[Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2022-10-04

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[Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2022-10-04

19 Dec 2013, 04:19

Primarily released at http://www.autohotkey.com/board/topic/67427-class-sqlitedb-now-with-blob-and-u64-support/

Change history:

I'm coming up with one of my favorite projects: SQLite. Since I noticed the "class syntax" of AHK 1.1, I had to try to design a class for the handling of SQLite databases.
  • It may be buggy, because I had to test it on my own and could not test in a 64 bit environment
  • It should support both ANSI and Unicode versions of AHK 1.1
  • It is assuming the databases to be encoded with UTF-8
Basic usage:
  • SQLite Documentation
  • SQLite Download Page
  • Download the sqlite3.dll and store it in the script's folder. If you want to store it in another place, you have to provide the path via a "SQLiteDB.ini" file in the script's folder as follows:
    DllPath=Path to SQLite3.dll
  • Create a new instance of the class SQLiteDB calling MyDB := New SQLiteDB
  • Open your database calling MyDB.OpenDB(MyDatabaseFilePath). If the file doesn't exist, a new database will be created unless you specify "False" as the third parameter.
  • MyDB object provides four methods to pass SQL statements to the database:
    should be called for all SQL statements which don't return values from the database (e.g. CREATE, INSERT, UPDATE, etc.).
    MyDB.GetTable(SQL, Table, ...)
    should be called for SELECT statements whenever you want to get the complete result of the query as a "Table" object for direct access via the row index. All field values will be returned "in their zero-terminated string representation" (and accordingly an empty string for NULL values).
    MyDB.Query(SQL, RecordSet, ...)
    should be called for SELECT statements whenever you want to get the result of the query as a "RecordSet" object. You'll have to call the built-in method RecordSet.Next() to access the records sequentially. Only DB-Query() does handle BLOBs properly. All other field types will be returned as strings (see DB.GetTable). If you don't need the RecordSet anymore, call RecordSet.Free() to release the resources.
    MyDB.StoreBLOB(SQL, BlobArray)
    should be called whenever BLOBs shall be stored in the database. For each BLOB in the row you have to specify a ? parameter within the statement. The parameters are numbered automatically from left to right starting with 1. For each parameter you have to pass an object within BlobArray containing the address and the size of the BLOB.
  • After all work is done, call MyDB.CloseDB() to close the database. For all still existing queries RecordSet.Free() will be called internally.
  • For more details look at the inline documentation in the class script and the sample scripts, please.

