copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

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copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

24 Mar 2024, 13:49

I can not install any software or even run new .exe on my work machine
but it does have AHK :)
so I can run scripts

I often need to pass various text to my work machine from my other machine
so I end up emailing it - takes time

I wish I could just copy the text on one machine (maybe using a special key combo - it would say post text from clipboard to and paste it on another (maybe using a special key combo - it would fetch data from and put it into the clipbaord)

maybe there are already made solutions for this?

I guess it could be relatively easy to update - maybe manually at first

and would be nice to make some script that accesses and puts it into the clipboard

any advice?

maybe there is something like that already?'

thank you
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Re: copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

24 Mar 2024, 14:28


I would have a look at Pushbullet and similar services. They are designed to do things like you have described, easily and quickly, with little if any programming. This saves you from having to manage your own Web server and figure out how to use AHK to authenticate on the server-- though scripts like that may exist on this forum (searching may find any).
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Re: copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

24 Mar 2024, 15:04

Google Drive ? OneDrive? Those are the easiest. Save with fileappend and retrieve with fileread.
14.3 & 1.3.7
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Re: copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

24 Mar 2024, 15:06

I'm not sure how that works without installing any software, but perhaps OneDrive is already installed with the machine-- would make it convenient. You could then install OneDrive on your other machine, and synchronize to the same remote directory.

In case that is not possible, all of these services are also available via Web sites through a browser. Some might require using an API to get directly to the file's contents without using the Web page or downloading the file.
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Re: copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

25 Mar 2024, 16:35

InGearX wrote:
24 Mar 2024, 13:49
I can not install any software or even run new .exe on my work machine
but it does have AHK :)
so I can run scripts

I often need to pass various text to my work machine from my other machine
so I end up emailing it - takes time

I know you said you cannot install any software but PowerToys by Microsoft has a utility "Mouse Without Borders" that allows this and more.

With only AHK, you could FTP the file to and from your website. I know there is AHK code to FTP for v1, don't know if a v2 version is out there, but the code would probably not be too difficult to convert.

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Re: copy on one machine, paste on another machine...

26 Mar 2024, 05:25 is perfect for this. Here's a preliminary implementation (text-only):

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
#SingleInstance Force

HOST := ""
SECRET := "XXXXXXXX" ; Replace this with an arbitrary string

OnClipboardChange ClipSender
ClipSender(DataType) {
	Global CS
	If DataType != 1
	WHR := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
	WHR.Open("POST", "https://" HOST "/" SECRET, true)
	Clip := A_Clipboard
	If Clip != ""
	If WHR.Status == 200
		Toast("Clipboard Sent")

CS := ClipReceiver("wss://" HOST "/" SECRET "/ws")
class ClipReceiver extends WebSocket
	OnMessage(Data) {
		Data := this.doc.parentWindow.JSON.parse(Data)
		If Data.event == "message" {
			OnClipboardChange ClipSender, 0
			If Data.hasOwnProperty("attachment") {
				A_Clipboard := Data.attachment.url
				WHR := ComObject("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
				WHR.Open("GET", Data.attachment.url, true)
				If WHR.Status != 200
				A_Clipboard := WHR.ResponseText
			} Else {
				A_Clipboard := Data.message
			Toast("Clipboard Received")
			OnClipboardChange ClipSender, 1

Toast(Text := "", Timeout := 1500, Block := false) {
    If (Text == "")
	UI := GUI("-Caption +AlwaysOnTop -Disabled +ToolWindow +E0x20 +E0x02000000 +E0x00080000")
	UI.OnEvent("Size", (GUIObj, MinMax, W, H) => WinSetRegion("0-0 W" W " H" H " r9-9", UI.Hwnd))
	UI.MarginX := "40", UI.MarginY := "10"
	UI.BackColor := "Black"
	UI.SetFont("s16", "Segoe UI")
	UI.Add("Text", "Center", Text)
	UI.Show("NA Hide y" A_ScreenHeight * 0.8)
	UI.Show("NA y" A_ScreenHeight * 0.8)
	If (!Block) {
		If (Timeout != -1)
			SetTimer Dismiss, -Timeout
	} Else {
		Sleep Timeout
	Return UI
	Dismiss() {
	FadeIn() {
		LBound := 0, UBound := 50, I := LBound
		While UBound>=++I {
			WinSetTransparent(Floor(EaseOutQuart(I / UBound) * 255), UI.Hwnd)
			Sleep 1
	FadeOut() {
		LBound := 0, UBound := 100, I := UBound
		While LBound<--I {
			WinSetTransparent(Floor(EaseInQuart(I / UBound) * 255), UI.Hwnd)
			Sleep 1
	EaseOutQuart(x) => 1 - (1 - x) ** 4
	EaseInQuart(x) => x ** 4

 * @description websocket Implemented By JS
 * @file ws-min.ahk
 * @author thqby
 * @date 2021/10/04
 * @version 0.0.1

class WebSocket {
	doc := "", BlockSleep := 50, Timeout := 15000

	; usage1
	; WebSocket("ws://xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx", {Message: (self,data)=>MsgBox(data), Close: (*)=>Msgbox("websocket close")})
	; usage2
	; class socketinst extends WebSocket
	; {
	; 	OnMessage(data)=>MsgBox(data)
	; }
	; socketinst("ws://xxx.xx.xx.xx:xxxx")
	__New(ws_url, Callbacks := "", Timeout := "") {
		this.doc := ComObject("htmlfile"), this.doc.write("<meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible'content='IE=edge'><body><script>errorinfo='';function tojson(obj){var keys=[];for (k in obj){if (typeof obj[k]!=='function'){keys.push(k);}};return JSON.stringify(obj,keys);}function Connectsocket(url){errorinfo='';try{url=typeof url=='undefined'||url==''?ws.url:url;ws=new WebSocket(url);ws.onopen=function(event){ahk_event('Open',tojson(event));};ws.onclose=function(event){ahk_event('Close',tojson(event));};ws.onerror=function(event){ahk_event('Error',tojson(event));};ws.onmessage=function(event){ahk_event('Message',;};}catch(err){errorinfo=err.message;}}</script></body>")
		if IsObject(Callbacks)
			for k, v in Type(Callbacks) = "Map" ? Callbacks : Callbacks.OwnProps()
				RegExMatch(k, "i)(Open|Close|Message|Error)", &mat) ? (this.%"on" mat[1]% := v) : ""
		this.doc.parentWindow.ahk_event := ObjBindMethod(this, "onEvent"), this.Timeout := IsInteger(Timeout) ? Timeout : this.Timeout, this.Connect(ws_url)

	Connect(ws_url := "") {
		this.doc.parentWindow.Connectsocket(ws_url), err := this.doc.parentWindow.errorinfo, endt := A_TickCount + this.Timeout
		switch err
			case "SecurityError":
				throw Error("Try to uncheck `"Include all sites that bypass the proxy server`" at Internet Options -> Security -> Local intranet -> Sites")
			case "SyntaxError":
				throw Error("Invalid WebSocket address")
			case "":	; nothing
				throw Error(err)
		while (this.readyState = 0 && A_TickCount < endt)
		if (this.readyState = 0) {
			throw Error("Connection timed out")

	Send(Data) =>
	__Delete() => (this.doc := (this.readyState = 1) ? (this.Disconnect(), "") : "")
	Disconnect() => ((this.readyState = 1) ? : "")
	onEvent(EventName, Event) {
		if this.HasProp("on" EventName)
	bufferedAmount =>
	readyState =>
	protocol =>
	url =>
You can also just use the web ui at

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