[Function] ScrollBox

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[Function] ScrollBox

09 Oct 2014, 18:35


Creates a Gui that is used somewhat like MsgBox except that it has scrollbars and is resizable by dragging the corner. It also allows for other formatting options similar to any other Gui but in an easy to use function.

Code: Select all

;{ ScrollBox
; Fanatic Guru
; 2016 11 18		Version 1.2
; 2018 06 09		Version 1.21
;	Fixed issue with creating autosize control containing more than 32k characters
; FUNCTION to Create Gui Scroll Box 
; Method:
;   ScrollBox(String, Options, Label)
;   Parameters:
;   1) {String} String to be displayed in scroll box
;   2) {Options}
;		d		destroy Gui if exist and recreate new
;		w		word wrap
;		p		pause until Gui closed
;		h		hide Gui if exist
;		s		show Gui if exist
;		l		left justified
;		r		right justified
;		c		center justified
;		p%%		p followed by a number for ms to pause
;		f%%		f followed by a number for font size
;		f{%%}	f followed by font options in format of Gui font command
;		x%%		x followed by a number for x box location
;		y%% 	y followed by a number for y box location
;		h%%		h followed by a number for height of box
;		w%%		w followed by a number for width of box
;		t%%		t followed by a number for tab stop (can be multiple)
;		b1		OK button, pauses for response
;		b2		YES / NO buttons, pauses for response
;					Options of existing Gui can not be changed except for position and size
;	3)  {Label}	Identifier for dealing with multiply Gui, also the Label at the top of Gui
;				Used to create the Gui name, all non-valid characters are striped
;				If Label exist and String is null and Options is null then Gui is destroyed
;					Otherwise Gui will be updated with new string
;					And Options x, y, h, w can be used to reposition and resize Gui Window
;				If String and Label are null then all Gui are destroyed
; Returns: 
;		1		OK or YES button pushed
;		0		NO button pushed
;		-1		Gui closed or escaped without pushing button
;		-2		Gui either had no pause or pause finished causing Gui to close
; Global:
;   Creates a series of global gui labels prefixed with ScrollBox_Gui_Label_
; Note:
;	When scroll box attempts to auto adjust control to fit text it will fail on very large strings.
; 	If scroll box is given a height and width then larger strings can be displayed.
;	Closing the box or hitting escape will destroy the gui.
; Example:
;	ScrollBox(Text, "w b2 p5000 f{s16 cRed bold, Arial} x50 y50 h400 w400")
ScrollBox(String := "", Options := "", Label := "")
	Static Gui_List, Gui_Index
	DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
	SetWinDelay, % (Setting_A_WinDelay := A_WinDelay) ? 0 : 0
	if !Gui_List
		Gui_List := {}
	if Label
		Gui_Label := "ScrollBox_Gui_Label_" RegExReplace(Label, "i)[^0-9a-z#_@\$]", "")
		Gui_Hwnd := Gui_List[Gui_Label]
		Win_Hwnd := DllCall("GetParent", UInt, Gui_Hwnd)
		if RegExMatch(RegExReplace(Options, "\{.*}"), "i)d")
			Gui, %Gui_Label%:Destroy
		else if WinExist("ahk_id " Win_Hwnd)
			if String
				GuiControl,,%Gui_Hwnd%, %String%
			WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinW, WinH
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)x(\d+)", Match)
				WinX := Match1
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)y(\d+)", Match)
				WinY := Match1
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)w(\d+)", Match)
				WinW := Match1
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)h(\d+)", Match)
				WinH := Match1
			Winmove, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%,, WinX, WinY, WinW, WinH
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)h(?!\d)", Match)
				Gui, %Gui_Label%:Hide
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)s", Match)
				Gui, %Gui_Label%:Show
			DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
			SetWinDelay, %Setting_A_WinDelay%
		Gui_Index ++
		Gui_Label := "ScrollBox_Gui_Label_" Gui_Index
	if (!String and !Options)
		if Label
			Gui, %Gui_Label%:Destroy
			for key, element in Gui_List
				Gui, %key%:Destroy
			Gui_List := {}
		DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
		SetWinDelay, %Setting_A_WinDelay%
	Gui %Gui_Label%:Default
	Gui +LabelAllGui
	Adjust1 := 10
	ButtonPushed := -2
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)f(\d+)", Match)
		Gui, Font, s%Match1%
		Adjust1 := Match1
	else if RegExMatch(Options, "i)f\{(.*)}", Match)
		Options := RegExReplace(Options, "i)f\{.*}")
		StringSplit, Match, Match1, `,
		Gui, Font, %Match1%, % Trim(Match2)
		RegExMatch(Match1, "i)s(\d+)", Adjust)
		Gui, Font
	Gui, Margin, 20, 20
	Gui, +MinSize200x200 +Resize
	Gui, Color, FFFFFF
	Opt := "hwndGui_Hwnd ReadOnly -E0x200  "
	if !(Options ~= "i)w(?!\d)")
		Opt .= "+0x300000 -wrap "
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)h(\d+)", Match)
		Opt .= "h" Match1 " ", Control := true 
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)w(\d+)", Match)
		Opt .= "w" Match1 " ", Control := true
	if (Options ~= "i)c")
		Opt .= "center "
	if (Options ~= "i)l")
		Opt .= "left "
	if (Options ~= "i)r")
		Opt .= "right "
		Pos ++
		if (Pos := RegExMatch(Options, "i)t(\d+)", Match, Pos))
			Opt .= "t" Match1 " "
	} until !Pos
	Opt_Show := "AutoSize "
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)x(\d+)", Match)
		Opt_Show .= "x" Match1 " "
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)y(\d+)", Match)
		Opt_Show .= "y" Match1 " "
	if Control
		Gui, Add, Edit, % Opt
		GuiControl, , %Gui_Hwnd%, %String%
		if (StrLen(String) < 32000)	; Gui control cannot be created with more than 32k of text directly
			Gui, Add, Edit, % Opt, %String%
			Gui, Add, Edit, % Opt, % SubStr(String, 1, 32000)
			GuiControl, , %Gui_Hwnd%, %String%
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)b(1|2)", Match)
		Button := Match1
		if (Button = 1)
			Gui, Add, Button, gAllGuiButtonOK hwndScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd Default, OK
			Gui, Add, Button, gAllGuiButtonYES hwndScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd Default, YES
			Gui, Add, Button, gAllGuiButtonNO hwndScrollBox_Button2_Hwnd, % " NO "
	Gui, Show, % Opt_Show, % Label ? Label : "ScrollBox"
	Gui_List[Gui_Label] := Gui_Hwnd
	Win_Hwnd := DllCall("GetParent", UInt, Gui_Hwnd)
	WinGetPos,X,Y,W,H, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%
	WinMove, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%,,X,Y,W-1,H-1 ; Move
	WinMove, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%,,X,Y,W,H ; And Move Back to Force Recalculation of Margins
	if Button
		ControlSend,,{Tab}{Tab}+{Tab}, ahk_id %Gui_Hwnd% ; Move to Button
		ControlSend,,^{Home}, ahk_id %Gui_Hwnd% ; Unselect Text and Move to Top of Control
	DllCall("HideCaret", "Int", Gui_Hwnd)
	if ((Options ~= "i)p(?!\d)") or (!(Options ~= "i)p") and Button))
		while (ButtonPushed = -2)
			Sleep 50
	else if RegExMatch(Options, "i)p(\d+)", Match)
		TimeEnd := A_TickCount + Match1
		while (A_TickCount < TimeEnd and ButtonPushed = -2)
			Sleep 50
		Gui, Destroy
	DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
	SetWinDelay, %Setting_A_WinDelay%
	Gui, 1:Default
	return ButtonPushed