Code: Select all

; ======================================================================================================================
; Function:         Class definitions as wrappers for SQLite3.dll to work with SQLite DBs.
; AHK version:
; Tested on:        Win 10 Pro (x64), SQLite 3.11.1
; Version: me
;          me   -  Added basic BLOB support
;          me   -  Added more advanced BLOB support
;          me   -  Added new methods AttachDB and DetachDB
;          me   -  Changed base class assignment
;          me   -  Fixed version check, revised parameter initialization.
;          me   -  Added support for PRAGMA statements.
;          me   -  Added basic support for application-defined functions
;          me   -  Added basic support for prepared statements, minor bug fixes
;          me   -  Fixed bug in EscapeStr method
;          me   -  Removed statement checks in GetTable, Prepare, and Query
;          me   -  Fixed bug for Bind - type text
;          me   -  Fixed bug in Prepare
;          me   -  Changed DllCall parameter type PtrP to UPtrP
; Remarks:          Names of "private" properties / methods are prefixed with an underscore,
;                   they must not be set / called by the script!
;                   SQLite3.dll file is assumed to be in the script's folder, otherwise you have to
;                   provide an INI-File SQLiteDB.ini in the script's folder containing the path:
;                   [Main]
;                   DllPath=Path to SQLite3.dll
;                   Encoding of SQLite DBs is assumed to be UTF-8
;                   Minimum supported SQLite3.dll version is 3.6
;                   Download the current version of SQLite3.dll (and also SQlite3.exe) from www.sqlite.org
; ======================================================================================================================
; This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
; In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
; use of this software.
; ======================================================================================================================
; CLASS SQliteDB - SQLiteDB main class
; ======================================================================================================================
Class SQLiteDB {
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; PRIVATE Properties and Methods ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   Static Version := ""
   Static _SQLiteDLL := A_ScriptDir . "\SQLite3.dll"
   Static _RefCount := 0
   Static _MinVersion := "3.6"
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; CLASS _Table
   ; Object returned from method GetTable()
   ; _Table is an independent object and does not need SQLite after creation at all.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Class _Table {
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; CONSTRUCTOR  Create instance variables
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __New() {
          This.ColumnCount := 0          ; Number of columns in the result table         (Integer)
          This.RowCount := 0             ; Number of rows in the result table            (Integer)
          This.ColumnNames := []         ; Names of columns in the result table          (Array)
          This.Rows := []                ; Rows of the result table                      (Array of Arrays)
          This.HasNames := False         ; Does var ColumnNames contain names?           (Bool)
          This.HasRows := False          ; Does var Rows contain rows?                   (Bool)
          This._CurrentRow := 0          ; Row index of last returned row                (Integer)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD GetRow      Get row for RowIndex
      ; Parameters:        RowIndex    - Index of the row to retrieve, the index of the first row is 1
      ;                    ByRef Row   - Variable to pass out the row array
      ; Return values:     On failure  - False
      ;                    On success  - True, Row contains a valid array
      ; Remarks:           _CurrentRow is set to RowIndex, so a subsequent call of NextRow() will return the
      ;                    following row.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      GetRow(RowIndex, ByRef Row) {
         Row := ""
         If (RowIndex < 1 || RowIndex > This.RowCount)
            Return False
         If !This.Rows.HasKey(RowIndex)
            Return False
         Row := This.Rows[RowIndex]
         This._CurrentRow := RowIndex
         Return True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Next        Get next row depending on _CurrentRow
      ; Parameters:        ByRef Row   - Variable to pass out the row array
      ; Return values:     On failure  - False, -1 for EOR (end of rows)
      ;                    On success  - True, Row contains a valid array
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Next(ByRef Row) {
         Row := ""
         If (This._CurrentRow >= This.RowCount)
            Return -1
         This._CurrentRow += 1
         If !This.Rows.HasKey(This._CurrentRow)
            Return False
         Row := This.Rows[This._CurrentRow]
         Return True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Reset       Reset _CurrentRow to zero
      ; Parameters:        None
      ; Return value:      True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Reset() {
         This._CurrentRow := 0
         Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; CLASS _RecordSet
   ; Object returned from method Query()
   ; The records (rows) of a recordset can be accessed sequentially per call of Next() starting with the first record.
   ; After a call of Reset() calls of Next() will start with the first record again.
   ; When the recordset isn't needed any more, call Free() to free the resources.
   ; The lifetime of a recordset depends on the lifetime of the related SQLiteDB object.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Class _RecordSet {
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; CONSTRUCTOR  Create instance variables
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __New() {
         This.ColumnCount := 0         ; Number of columns                             (Integer)
         This.ColumnNames := []        ; Names of columns in the result table          (Array)
         This.HasNames := False        ; Does var ColumnNames contain names?           (Bool)
         This.HasRows := False         ; Does _RecordSet contain rows?                 (Bool)
         This.CurrentRow := 0          ; Index of current row                          (Integer)
         This.ErrorMsg := ""           ; Last error message                            (String)
         This.ErrorCode := 0           ; Last SQLite error code / ErrorLevel           (Variant)
         This._Handle := 0             ; Query handle                                  (Pointer)
         This._DB := {}                ; SQLiteDB object                               (Object)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; DESTRUCTOR   Clear instance variables
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __Delete() {
         If (This._Handle)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Next        Get next row of query result
      ; Parameters:        ByRef Row   - Variable to store the row array
      ; Return values:     On success  - True, Row contains the row array
      ;                    On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ;                                  -1 for EOR (end of records)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Next(ByRef Row) {
         Static SQLITE_NULL := 5
         Static SQLITE_BLOB := 4
         Static EOR := -1
         Row := ""
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid query handle!"
            Return False
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_step failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC <> This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_ROW")) {
            If (RC = This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_DONE")) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "EOR"
               This.ErrorCode := RC
               Return EOR
            This.ErrorMsg := This._DB.ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_data_count", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_data_count failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC < 1) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Recordset is empty!"
            This.ErrorCode := This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_EMPTY")
            Return False
         Row := []
         Loop, %RC% {
            Column := A_Index - 1
            ColumnType := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_type", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl Int")
            If (ErrorLevel) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_column_type failed!"
               This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
               Return False
            If (ColumnType = SQLITE_NULL) {
