Adding GUI child to another window breaks Ctrl modifiers (temporarily)

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Adding GUI child to another window breaks Ctrl modifiers (temporarily)

26 Apr 2024, 13:15

When holding Ctrl (try in a WordPad)
  • first press C you get regular "Copy" action
  • second press C you get C printed instead
Releasing Ctrl and pressing it again seems to correct the situation
How to avoid breaking it in the first place?

(I'm using this trick to later hide a mouse pointer in the window owner)

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotKey 2.0
#Warn All, Off
  ctrl_hider() ;
ctrl_hider(OnOff := '', is🖰vis := '') { ;
  static guiBlankChild := Gui() ;
  guiBlankChild.Opt("+Owner" . WinGetID("A")) ;

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