		Resize_Gui_Hwnd := Gui_List[A_Gui]
		if Button
			if (Button = 1)
				EditWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20
				EditHeight := A_GuiHeight - 20 - (Adjust1 * 3)
				ButtonX := EditWidth / 2  - Adjust1
				ButtonY := EditHeight + 20 + (Adjust1/6)   
				GuiControl, Move, %Resize_Gui_Hwnd%, W%EditWidth% H%EditHeight%
				GuiControl, Move, %ScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd%, X%ButtonX% Y%ButtonY%
				EditWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20
				EditHeight := A_GuiHeight - 20 - (Adjust1 * 3)
				Button1X := EditWidth / 4 - (Adjust1 * 2)
				Button2X := 3 * EditWidth / 4  - (Adjust1 * 1.5)
				ButtonY := EditHeight + 20 + (Adjust1/6) 
				GuiControl, Move, %Resize_Gui_Hwnd%, W%EditWidth% H%EditHeight%
				GuiControl, Move, %ScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd%, X%Button1X% Y%ButtonY%
				GuiControl, Move, %ScrollBox_Button2_Hwnd%, X%Button2X% Y%ButtonY%
			EditWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20
			EditHeight := A_GuiHeight - 20
			GuiControl, Move, %Resize_Gui_Hwnd%, W%EditWidth% H%EditHeight%