               Row[A_Index] := ""
            } Else If (ColumnType = SQLITE_BLOB) {
               BlobPtr := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_blob", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl UPtr")
               BlobSize := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_bytes", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl Int")
               If (BlobPtr = 0) || (BlobSize = 0) {
                  Row[A_Index] := ""
               } Else {
                  Row[A_Index] := {}
                  Row[A_Index].Size := BlobSize
                  Row[A_Index].Blob := ""
                  Row[A_Index].SetCapacity("Blob", BlobSize)
                  Addr := Row[A_Index].GetAddress("Blob")
                  DllCall("Kernel32.dll\RtlMoveMemory", "Ptr", Addr, "Ptr", BlobPtr, "Ptr", BlobSize)
            } Else {
               StrPtr := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_text", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Column, "Cdecl UPtr")
               If (ErrorLevel) {
                  This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_column_text failed!"
                  This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
                  Return False
               Row[A_Index] := StrGet(StrPtr, "UTF-8")
         This.CurrentRow += 1
         Return True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Reset       Reset the result pointer
      ; Parameters:        None
      ; Return values:     On success  - True
      ;                    On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ; Remarks:           After a call of this method you can access the query result via Next() again.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Reset() {
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid query handle!"
            Return False
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_reset", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_reset failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC) {
            This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
         This.CurrentRow := 0
         Return True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Free        Free query result
      ; Parameters:        None
      ; Return values:     On success  - True
      ;                    On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ; Remarks:           After the call of this method further access on the query result is impossible.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Free() {
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle)
            Return True
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_finalize failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC) {
            This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
         This._Handle := 0
         This._DB := 0
         Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; CLASS _Statement
   ; Object returned from method Prepare()
   ; The life-cycle of a prepared statement object usually goes like this:
   ; 1. Create the prepared statement object (PST) by calling DB.Prepare().
   ; 2. Bind values to parameters using the PST.Bind_*() methods of the statement object.
   ; 3. Run the SQL by calling PST.Step() one or more times.
   ; 4. Reset the prepared statement using PTS.Reset() then go back to step 2. Do this zero or more times.
   ; 5. Destroy the object using PST.Finalize().
   ; The lifetime of a prepared statement depends on the lifetime of the related SQLiteDB object.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Class _Statement {
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; CONSTRUCTOR  Create instance variables
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __New() {
         This.ErrorMsg := ""           ; Last error message                            (String)
         This.ErrorCode := 0           ; Last SQLite error code / ErrorLevel           (Variant)
         This.ParamCount := 0          ; Number of SQL parameters for this statement   (Integer)
         This._Handle := 0             ; Query handle                                  (Pointer)
         This._DB := {}                ; SQLiteDB object                               (Object)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; DESTRUCTOR   Clear instance variables
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      __Delete() {
         If (This._Handle)
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Bind        Bind values to SQL parameters.
      ; Parameters:        Index       -  1-based index of the SQL parameter
      ;                    Type        -  type of the SQL parameter (currently: Blob/Double/Int/Text)
      ;                    Param3      -  type dependent value
      ;                    Param4      -  type dependent value
      ;                    Param5      -  not used
      ; Return values:     On success  - True
      ;                    On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Bind(Index, Type, Param3 := "", Param4 := 0, Param5 := 0) {
         Static SQLITE_STATIC := 0
         Static SQLITE_TRANSIENT := -1
         Static Types := {Blob: 1, Double: 1, Int: 1, Text: 1}
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid statement handle!"
            Return False
         If (Index < 1) || (Index > This.ParamCount) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter index!"
            Return False
         If (Types[Type] = "") {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid parameter type!"
            Return False
         If (Type = "Blob") { ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ; Param3 = BLOB pointer, Param4 = BLOB size in bytes
            If Param3 Is Not Integer
               This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid blob pointer!"
               Return False
            If Param4 Is Not Integer
               This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid blob size!"
               Return False
            ; Let SQLite always create a copy of the BLOB
            RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_blob", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Index, "Ptr", Param3
                        , "Int", Param4, "Ptr", -1, "Cdecl Int")
            If (ErrorLeveL) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_bind_blob failed!"
               This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
               Return False
            If (RC) {
               This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
               This.ErrorCode := RC
               Return False
         Else If (Type = "Double") { ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ; Param3 = double value
            If Param3 Is Not Float
               This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid value for double!"
               Return False
            RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_double", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Index, "Double", Param3
                        , "Cdecl Int")
            If (ErrorLeveL) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_bind_double failed!"
               This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
               Return False
            If (RC) {
               This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
               This.ErrorCode := RC
               Return False
         Else If (Type = "Int") { ; ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ; Param3 = integer value
            If Param3 Is Not Integer
               This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid value for int!"
               Return False
            RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_int", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Index, "Int", Param3
                        , "Cdecl Int")
            If (ErrorLeveL) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_bind_int failed!"
               This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
               Return False
            If (RC) {
               This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
               This.ErrorCode := RC
               Return False
         Else If (Type = "Text") { ; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            ; Param3 = zero-terminated string
            This._DB._StrToUTF8(Param3, UTF8)
            ; Let SQLite always create a copy of the text
            RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_text", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Index, "Ptr", &UTF8
                        , "Int", -1, "Ptr", -1, "Cdecl Int")
            If (ErrorLeveL) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_bind_text failed!"
               This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
               Return False
            If (RC) {
               This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
               This.ErrorCode := RC
               Return False
         Return True

