Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail Topic is solved

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Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail

10 May 2021, 01:49

I am trying to add attachments to the active new outlook email with a menu to chose from the last 10 created files in a specific folder.

This currently works perfect when you have the new mail open in a separate message window, but fails when the new mail is embedded in the main Outlook window (you could descripe this as "not popped out").
So the line oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1) fails to connect to the active mailItem.

Code: Select all

	; Create shortcutmenu for recent documents.
	File_List :=""
	loop, Files, E:\users\DGE1507\PLOT\*
		currentTime := A_now
		EnvSub, currentTime, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, Hours
		File_List .= currentTime "`t" A_Loopfilefullpath "`t" A_LoopFileName "`n"
	Sort, File_List, N
	Menu, mFilesNew, Add, 
	Menu, mFilesNew, DeleteAll
	loop, Parse, File_list, `n
		; only show the 10 last items
		If (A_index=11){
		if (A_Loopfield=""){
		arrFile := StrSplit(A_Loopfield, "`t")
		BoundGivePar := Func("Outlook_AddAttachments").Bind(arrFile.2)
		Menu, mFilesNew, Add, % arrFile.3, % BoundGivePar
	Menu, mFilesNew, Show

	WinGetTitle, WinTitle, A
	if InStr(WinTitle, "- Message"){
		oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveWindow.CurrentItem	; connects to open message if separate window
		; Connect to outlook mail but this does not work...
                oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)			
	Subject := oItem.subject
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Re: Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail

14 Jul 2021, 05:30

I tried some things and came up with the following code, but when the reply mail is inbedded in the outlook window, I need to send an Control+s to save it first in the drafts folder. There is also a possibility for errors because it just checks if the subject of the latest draft is similar.

So the following code will probably work quite well, but is certainly not 100% errorproof :think: .
If somebody has a better way, feel free to post an improvement.

Code: Select all

	WinGetTitle, WinTitle, A
	if InStr(WinTitle, "- Message"){
		oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveWindow.CurrentItem	; connects to open message if separate window
		WinActivate,  Ahk_exe outlook.exe
		SendInput, ^s
		oOutlook := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
		SubjectSelected:= oOutlook.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1).Subject
		olFolderDrafts := 16
		DraftsCount := oOutlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDrafts).Items.Count
		oItem := oOutlook.Session.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDrafts).Items[DraftsCount]
		SubjectLastDraft:= oMail.Subject
		SubjectLastDraft:= StrReplace(SubjectLastDraft, "RE: ")
		SubjectLastDraft:= StrReplace(SubjectLastDraft, "FW: ")
		if InStr(SubjectSelected, SubjectLastDraft){
			DebugWindow("draft found to target: " oMail.Subject "`n")
	Subject := oItem.subject
	DebugWindow("Subject: " Subject "`n")
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Re: Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail

14 Jul 2021, 11:20

I'm not sure that I'll be able to help you
So just some thoughts:
- I'd say WinActivate, Ahk_exe outlook.exe makes more sense as the first line of the function, then you get the active title.
- The variable oMail appears twice but is not actually defined, maybe you changed that name for oItem at some point?
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Re: Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail

14 Jul 2021, 17:49

AHK_user wrote:
10 May 2021, 01:49
I am trying to add attachments to the active new outlook email with a menu to chose from the last 10 created files in a specific folder.

This currently works perfect when you have the new mail open in a separate message window, but fails when the new mail is embedded in the main Outlook window (you could descripe this as "not popped out").
So the line oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1) fails to connect to the active mailItem.

Code: Select all

	; Create shortcutmenu for recent documents.
	File_List :=""
	loop, Files, E:\users\DGE1507\PLOT\*
		currentTime := A_now
		EnvSub, currentTime, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, Hours
		File_List .= currentTime "`t" A_Loopfilefullpath "`t" A_LoopFileName "`n"
	Sort, File_List, N
	Menu, mFilesNew, Add, 
	Menu, mFilesNew, DeleteAll
	loop, Parse, File_list, `n
		; only show the 10 last items
		If (A_index=11){
		if (A_Loopfield=""){
		arrFile := StrSplit(A_Loopfield, "`t")
		BoundGivePar := Func("Outlook_AddAttachments").Bind(arrFile.2)
		Menu, mFilesNew, Add, % arrFile.3, % BoundGivePar
	Menu, mFilesNew, Show

	WinGetTitle, WinTitle, A
	if InStr(WinTitle, "- Message"){
		oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveWindow.CurrentItem	; connects to open message if separate window
		; Connect to outlook mail but this does not work...
                oItem := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)			
	Subject := oItem.subject

The problem is getting the correct link to the reply when it is inline. Maybe this will help:

Code: Select all

	olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
	olMailItem := olApp.ActiveExplorer.Selection.Item(1)
	MsgBox % olMailItem.Subject
	olReply := olApp.ActiveExplorer.ActiveInlineResponse
	MsgBox % olReply.Subject


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Re: Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail  Topic is solved

14 Jul 2021, 18:04

This is the same answer as FanaticGuru, but I added a part to check for an Explorer/Inspector window so you don't have to use if InStr(WinTitle, "- Message").

Code: Select all

Outlook_AddAttachments("C:\Test\New Text Document.txt")

    olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application")
    if (olApp.ActiveWindow.Class = 34)
        olItem := olApp.ActiveExplorer.ActiveInlineResponse
    else if (olApp.ActiveWindow.Class = 35)
        olItem := olApp.ActiveWindow.CurrentItem
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Re: Outlook COM: add attachment to open mail

15 Jul 2021, 05:38

Thanks @Datapoint and @FanaticGuru , It works perfect! :bravo:

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