		ButtonPushed := 1
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

		ButtonPushed := 1
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

		ButtonPushed := 0
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

		ButtonPushed := -1
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy
Here is some example code for using it:

Code: Select all

S = 
Each script is a plain text file containing commands to be executed by the program (AutoHotkey.exe). A script may also contain hotkeys and hotstrings, or even consist entirely of them. However, in the absence of hotkeys and hotstrings, a script will perform its commands sequentially from top to bottom the moment it is launched. (       )

To create a new script:
1.Download and install AutoHotkey.
2.Right-click an empty spot on your desktop or in a folder of your choice.
3.In the menu that appears, select New -> AutoHotkey Script. (Alternatively, select New -> Text Document.) (       )
4.Type a name for the file, ensuring that it ends in .ahk. For example: Test.ahk
5.Right-click the file and choose Edit                   Script.
6.On a new blank line, type the following:
 #space::Run www.google.com


Loop 40
	T := T "`n" A_Index "`t" S

MsgBox % "Returned = " ScrollBox(T)	; Display Gui and continue on with script with no pause
MsgBox % "Returned = " ScrollBox(T, "P") ; Display Gui and pause for it to close
MsgBox % "Returned = " ScrollBox(T, "w b2 f{s16 cRed, Arial} x50 y50 h400 w400") ; 2 buttons and Gui pauses for response
MsgBox % "Returned = " ScrollBox(T, "f32 b1 x50 y50 h400 w400") ; 1 button and Gui pauses for response
MsgBox % "Returned = " ScrollBox(T, "p3000 f{s16 cBlue bold underline} x50 y50 h400 w400") ; no buttons and Gui pauses for 3 seconds or until closed
MsgBox % "Returned = " ScrollBox(T, "p3000 b2 f{s16, Myriad Pro} x350 y350 h400 w400") ; 2 buttons and Gui pauses for 3 seconds or until closed or button pushed

Example code showing multiply Gui.

Code: Select all

Data =
Where can I find the official build, or older releases?
Why do some lines in my script never execute?
Why does my script run fine in XP but not in Vista or Windows 7 or 8?
I can't edit my script via tray icon because it won't start due to an error. Can I find my script somewhere else?
How can I find and fix errors in my code?
Can I run AHK from a USB drive?
Why is the Run command unable to launch my game or program?
How can the output of a command line operation be retrieved?
How can a script close, pause, or suspend other script(s)?
How can a repeating action be stopped without exiting the script?
How can performance be improved for games or at other times when the CPU is under heavy load?
How can context sensitive help for AutoHotkey commands be used in any editor?
How to detect when a web page is finished loading?
How can dates and times be compared or manipulated?
How can I send the current Date and/or Time?
How can I send text to a window which isn't active or isn't visible?
Why don't Hotstrings, Send, and MouseClick work in certain games?
How can Winamp be controlled even when it isn't active?
How can MsgBox's button names be changed?
How can I change the default editor, which is accessible via context menu or tray icon?
How can I save the contents of my GUI associated variables?
Can I draw something with AHK?
How can I start an action when a window appears, closes or becomes [in]active?
My antivirus program flagged AHK as malware. Does it really contain a virus?
How do I put my hotkeys and hotstrings into effect automatically every time I start my PC?
I'm having trouble getting my mouse buttons working as hotkeys. Any advice?
How can tab and space be defined as hotkeys?
How can keys or mouse buttons be remapped so that they become different keys?
How do I detect the double press of a key or button?
How can a hotkey or hotstring be made exclusive to certain program(s)? In other words, I want a certain key to act as it normally does except when a specific window is active.
How can a prefix key be made to perform its native function rather than doing nothing?
How can the built-in Windows shortcut keys, such as Win+U (Utility Manager) and Win+R (Run), be changed or disabled?
Can I use wildcards or regular expressions in Hotstrings?
How can I use a hotkey that is not in my keyboard layout?
My keypad has a special 000 key. Is it possible to turn it into a hotkey?