      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Step        Evaluate the prepared statement.
      ; Parameters:        None
      ; Return values:     On success  - True
      ;                    On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ; Remarks:           You must call ST.Reset() before you can call ST.Step() again.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Step() {
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid statement handle!"
            Return False
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_step failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC <> This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_DONE"))
         && (RC <> This._DB._ReturnCode("SQLITE_ROW")) {
            This.ErrorMsg := This._DB.ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
         Return True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Reset       Reset the prepared statement.
      ; Parameters:        ClearBindings  - Clear bound SQL parameter values (True/False)
      ; Return values:     On success     - True
      ;                    On failure     - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ; Remarks:           After a call of this method you can access the query result via Next() again.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Reset(ClearBindings := True) {
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid statement handle!"
            Return False
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_reset", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_reset failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC) {
            This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
         If (ClearBindings) {
            RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_clear_bindings", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
            If (ErrorLevel) {
               This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_clear_bindings failed!"
               This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
               Return False
            If (RC) {
               This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
               This.ErrorCode := RC
               Return False
         Return True
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      ; METHOD Free        Free the prepared statement object.
      ; Parameters:        None
      ; Return values:     On success  - True
      ;                    On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
      ; Remarks:           After the call of this method further access on the statement object is impossible.
      ; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      Free() {
         This.ErrorMsg := ""
         This.ErrorCode := 0
         If !(This._Handle)
            Return True
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_finalize failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC) {
            This.ErrorMsg := This._DB._ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
         This._Handle := 0
         This._DB := 0
         Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __New() {
      This._Path := ""                  ; Database path                                 (String)
      This._Handle := 0                 ; Database handle                               (Pointer)
      This._Queries := {}               ; Valid queries                                 (Object)
      This._Stmts := {}                 ; Valid prepared statements                     (Object)
      If (This.Base._RefCount = 0) {
         SQLiteDLL := This.Base._SQLiteDLL
         If !FileExist(SQLiteDLL)
            If FileExist(A_ScriptDir . "\SQLiteDB.ini") {
               IniRead, SQLiteDLL, %A_ScriptDir%\SQLiteDB.ini, Main, DllPath, %SQLiteDLL%
               This.Base._SQLiteDLL := SQLiteDLL
         If !(DLL := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", This.Base._SQLiteDLL, "UPtr")) {
            MsgBox, 16, SQLiteDB Error, % "DLL " . SQLiteDLL . " does not exist!"
         This.Base.Version := StrGet(DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_libversion", "Cdecl UPtr"), "UTF-8")
         SQLVersion := StrSplit(This.Base.Version, ".")
         MinVersion := StrSplit(This.Base._MinVersion, ".")
         If (SQLVersion[1] < MinVersion[1]) || ((SQLVersion[1] = MinVersion[1]) && (SQLVersion[2] < MinVersion[2])){
            DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", DLL)
            MsgBox, 16, SQLite ERROR, % "Version " . This.Base.Version .  " of SQLite3.dll is not supported!`n`n"
                                      . "You can download the current version from www.sqlite.org!"
      This.Base._RefCount += 1
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; DESTRUCTOR __Delete
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   __Delete() {
      If (This._Handle)
      This.Base._RefCount -= 1
      If (This.Base._RefCount = 0) {
         If (DLL := DllCall("GetModuleHandle", "Str", This.Base._SQLiteDLL, "UPtr"))
            DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Ptr", DLL)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   _StrToUTF8(Str, ByRef UTF8) {
      VarSetCapacity(UTF8, StrPut(Str, "UTF-8"), 0)
      StrPut(Str, &UTF8, "UTF-8")
      Return &UTF8
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   _UTF8ToStr(UTF8) {
      Return StrGet(UTF8, "UTF-8")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; PRIVATE _ErrMsg
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   _ErrMsg() {
      If (RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_errmsg", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl UPtr"))
         Return StrGet(&RC, "UTF-8")
      Return ""
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; PRIVATE _ErrCode
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   _ErrCode() {
      Return DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_errcode", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; PRIVATE _Changes
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   _Changes() {
      Return DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_changes", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; PRIVATE _Returncode
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   _ReturnCode(RC) {
      Static RCODE := {SQLITE_OK: 0          ; Successful result
                     , SQLITE_ERROR: 1       ; SQL error or missing database
                     , SQLITE_INTERNAL: 2    ; NOT USED. Internal logic error in SQLite
                     , SQLITE_PERM: 3        ; Access permission denied
                     , SQLITE_ABORT: 4       ; Callback routine requested an abort
                     , SQLITE_BUSY: 5        ; The database file is locked
                     , SQLITE_LOCKED: 6      ; A table in the database is locked
                     , SQLITE_NOMEM: 7       ; A malloc() failed
                     , SQLITE_READONLY: 8    ; Attempt to write a readonly database
                     , SQLITE_INTERRUPT: 9   ; Operation terminated by sqlite3_interrupt()
                     , SQLITE_IOERR: 10      ; Some kind of disk I/O error occurred
                     , SQLITE_CORRUPT: 11    ; The database disk image is malformed
                     , SQLITE_NOTFOUND: 12   ; NOT USED. Table or record not found
                     , SQLITE_FULL: 13       ; Insertion failed because database is full
                     , SQLITE_CANTOPEN: 14   ; Unable to open the database file
                     , SQLITE_PROTOCOL: 15   ; NOT USED. Database lock protocol error
                     , SQLITE_EMPTY: 16      ; Database is empty
                     , SQLITE_SCHEMA: 17     ; The database schema changed
                     , SQLITE_TOOBIG: 18     ; String or BLOB exceeds size limit
