Thing -> blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2013/05/16/10419105.aspx
; ==================================================================================================================================
HideFocusBorder(wParam, lParam := "", uMsg := "", hWnd := "") {
   ; WM_UPDATEUISTATE = 0x0128
	Static Affected := [] ; affected controls / GUIs
        , HideFocus := 0x00010001 ; UIS_SET << 16 | UISF_HIDEFOCUS
	     , OnMsg := OnMessage(0x0128, Func("HideFocusBorder"))
	If (uMsg = 0x0128) { ; called by OnMessage()
      If (wParam = HideFocus)
         Affected[hWnd] := True
      Else If Affected[hWnd]
         PostMessage, 0x0128, %HideFocus%, 0, , ahk_id %hWnd%
   Else If DllCall("IsWindow", "Ptr", wParam, "UInt")
	  PostMessage, 0x0128, %HideFocus%, 0, , ahk_id %wParam%
tmplinshi had already noticed some issues caused by the Alt key. On my system WM_UPDATEUISTATE messages with wParam = 0x00030002 (UIS_INITIALIZE | UISF_HIDEACCEL) are sent/posted to the controls. Although wParam does not contain the UISF_HIDEFOCUS flag, it will be cleared when the message is processed. That's why the message handler for WM_UPDATEUISTATE messages is needed.
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

23 Oct 2015, 17:14

hmm... cool :+1:
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

23 Oct 2015, 22:10

AutoIt solution I once found way back. It is somehow more complicated(involves subclassing, etc.) compared to your method.
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

09 Dec 2015, 14:19

Just wanted to say that it works on 8.1 and I appreciate you sharing this code. Worked great to hide the border on a Slider control.
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

30 Jul 2021, 03:36

Rewritten v2 function after I needed it

Code: Select all

HideFocusBorder(wParam, lParam := "", Msg := "", hWnd := "")
	static Affected         := Map()
	static WM_UPDATEUISTATE := 0x0128
	static UIS_SET          := 1
	static UISF_HIDEFOCUS   := 0x1
	static init             := OnMessage(WM_UPDATEUISTATE, HideFocusBorder)

		if (wParam = SET_HIDEFOCUS)
			Affected[hWnd] := true
		else if (Affected.Has(hWnd))
			PostMessage WM_UPDATEUISTATE, SET_HIDEFOCUS, 0,, "ahk_id " hWnd
	else if (DllCall("IsWindow", "ptr", wParam, "uint"))
		PostMessage WM_UPDATEUISTATE, SET_HIDEFOCUS, 0,, "ahk_id " wParam
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

04 Dec 2021, 05:13

Help. I have an error: ==> Call to nonexistent function. Specifically: Map()
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

06 Dec 2021, 03:56

@ Xruss: my post is for ahk-v2. if you use ahk-v1 you should use the functions from "just me".
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

07 Dec 2021, 05:27

With both v1 and v2 versions the control that has default focus when creating a GUI still has a dotted focus border, initially. When we tab away from it the dotted border disappears.

v2 example:

Code: Select all

MyGui := Gui()
MyGui.Add("Button", , "1")
MyGui.Add("Button", , "2")
MyGui.Show("y300 w150 h100")
;add HideFocusBorder function here
dotted.png (3.7 KiB) Viewed 4929 times
One way around this issue is to first explicitly focus the default focused GUI element. We then get only the solid focus border.

Code: Select all

MyGui := Gui()
MyGui.Add("Button", , "1")
MyGui.Add("Button", , "2")
MyGui.Show("y300 w150 h100")
;add HideFocusBorder function here
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Re: Hide the dotted focus border

10 Sep 2022, 01:44

Greetings all,
For benefit of anyone searching forum.
I use this to send focus to 'offscreen' button and remove any dotted/border lines from button I clicked.

Code: Select all

Gui, Add, Button, vBtnH05_Diversion x2500 y45 w100 h25 Center gH05_Diversion, DIVERSION ;set x so button is offscreen
Gui, Add, Button, vBtnM13 x100 y100 w100 h25 Left gM13, "M13: - - - - -"

;located outside of visible gui
;just have label of any desired control call Subr_Diversion to divert focus
;ex below is a call from button having global label gM13

  Gosub Subr_Diversion

  WinActivate, ahk_exe AutoHotkey.exe
  GuiControl,Enabled, BtnM05
  Send, {Tab}+{Tab}

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