ScrollBox(Data, "w f{s16 cRed bold, Times New Roman}", "Unsorted")
Sort, Data
ScrollBox(Data,"w r x200 y200 h400 w500 f{bold}", "Sorted")
Sort, Data, R
ScrollBox(Data,"f{s12 cBlue, Lucida Console} x600 y600 h700 w300", "Reverse Sorted")

ScrollBox(,"h","Sorted") ; Hide ScrollBox

ScrollBox(,"s","Sorted") ; Show ScrollBox

H := (A_ScreenHeight - 38) / 3
W := A_ScreenWidth / 3

ScrollBox(, "x1" "y1" "h"H "w"W, "Unsorted") ; Reposition and Resize ScrollBox
ScrollBox(, "x1" "y"H "h"H "w"W, "Sorted") ; Reposition and Resize ScrollBox
ScrollBox(, "x1" "y"H*2 "h"H "w"W, "Reverse Sorted") ; Reposition and Resize ScrollBox

ScrollBox("String Changed to This",,"Unsorted") ; Change String in ScrollBox

if (1 = ScrollBox("New Box Created after Destroying Existing One`n`nPush OK Within 5 Seconds to Destroy All ScrollBoxes","d w c f{s18 cFuchsia} b1 p5000","Unsorted"))

Most of the options are inline with how it would be done in a Gui manually.

The function assumes you want to pause and wait if there are buttons unless you put a specific pause amount then it will only pause for that amount of time while waiting for a button push.

It is just a quick and easy way to display stuff that is a little too big for a MsgBox.

Last edited by FanaticGuru on 26 Jan 2022, 17:35, edited 4 times in total.
Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Joined: 29 Sep 2013, 20:37

Re: [Function] ScrollBox

09 Oct 2014, 22:48

Nice :) Can be used for debugging and will also come in handy for built-in help/docs for scripts. I have something similar which dumps the text into the script's main window. No formatting and buttons though... mainly for debugging only.
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Re: [Function] ScrollBox

10 Oct 2014, 01:52

Coco wrote:Nice :) Can be used for debugging and will also come in handy for built-in help/docs for scripts. I have something similar which dumps the text into the script's main window. No formatting and buttons though... mainly for debugging only.
Yea, I had a simpler version without any options or buttons that I used mainly for debugging when I needed to see what was in a variable but it was too much for a MsgBox.

I found it pretty useful as a function in my library and figured I would post it. But since I was posting it, I figured I would fancy it up so maybe someone would find it useful for more than just debugging. Especially useful for newer users that might have trouble creating a resizable and scrolling gui manually.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Posts: 1908
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 22:25

Re: [Function] ScrollBox

30 Apr 2015, 14:34

Updated on First Page

Version: 1.1 Change Log:
Support for multiply ScrollBoxes being displayed at the same time
Additional options like hide, show, destroy, text justification
Ability to move and resize existing ScrollBoxes
Ability to change text displayed in existing ScrollBox

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
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Re: [Function] ScrollBox

11 Apr 2018, 08:17

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Re: [Function] ScrollBox

11 Apr 2018, 13:45

Updated on First Page

Version: 1.2 Change Log:
Added support for setting tab stops. For example t30 t50 would set tab stops at character positions 30 and 50 in the Gui.