                     , SQLITE_CONSTRAINT: 19 ; Abort due to constraint violation
                     , SQLITE_MISMATCH: 20   ; Data type mismatch
                     , SQLITE_MISUSE: 21     ; Library used incorrectly
                     , SQLITE_NOLFS: 22      ; Uses OS features not supported on host
                     , SQLITE_AUTH: 23       ; Authorization denied
                     , SQLITE_FORMAT: 24     ; Auxiliary database format error
                     , SQLITE_RANGE: 25      ; 2nd parameter to sqlite3_bind out of range
                     , SQLITE_NOTADB: 26     ; File opened that is not a database file
                     , SQLITE_ROW: 100       ; sqlite3_step() has another row ready
                     , SQLITE_DONE: 101}     ; sqlite3_step() has finished executing
      Return RCODE.HasKey(RC) ? RCODE[RC] : ""
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; PUBLIC Interface ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Properties
   ; ===================================================================================================================
    ErrorMsg := ""              ; Error message                           (String)
    ErrorCode := 0              ; SQLite error code / ErrorLevel          (Variant)
    Changes := 0                ; Changes made by last call of Exec()     (Integer)
    SQL := ""                   ; Last executed SQL statement             (String)
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD OpenDB         Open a database
   ; Parameters:           DBPath      - Path of the database file
   ;                       Access      - Wanted access: "R"ead / "W"rite
   ;                       Create      - Create new database in write mode, if it doesn't exist
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; Remarks:              If DBPath is empty in write mode, a database called ":memory:" is created in memory
   ;                       and deletet on call of CloseDB.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   OpenDB(DBPath, Access := "W", Create := True) {
      Static SQLITE_OPEN_READONLY  := 0x01 ; Database opened as read-only
      Static SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE := 0x02 ; Database opened as read-write
      Static SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE    := 0x04 ; Database will be created if not exists
      Static MEMDB := ":memory:"
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      HDB := 0
      If (DBPath = "")
         DBPath := MEMDB
      If (DBPath = This._Path) && (This._Handle)
         Return True
      If (This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "You must first close DB " . This._Path . "!"
         Return False
      Flags := 0
      Access := SubStr(Access, 1, 1)
      If (Access <> "W") && (Access <> "R")
         Access := "R"
      If (Access = "W") {
         If (Create)
            Flags |= SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE
      This._Path := DBPath
      This._StrToUTF8(DBPath, UTF8)
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_open_v2", "Ptr", &UTF8, "UPtrP", HDB, "Int", Flags, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This._Path := ""
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_open_v2 failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This._Path := ""
         This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      This._Handle := HDB
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD CloseDB        Close database
   ; Parameters:           None
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   CloseDB() {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := ""
      If !(This._Handle)
         Return True
      For Each, Query in This._Queries
         DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_close", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_close failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      This._Path := ""
      This._Handle := ""
      This._Queries := []
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD AttachDB       Add another database file to the current database connection
   ;                       http://www.sqlite.org/lang_attach.html
   ; Parameters:           DBPath      - Path of the database file
   ;                       DBAlias     - Database alias name used internally by SQLite
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   AttachDB(DBPath, DBAlias) {
      Return This.Exec("ATTACH DATABASE '" . DBPath . "' As " . DBAlias . ";")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD DetachDB       Detaches an additional database connection previously attached using AttachDB()
   ;                       http://www.sqlite.org/lang_detach.html
   ; Parameters:           DBAlias     - Database alias name used with AttachDB()
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   DetachDB(DBAlias) {
      Return This.Exec("DETACH DATABASE " . DBAlias . ";")
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD Exec           Execute SQL statement
   ; Parameters:           SQL         - Valid SQL statement
   ;                       Callback    - Name of a callback function to invoke for each result row coming out
   ;                                     of the evaluated SQL statements.
   ;                                     The function must accept 4 parameters:
   ;                                     1: SQLiteDB object
   ;                                     2: Number of columns
   ;                                     3: Pointer to an array of pointers to columns text
   ;                                     4: Pointer to an array of pointers to column names
   ;                                     The address of the current SQL string is passed in A_EventInfo.
   ;                                     If the callback function returns non-zero, DB.Exec() returns SQLITE_ABORT
   ;                                     without invoking the callback again and without running any subsequent
   ;                                     SQL statements.
   ; Return values:        On success  - True, the number of changed rows is given in property Changes
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Exec(SQL, Callback := "") {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := SQL
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      CBPtr := 0
      Err := 0
      If (FO := Func(Callback)) && (FO.MinParams = 4)
         CBPtr := RegisterCallback(Callback, "F C", 4, &SQL)
      This._StrToUTF8(SQL, UTF8)
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_exec", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", CBPtr, "Ptr", Object(This)
                  , "UPtrP", Err, "Cdecl Int")
      CallError := ErrorLevel
      If (CBPtr)
         DllCall("Kernel32.dll\GlobalFree", "Ptr", CBPtr)
      If (CallError) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_exec failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := CallError
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := StrGet(Err, "UTF-8")
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free", "Ptr", Err, "Cdecl")
         Return False
      This.Changes := This._Changes()
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD GetTable       Get complete result for SELECT query
   ; Parameters:           SQL         - SQL SELECT statement
   ;                       ByRef TB    - Variable to store the result object (TB _Table)
   ;                       MaxResult   - Number of rows to return:
   ;                          0          Complete result (default)
   ;                         -1          Return only RowCount and ColumnCount
   ;                         -2          Return counters and array ColumnNames
   ;                          n          Return counters and ColumnNames and first n rows