@Tomer, thanks. Have not looked at this code in awhile even though I use the function in my library fairly often. Your post prompted me to notice that I had a newer version that I never posted.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
Posts: 60
Joined: 12 Sep 2019, 21:15

Re: [Function] ScrollBox

15 May 2021, 20:04

How can I make it so that when the GUI is in focus, if I press ESC it will cancel the GUI and not make it exit the AHK app?
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Re: [Function] ScrollBox

26 Jan 2022, 05:34

@FanaticGuru the lib not working only when i try to read a large txt file and show it in your ScrollBox gui
when i delete some text from the txt file its work again (its clear text no special symbols or something like that)
"cant create control"
could you fix it please ?



Code: Select all

; this may take a while - plz wait...
FileDelete, c:\test.txt
loop, 7000
`nsome text

FileRead, data, c:\test.txt

ScrollBox(Data, "w f{s16 cRed bold, Times New Roman}", "Unsorted")


;{ ScrollBox
; Fanatic Guru
; 2016 11 18
; Version 1.20
; FUNCTION to Create Gui Scroll Box 
; Method:
;   ScrollBox(String, Options, Label)
;   Parameters:
;   1) {String} String to be displayed in scroll box
;   2) {Options}
;		d		destroy Gui if exist and recreate new
;		w		word wrap
;		p		pause until Gui closed
;		h		hide Gui if exist
;		s		show Gui if exist
;		l		left justified
;		r		right justified
;		c		center justified
;		p%%		p followed by a number for ms to pause
;		f%%		f followed by a number for font size
;		f{%%}	f followed by font options in format of Gui font command
;		x%%		x followed by a number for x box location
;		y%% 	y followed by a number for y box location
;		h%%		h followed by a number for height of box
;		w%%		w followed by a number for width of box
;		t%%		t followed by a number for tab stop (can be multiple)
;		b1		OK button, pauses for response
;		b2		YES / NO buttons, pauses for response
;					Options of existing Gui can not be changed except for position and size
;	3)  {Label}	Identifier for dealing with multiply Gui, also the Label at the top of Gui
;				Used to create the Gui name, all non-valid characters are striped
;				If Label exist and String is null and Options is null then Gui is destroyed
;					Otherwise Gui will be updated with new string
;					And Options x, y, h, w can be used to reposition and resize Gui Window
;				If String and Label are null then all Gui are destroyed
; Returns: 
;		1		OK or YES button pushed
;		0		NO button pushed
;		-1		Gui closed or escaped without pushing button
;		-2		Gui either had no pause or pause finished causing Gui to close
; Global:
;   Creates a series of global gui labels prefixed with ScrollBox_Gui_Label_
; Note:
;	When scroll box attempts to auto adjust control to fit text it will fail on very large strings.
; 	If scroll box is given a height and width then larger strings can be displayed.
;	Closing the box or hitting escape will destroy the gui.
; Example:
;	ScrollBox(Text, "w b2 p5000 f{s16 cRed bold, Arial} x50 y50 h400 w400")
ScrollBox(String := "", Options := "", Label := "")
	Static Gui_List, Gui_Index
	DetectHiddenWindows, % (Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows := A_DetectHiddenWindows) ? "On" :
	SetWinDelay, % (Setting_A_WinDelay := A_WinDelay) ? 0 : 0
	if !Gui_List
		Gui_List := {}
	if Label
		Gui_Label := "ScrollBox_Gui_Label_" RegExReplace(Label, "i)[^0-9a-z#_@\$]", "")
		Gui_Hwnd := Gui_List[Gui_Label]
		Win_Hwnd := DllCall("GetParent", UInt, Gui_Hwnd)
		if RegExMatch(RegExReplace(Options, "\{.*}"), "i)d")
			Gui, %Gui_Label%:Destroy
		else if WinExist("ahk_id " Win_Hwnd)
			if String
				GuiControl,,%Gui_Hwnd%, %String%
			WinGetPos, WinX, WinY, WinW, WinH
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)x(\d+)", Match)
				WinX := Match1
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)y(\d+)", Match)
				WinY := Match1
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)w(\d+)", Match)
				WinW := Match1
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)h(\d+)", Match)
				WinH := Match1
			Winmove, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%,, WinX, WinY, WinW, WinH
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)h(?!\d)", Match)
				Gui, %Gui_Label%:Hide
			if RegExMatch(Options, "i)s", Match)
				Gui, %Gui_Label%:Show
			DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
			SetWinDelay, %Setting_A_WinDelay%
		Gui_Index ++
		Gui_Label := "ScrollBox_Gui_Label_" Gui_Index
	if (!String and !Options)
		if Label
			Gui, %Gui_Label%:Destroy
			for key, element in Gui_List
				Gui, %key%:Destroy
			Gui_List := {}
		DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
		SetWinDelay, %Setting_A_WinDelay%
	Gui %Gui_Label%:Default
	Gui +LabelAllGui
	Adjust1 := 10
	ButtonPushed := -2
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)f(\d+)", Match)
		Gui, Font, s%Match1%
		Adjust1 := Match1
	else if RegExMatch(Options, "i)f\{(.*)}", Match)
		Options := RegExReplace(Options, "i)f\{.*}")
		StringSplit, Match, Match1, `,
		Gui, Font, %Match1%, % Trim(Match2)
		RegExMatch(Match1, "i)s(\d+)", Adjust)
		Gui, Font
	Gui, Margin, 20, 20
	Gui, +MinSize200x200 +Resize
	Gui, Color, FFFFFF
	Opt := "hwndGui_Hwnd ReadOnly -E0x200  "
	if !(Options ~= "i)w(?!\d)")
		Opt .= "+0x300000 -wrap "
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)h(\d+)", Match)
		Opt .= "h" Match1 " ", Control := true 
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)w(\d+)", Match)
		Opt .= "w" Match1 " ", Control := true
	if (Options ~= "i)c")
		Opt .= "center "
	if (Options ~= "i)l")
		Opt .= "left "
	if (Options ~= "i)r")
		Opt .= "right "
		Pos ++
		if (Pos := RegExMatch(Options, "i)t(\d+)", Match, Pos))
			Opt .= "t" Match1 " "
	} until !Pos
	Opt_Show := "AutoSize "
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)x(\d+)", Match)
		Opt_Show .= "x" Match1 " "
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)y(\d+)", Match)
		Opt_Show .= "y" Match1 " "
	if Control
		Gui, Add, Edit, % Opt
		GuiControl, , %Gui_Hwnd%, %String%
		Gui, Add, Edit, % Opt, %String%
	if RegExMatch(Options, "i)b(1|2)", Match)
		Button := Match1
		if (Button = 1)
			Gui, Add, Button, gAllGuiButtonOK hwndScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd Default, OK
			Gui, Add, Button, gAllGuiButtonYES hwndScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd Default, YES
			Gui, Add, Button, gAllGuiButtonNO hwndScrollBox_Button2_Hwnd, % " NO "
	Gui, Show, % Opt_Show, % Label ? Label : "ScrollBox"
	Gui_List[Gui_Label] := Gui_Hwnd
	Win_Hwnd := DllCall("GetParent", UInt, Gui_Hwnd)
	WinGetPos,X,Y,W,H, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%
	WinMove, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%,,X,Y,W-1,H-1 ; Move
	WinMove, ahk_id %Win_Hwnd%,,X,Y,W,H ; And Move Back to Force Recalculation of Margins
	if Button
		ControlSend,,{Tab}{Tab}+{Tab}, ahk_id %Gui_Hwnd% ; Move to Button
		ControlSend,,^{Home}, ahk_id %Gui_Hwnd% ; Unselect Text and Move to Top of Control
	DllCall("HideCaret", "Int", Gui_Hwnd)
	if ((Options ~= "i)p(?!\d)") or (!(Options ~= "i)p") and Button))
		while (ButtonPushed = -2)
			Sleep 50
	else if RegExMatch(Options, "i)p(\d+)", Match)
		TimeEnd := A_TickCount + Match1
		while (A_TickCount < TimeEnd and ButtonPushed = -2)
			Sleep 50
		Gui, Destroy
	DetectHiddenWindows, %Setting_A_DetectHiddenWindows%
	SetWinDelay, %Setting_A_WinDelay%
	Gui, 1:Default
	return ButtonPushed