   ; Return values:        On success  - True, TB contains the result object
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   GetTable(SQL, ByRef TB, MaxResult := 0) {
      TB := ""
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := SQL
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      Names := ""
      Err := 0, RC := 0, GetRows := 0
      I := 0, Rows := Cols := 0
      Table := 0
      If MaxResult Is Not Integer
         MaxResult := 0
      If (MaxResult < -2)
         MaxResult := 0
      This._StrToUTF8(SQL, UTF8)
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_get_table", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "UPtrP", Table
                  , "IntP", Rows, "IntP", Cols, "UPtrP", Err, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_get_table failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := StrGet(Err, "UTF-8")
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free", "Ptr", Err, "Cdecl")
         Return False
      TB := new This._Table
      TB.ColumnCount := Cols
      TB.RowCount := Rows
      If (MaxResult = -1) {
         DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free_table", "Ptr", Table, "Cdecl")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_free_table failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         Return True
      If (MaxResult = -2)
         GetRows := 0
      Else If (MaxResult > 0) && (MaxResult <= Rows)
         GetRows := MaxResult
         GetRows := Rows
      Offset := 0
      Names := Array()
      Loop, %Cols% {
         Names[A_Index] := StrGet(NumGet(Table+0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8")
         Offset += A_PtrSize
      TB.ColumnNames := Names
      TB.HasNames := True
      Loop, %GetRows% {
         I := A_Index
         TB.Rows[I] := []
         Loop, %Cols% {
            TB.Rows[I][A_Index] := StrGet(NumGet(Table+0, Offset, "UPtr"), "UTF-8")
            Offset += A_PtrSize
      If (GetRows)
         TB.HasRows := True
      DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free_table", "Ptr", Table, "Cdecl")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         TB := ""
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_free_table failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; Prepared statement 10:54 2019.07.05. by Dixtroy
   ;  DB := new SQLiteDB
   ;  DB.OpenDB(DBFileName)
   ;  DB.Prepare 1 or more, just once
   ;  DB.Step 1 or more on prepared one, repeatable
   ;  DB.Finalize at the end
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD Prepare        Prepare database table for further actions.
   ; Parameters:           SQL         - SQL statement to be compiled
   ;                       ByRef ST    - Variable to store the statement object (Class _Statement)
   ; Return values:        On success  - True, ST contains the statement object
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; Remarks:              You have to pass one ? for each column you want to assign a value later.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Prepare(SQL, ByRef ST) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := SQL
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      Stmt := 0
      This._StrToUTF8(SQL, UTF8)
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_prepare_v2", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", -1
                  , "UPtrP", Stmt, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLeveL) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DllCall sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      ST := New This._Statement
      ST.ParamCount := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_parameter_count", "Ptr", Stmt, "Cdecl Int")
      ST._Handle := Stmt
      ST._DB := This
      This._Stmts[Stmt] := Stmt
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD Query          Get "recordset" object for prepared SELECT query
   ; Parameters:           SQL         - SQL SELECT statement
   ;                       ByRef RS    - Variable to store the result object (Class _RecordSet)
   ; Return values:        On success  - True, RS contains the result object
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   Query(SQL, ByRef RS) {
      RS := ""
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := SQL
      ColumnCount := 0
      HasRows := False
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid dadabase handle!"
         Return False
      Query := 0
      This._StrToUTF8(SQL, UTF8)
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_prepare_v2", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", -1
                  , "UPtrP", Query, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLeveL) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_count", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_column_count failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC < 1) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Query result is empty!"
         This.ErrorCode := This._ReturnCode("SQLITE_EMPTY")
         Return False
      ColumnCount := RC
      Names := []
      Loop, %RC% {
         StrPtr := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_column_name", "Ptr", Query, "Int", A_Index - 1, "Cdecl UPtr")
         If (ErrorLevel) {
            This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_column_name failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         Names[A_Index] := StrGet(StrPtr, "UTF-8")
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_step failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC = This._ReturnCode("SQLITE_ROW"))
         HasRows := True
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_reset", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DLLCall sqlite3_reset failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      RS := new This._RecordSet
      RS.ColumnCount := ColumnCount
      RS.ColumnNames := Names
      RS.HasNames := True
      RS.HasRows := HasRows
      RS._Handle := Query
      RS._DB := This
      This._Queries[Query] := Query
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD CreateScalarFunc  Create a scalar application defined function
   ; Parameters:              Name  -  the name of the function
   ;                          Args  -  the number of arguments that the SQL function takes
   ;                          Func  -  a pointer to AHK functions that implement the SQL function
   ;                          Enc   -  specifies what text encoding this SQL function prefers for its parameters
   ;                          Param -  an arbitrary pointer accessible within the funtion with sqlite3_user_data()
   ; Return values:           On success  - True
   ;                          On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; Documentation:           www.sqlite.org/c3ref/create_function.html
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   CreateScalarFunc(Name, Args, Func, Enc := 0x0801, Param := 0) {
      ; SQLITE_DETERMINISTIC = 0x0800 - the function will always return the same result given the same inputs
      ;                                 within a single SQL statement
      ; SQLITE_UTF8 = 0x0001
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_create_function", "Ptr", This._Handle, "AStr", Name, "Int", Args, "Int", Enc
                                                         , "Ptr", Param, "Ptr", Func, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLeveL) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_create_function failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD LastInsertRowID   Get the ROWID of the last inserted row
   ; Parameters:              ByRef RowID - Variable to store the ROWID
   ; Return values:           On success  - True, RowID contains the ROWID