		Resize_Gui_Hwnd := Gui_List[A_Gui]
		if Button
			if (Button = 1)
				EditWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20
				EditHeight := A_GuiHeight - 20 - (Adjust1 * 3)
				ButtonX := EditWidth / 2  - Adjust1
				ButtonY := EditHeight + 20 + (Adjust1/6)   
				GuiControl, Move, %Resize_Gui_Hwnd%, W%EditWidth% H%EditHeight%
				GuiControl, Move, %ScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd%, X%ButtonX% Y%ButtonY%
				EditWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20
				EditHeight := A_GuiHeight - 20 - (Adjust1 * 3)
				Button1X := EditWidth / 4 - (Adjust1 * 2)
				Button2X := 3 * EditWidth / 4  - (Adjust1 * 1.5)
				ButtonY := EditHeight + 20 + (Adjust1/6) 
				GuiControl, Move, %Resize_Gui_Hwnd%, W%EditWidth% H%EditHeight%
				GuiControl, Move, %ScrollBox_Button1_Hwnd%, X%Button1X% Y%ButtonY%
				GuiControl, Move, %ScrollBox_Button2_Hwnd%, X%Button2X% Y%ButtonY%
			EditWidth := A_GuiWidth - 20
			EditHeight := A_GuiHeight - 20
			GuiControl, Move, %Resize_Gui_Hwnd%, W%EditWidth% H%EditHeight%

		ButtonPushed := 1
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

		ButtonPushed := 1
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

		ButtonPushed := 0
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

		ButtonPushed := -1
		Gui, %A_Gui%:Destroy

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Posts: 1908
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 22:25

Re: [Function] ScrollBox

26 Jan 2022, 17:39

Updated on First Page

Version: 1.21 Change Log:
Fixed issue with creating autosize control containing more than 32k characters.

Apparently, I undated this script some time ago on my system but never got uploaded.

Hotkey Help - Help Dialog for Currently Running AHK Scripts
AHK Startup - Consolidate Multiply AHK Scripts with one Tray Icon
Hotstring Manager - Create and Manage Hotstrings
[Class] WinHook - Create Window Shell Hooks and Window Event Hooks
User avatar
Posts: 366
Joined: 21 Aug 2016, 05:11

Re: [Function] ScrollBox

30 Jan 2022, 03:23

FanaticGuru wrote:
26 Jan 2022, 17:39
Updated on First Page

Version: 1.21 Change Log:
Fixed issue with creating autosize control containing more than 32k characters.

Apparently, I undated this script some time ago on my system but never got uploaded.

Now it works
Thank you!
Posts: 670
Joined: 01 Aug 2021, 06:01

Re: [Function] ScrollBox

06 Apr 2022, 14:55

I want to apply this to my script that will print the contents of any folder to a message box, just open a folder in File Explorer. I created a library of the first script in this thread:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, Force
#Include C:\Users\LPIII\Documents\AutoHotkey\Lib\ScrollBox.ahk

path := Explorer_GetPath() 
Send, ^l
Send, cmd
Send,  {Enter}
Winwait, ahk_exe cmd.exe
WinActivate, ahk_exe cmd.exe 
Send, tree /f | CLIP
Send,  {Enter}
Sleep 100
WinClose, ahk_exe cmd.exe
MsgBox, %Clipboard%

Explorer_GetPath() {
   WinGetClass, winClass, % "ahk_id" . hWnd := WinExist("A")
   if !(winClass ~= "(Cabinet|Explore)WClass")
   for window in ComObjCreate("Shell.Application").Windows
      if (hWnd = window.hWnd)
         return window.Document.Folder.Self.Path

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