   ;                          On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   LastInsertRowID(ByRef RowID) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := ""
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      RowID := 0
      RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_last_insert_rowid", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int64")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_last_insert_rowid failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      RowID := RC
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD TotalChanges   Get the number of changed rows since connecting to the database
   ; Parameters:           ByRef Rows  - Variable to store the number of rows
   ; Return values:        On success  - True, Rows contains the number of rows
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   TotalChanges(ByRef Rows) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := ""
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      Rows := 0
      RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_total_changes", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_total_changes failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      Rows := RC
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD SetTimeout     Set the timeout to wait before SQLITE_BUSY or SQLITE_IOERR_BLOCKED is returned,
   ;                       when a table is locked.
   ; Parameters:           TimeOut     - Time to wait in milliseconds
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   SetTimeout(Timeout := 1000) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := ""
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      If Timeout Is Not Integer
         Timeout := 1000
      RC := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_busy_timeout", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Int", Timeout, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_busy_timeout failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD EscapeStr      Escapes special characters in a string to be used as field content
   ; Parameters:           Str         - String to be escaped
   ;                       Quote       - Add single quotes around the outside of the total string (True / False)
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   EscapeStr(ByRef Str, Quote := True) {
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      This.SQL := ""
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      If Str Is Number
         Return True
      VarSetCapacity(OP, 16, 0)
      StrPut(Quote ? "%Q" : "%q", &OP, "UTF-8")
      This._StrToUTF8(Str, UTF8)
      Ptr := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_mprintf", "Ptr", &OP, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Cdecl UPtr")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "DllCall sqlite3_mprintf failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      Str := This._UTF8ToStr(Ptr)
      DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_free", "Ptr", Ptr, "Cdecl")
      Return True
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   ; METHOD StoreBLOB      Use BLOBs as parameters of an INSERT/UPDATE/REPLACE statement.
   ; Parameters:           SQL         - SQL statement to be compiled
   ;                       BlobArray   - Array of objects containing two keys/value pairs:
   ;                                     Addr : Address of the (variable containing the) BLOB.
   ;                                     Size : Size of the BLOB in bytes.
   ; Return values:        On success  - True
   ;                       On failure  - False, ErrorMsg / ErrorCode contain additional information
   ; Remarks:              For each BLOB in the row you have to specify a ? parameter within the statement. The
   ;                       parameters are numbered automatically from left to right starting with 1.
   ;                       For each parameter you have to pass an object within BlobArray containing the address
   ;                       and the size of the BLOB.
   ; ===================================================================================================================
   StoreBLOB(SQL, BlobArray) {
      Static SQLITE_STATIC := 0
      Static SQLITE_TRANSIENT := -1
      This.ErrorMsg := ""
      This.ErrorCode := 0
      If !(This._Handle) {
         This.ErrorMsg := "Invalid database handle!"
         Return False
      If !RegExMatch(SQL, "i)^\s*(INSERT|UPDATE|REPLACE)\s") {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . " requires an INSERT/UPDATE/REPLACE statement!"
         Return False
      Query := 0
      This._StrToUTF8(SQL, UTF8)
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_prepare_v2", "Ptr", This._Handle, "Ptr", &UTF8, "Int", -1
                  , "UPtrP", Query, "Ptr", 0, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLeveL) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DllCall sqlite3_prepare_v2 failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      For BlobNum, Blob In BlobArray {
         If !(Blob.Addr) || !(Blob.Size) {
            This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": Invalid parameter BlobArray!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_bind_blob", "Ptr", Query, "Int", BlobNum, "Ptr", Blob.Addr
                     , "Int", Blob.Size, "Ptr", SQLITE_STATIC, "Cdecl Int")
         If (ErrorLeveL) {
            This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DllCall sqlite3_bind_blob failed!"
            This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
            Return False
         If (RC) {
            This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
            This.ErrorCode := RC
            Return False
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_step", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DllCall sqlite3_step failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) && (RC <> This._ReturnCode("SQLITE_DONE")) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      RC := DllCall("SQlite3.dll\sqlite3_finalize", "Ptr", Query, "Cdecl Int")
      If (ErrorLevel) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": DllCall sqlite3_finalize failed!"
         This.ErrorCode := ErrorLevel
         Return False
      If (RC) {
         This.ErrorMsg := A_ThisFunc . ": " . This._ErrMsg()
         This.ErrorCode := RC
         Return False
      Return True
; ======================================================================================================================
; Exemplary custom callback function regexp()
; Parameters:        Context  -  handle to a sqlite3_context object
;                    ArgC     -  number of elements passed in Values (must be 2 for this function)
;                    Values   -  pointer to an array of pointers which can be passed to sqlite3_value_text():
;                                1. Needle
;                                2. Haystack
; Return values:     Call sqlite3_result_int() passing 1 (True) for a match, otherwise pass 0 (False).
; ======================================================================================================================
SQLiteDB_RegExp(Context, ArgC, Values) {
   Result := 0
   If (ArgC = 2) {
      AddrN := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_value_text", "Ptr", NumGet(Values + 0, "UPtr"), "Cdecl UPtr")
      AddrH := DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_value_text", "Ptr", NumGet(Values + A_PtrSize, "UPtr"), "Cdecl UPtr")
      Result := RegExMatch(StrGet(AddrH, "UTF-8"), StrGet(AddrN, "UTF-8"))
   DllCall("SQLite3.dll\sqlite3_result_int", "Ptr", Context, "Int", !!Result, "Cdecl") ; 0 = false, 1 = trus
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Last edited by just me on 06 Nov 2022, 07:01, edited 15 times in total.
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Joined: 17 Nov 2013, 11:32

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

19 Dec 2013, 05:15

Can you add support for ahk v2 it?
I tried to modify, but always errors, especially reading and writing binary part.
just me
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Location: Germany

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

19 Dec 2013, 09:51

I'll try, but it would be nice to have a separate v2 (sub)forum for v2 versions. ;)
just me
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Location: Germany

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

20 Dec 2013, 02:12

*Added v2 version (marginally tested)*
Posts: 694
Joined: 17 Nov 2013, 11:32

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

20 Dec 2013, 04:00

Thanks. I will transfer to V2.
I used to add two functions make it more easy to use:

Code: Select all

	Return New SQLiteDB

	Return InStr(v, "`'") ? StrReplace(v,"`'","`'`'") : v
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

03 Jan 2014, 03:11

Hi just me,

which one of your SQLite-Libs/Classes would you consider to be more mature and which one will you support in future:

* Class_SQLiteDB as mentioned in this thread
* or DBA

The latter one, seems to have more recent modifications, but you have not mentioned it within this forum ...

Which would you recommend to use?
just me
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

03 Jan 2014, 05:36

Hi hoppfrosch,

the SQLite Lib/Class included in DBA is a (non-authorized ;) ) version maintained by IsNull. Feel free to use it, but I will not support this version.

BTW: I replaced the sample script on GitHub, thanks for reporting.
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

03 Jan 2014, 05:42

Uh - I didn't realize that DBA is by IsNull ... :oops:

I'll have a more detailled look in both of your libs ...
just me
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

03 Jan 2014, 05:52

The most important difference is the handling of BLOBs. It's better integrated in IsNull's version. Maybe I'll try to rewrite my version, too. But personally I don't need (large) BLOBs, and there are other ways like Base64 or Hex encoding to store and read binary content.
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

10 Jan 2014, 13:12

Hello. I have tried to get this working but continually get an error message on Line 28 of the Class ahk saying that BaseClass is an unknown class. I have the SQLite3.dll ver 3.8 from the website in the directory, also tried moving it into a subfolder and using the ini file to set path, but nothing seems to work. Help, not sure what i need to be doing?
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

11 Jan 2014, 00:20

Changelog wrote: - June 21, 2013
Fixed class X extends Y to allow Y to be defined after X.
Seems that you'll have to update your AHK.
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

12 Jan 2014, 09:35

Many thanks.
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

07 Jul 2014, 17:06

Having trouble just launching the sample script, getting this error:

Error in line 28 in #Include \Class_SQLiteDB.ahk
Line Text: SQLiteDB.Base.Class
Error: Unknown Class

I'm using AHK_H v1.1.9.4 ANSI 32-bit. H is based off L, so it should work. I don't get the Class error using the DBA sqlite library, but I have another error later on with objects. Was hoping to get one of these libraries to work.
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

08 Jul 2014, 02:46

Sorry, but I didn't use AHK_H as yet. If there are incompatibilities between the two versions, they should be fixed in AHK_H.
Last edited by just me on 08 Jul 2014, 11:36, edited 1 time in total.
just me
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

08 Jul 2014, 11:34

I'm using AHK_H v1.1.9.4 ANSI 32-bit.
I overlooked that. You need an AHK_H version based on AHK -> Fixed class X extends Y to allow Y to be defined after X.
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

08 Jul 2014, 14:29

Repo star'd!
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

08 May 2015, 10:40

Thanks a lot!
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

25 Aug 2015, 01:57

V2 now is wrong, can fix it? Thanks.
just me
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Re: [Class] SQLiteDB

25 Aug 2015, 02:23

What's wrong? Which error is reported? I do not use v2 at the moment.

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